
CVPR 2015 papers

(in nicer format than this)

maintained by @karpathy

NEW: This
year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interface where you can navigate them visually. I'm not sure if it's useful but it's really cool.

Below every paper are TOP 100 most-occuring words in that paper and their color is based on LDA topic model with k = 7.

(It looks like 0 = datasets?, 1 = deep learning, 2 = videos , 3 = 3D Computer Vision , 4 = optimization?, 5 = low-level Computer Vision?, 6 = descriptors?)
Toggle LDA topics to sort by: TOPIC0 TOPIC1 TOPIC2 TOPIC3 TOPIC4 TOPIC5 TOPIC6
DeepID-Net: Deformable Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection

Ouyang, Wanli, Wang, Xiaogang, Zeng, Xingyu, Qiu, Shi, Luo, Ping, Tian, Yonglong, Li, Hongsheng, Yang, Shuo, Wang, Zhe, Loy, Chen-Change, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, visual, annotation, baseline, human, task, rejection, example, test, semantic, horse] [deep,
layer, map, convolutional, pretraining, imagenet, learned, training, improves, rcnn, table, feature, size, output, learn, context, pooling, pretrain, contextual, pedestrian, cnn, net, better, class, neural, input, shared, train, arxiv, preprint, representation,
generic, global, max, network] [object, detection, bounding, box, multiple, based, allowed] [model, deformation, deformable, approach, location, localization]
[data, penalty, proposed, experimental, upper, det, denoted] [circular, figure, pattern, averaging, paper] [image,
scheme, large]

Convolutional Neural Networks at Constrained Time Cost

He, Kaiming, Sun, Jian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[involved, baseline, understanding] [convolutional, layer, stage, table, pooling, feature, training, accuracy,
size, actual, stride, testing, neural, width, map, deep, network, imagenet, investigate, replacement, cnns, sppnet, deeper, previous, increased, smaller, replace, max, better, increase, gpu, augmentation, pool, increasing, replaced, pad, recognition, issue,
subsampling, reported, trained] [cost, based, three, memory, series, detection] [model, depth, error, constrained, single, controlled, structure] [time,
complexity, running, number, data, reduces, reduced, consider, theoretical, faster] [accurate, paper, commercial, second, pixel] [image, fast, compare,
spatial, subsequent, preserve]

Modeling Local and Global Deformations in Deep Learning: Epitomic Convolution, Multiple Instance Learning, and Sliding Window Detection

Papandreou, George, Kokkinos, Iasonas, Savalle, Pierre-Andre

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, learning, work, set, system, baseline, instance, positive] [epitomic, network, deep, training,
convolutional, layer, convolution, input, window, sliding, dcnn, imagenet, size, performance, output, stride, table, global, architecture, neural, epitome, map, response, dcnns, conv, loss, train, max, cnn, pascal, better, fully, accuracy, trous, trained,
feature, standard, testing, pyramid, alternative, validation] [object, detection, multiple, score, bounding, box] [position, model, error, aspect, modeling,
single, allows, full] [proposed, maximum, computation, data, algorithm] [ratio, small, figure] [image,
scale, best, computing, region, invariance, spatial, large, local, rate]

End-to-End Integration of a Convolution Network, Deformable Parts Model and Non-Maximum Suppression

Wan, Li, Eigen, David, Fergus, Rob

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, system, learning, human, positive, prediction, perform, green, predicted] [loss, training, convolutional,
convnet, dpm, network, root, input, layer, performance, train, feature, pascal, response, negative, trained, apply, def, hog, max, output, map, size, table, pyramid, voc, convolution, class, improves, deep, integrating, imagenet, structured, achieves, neural,
discriminative, activation] [object, bounding, detection, box, appearance, cost, suppression, entire, online, three] [model, deformation, ground, deformable,
location, joint] [note, assignment, function, form, machine] [figure, red, computer, ieee, relative] [image,
view, spatial, applied, scale, person, well, region]

Taking a Deeper Look at Pedestrians

Hosang, Jan, Omran, Mohamed, Benenson, Rodrigo, Schiele, Bernt

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, set, learning, task, default, work, datasets] [pedestrian, training, caltech, alexnet, cifarnet,
table, convnets, network, performance, convnet, convolutional, neural, squareschnftrs, trained, layer, previous, input, imagenet, validation, size, deep, decision, top, detector, scf, improves, additional, sdn, stride, better, architecture, acf, spatialpooling,
window, reach, improvement, ldcf, feature, katamari, jointdeep, improve, pool, competitive, recognition, published, negative, max, pascal] [detection, proposal, object, iou, indicates, edgeboxes, recall]
[kitti, model, provide] [data, method, number, consider] [quality, small, figure, ratio] [best,
large, good, despite, image]

Is Object Localization for Free? - Weakly-Supervised Learning With Convolutional Neural Networks

Oquab, Maxime, Bottou, Leon, Laptev, Ivan, Sivic, Josef

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[supervised, weakly, learning, prediction, coco, visual, test, predict, search, work, dataset, unsupervised, label, indicating, instance, introduce]
[network, training, convolutional, pascal, voc, input, output, window, table, neural, performance, architecture, class, recognition, supervision, map, fully, eak, adding, cnn, global, microsoft, layer, deep, train,
sliding, extent, validation, size, trained, connected] [object, bounding, score, multiple, detection, box, complex, segmentation, localize, entire] [location,
localization, cluttered, single, position, model, scene, procedure] [method, operation, note, form] [figure, presence, setup] [image,
limited, illustrated, scale, area]

