listen 55
There are also green card qualifiers for some non-citizens who invest in America, and for refugees.
"Water is a vital component of our diets, even though it's not considered a specific nutrient."
Fat is a concentrated source of energy. It can be divided into two main groups—saturated and unsaturated.
A corporation is a legal entity, separate from its owners. A board of directors controls corporate policies.
New laws have made it easier to share information about possible terrorist threats.
Courses in business administration are offered by many universities.
The men and women who do the office work are called white-collar workers.
"Corporations can have a few major shareholders. Or ownership can be spread among the general public."
Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business.
The most common kinds of insurance include life, health and property.
Added sugars are a great source of energy, but provide no other nutrients.
Large businesses often use brokers when choosing products to insure their workers, property and interests against risk.
However, more and more people are choosing to eat healthy, fresh food, inspired by celebrity chefs who are showing us that cooking doesn't have to be difficult, or even time-consuming.
There are some of the most renowned restaurants and some of the most famous international chefs running them.
Milk and dairy products have long been held as an important source of calcium.
Morning Light Exposure Tied to Lower Weight
Light might make you a light weight—in a good way.
It's been known that bright light in the morning(Cock Crow) can reduce appetite and body weight.
But that fact did not prove that light has a direct effect on weight.
Early morning exposure to light could just be a marker for a regular sleep cycle, which is also associated with a healthy body weight.
The question was thus whether light exposure was associated with weight regardless of sleep patterns.
To find out, researchers had 54 adults record their diet and sleep for a week.
The subjects also wore sensors that monitored the timing and intensity of their light exposure.
And independent of sleep habits, the participants' body weight corresponded to when they saw the light,
... even dim light, with just half the intensity of sunlight on a cloudy day.
The study is in the journal PLOS ONE.
So early to bed and early to rise appears to indeed make you healthy.
Jury's still out on whether it also makes you wealthy and wise.
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