Mybatis(三) 动态SQL
if + where 用法
1. if 元素来实现多条件查询
1.1 UserMapper.xml配置文件
<!--查询用户列表 (if)-->
<select id="getUserList2" resultType="User">
select u.*,r.roleName from smbms_user u,smbms_role r where u.userRole =
<if test="null != userRole">
and u.userRole = #{userRole}
</if> <if test="null != userName and '' != userName">
and u.userName like CONCAT ('%',#{userName},'%')
* 以@Param注解传入参数查询
* @param userName
* @param roleId
* @return
public List<User> getUserList2(@Param("userName")String userName,
@Param("userRole")Integer roleId);
* 以@Param注解传入参数查询
public void getUserList(){
List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
String userName = "孙";
// Integer roleId = 3;
Integer roleId = null;
users = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class).getUserList2(userName,roleId); for(User u: users){
logger.debug("testGetUserList userCode: " + u.getUserCode() +
" and userName: " + u.getUserName() +
" and userRole: " + u.getUserRole() +
// " and userRoleName: " + u.getUserRoleName() +
" and age: " + u.getAge() +
" and address: " + u.getAddress());
2. where
2.1 UserMapper.xml配置文件
<!--查询用户列表 (if + where) where 会自动拼接and 和 or-->
<select id="getUserList2" resultType="User">
select * from smbms_user
<if test="userName != null and userName != ''">
and userName like CONCAT ('%',#{userName},'%')
<if test="userRole != null">
and userRole = #{userRole}
2.2 UserMapper接口
* 以@Param注解传入参数查询
* @param userName
* @param roleId
* @return
public List<User> getUserList2(@Param("userName")String userName,
@Param("userRole")Integer roleId);
2.3 测试方法
* 以@Param注解传入参数查询
public void getUserList(){
List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
String userName = "";
Integer roleId = 3;
users = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class).getUserList2(userName,roleId); logger.debug("userlist.size ----> " + users.size());
for(User u: users){
logger.debug("testGetUserList userCode: " + u.getUserCode() +
" and userName: " + u.getUserName() +
" and userRole: " + u.getUserRole() +
" and userRoleName: " + u.getUserRoleName() +
" and age: " + u.getAge() +
" and address: " + u.getAddress());
1. BillMapper.xml配置文件
<select id="getBillList2" resultMap="billList">
SELECT p.`id` as p_id,b.`billCode`,b.`productName`,p.`proCode`,p.`proName`,p.`proContact`,p.`proPhone`,b.`totalPrice`,b.`isPayment`
FROM smbms_bill b,smbms_provider p
WHERE b.providerId =
<if test="productName != null and productName != ''">
and b.`productName` like concat('%', #{productName} ,'%')
<if test="providerId != null">
and b.providerId = #{providerId}
<if test="isPayment != null">
and b.isPayment = #{isPayment}
2. BillMapper接口
* 根据条件查询订单
* @param productName
* @param providerId
* @param isPayment
* @return
public List<Bill> getBillList2(@Param("productName")String productName,
@Param("providerId")Integer providerId,
@Param("isPayment")Integer isPayment);
3. 测试方法
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BillMapperTest.class); /**
* 根据多参条件查询订单表
public void testGetBillList2(){
SqlSession session1 = null;
List<Bill> bills = new ArrayList<Bill>();
try {
session1 = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
String productName = "油";
Integer providerId = 7;
Integer isPayment = 2;
bills = session1.getMapper(BillMapper.class).getBillList2(productName, providerId, isPayment);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
for (Bill bill : bills){
logger.debug("testGetBillList id: " + bill.getId() +
" and BillCode: " + bill.getBillCode() +
" and ProductName: " + bill.getProductName() +
" and totalPrice: " + bill.getTotalPrice() +
" and isPayment: " + bill.getIsPayment() +
" , Provider : " + bill.getProvider().getId() +
" and providerCode: " + bill.getProvider().getProCode() +
" and providerName: " + bill.getProvider().getProName()+
" and proContact: " + bill.getProvider().getProContact()+
" and proPhone:" + bill.getProvider().getProPhone());
} }
使用动态SQL if +where
1. ProviderMapper.xml配置文件
<!-- 查询供应商列表 -->
<select id="getProviderList" resultType="Provider">
select * from smbms_provider
<if test="proCode != null and proCode != ''">
and proCode like CONCAT ('%',#{proCode},'%')
<if test="proName != null and proName != ''">
and proName like CONCAT ('%',#{proName},'%')
2. ProviderMapper接口
* 根据供应商编号或名称查询供应商列表(模糊查询)
public List<Provider> getProviderList(@Param("proCode")String proCode,
@Param("proName")String proName);
3. 测试方法
public void testGetProviderListByProviderName(){
List<Provider> providers = new ArrayList<Provider>();
session = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