Convolutional Feature Masking for Joint Object and Stuff Segmentation

Dai, Jifeng, He, Kaiming, Sun, Jian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, set, process, baseline, search, positive, domain, category] [feature, convolutional, stuff, cfm,
table, pascal, training, voc, masking, design, network, layer, raw, sppnet, input, stochastic, spp, vgg, grass, apr, sgd, extracted, accuracy, pyramid, svm, validation, reported, selective, pooling, train, map, neural, cnn, deep, apply, fully, arxiv, rectangular,
generic] [segment, segmentation, object, proposal, detection, based, candidate, combination, score, pursuit, iou, bounding, deterministic, generate, entire, mcg] [joint,
single, model] [method, compact, binary, time] [figure, small, measured] [image, region, person,
sampled, masked, spatial, impact]

Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation

Long, Jonathan, Shelhamer, Evan, Darrell, Trevor

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, prediction, learning, test, work, visual, vision, set] [convolutional, fully, training, output,
net, layer, stride, input, pascal, deep, class, coarse, performance, loss, receptive, feature, architecture, voc, neural, learn, size, table, patchwise, learned, skip, convolution, trained, train, fcn, improvement, convnets, factor, tighe, effective, nii,
convnet] [segmentation, detection, object] [model, inference, described, single, full, pixelwise] [computation,
data, number, time, nonlinear, random, fusion, convergence, faster, bilinear] [figure, pixel, upsampling, produce, relative, computer, gupta] [image,
dense, spatial, sampling, local, sift, upsampled, rate, gradient, fast]

Deformable Part Models are Convolutional Neural Networks

Girshick, Ross, Iandola, Forrest, Darrell, Trevor, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, visual, learning, baseline, describe, human, report, set] [dpm, pyramid, feature, level, pooling,
map, max, cnn, deeppyramid, convolutional, hog, root, dpms, network, voc, deep, training, input, layer, convolution, performance, negative, neural, maxout, pascal, standard, output, cnns, implemented, trained, train, stride, table, learned, top] [object,
detection, score] [model, deformable, inference, face, mixture] [method, equivalent, algorithm, function, construction, number, idea, case, sparse, call]
[component, geometry, figure, second] [image, distance, transform, outperforms, implementation, computed, spatial, filter]

Pedestrian Detection Aided by Deep Learning Semantic Tasks

Tian, Yonglong, Luo, Ping, Wang, Xiaogang, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, learning, hard, datasets, task, positive, semantic, existing, work, human, dataset] [pedestrian,
deep, log, negative, shared, feature, learned, learn, channel, representation, effectiveness, eth, jointly, unshared, achieved, percent, hog, loss, cnn, jointdeep, improve, layer, tacnn, table, acf, caltech, trained, convolutional, network, training, performance,
context, previous, road] [detection, multiple, background, including, segmentation, object] [scene, model, single, structure, tree, body, challenging, mixture,
occlusion, deformable] [main, data, number, sample, binary, proposed, vector, reduces, denoted, function, matrix, projection] [figure, motion, second,
vehicle, carefully, result, vertical, sky] [rate, outperforms, large, corresponding, image]

Deeply Learned Face Representations Are Sparse, Selective, and Robust

Sun, Yi, Wang, Xiaogang, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, learning, people, selected, evaluate, test] [neural, deep, identity, activation, net, recognition,
accuracy, layer, feature, activated, training, performance, learned, neuron, convolutional, representation, higher, standard, supervisory, discriminative, hidden, combining, inhibitory, excited, constantly, compared, excitatory, belonging, extracted, achieve,
achieved, dropout] [three, moderate, distinguish, youtube, entire] [face, single, joint, occluded, occlusion] [binary,
sparsity, block, original, random, sparse, code, number] [figure, robust, high, half, second, red, left, paper] [lbp, lfw, best, bayesian, comparison,
histogram, image, remaining, large, distance, partial]

Fisher Vectors Meet Neural Networks: A Hybrid Classification Architecture

Perronnin, Florent, Larlus, Diane

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[supervised, unsupervised, learning, set, report, visual, perform, test, study, work, system] [hidden, architecture,
layer, cnn, training, output, deep, feature, standard, fisher, bagging, convolutional, fvs, learned, hybrid, involves, intermediate, table, pascal, neural, recognition, augmentation, validation, reported, train, map, competitive, cnns, trained, simonyan, better,
accuracy, challenge, learn, imagenet, itp] [multiple, object, cost] [error, model, single] [linear, number,
kernel, proposed, dimensionality, data, case, random, reduction, vector, encoding, gmm, consider] [figure] [image, large, local, best, pca, rate, compare,
retrieval, comparison, scale]

segDeepM: Exploiting Segmentation and Context in Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection

Zhu, Yukun, Urtasun, Raquel, Salakhutdinov, Ruslan, Fidler, Sanja

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, car, dog, bird, test, horse, scoring, evaluate, bottle, prediction, cat, semantic, exploit, learning, cow, boat] [segdeepm,
feature, contextual, performance, pascal, table, voc, val, rcnn, class, additional, improvement, chair, train, map, network, detector, context, deep, training, achieves, segdpm, expanded, neural, trained, convolutional, better, top, layer, input, cnn, bus]
[object, box, segmentation, detection, segment, bounding, candidate, score, recall, precision, appearance, cpmc, boost, indicates, hypothesis] [approach, model,
current, inference, full] [curve, method, random, number, proposed, variable, order, iterative, note] [figure, small, accurate, plane, result]
[person, image, best, grid, computed, well, choose, place, compute]

Saliency Detection by Multi-Context Deep Learning

Zhao, Rui, Ouyang, Wanli, Li, Hongsheng, Wang, Xiaogang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, visual, strategy, dataset, evaluation, prediction, task, work, datasets] [deep, context, global,
xlc, convolutional, xgc, training, contemporary, neural, imagenet, network, input, cnn, feature, performance, arxiv, layer, preprint, jointly, map, connected, pcas, table, fully, clarifai, googlenet, learned, pretraining, padded] [saliency,
object, detection, salient, contrast, segmentation, framework, based, superpixel, score, background, groundtruth, bounding, drfi, gbmr, objectness, ecssd, three, including] [model, modeling, approach, full,
initialization, provide] [proposed, function] [figure, ieee] [image, local, scheme, region, outperforms,

