this readme created on 2019.07.28
by Suarez7988




1. edit gitconfig like the example as follows:

the git config file is: ~/.gitconfig

name = suarez
email =
log = log --color
st = status
co = checkout
br = branch
up = rebase
ci = commit
dw = diff --color-words
ui = true
diff = auto
editor = vim

2. config ssh key


add your ssh key in

you can add many keys in different development environment by yourself

3. copy data repository to local


if you get "Permission denied (publickey)" problem, See 8.g.

4. create or switch to your own branch

if the project is just created, your should goto 8.i.

git checkout -b YOUR_BRANCH_NAME master

if your branch exists, you can also:

git checkout YOUR_BRANCH_NAME

5. do the work on your own branch

git checkout YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
git status
git add <changed files>
git commit -m "changes reasons"

6. publish your code review(CR)

git checkout master  # 将本地代码切换到本地的master分支
git pull origin master master # 将origin/master分支的改动更新到本地的master分支
git checkout YOUR_BRANCH_NAME # 将本地代码切换到本地的YOUR_BRANCH_NAME分支
git pull origin master YOUR_BRANCH_NAME # 将origin/master的改动更新到本地的YOUR_BRANCH_NAME分支,这步可能会报冲突Conflicts字样,如果冲突,请先解决冲突,然后再继续下面流程,解决冲突的办法见下面8.e
git push -u origin YOUR_BRANCH_NAME # 将本地YOUR_BRANCH_NAME的改动推送到远端origin/YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
git diff master YOUR_BRANCH_NAME > patch[_main change reason].txt # 比较本地YOUR_BRANCH_NAME分支和master分支的不同

if your level is developer, you should create Merge Request on the webpage

  • go to the project webpage
  • if it shows a 'create Merge Request' button click it

    (or choose 'Merge Requests' click button 'New Merge Requests' select project and YOUR_BRANCH_NAME for 'Source branch'

    select the same project and master for 'Target branch' click 'Compare branches and continue')
  • write main change reason for 'Title'
  • select reviewer for 'Assignee'
  • click 'Submit merge request'

the viewer will receive a mail for this merge request.

after he/she review the code, if he/she 'Close merge request', you should goto step 5 and correct your code; if he/she 'Accept merge request', NOTE your branch will merge to master directly.

if your level is master or higher, you can also do the following directly:

git checkout master
git pull
git pull origin YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
git push origin master

7. tag for code publish(only for SA)

git tag -f yyyymmddhh_tag
git push --tags

8. addtional operations

8.a. see all the branch including remote and local

git branch -a

8.b. delete useless branch

delete local branch
git branch -d YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
delete remote branch
git push origin :YOUR_BRANCH_NAME

8.c. you know

git blame <file>

8.d. only add all tracked file

git add -u

8.e. resolve a conflict

use "git status" to see where the problem is

冲突是常见的,不代表你的提交是错误的,当你和另外一个同事同时修改了同一个文件,并且他先于你把这份文件提交到origin/master分支上时,你在git pull origin master YOUR_BRANCH_NAME时才可能冲突,冲突发生时terminal里会显示如下字样:

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
if there is still problem exsits, do the following operation:
主要方式就是先编辑冲突的文件,然后git commit提交。
严禁没解决冲突就直接发merge request!

8.f. merge newest code to local branch

if you just want your local branch merge newest code

git pull origin master

but if you want to update your local master and local branch at the same time, goto 6

8.g. solve "Permission denied (publickey)" problem

first, check your key is add to the profile of your gitlab

then do following command to see if your key located correctly

ssh -vT git@GIT_URL

in most cases, change the key file name to ~/.ssh/id_rsa will solve the problem

but if you have more than one key, you can do the following suggestion

edit the file ~/.ssh/config

Host "GIT_URL"
HostName "GIT_URL"
User "git"
IdentityFile "~/.ssh/YOUR_KEY_FILE"

if the result of "ssh GIT_URL" is:

PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Welcome to GitLab, hongjun.liu!
Connection to closed.

thank GOD, you finally succeed

then you can clone the remote repository use following command:


for more information you can goto

8.h. revert local commit

if you get "Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by n commit", but you do not want to push these changes

git reset --hard HEAD~n

8.i. start a new project

git clone git@GIT_URL:hongjun.liu/PROJECT_NAME.git
git add
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master

NOTE that, the very first commit should push at the first time, this step create a remote branch called 'master'.


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