Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area contains ai animals in it. Also there are m roads in the zoo, and each road connects two distinct areas. Naturally the zoo is connected, so you can reach any area of the zoo from any other area using the roads.

Our child is very smart. Imagine the child want to go from area p to area q. Firstly he considers all the simple routes from p to q. For each route the child writes down the number, that is equal to the minimum number of animals among the route areas. Let's denote the largest of the written numbers as f(p, q). Finally, the child chooses one of the routes for which he writes down the value f(p, q).

After the child has visited the zoo, he thinks about the question: what is the average value of f(p, q) for all pairs p, q (p ≠ q)? Can you answer his question?


The first line contains two integers n and m (2 ≤ n ≤ 105; 0 ≤ m ≤ 105). The second line contains n integers: a1, a2, ..., an (0 ≤ ai ≤ 105). Then follow m lines, each line contains two integers xi and yi (1 ≤ xi, yi ≤ n; xi ≠ yi), denoting the road between areas xi and yi.

All roads are bidirectional, each pair of areas is connected by at most one road.


Output a real number — the value of .

The answer will be considered correct if its relative or absolute error doesn't exceed 10 - 4.

  1. 4 3
    10 20 30 40
    1 3
    2 3
    4 3
  1. 16.666667
  1. 3 3
    10 20 30
    1 2
    2 3
    3 1
  1. 13.333333
  1. 7 8
    40 20 10 30 20 50 40
    1 2
    2 3
    3 4
    4 5
    5 6
    6 7
    1 4
    5 7
  1. 18.571429

Consider the first sample. There are 12 possible situations:

  • p = 1, q = 3, f(p, q) = 10.
  • p = 2, q = 3, f(p, q) = 20.
  • p = 4, q = 3, f(p, q) = 30.
  • p = 1, q = 2, f(p, q) = 10.
  • p = 2, q = 4, f(p, q) = 20.
  • p = 4, q = 1, f(p, q) = 10.

Another 6 cases are symmetrical to the above. The average is .

Consider the second sample. There are 6 possible situations:

  • p = 1, q = 2, f(p, q) = 10.
  • p = 2, q = 3, f(p, q) = 20.
  • p = 1, q = 3, f(p, q) = 10.

Another 3 cases are symmetrical to the above. The average is .


  题目大意 定义一条路径的权为这条路径所有经过点的点权的最小值,无向连通图中任意不同的两点的"距离"为这两点间所有简单路径中最大的权。给定一个无向连通图,求它的任意不同的两点间的"距离"的平均值。










