C#Winform 自定义透明按钮和单窗体模块化实现
- WinForm自定义控件的使用
- WinForm单窗体应用如何模块化
又来一波 C# GDI自定义控件show 。这个控件已经使用几年了,最近找出来重构一下。原来是没有边框的,那么导致导航的功能不是很突出。本来想加个效果:在执行单击时显示Loading动画,在执行完单击事件后恢复原样。这就是网页里见到的局部刷新,Ajax常用的场景。无奈要下班了,还没弄出来。需求来自几年前一个智能储物柜项目,人机界面有个美工设计好的效果图,为了省事和通用,需要一个透明的按钮来实现导航的任务。就是控件只是设计时可见,运行时不可见。
- using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
- {
- #region 羽化,圆角处理
- path.StartFigure();
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.X, rect.Y), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.X + Radius, rect.Y), new Point(rect.Right - Radius, rect.Y));
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.Right - * Radius, rect.Y), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Y + Radius), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - Radius));
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.Right - * Radius, rect.Bottom - * Radius), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Right - Radius, rect.Bottom), new Point(rect.X + Radius, rect.Bottom));
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.X, rect.Bottom - * Radius), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.X, rect.Bottom - Radius), new Point(rect.X, rect.Y + Radius));
- path.CloseFigure();
- #endregion
- g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(, BackColor)), path);
- public partial class DepositBizPanel : UserControl
- {
- private BackgroundStyle backgroundStyle = BackgroundStyle.Green;
- /// <summary>
- /// 主题风格
- /// </summary>
- public BackgroundStyle BackgroundStyle
- {
- get { return backgroundStyle; }
- set
- {
- backgroundStyle = value;
- switch (value)
- {
- case GreenlandExpressBox.BackgroundStyle.Blue:
- BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.jbblue;
- break;
- case GreenlandExpressBox.BackgroundStyle.Orange:
- BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.jborange;
- break;
- case GreenlandExpressBox.BackgroundStyle.Green:
- BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.jbgreen;
- break;
- }
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public Panel ParentPanel
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- public Bitmap QR_Barcode
- {
- get { return (Bitmap)pbxBarcode.Image; }
- set { pbxBarcode.Image = value; }
- }
- public DialogResult PanelDiagResult
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- public DepositBizPanel(Panel parent, Bitmap barcode, BackgroundStyle style)
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- ParentPanel = parent;
- QR_Barcode = barcode;
- BackgroundStyle = style;
- }
- private void btnback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- foreach (Control panel in ParentPanel.Controls)
- {
- if (panel is DepositBizPanel)
- {
- ParentPanel.Controls.Remove(panel);
- PanelDiagResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private void btnprocessnext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- foreach (Control panel in ParentPanel.Controls)
- {
- if (panel is DepositBizPanel)
- {
- ParentPanel.Controls.Remove(panel);
- PanelDiagResult = DialogResult.OK;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Cool透明自定义按钮
- /// </summary>
- public partial class CoolTransparentButton : UserControl
- {
- private Size iconSize = new Size(, );
- public Size IconSize
- {
- get
- {
- return iconSize;
- }
- set
- {
- iconSize = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- private string _ButtonText;
- public string ButtonText
- {
- get { return _ButtonText; }
- set
- {
- _ButtonText = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- protected Image _IconImage;
- public Image IconImage
- {
- get
- {
- return _IconImage;
- }
- set
- {
- _IconImage = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- private bool _FocseActived = false;
- private Color _BorderColor = Color.White;
- public Color BorderColor
- {
- get
- {
- return _BorderColor;
- }
- set
- {
- _BorderColor = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- private int _Radius = ;
- public int Radius
- {
- get
- {
- return _Radius;
- }
- set
- {
- _Radius = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- private bool ifDrawBorderWhenLostFocse = true;
- /// <summary>
- /// 失去焦点是否画边框
- /// </summary>
- public bool IfDrawBorderWhenLostFocse
- {
- get
- {
- return ifDrawBorderWhenLostFocse;
- }
- set
- {
- ifDrawBorderWhenLostFocse = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 是否处于激活状态(焦点)
- /// </summary>
- public bool FocseActived
- {
- get { return _FocseActived; }
- set
- {
- _FocseActived = value;
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- public CoolTransparentButton()
- {
- DoubleBuffered = true;
- BackColor = Color.Transparent;
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, false);
- UpdateStyles();
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- var rect = ClientRectangle;
- rect.Inflate(-, -);
- Graphics g = e.Graphics;
- g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
- using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
- {
- #region 羽化,圆角处理
- path.StartFigure();
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.X, rect.Y), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.X + Radius, rect.Y), new Point(rect.Right - Radius, rect.Y));
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.Right - * Radius, rect.Y), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Y + Radius), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - Radius));
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.Right - * Radius, rect.Bottom - * Radius), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Right - Radius, rect.Bottom), new Point(rect.X + Radius, rect.Bottom));
- path.AddArc(new Rectangle(new Point(rect.X, rect.Bottom - * Radius), new Size( * Radius, * Radius)), , );
- path.AddLine(new Point(rect.X, rect.Bottom - Radius), new Point(rect.X, rect.Y + Radius));
- path.CloseFigure();
- #endregion
- if (!FocseActived)
- {
- if (ifDrawBorderWhenLostFocse)
- g.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Gray, ), path);
- g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(, BackColor)), path);
- }
- else
- {
- g.DrawPath(new Pen(BorderColor, ), path);
- rect.Inflate(-, -);
- g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(, BackColor)), path);
- }
- #region 画文本
- g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
- if (IconImage != null)
- {
- Rectangle rc = new Rectangle((Width - ) / , , IconSize.Width, IconSize.Height);
- g.DrawImage(IconImage, rc);
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ButtonText))
- {
- using (StringFormat f = new StringFormat())
- {
- Rectangle rectTxt = new Rectangle(, (Height - ) / , Width, );
- f.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;// 水平居中对齐
- f.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; // 垂直居中对齐
- f.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;// 设置为单行文本
- SolidBrush fb = new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor); // 绘制文本
- e.Graphics.DrawString(ButtonText, new Font("微软雅黑", 16F, FontStyle.Bold), fb, rectTxt, f);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
- protected override void OnMouseHover(EventArgs e)
- {
- FocseActived = true;
- }
- protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- FocseActived = false;
- }
- protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e)
- {
- FocseActived = true;
- }
- protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e)
- {
- FocseActived = false;
- }
- }
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