Apache Torque入门学习
Apache Torque is an object-relational mapper for java. In other words, Torque lets you access and manipulate data in a relational database using java objects. Unlike most other object-relational mappers, Torque does not use reflection to access user-provided classes, but it generates the necessary classes (including the Data Objects) from an XML schema describing the database layout. The XML file can either be written by hand or a starting point can be generated from an existing database. The XML schema can also be used to generate and execute a SQL script which creates all the tables in the database.
Apache Torque是一种object-relational mapper。Torque能让用户通过java object 访问或操作关系数据库中的数据。不同于大多数其他object-relational mappers,Torque访问用户提供的类不使用反射,而是使用由XML schema生成的必要的类(包括Data Objects)。
Torque has two primary foci: It is a tool for java code generation and, building on top of that, it provides object-relational mapping (ORM) for database access in java. These two aspects are treated in different parts of this tutorial; the two parts can be read independently of each other.
Torque有两个用途:一个是作为java code生成的工具;另一个是基于生成的代码,提供object-relational mapping (ORM) 访问数据库。这两个方面可以认为是不同的部分,独立对待。ORM部分包含创建数据库和读写数据。code生成部分表示如何使用Torque generator生成自定义code (O/R classes)。
The Torque ORM Tutorial consists of the following steps:
- Step 1: Configuring the Torque generation process (for ant or maven)
- Step 2: Defining the database schema
- Step 3: Invoking the Torque generator (for ant or maven)
- Step 4: Configuring the Torque Runtime
- Step 5: Writing a Sample Application
- Step 6: Compiling and Running the Sample Application (for ant or maven)
步骤一:配置Torque generation process
使用Maven或者Ant配置的依赖和plugin。依赖主要有Torque runtime或者db driver (比如mysql-connector-java)。plugin主要是一些根据模版生产代码的配置
第二个需要编辑的配置文件是database schema。Torque里面database schema是一个描述数据库结构的XML file。文件可以定义某个数据库的表,column名字和类型,表的键和索引。
步骤三:调用Torque generator
完成了maven/ant配置和database schema定义后,接下来可以生产object model和创建数据库表。object model的创建会生成代表数据库结构的java源文件。通过这些类我们可以操作数据库中的数据。此外,Torque还会生成SQL去创建数据库表。
Torque创建object model时,会为每个table生成8各类: 4个有Base前缀的和4个没有前缀的。有Base前缀的类不可修改(因为每次生成都会被覆盖掉),没有前缀的类是Base前缀类的子类,可以覆盖父类的实现。
Note: Torque会假设数据库已经存在,在执行Sql的时候,首先会drop掉相应数据。
步骤四:配置Torque runtime
配置Torque运行环境简单来讲,就是配置运行时的连接信息,比如adapter,driver,url, 用户名和密码。
Property | Description |
torque.database.default | Torque has the ability to use multiple databases. This property specifies which database is to be used as the default. |
torque.database.XXX.adapter | Torque has the ability to deal with multiple database systems. This property specifies the database adapter to use. |
torque.dsfactory.XXX.factory | The factory class that will be used to provide database connections. |
torque.dsfactory.XXX.connection.driver | The JDBC database driver to use when connecting to your database. |
torque.database.XXX.connection.url | The URL that will be used to access your database. Torque's generated object model will perform all database operations using this URL. This value should reflect the database name specified in your database schema file (see the database element's name attribute). |
torque.database.XXX.connection.user | The username that has sufficient privileges to access your database. This user does not require privileges to create and drop tables, unlike the user that was specified in project.properties. |
torque.database.XXX.connection.password | The password for the specified username. |
torque.database.default = bookstore
torque.database.bookstore.adapter = mysql torque.dsfactory.bookstore.factory = org.apache.torque.dsfactory.SharedPoolDataSourceFactory
torque.dsfactory.bookstore.connection.driver = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
torque.dsfactory.bookstore.connection.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstore
torque.dsfactory.bookstore.connection.user = root
torque.dsfactory.bookstore.connection.password = password
步骤五: 把Torque用起来
package org.apache.torque.tutorial.om; import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.torque.Torque;
import org.apache.torque.criteria.Criteria; public class Bookstore
public static void main(String[] args)
// Initializing Logging
Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.WARN); // Initializing Torque
InputStream torqueConfigStream
= Bookstore.class.getResourceAsStream("/torque.properties");
PropertiesConfiguration torqueConfiguration
= new PropertiesConfiguration();
Torque.init(torqueConfiguration); /*
* Creating new objects. These will be inserted into your database
* automatically when the save method is called.
Publisher addison = new Publisher();
addison.setName("Addison Wesley Professional");
addison.save(); Author bloch = new Author();
bloch.save(); /*
* An alternative method to inserting rows in your database.
Author stevens = new Author();
AuthorPeer.doInsert(stevens); /*
* Using the convenience methods to handle the foreign keys.
Book effective = new Book();
effective.setTitle("Effective Java");
effective.save(); /*
* Inserting the foreign-keys manually.
Book tcpip = new Book();
tcpip.setTitle("TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1");
tcpip.save(); /*
* Selecting all books from the database and printing the results to
* stdout using our helper method defined in BookPeer (doSelectAll).
System.out.println("Full booklist:\n");
List<Book> booklist = BookPeer.doSelectAll();
printBooklist(booklist); /*
* Selecting specific objects. Just search for objects that match
* this criteria (and print to stdout).
System.out.println("Booklist (specific ISBN):\n");
Criteria crit = new Criteria();
crit.where(BookPeer.ISBN, "0-201-63346-9");
booklist = BookPeer.doSelect(crit);
printBooklist(booklist); /*
* Updating data. These lines will swap the authors of the two
* books. The booklist is printed to stdout to verify the results.
effective.save(); tcpip.setAuthor(bloch);
BookPeer.doUpdate(tcpip); System.out.println("Booklist (authors swapped):\n");
booklist = BookPeer.doSelectAll();
printBooklist(booklist); /*
* Deleting data. These lines will delete the data that matches the
* specified criteria.
crit = new Criteria();
crit.where(BookPeer.ISBN, "0-618-12902-2");
BookPeer.doDelete(crit); crit = new Criteria();
crit.where(BookPeer.ISBN, "0-201-63346-9");
crit.and(BookPeer.TITLE, "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1");
BookPeer.doDelete(crit); /*
* Deleting data by passing Data Objects instead of specifying
* criteria.
PublisherPeer.doDelete(addison); System.out.println("Booklist (should be empty):\n");
booklist = BookPeer.doSelectAll();
catch (Exception e)
} /*
* Helper method to print a booklist to standard out.
private static void printBooklist(List<Book> booklist)
for (Book book : booklist)
Torque tutorial:https://db.apache.org/torque/torque-4.0/documentation/tutorial/orm/index.html
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