String proCode = "BJ";
String proName = null; providers = session.getMapper(ProviderMapper.class).getProviderList(proCode,proName);
for (Provider provider : providers){
logger.debug("testGetProviderList id: " + provider.getId() +
" and proCode: " + provider.getProCode() +
" and proName: " + provider.getProName()+
" and proPhone: " + provider.getProPhone()+
" and proContact: " + provider.getProContact()+
" and proFax: " + provider.getProFax()+
" and creationDate: " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(provider.getCreationDate()));
if + trim 用法 比where 更强
1. UserMapper.xml配置文件
<!--查询用户列表 (if + trim)-->
<select id="getUserList2" resultType="User">
select * from smbms_user
<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and | or">
<if test="userName != null and userName != ''">
and userName like CONCAT ('%',#{userName},'%')
<if test="userRole != null">
and userRole = #{userRole}
2. UserMapper接口
* 以@Param注解传入参数查询
* @param userName
* @param roleId
* @return
public List<User> getUserList2(@Param("userName")String userName,
@Param("userRole")Integer roleId);
3. 测试方法
* 以@Param注解传入参数查询
public void getUserList(){
List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
String userName = "孙";
Integer roleId = 3;
users = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class).getUserList2(userName,roleId); logger.debug("userlist.size ----> " + users.size());
for(User u: users){
logger.debug("testGetUserList userCode: " + u.getUserCode() +
" and userName: " + u.getUserName() +
" and userRole: " + u.getUserRole() +
" and userRoleName: " + u.getUserRoleName() +
" and age: " + u.getAge() +
" and address: " + u.getAddress());
if + set 用法 更新操作
1. UserMapper.xml配置文件
<update id="modify" parameterType="User">
update smbms_user
<if test="userCode != null">userCode = #{userCode},</if>
<if test="userName != null">userName=#{userName},</if>
<if test="userPassword != null">userPassword=#{userPassword},</if>
<if test="gender != null">gender=#{gender},</if>
<if test="birthday != null">birthday=#{birthday},</if>
<if test="phone != null">phone=#{phone},</if>
<if test="address != null">address=#{address},</if>
<if test="userRole != null">userRole=#{userRole},</if>
<if test="modifyBy != null">modifyBy=#{modifyBy},</if>
<if test="modifyDate != null">modifyDate=#{modifyDate}</if>
where id = #{id}
2. UserMapper接口
* 修改用户
* @param user
* @return
public int modify(User user);
3. 测试方法
public void testModify() throws ParseException {
int count = 0;
User user = new User();
Date birthday = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("1980-10-10");
user.setCreationDate(new Date());
user.setModifyDate(new Date());
sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
count = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class).modify(user);
logger.debug("testModify count: " + count);
使用动态SQL语句 if + set 修改操作
1. ProviderMapper.xml配置文件
<update id="updateProvider" parameterType="Provider">
update smbms_provider
<if test="proName != null">proName = #{proName}</if>
where id = #{id}
2. ProviderMapper接口
* 根据供应商ID修改供应商
* @param provider
* @return
public int updateProvider(Provider provider);
3. 测试方法
* 根据ID修改供应商
public void updateProvider(){
session = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
Provider provider = new Provider();
int count = session.getMapper(ProviderMapper.class).updateProvider(provider); logger.debug(count);
使用动态SQL语句 if + trim 修改操作 等同于 if + set
1. ProviderMapper.xml配置文件
<!-- 修改供应商信息 -->
<update id="modify" parameterType="Provider">
update smbms_provider
<trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides="," suffix="where id = #{id}">
<if test="proCode != null">proCode=#{proCode},</if>
<if test="proName != null">proName=#{proName},</if>
<if test="proDesc != null">proDesc=#{proDesc},</if>
<if test="proContact != null">proContact=#{proContact},</if>
<if test="proPhone != null">proPhone=#{proPhone},</if>
<if test="proAddress != null">proAddress=#{proAddress},</if>
<if test="proFax != null">proFax=#{proFax},</if>
<if test="modifyBy != null">modifyBy=#{modifyBy},</if>
<if test="modifyDate != null">modifyDate=#{modifyDate},</if>
2. ProviderMapper接口
* 修改供应商信息
* @param provider
* @return
public int modify(Provider provider);
3. 测试方法
* 修改供应商
public void updateProvider(){
session = MyBatisUtil.createSqlSession();
Provider provider = new Provider();
provider.setModifyDate(new Date());
int count = session.getMapper(ProviderMapper.class).modify(provider); logger.debug(count);
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