Efficient Object Localization Using Convolutional Networks

Tompson, Jonathan, Goroshin, Ross, Jain, Arjun, LeCun, Yann, Bregler, Christoph

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, human, dataset, learning, set, perform, test, predicted, prediction, instance] [coarse, network,
flic, pool, performance, input, convolution, pooling, architecture, convnet, relu, dropout, convolutional, feature, cascade, training, output, standard, layer, improve, table, trained, crop, heatmap, size, cropped, shoulder, maxpool, generalization, detector,
accuracy, tompson, shared, sapp, train, toshev, spatialdropout] [detection, mpii, target, average] [model, joint, pose, wrist, location, localization, error,
regression, cascaded, estimation, single, body, face, pck, elbow, yang] [normalized, time, number] [figure, high, small, pixel] [spatial,
image, distance, scale, resolution, comparison]

Hypercolumns for Object Segmentation and Fine-Grained Localization

Hariharan, Bharath, Arbelaez, Pablo, Girshick, Ross, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, semantic, baseline, work, set, task, category, prediction, predict, probability, instance, evaluate, positive] [feature,
hypercolumn, network, convolutional, heatmap, training, top, layer, pipeline, representation, apr, better, cnn, train, hypercolumns, architecture, output, table, map, performance, neural, cropped, expanded, upsample, trained, fully, hyp, deep, higher, combine,
gain, apk] [bounding, box, detection, segmentation, score, object, overlap, multiple, based, segment, threshold, action] [location, pose, localization, estimation,
reasoning, ground, point, described, starting, allows] [linear, vector, original] [figure, pixel, separate, optical, produce] [keypoint,
grid, person, region, large, best, image, metric, neighborhood]

A Discriminative CNN Video Representation for Event Detection

Xu, Zhongwen, Yang, Yi, Hauptmann, Alex G.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, concept, med, prediction, positive, visual, collection, competition] [cnn, pooling, performance,
medtest, fisher, representation, trecvid, convolutional, map, improved, table, feature, encoded, level, apply, layer, deep, better, training, achieves, spp, network, size, medeval, discriminative, standard, extracted, achieve, cosine, neural] [video,
event, average, detection, frame, generate, utilize, complex, action, propose, multiple, multimedia, idt] [] [vector, encoding, dimension, original, proposed,
linear, number, fusion, product, data, quantization, analysis] [figure, motion] [vlad, dense, local, best, large, spatial, descriptor, image, similarity,
pca, good, comparison, nearest, impact]

Deep Roto-Translation Scattering for Object Classification

Oyallon, Edouard, Mallat, Stephane

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[supervised, unsupervised, learning, set, type] [network, deep, feature, training, layer, convolution, representation,
caltech, convolutional, accuracy, class, neural, output, table, applying, size, computes, morlet, apply, cascade, build, larger, trained, pooling] [complex, object, performs, art, state, multiple] [prior,
indexed, depth, rigid] [order, linear, orthogonal, data, gaussian, number, cifar, random, operator, algorithm, vector] [scattering, second, modulus, square,
rotation, color, averaging, translation, removed, figure, angular, angle, small, computer, cascading] [image, wavelet, spatial, transform, computed, scale, geometric, invariant, dict, sift, separable, dictionary,
stable, adapted, transforms, invariance, well]

The Treasure Beneath Convolutional Layers: Cross-Convolutional-Layer Pooling for Image Classification

Liu, Lingqiao, Shen, Chunhua, van den Hengel, Anton

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, dataset, attribute, existing, indicator, report, create, describe, perform, style] [convolutional,
layer, feature, pooling, performance, dcnn, table, representation, input, applying, pretrained, scfv, extracted, map, deep, better, training, neural, network, extracting, pooled, discriminative, achieves, regional, unit, combining, cnn, power, fully, connected,
comparable, dcnns, pascal, issue] [object, multiple, extract, based] [scene] [method, proposed, vector,
note, sign, encoding, computational, data, quantization, time, dimensionality, experiment, number] [ieee, directly, figure] [image, local, spatial, applied,
best, comparison, corresponding, resolution, outperforms]

MatchNet: Unifying Feature and Metric Learning for Patch-Based Matching

Han, Xufeng, Leung, Thomas, Jia, Yangqing, Sukthankar, Rahul, Berg, Alexander C.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, evaluate, evaluation, dataset, work, positive, labeled] [feature, network, matchnet, training,
convolutional, bottleneck, neural, representation, layer, performance, deep, better, size, input, output, accuracy, learned, trained, jointly, table, nsift, previous, pooling, standard, train, learn, fewer, notredame, negative, simonyan, achieves, learns,
tower, recognition, convolution, response, fully] [average, generate, object, based, group] [error, approach, model, structure, point, quantized] [dimension,
batch, number] [figure, stereo, robust, absolute] [metric, patch, matching, similarity, image, local, sift, descriptor, distance, rate, pair, difference,
buffer, sampling, comparison, liberty, reservoir, gradient, best, sampler]

Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Object Recognition

Liang, Ming, Hu, Xiaolin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, visual, set, processing, existing, unsupervised, baseline] [recurrent, neural, rcnn, layer, cnn,
convolutional, deep, feature, recognition, training, network, input, maxout, pooling, testing, context, table, unit, max, performance, architecture, rcl, fewer, better, dsn, size, connection, augmentation, global, increasing, output, receptive, achieved, dropout,
grant, outperformed] [object, hierarchical, three, weight, dynamic, path] [model, error, depth, structure, current] [number,
data, nin, machine, proposed, time, journal, mnist, note, lower, sparse, function] [conference, international, figure, computer, ieee, pattern] [comparison,
image, recursive, local, benchmark, rate, large]

