2014-05-12 07:31



  1. I have heard this question many times in microsoft interviews. Given two arrays find the intersection of those two arrays. Besides using hash table can we attain the same time complexity that is O(m+n) by using some other approach.




  1. // http://www.careercup.com/question?id=24308662
  2. // nobody said the elements in both arrays are unique, why would bitset work?
  3. #include <algorithm>
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #include <vector>
  6. using namespace std;
  8. class Solution {
  9. public:
  10. void mergeIntersection(vector<int> &a1, vector<int> &a2, vector<int> &intersect) {
  11. sort(a1.begin(), a1.end());
  12. sort(a2.begin(), a2.end());
  14. int i, j;
  15. int n1, n2;
  17. i = ;
  18. j = ;
  19. n1 = (int)a1.size();
  20. n2 = (int)a2.size();
  21. intersect.clear();
  22. while (i < n1 && j < n2) {
  23. if (a1[i] < a2[j]) {
  24. ++i;
  25. } else if (a1[i] > a2[j]) {
  26. ++j;
  27. } else {
  28. intersect.push_back(a1[i]);
  29. ++i;
  30. ++j;
  31. }
  32. }
  33. };
  34. };
  36. int main()
  37. {
  38. int n1, n2, n;
  39. vector<int> a1, a2;
  40. vector<int> intersect;
  41. int i;
  42. Solution sol;
  44. while (cin >> n1 >> n2 && (n1 > && n2 > )) {
  45. a1.resize(n1);
  46. a2.resize(n2);
  47. for (i = ; i < n1; ++i) {
  48. cin >> a1[i];
  49. }
  50. for (i = ; i < n2; ++i) {
  51. cin >> a2[i];
  52. }
  53. sol.mergeIntersection(a1, a2, intersect);
  55. cout << '{';
  56. n = (int)intersect.size();
  57. for (i = ; i < n; ++i) {
  58. i ? (cout << ' '), : ;
  59. cout << intersect[i];
  60. }
  61. cout << '}' << endl;
  62. }
  64. return ;
  65. }



  1. // http://www.careercup.com/question?id=24308662
  2. // nobody said the elements in both arrays are unique, why would bitset work?
  3. #include <algorithm>
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #include <vector>
  6. #include <unordered_map>
  7. using namespace std;
  9. class Solution {
  10. public:
  11. void mergeIntersection(vector<int> &a1, vector<int> &a2, vector<int> &intersect) {
  12. if (a1.size() > a2.size()) {
  13. mergeIntersection(a2, a1, intersect);
  14. return;
  15. }
  16. unordered_map<int, pair<int, int> > um;
  17. int n1, n2;
  18. int i;
  20. n1 = (int)a1.size();
  21. n2 = (int)a2.size();
  22. unordered_map<int, pair<int, int> >::iterator it;
  24. for (i = ; i < n1; ++i) {
  25. it = um.find(a1[i]);
  26. if (it == um.end()) {
  27. um[a1[i]] = make_pair(, );
  28. } else {
  29. ++it->second.first;
  30. }
  31. }
  33. for (i = ; i < n2; ++i) {
  34. it = um.find(a2[i]);
  35. if (it != um.end()) {
  36. ++it->second.second;
  37. }
  38. }
  40. intersect.clear();
  41. for (it = um.begin(); it != um.end(); ++it) {
  42. n1 = min(it->second.first, it->second.second);
  43. for (i = ; i < n1; ++i) {
  44. intersect.push_back(it->first);
  45. }
  46. }
  48. um.clear();
  49. };
  50. };
  52. int main()
  53. {
  54. int n1, n2, n;
  55. vector<int> a1, a2;
  56. vector<int> intersect;
  57. int i;
  58. Solution sol;
  60. while (cin >> n1 >> n2 && (n1 > && n2 > )) {
  61. a1.resize(n1);
  62. a2.resize(n2);
  63. for (i = ; i < n1; ++i) {
  64. cin >> a1[i];
  65. }
  66. for (i = ; i < n2; ++i) {
  67. cin >> a2[i];
  68. }
  69. sol.mergeIntersection(a1, a2, intersect);
  71. cout << '{';
  72. n = (int)intersect.size();
  73. for (i = ; i < n; ++i) {
  74. i ? (cout << ' '), : ;
  75. cout << intersect[i];
  76. }
  77. cout << '}' << endl;
  78. }
  80. return ;
  81. }

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