  1. /**
  2. * Codeforces
  3. * Problem#437D
  4. * Accepted
  5. * Time:202ms
  6. * Memory:15452k
  7. */
  8. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  10. #define smax(a, b) a = max(a, b)
  11. typedef bool boolean;
  13. typedef class union_found {
  14. public:
  15. int *f;
  17. union_found() { }
  18. union_found(int n) {
  19. f = new int[(n + )];
  20. for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
  21. f[i] = i;
  22. }
  24. int find(int x) {
  25. return (f[x] == x) ? (x) : (f[x] = find(f[x]));
  26. }
  28. void unit(int fa, int so) {
  29. int ffa = find(fa);
  30. int fso = find(so);
  31. f[fso] = ffa;
  32. }
  34. boolean isConnected(int a, int b) {
  35. return find(a) == find(b);
  36. }
  37. }union_found;
  39. typedef class Edge1 {
  40. public:
  41. int u;
  42. int v;
  43. int w;
  45. boolean operator < (Edge1 b) const {
  46. return w > b.w;
  47. }
  48. }Edge1;
  50. int n, m;
  51. int *vals;
  52. Edge1* es;
  53. union_found uf;
  54. vector<int> *g;
  56. inline void init() {
  57. scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
  58. vals = new int[(n + )];
  59. es = new Edge1[(m + )];
  60. g = new vector<int>[(n + )];
  61. for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
  62. scanf("%d", vals + i);
  63. for(int i = ; i <= m; i++)
  64. scanf("%d%d", &es[i].u, &es[i].v), es[i].w = min(vals[es[i].u], vals[es[i].v]);
  65. }
  67. boolean *vis;
  68. int *siz;
  69. long long sum = ;
  70. void tree_dp(int node, int fa) {
  71. siz[node] = ;
  72. for(int i = ; i < (signed)g[node].size(); i++) {
  73. int& e = g[node][i];
  74. if(e == fa || vis[e]) continue;
  75. tree_dp(e, node);
  76. siz[node] += siz[e];
  77. }
  78. }
  80. void getG(int node, int fa, int all, int& mins, int& G) {
  81. int msiz = ;
  82. for(int i = ; i < (signed)g[node].size(); i++) {
  83. int& e = g[node][i];
  84. if(e == fa || vis[e]) continue;
  85. getG(e, node, all, mins, G);
  86. smax(msiz, siz[e]);
  87. }
  88. smax(msiz, all - siz[node]);
  89. if(msiz < mins) mins = msiz, G = node;
  90. }
  92. int cnt;
  93. int* dis;
  94. void dfs(int node, int fa, int d) {
  95. dis[++cnt] = d;
  96. // printf("%d: %d\n", node, d);
  97. for(int i = ; i < (signed)g[node].size(); i++) {
  98. int& e = g[node][i];
  99. if(e == fa || vis[e]) continue;
  100. dfs(e, node, min(d, vals[e]));
  101. }
  102. }
  104. long long calc(int l, int r, int lim) {
  105. long long rt = ;
  106. sort(dis + l, dis + r + );
  107. for(int i = l; i <= r; i++) {
  108. rt += (r - i) * 1LL * min(dis[i], lim);
  109. // printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", l, r, i, dis[i], rt);
  110. }
  111. return rt;
  112. }
  114. void dividing(int node) {
  115. int mins = , G;
  116. tree_dp(node, );
  117. if(siz[node] == ) return;
  118. getG(node, , siz[node], mins, G);
  119. // cout << G << endl;
  120. cnt = ;
  121. vis[G] = true;
  122. for(int i = , l; i < (signed)g[G].size(); i++) {
  123. int& e = g[G][i];
  124. if(vis[e]) continue;
  125. l = cnt;
  126. dfs(e, G, vals[e]);
  127. // cout << l << " " << e << " " << cnt << endl;
  128. sum -= calc(l + , cnt, vals[G]);
  129. // cout << cnt << endl;
  130. }
  131. dis[++cnt] = vals[G];
  132. sum += calc(, cnt, vals[G]);
  133. // cout << sum << endl;
  134. for(int i = , l; i < (signed)g[G].size(); i++) {
  135. int& e = g[G][i];
  136. if(vis[e]) continue;
  137. dividing(g[G][i]);
  138. }
  139. }
  141. inline void solve() {
  142. sort(es + , es + m + );
  143. uf = union_found(n);
  144. int fin = ;
  145. for(int i = ; i <= m && fin < n; i++) {
  146. if(!uf.isConnected(es[i].u, es[i].v)) {
  147. uf.unit(es[i].u, es[i].v);
  148. g[es[i].u].push_back(es[i].v);
  149. g[es[i].v].push_back(es[i].u);
  150. // printf("connect %d %d\n", es[i].u, es[i].v);
  151. fin++;
  152. }
  153. }
  154. vis = new boolean[(n + )];
  155. siz = new int[(n + )];
  156. dis = new int[(n + )];
  157. memset(vis, false, sizeof(boolean) * (n + ));
  158. dividing();
  159. long long c = n * 1LL * (n - );
  160. printf("%.9lf", (sum << ) * 1.0 / c);
  161. }
  163. int main() {
  164. init();
  165. solve();
  166. return ;
  167. }

The Child and Zoo(Point Division)





  1. /**
  2. * Codeforces
  3. * Problem#437D
  4. * Accepted
  5. * Time: 62ms
  6. * Memory: 4408k
  7. */
  8. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  10. typedef bool boolean;
  12. typedef class union_found {
  13. public:
  14. int *f;
  15. int *s;
  17. union_found() { }
  18. union_found(int n) {
  19. f = new int[(n + )];
  20. s = new int[(n + )];
  21. for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
  22. f[i] = i, s[i] = ;
  23. }
  25. int find(int x) {
  26. return (f[x] == x) ? (x) : (f[x] = find(f[x]));
  27. }
  29. void unit(int fa, int so) {
  30. int ffa = find(fa);
  31. int fso = find(so);
  32. f[fso] = ffa;
  33. s[ffa] += s[fso];
  34. }
  36. boolean isConnected(int a, int b) {
  37. return find(a) == find(b);
  38. }
  39. }union_found;
  41. typedef class Edge {
  42. public:
  43. int u;
  44. int v;
  45. int w;
  47. boolean operator < (Edge b) const {
  48. return w > b.w;
  49. }
  50. }Edge;
  52. int n, m;
  53. int *vals;
  54. Edge* es;
  55. union_found uf;
  57. inline void init() {
  58. scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
  59. vals = new int[(n + )];
  60. es = new Edge[(m + )];
  61. for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
  62. scanf("%d", vals + i);
  63. for(int i = ; i <= m; i++)
  64. scanf("%d%d", &es[i].u, &es[i].v), es[i].w = min(vals[es[i].u], vals[es[i].v]);
  65. }
  67. long long sum = ;
  68. inline void solve() {
  69. sort(es + , es + m + );
  70. uf = union_found(n);
  71. int fin = ;
  72. for(int i = ; i <= m && fin < n; i++) {
  73. if(!uf.isConnected(es[i].u, es[i].v)) {
  74. sum += uf.s[uf.find(es[i].u)] * 1LL * uf.s[uf.find(es[i].v)] * es[i].w;
  75. uf.unit(es[i].u, es[i].v);
  76. fin++;
  77. }
  78. }
  79. long long c = n * 1LL * (n - );
  80. printf("%.9lf", (sum << ) * 1.0 / c);
  81. }
  83. int main() {
  84. init();
  85. solve();
  86. return ;
  87. }

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