Scene Labeling With LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks

Byeon, Wonmin, Breuel, Thomas M., Raue, Federico, Liwicki, Marcus

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, learning, dataset, label, include, vision, processing, predicted, natural] [lstm, input, layer,
class, neural, accuracy, recurrent, performance, size, feedforward, global, cnns, output, training, hidden, stanford, convolutional, network, context, deep, reported, learn, window, compared, feature, architecture, testing, road, grass, unbalanced, gate, higher,
rcnns, contextual, improve, improved, table] [memory, long, target, background, segmentation, three, object] [scene, approach] [time,
number, machine, third, block, note, random] [figure, pixel, computer, conference, ieee, frequency, pattern, international, flow, second, water, small] [image,
large, sift, local, spatial, texture]

Beyond Short Snippets: Deep Networks for Video Classification

Yue-Hei Ng, Joe, Hausknecht, Matthew, Vijayanarasimhan, Sudheendra, Vinyals, Oriol, Monga, Rajat, Toderici, George

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, work, process, human] [pooling, lstm, convolutional, network, layer, cnn, neural, feature,
conv, recognition, googlenet, table, recurrent, better, training, performance, input, output, global, alexnet, learn, raw, accuracy, connected, architecture, deep, cnns, trained, fully, previous, compared, level, larger, gate, hidden, softmax, achieve]
[video, frame, temporal, action, memory, slow, short, long, clip, late, average, capable, sequence, entire] [model, single, approach, performed] [method,
number, time, order, proposed, data, lower, fusion] [optical, motion, flow, small, figure] [image, local, applied, rate, best]

Designing Deep Networks for Surface Normal Estimation

Wang, Xiaolong, Fouhey, David, Gupta, Abhinav

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, work, task, understanding, dataset, set, prediction, predicting, vision, evaluate, label] [network,
global, output, convolutional, input, coarse, performance, fully, connected, window, size, deep, table, apply, training, top, architecture, improve, layer, cnn, learn, better, sliding, structured, loss, cnns, neural, feature, ablative, conv] [edge,
object, box, art, detection, state, complementary] [surface, normal, layout, room, scene, single, estimation, full, reasoning, model, approach, predicts, structure, depth, qualitative, capture, regression,
indoor, occlusion] [fusion, data, note, form, problem] [figure, vanishing, computer, captured] [local,
image, rate, well]

DEEP-CARVING: Discovering Visual Attributes by Carving Deep Neural Nets

Shankar, Sukrit, Garg, Vikas K., Cipolla, Roberto

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, label, instance, visual, learning, supervised, sad, weakly, test, search, set, dataset, prediction, correct, natural, predicting, fig, noun, entropy,
sun, positive, task, predicted, weak, scenario, carve, ranking, vision] [training, deep, net, feature, loss, convolutional, layer, recognition, cnns, alexnet, softmax, sigmoid, neural, learn, setting, connected,
better, class, architecture, input, cnn, fully] [multiple, object, indicates, precision, average, based] [provide, scene] [number,
problem, consider, note, vector] [figure, computer, generally, presence, color] [image, best, cross]

Learning to Generate Chairs With Convolutional Neural Networks

Dosovitskiy, Alexey, Tobias Springenberg, Jost, Brox, Thomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, knowledge, dataset, transfer, source, interesting, work, example, generation, unsupervised, label, manually] [network,
feature, training, chair, deep, neural, convolutional, fully, connected, activating, intermediate, layer, performance, class, representation, size, top, stochastic, hidden, morphings, input, output, additional, activation, trained, rbms, architecture, neuron]
[generate, generated, target, object, average, segmentation, combination, three] [generative, single, rgb, model, face, viewpoint, approach, allows, inference]
[row, number, data, simply, method, gaussian] [figure, small, quality, second, optical, interpolation, interpolate, conference] [image,
nearest, pair, large, keypoints, corresponding, spatial, variation, morphing, sift]

Learning to Compare Image Patches via Convolutional Neural Networks

Zagoruyko, Sergey, Komodakis, Nikos

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, learning, dataset, test, set, baseline, evaluation, vision, variety] [network, layer, convolutional,
neural, performance, input, training, size, architecture, decision, top, trained, feature, spp, simonyan, better, pooling, learn, deep, fully, connected, output, etal, outperform, relu, train, shared, increasing, notredame] [branch,
cost] [error, depth, approach] [function, siam, case, mrf, proposed, number, basic] [stereo, figure,
computer, ieee, pattern, central, directly, photometric, account] [image, siamese, patch, rate, similarity, false, comparing, descriptor, matching, spatial, local, corresponding, sift, true, consists, wide,
computed, mser, computing, liberty, compare, yosemite, applied, benchmark]

Object Detection by Labeling Superpixels

Yan, Junjie, Yu, Yinan, Zhu, Xiangyu, Lei, Zhen, Li, Stan Z.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, label, generation, set, semantic, category, system, learning, search, visual] [cnn, pascal, rcnn,
performance, voc, imagenet, feature, better, deep, convolutional, neural, output, learned, sliding, training, pedestrian, arxiv, preprint, window, testing, belongs, map, cnns, trained, top, selective, layer, googlenet, improve, context, table, improvement]
[detection, object, superpixel, cost, based, proposal, superpixels, appearance, bounding, recall, partition, segmentation, structural, weight, truth, generate, leading, score, overlap] [model,
term, inference, face, ground, infer, current, scene, single] [method, data, proposed, number, energy, function, compact, problem] [result, smooth, small,
ratio, paper, pixel, robust] [image, large, neighborhood]

