

•1. 原因,解决办法
•2. 原因,积极还是消极
•3. Freestyle
•In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?
•In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How should these problems be solved?
•Disposable income
•Main body 1
•It is undoubtedly the case that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer from congestion. Broadly speaking, there are three main reasons for this.
•*In recent years cars have become more affordable for the average consumer and they are no longer a luxury item, but something that most families expect to own. In addition, public transport has become increasingly unreliable in recent years, which means the experience of riding a public transport can be rather uncomfortable or unpleasant . The third reason is that many cities have been expanding in recent years. As a result, more people are prepared to have a car because they work in one district while reside in another.
•Traffic constrains, by separating cars of odd and even plates numbers: 限号
•By issuing limited amount of new plates: 摇号
•She passed the exam (要达到或已经达到的目的) by studying really hard (通过什么方式).
•Main body 2
•In order to solve the problem, we should first consider improving the reliability of public transport to encourage people to take the bus or the train rather than get in the car. It would also be possible to discourage people from driving to work by imposing special tax for using the roads, especially during peak periods. *Traffic constrain is also a practical solution. By this I mean that government and relevant authorities can limit traffic stream by separating cars of odd and even plate numbers.
•Encourage sb to so th
•Discourage sb from doing sth
•Restrict/prevent sb from doing
•In conclusion, there are a variety of different factors that have led to rising levels of traffic in urban areas. While it may not be possible to find a perfect solution, any action should probably involve encouraging greater use of public transport and making it more expensive for the driver to drive in urban areas.
•In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes, what are the causes? How to tackle this worrying trend?
•Shop lifting
•Pocket picking
•Joy riding
•Street fighting
•The rise in crime among young people is an urgent problem in many cities that needs to be addressed.
•From my perspective, the first reason is the absence of parental involvement. If parents had been around more often, they would have made sure that children spend time in more positive activities rather than join gangs.  The influence of games and films containing violent images is another reason. Many children enjoy a good fight or the thrills of punching others in an action game, which makes them more violence-prone and aggressive. Addictions to drugs and alcohol also plays a role. In order to pay for these unhealthy habits, sometimes they have to shop lift or rob a store for cash.
•Rating system
•One possible solution to contend with (解决) this problem is to suggest a much stricter system of penalties and punishments to deter young people from a life of crime. That might work, but it would also be sensible to improve the system of education so that these young people can receive the right education and training so they can lead law-abiding lives and in turn make our streets and communities safer too. To introduce an effective rating system is also effective because in this way children’s exposures to violence can be reduced.
•Have a deterring effect
•Exposure to violent images
•Exposure to erotic images /bloody images
•In the modern society, the role of a father differs from the role of a mother. Why do you think the difference exist? How do you think the role of parents will change in the future?
•In the contemporary society, mothers and fathers generally play different domestic roles and therefore exert different influences on children.
•Main body 1.
•The first step is to understand why the differences exist. First of all, most mothers and fathers engage in different kinds of jobs. For fathers, they are usually involved in stressful occupations that require long working hours. In comparison, mothers in general work in fields that are relatively stable which offers a more flexible schedule. As a result, mothers usually have more time to take care of a child and offer company. In contrast, fathers in general provide financial support and set up moral examples for the child.   
•Main body 2+3.
•A second possible reason is that men and women are born biologically different. By this I mean men tend to be more rational while women tend to be more emotional. In this case, the role of each parent is clearly different since they have separate influences on children.
•In the future, my belief is that the distinctions between the role of a father and that of a mother will be less evident. This is mainly because that it is no longer necessarily the case women and men still play the same role as they used to be both in families and in the society. It is a fact that nowadays in contemporary society many women work successfully as a manager or an investor while men are no longer the only breadwinner in a household. Given this fact, the role of each parent will probably be less distinctive in the future.
•Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
•In what ways has technology affected personal relationships ? Has this become a positive or negative development?
•The introduction
•Advances in technology have without doubt influenced the way we communicate with each other in a number of different ways.
•Main body 1.
•The most obvious example of this influence is that nowadays many people prefer to keep in touch to their friends and relatives using applications and social networking sites like Face Time, Skype and Face book. Another evident change is that the email and texting have almost completely replaced the letter as the primary form of written communication. Because these modern forms of communication are typically much more convenient and instant, one result is that we can communicate more easily with people who we do not see on a daily basis.
•Main body 2.
•I would argue that these innovations have mostly improved personal relationships. The principal benefit is that it is just so much easier to stay in touch with people whom we might otherwise lose contact with. It is for example now very straightforward to keep in contact with friends from university who move to different cities after they graduate and this means relationships last longer. The only real drawback is that sometimes people become so addicted to their online social networks that they stop communicating with friends in the real world. That, however, is a minor issue.
•The conclusion
•My conclusion is therefore that new forms technological communication have in fact largely improved human interaction because emails, texting and social networks enable us to maintain friendships which might otherwise be lost.


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