Visual Saliency Based on Multiscale Deep Features

Li, Guanbin, Yu, Yizhou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, dataset, set, label, learning, existing, labeled, human] [cnn, feature, neural, deep, trained,
map, network, training, connected, fully, convolutional, performance, extracted, output, achieves, rectangular, fed, imagenet, architecture, layer, recognition] [saliency, salient, recall, three, precision,
multiscale, contrast, object, mdf, segmentation, based, drfi, multiple, score, attention, edge, hierarchical, bounding, box, detection, strength, entire, surrounding, including, truth, generate, msra, boundary, capable, extraction, background] [model,
pixelwise, challenging, ground] [method, vector, number, respect, binary, proposed] [coherence, second, pixel] [image,
region, spatial, well, considered, large, best, distance, comparison]

Scene Classification With Semantic Fisher Vectors

Dixit, Mandar, Chen, Si, Gao, Dashan, Rasiwasia, Nikhil, Vasconcelos, Nuno

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, embedding, natural, probability, semantics, vision, visual, sun, bag, embeddings, learning] [cnn,
fisher, imagenet, feature, bos, convolutional, representation, extracted, mit, layer, recognition, retinotopic, table, multinomial, bof, log, network, class, trained, fully, performance, neural, global, better, indirect, implemented, highly, effective, map,
connected, architecture, learned, smn] [object, based, localized] [scene, indoor, mixture, posterior, modeling] [space,
vector, mapping, parameter, euclidean, denoted, encoding, linear, distribution, gaussian, dimensional, proposed, projection, problem] [figure, computer, ieee, conference, pattern, directly, direct]
[image, patch, local, implementation, comparison, invariant, discriminant, invariance, best, pca, scale]

The Application of Two-Level Attention Models in Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Image Classification

Xiao, Tianjun, Xu, Yichong, Yang, Kuiyuan, Zhang, Jiaxing, Peng, Yuxin, Zhang, Zheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[bird, dog, relevant, set, selected, work, dataset, search, visual, process, prediction, domain, learning, select] [cnn,
feature, domainnet, level, training, pipeline, performance, accuracy, deep, convolutional, detector, trained, discriminative, network, weakest, advantage, better, class, testing, filternet, train, supervision, extractor, softmax, dpd, neural, selective, arxiv,
achieves, preprint, learn] [attention, object, bounding, detection, score, box, based, group, extract, foreground, propose, three, utilize] [error, pose,
step, provide, deformable, detailed] [method, cluster, proposed, data, clustering, selects] [figure, second, high, phase] [image,
patch, best, large]

Deep LAC: Deep Localization, Alignment and Classification for Fine-Grained Recognition

Lin, Di, Shen, Xiaoyong, Lu, Cewu, Jia, Jiaya

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[bird, work, dataset, set, evaluate, category, system, semantic, label] [lac, accuracy, table, deep, vlf,
neural, cnn, convolutional, network, performance, recognition, valve, training, previous, input, output, layer, subnetwork, connected, stage, feature, fully, achieved, module, follow, imagenet, representation] [bounding,
object, localized, propose, three, box, extract, truth, lgt, framework, based, detection] [alignment, localization, head, body, template, model, location, linkage, error, ground, pose, aligned, term, joint]
[function, method, expressed, form, update, case, denoted, objective, analysis] [figure, center, zhang, rotation] [image,
large, comparison, similarity, region, major, best]

Deep Neural Networks Are Easily Fooled: High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images

Nguyen, Anh, Yosinski, Jason, Clune, Jeff

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, dataset, natural, test, recognize, label, vision, diversity, set, learning, visual, prediction, tend, perform] [dnns,
dnn, imagenet, class, cppn, unrecognizable, evolutionary, neural, trained, recognizable, training, fooling, fooled, deep, discriminative, evolved, fool, input, evolving, learn, recognition, learned, evolve, imperceptible, convolutional, arxiv, preprint, encoded,
suggests, network, performance, negative, larger, belonging] [evolution, target, score, three, generated] [model, independent, generative] [mnist,
easily, ascent, encoding, optimization, repeated] [produce, high, figure, produced, median, computer, small, directly, result, pattern, ieee, conference, producing] [image,
gradient, regular, well, match]

From Image-Level to Pixel-Level Labeling With Convolutional Networks

Pinheiro, Pedro O., Collobert, Ronan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[weakly, supervised, vision, learning, dataset, test, label, set, semantic, task, probability, system, instance, datasets, bird] [class,
pascal, training, voc, smoothing, convolutional, trained, feature, cnn, output, imagenet, recognition, table, network, layer, overfeat, compared, neural, performance, input, fully, size, architecture, achieved, train, lse, cnns] [segmentation,
object, score, bounding, box, detection, three, weight, average, background, based, multiple, precision] [model, prior, approach, inference, rgb] [consider,
data, proposed, number, algorithm, extra, problem] [conference, computer, pixel, ieee, pattern, figure, international] [image, aggregation, large, considered,
compare, false, well]

Material Recognition in the Wild With the Materials in Context Database

Bell, Sean, Upchurch, Paul, Snavely, Noah, Bala, Kavita

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, minc, test, stone, click, learning, wood, set, foliage, category, work, example, plastic, tile, predict, flickr, evaluate, carpet, convert]
[cnn, accuracy, training, alexnet, recognition, opensurfaces, class, googlenet, convolutional, train, fmd, crf, table, cnns, context, trained, sliding, fully, smaller, size, input, larger, network, neural, connected,
wallpaper, better, houzz, improve, polished, deep] [segmentation, average, recognizing, object] [full, scene, prior, single, mirror] [data,
range, experiment, number, pairwise, method] [material, figure, water, fabric, paper, sky, high, total, glass] [patch, image, best, database, scale, large,
dense, spatial, sift]

Going Deeper With Convolutions

Szegedy, Christian, Liu, Wei, Jia, Yangqing, Sermanet, Pierre, Reed, Scott, Anguelov, Dragomir, Erhan, Dumitru, Vanhoucke, Vincent, Rabinovich, Andrew

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, work, vision, visual] [conv, inception, network, deep, convolutional, layer, architecture, neural,
googlenet, maxpool, increase, ilsvrc, imagenet, size, performance, table, pooling, output, depthconcat, larger, suggests, challenge, training, higher, increasing, ensemble, max, top, pool, trained, accuracy, connected, improved, compared, previous, increased,
stage, expensive, dropout, auxiliary, validation, design, highly] [detection, object, bounding, box, based, average] [model, approach, current, single, localization,
error, inference, structure, depth, allows] [number, sparse, computational, data, linear, order, main, reduction, optimal, matrix, problem, construction] [computer,
figure, quality, result] [image, large, well, dense, external, rate, region]

A Dynamic Convolutional Layer for Short Range Weather Prediction

Klein, Benjamin, Wolf, Lior, Afek, Yehuda

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, prediction, vision, set] [layer, convolutional, convolution, network, input, feature,
cnn, radar, output, kij, previous, size, passed, architecture, neural, deep, learned, map, training, loss, computes, applying, validation, performance, tel, arxiv, preprint, recognition, multiplicative, global, max, aviv, softmax, stride, connected, generalization,
rain, fully, compared] [dynamic, based, sequence, three, short, frame, forward, contrast] [error, regression, model] [weather,
function, sample, order, linear, method, vector, pass, range, euclidean] [conventional, figure, computer, motion, conference, center, color, result, second, ieee, pattern] [image,
patch, computed, gradient, synthesis, applied, represents, best, performing, comparison]

Deep Filter Banks for Texture Recognition and Segmentation

Cimpoi, Mircea, Maji, Subhransu, Vedaldi, Andrea

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, datasets, example, msrc, evaluation, domain, learning, visual, vision, set, contribution, collected, cub] [recognition,
convolutional, cnn, performance, pooling, better, mit, deep, accuracy, pascal, fmd, dtd, orderless, extracted, trained, improves, cnns, network, size, layer, voc, input, crisp, imagenet, table, categorisation, advantage, pooled, technical, feature, fully,
comparable] [segmentation, object, recognizing, performs] [indoor, scene, approach, shape, model, fact] [method,
number, data, acc, vector, analysis, order] [material, computer, paper] [texture, image, region, best, descriptor, local, applied, sift, corresponding,
well, large, computed]

DeepEdge: A Multi-Scale Bifurcated Deep Network for Top-Down Contour Detection

Bertasius, Gedas, Shi, Jianbo, Torresani, Lorenzo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, predict, learning, vision, prediction, perform, dataset] [contour, convolutional, architecture,
feature, network, layer, pooling, deep, knet, input, table, trained, bifurcated, training, accuracy, achieves, train, labelers, negative, deepedge, neural, size, higher, recognition, fully, combining] [detection,
object, branch, edge, candidate, average, multiple, extract, generate, considering, three, precision, truth] [regression, approach, point, ground, single] [method,
number, note] [center, high, figure, pattern, computer, produced, small, second, ieee, presence, produce] [image, fraction, computed, patch, false, scale,

FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering

Schroff, Florian, Kalenichenko, Dmitry, Philbin, James

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, embedding, learning, test, personal, hard, select, positive, work, labeled, embeddings] [inception,
loss, training, performance, network, table, triplet, deep, recognition, accuracy, size, convolutional, standard, architecture, input, negative, pooling, val, smaller, trained, layer, reported, representation, reduce, margin, identity, output, bottleneck,
achieve, achieves, improve, cnn] [based, online, employ] [face, model, error, approach] [method, number,
clustering, batch, data, order, space, dimensionality, reduced, compact] [figure, directly, squared, small, paper, clear] [distance, image, rate, large,
lfw, false, well, accept, pair, anchor, person]

Rotating Your Face Using Multi-Task Deep Neural Network

Yim, Junho, Jung, Heechul, Yoo, ByungIn, Choi, Changkyu, Park, Dusik, Kim, Junmo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[task, set, learning, vision, novel, written, test, dataset] [layer, input, recognition, connected, output,
fully, identity, dnn, deep, multitask, feature, setting, pooling, frontal, table, cpf, performance, neural, training, auxiliary, multipie, size, extracted, cpi, better, network, designed, previous, convolutional, prepared] [target,
path, weight, cost, generated] [face, pose, model, single, described, controlled] [code, main, experiment, proposed, arbitrary, function, method, original,
parameter, space, avg] [figure, illumination, second, ieee, computer, conference, preserving, result, desired, pattern, changed, high, produced, international] [image,
remote, locally, represents, change, best, equal, rate, preserve, demonstrate, construct, gallery, invariant]

Web-Scale Training for Face Identification

Taigman, Yaniv, Yang, Ming, Ranzato, Marc'Aurelio, Wolf, Lior

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, dataset, open, vision, transfer, closed, system, bootstrapping, link, datasets, labeled, randomly, baseline, task, protocol, perform, selected,
domain, report] [representation, training, performance, recognition, deep, network, layer, trained, convolutional, accuracy, neural, dir, table, larger, input, feature, bottleneck, deepface, train, learn,
softmax, architecture, better] [three, bootstrapped, based] [face, initial, single, model] [norm, order,
linear, random, vector, method, compressed, data, number, lower, underlying, dimensionality, note, selection] [computer, figure, commercial, ieee, directly, measured, clear] [lfw,
large, image, well, benchmark, gallery, scale, similarity, best, internal, unconstrained]

Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition and Description

Donahue, Jeffrey, Anne Hendricks, Lisa, Guadarrama, Sergio, Rohrbach, Marcus, Venugopalan, Subhashini, Saenko, Kate, Darrell, Trevor

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, description, learning, language, sentence, vision, natural, generation, caption, human, semantic, evaluation, system, prediction] [lstm,
input, convolutional, deep, lrcn, recognition, recurrent, neural, architecture, hidden, crf, learn, network, decoder, table, cnn, lstms, training, representation, output, arxiv, previous, preprint, gate, max, unit, rnn, convnet, timestep, feature, layer]
[video, temporal, sequence, activity, state, memory, complex, average, based, action, frame, three, perceptual] [model, sequential, described, rgb, single, approach,
current] [time, machine, proposed, base, data, number, variable, vector] [length, figure, translation, directly, stack] [image,
cell, outperforms, retrieval, encoder]

Improving Object Detection With Deep Convolutional Networks via Bayesian Optimization and Structured Prediction

Zhang, Yuting, Sohn, Kihyuk, Villegas, Ruben, Pan, Gang, Lee, Honglak

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, set, learning, visual, baseline, test, evaluation, report, positive] [structured, fgs, cnn, performance,
voc, selective, map, deep, svm, pascal, training, structobj, convolutional, neural, trained, optimum, table, improvement, train, max, loss, global, feature, better, standard, layer, higher, output, recognition, negative, network, detector] [bounding,
detection, object, iou, box, score, framework, truth, based, multiple, entire, propose] [localization, ground, regression, model, supplementary, initial, single] [proposed,
optimization, algorithm, function, method, number, objective, random, machine, problem, arg, analysis, computational, gaussian, maximum, distribution, solution] [figure, high, accurate] [local,
image, region, bayesian, large, good]

Feedforward Semantic Segmentation With Zoom-Out Features

Mostajabi, Mohammadreza, Yadollahpour, Payman, Shakhnarovich, Gregory

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, work, set, learning, label, labeling, category, include, common, vision, nature, dataset] [feature,
voc, accuracy, convolutional, level, loss, table, neural, network, class, architecture, training, structured, performance, arxiv, preprint, global, pooling, feedforward, train, size, better, layer, subscene, fully, additional, val, convnet, context, distant,
extracted, recognition, receptive, deep, compared] [segmentation, superpixel, superpixels, object, background, complex, detection, iou, state, con, evidence] [scene,
approach, capture, single, model, full, ground] [main, vector, data, machine, number, original, method, asymmetric] [figure, color, small, pixel, computer]
[image, computed, local, region, expect, large, despite, applied]

Beyond Frontal Faces: Improving Person Recognition Using Multiple Cues

Zhang, Ning, Paluri, Manohar, Taigman, Yaniv, Fergus, Rob, Bourdev, Lubomir

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, people, test, dataset, photo, learning, task, vision, instance, example, subset, clothing, facebook, system, prediction, label, flickr, existing]
[recognition, identity, performance, training, global, frontal, poselet, deep, train, trained, validation, feature, piper, accuracy, cnn, table, poselets, deepface, convolutional, top, svm, public, combining, album,
network, krizhevsky, layer, neural] [three, multiple, bounding, recognizing, score] [face, pose, model, split, body, full, head] [method,
number, sparsity, proposed, vector, problem] [figure, computer, conference, pattern, second, high, equation, robust] [person, image, compute, large, metric,
consists, invariant, well, unconstrained]

Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Image Classification and Auto-Annotation

Wu, Jiajun, Yu, Yinan, Huang, Chang, Yu, Kai

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, instance, keywords, visual, dmil, supervised, annotation, weakly, dataset, keyword, system, vision, search, mil, bag, label, web, popular, returned,
perform, unsupervised, relevant, task] [deep, pascal, table, voc, neural, convolutional, mit, learn, representation, network, layer, feature, fully, performance, training, recognition, jointly, connected,
log, dnn, hidden, accuracy, achieves, baidu, apply, train, effective] [multiple, object, framework, including, segmentation, average, extract] [scene, indoor,
joint, provide] [number, data, note, proposed, exp, vector, method, sample] [figure, assumption, traditional, high, property] [image]

Predicting Eye Fixations Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Liu, Nian, Han, Junwei, Zhang, Dingwen, Wen, Shifeng, Liu, Tianming

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, dataset, learning, set, datasets, human, predict, novel, positive, natural, vision, predicting] [layer,
fixation, col, learned, convolutional, training, network, learn, feature, mit, performance, testing, deep, size, toronto, input, edn, neural, cerf, trained, shuffled, map, architecture, activation, raw, learns, better, rescaled, convolution] [saliency,
eye, three, based, hierarchical, auc, detection, contrast, video, average, extract, multiple, score, considering, judd] [model] [proposed, gaussian, number,
optimal, data, linear, coding, sparse, original, third] [figure, ieee, center, second, blur, pattern] [image, early, best, corresponding, benchmark]

Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks

Liu, Baoyuan, Wang, Min, Foroosh, Hassan, Tappen, Marshall, Pensky, Marianna

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, work] [convolutional, network, layer, input, neural, accuracy, fully, convolution, performance,
connected, reduce, output, feature, achieve, table, redundancy, higher, cnn, smaller, trained, size, deep, drop, training, previous, cpu, actual, cascade, achieved, loss, highly, apply] [object, detection,
average, based, memory, divided, propose, decompose] [model, percentage, performed] [sparse, matrix, multiplication, time, sparsity, number, speedup, kernel,
method, original, running, algorithm, theoretical, decomposition, row, cache, loading, column, code, scnn, linear, tensor, basis, avx, complexity, data] [figure, small, second, international, high, conference,
total, computer] [dense, large, comparison, overhead, pca, image]

From Captions to Visual Concepts and Back

Fang, Hao, Gupta, Saurabh, Iandola, Forrest, Srivastava, Rupesh K., Deng, Li, Dollar, Piotr, Gao, Jianfeng, He, Xiaodong, Mitchell, Margaret, Platt, John C., Lawrence Zitnick, C., Zweig, Geoffrey

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[word, set, human, language, caption, system, sentence, visual, generation, evaluation, text, coco, bleu, learning, test, semantic, dmsm, mil, generating,
multimodal, novel, dataset, probability, automatic, meteor, common, work, instance, predicted, entropy, selected, search, process, attribute, pplx, randomly, report] [training, neural, deep, table, microsoft,
convolutional, map, representation, performance, feature, cnn, better, network, top, validation, global, train, response, fully, detector, arxiv, speech, previous, preprint, alexnet] [score, precision, multiple,
based, bounding, generated, likelihood, object, detection, three] [model, approach, detected, conditioned] [data, maximum, vector, machine] [figure,
quality, length] [image, similarity, corresponding, compare, compute]

Recognize Complex Events From Static Images by Fusing Deep Channels

Xiong, Yuanjun, Zhu, Kai, Lin, Dahua, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, vision, human, dataset, semantic, learning, work, web, people, understanding, search, process, dedicated, set, exploit, strategy, novel] [recognition,
deep, convolutional, channel, representation, accuracy, cnn, training, map, performance, layer, compared, size, class, feature, network, table, neural, capturing, capability] [event, object, detection, bounding,
recognizing, complex, framework, multiple, key, appearance, three, action, propose, static] [scene, face, detected, capture, model, fused, represent, project] [method,
analysis, machine, proposed] [computer, ieee, figure, pattern, conference, international, directly, second, comprised] [spatial, large, image, dense,

Detector Discovery in the Wild: Joint Multiple Instance and Representation Learning

Hoffman, Judy, Pathak, Deepak, Darrell, Trevor, Saenko, Kate

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeled, weakly, learning, set, weak, category, positive, annotated, instance, mined, discovered, latent, visual, mil, label, domain, discovery, dataset,
supervised, transfer, lsda, source, include, example, scoring] [representation, feature, auxiliary, training, detector, previous, learn, jointly, performance, cnn, train, standard, generic, top, learned, negative,
convolutional, imagenet, neural, recognition, map, deep, table, effective, better, network] [detection, strong, object, bounding, box, multiple, precision, interest] [model,
joint, initial, localization, initialization] [data, algorithm, optimize, optimization, method, space, problem, min, alternating] [figure, produce, equation]
[image, large, outperforms, region, initializing, patch, well]

Matching-CNN Meets KNN: Quasi-Parametric Human Parsing

Liu, Si, Liang, Xiaodan, Liu, Luoqi, Shen, Xiaohui, Yang, Jianchao, Xu, Changsheng, Lin, Liang, Cao, Xiaochun, Yan, Shuicheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, label, semantic, annotated, probability, learning, clothing, work, processing, dataset, test, corpus, bag] [convolutional,
knn, parsing, feature, input, paperdoll, training, testing, map, gkl, layer, performance, network, cnn, neural, deep, yamaguchi, skirt, designed, better, transferred, architecture, tkl, achieve, hat, loss, smoothing, train, nonparametric, table, arxiv]
[based, path, superpixel, segmentation, object, foreground, framework, detection, score, three, average, generated] [single, model, pose, capture, scene, face]
[proposed, number, method, data, kernel] [parametric, estimate, component, figure, absolute] [image, matching,
cross, region, matched, calculated, pair, rate, retrieved, corresponding, well]

Deep Hierarchical Parsing for Semantic Segmentation

Sharma, Abhishek, Tuzel, Oncel, Jacobs, David W.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, parse, visual, label, learning, labeled, dataset, help, labeling] [rcpn, network, training, feature,
bypass, loss, neural, combiner, contextual, daimler, context, cnn, layer, previous, parsing, stanford, deep, better, performance, table, categorizer, mapper, wdec, gcom, decombiner, stronger, refers, ppa, learn, root, referred] [segmentation,
node, three, iou, background, utilize, mca, hierarchical, based, entire, propose] [error, tree, model, scene, structure, initial, provide, urban] [random,
mrf, proposed, problem, number, order, binary, original] [ieee, figure, enhanced, signal, flow, pixel] [image, internal, sift, propagation, gradient,
recursive, parent]

DevNet: A Deep Event Network for Multimedia Event Detection and Evidence Recounting

Gan, Chuang, Wang, Naiyan, Yang, Yi, Yeung, Dit-Yan, Hauptmann, Alex G.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, evaluation, positive, label, med, task, human, visual, work] [deep, convolutional, feature,
training, layer, apply, recognition, cnn, shallow, cnns, imagenet, network, class, level, trecvid, discriminative, improved, table, map, representation, higher, neural, compared] [event, key, detection, video,
recounting, minndc, devnet, saliency, evidence, multimedia, temporal, frame, action, localize, score, average, based, complex, trajectory, object, framework, detecting] [approach, model, single, scene, described,
localization] [vector, data, number, rank, pass, proposed] [figure, pixel, informative, vehicle, quality, computer] [spatial,
image, large, rate, dense]

Understanding Image Representations by Measuring Their Equivariance and Equivalence

Lenc, Karel, Vedaldi, Andrea

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, visual, set, task, cat, example] [equivariant, hog, feature, convolutional, representation, learned,
deep, cnn, layer, input, performance, equivariance, structured, lexn, training, regulariser, table, neighbourhood, learn, map, lcs, loss, trained, better, size, neural, shallow, output, compensated, generic] []
[regression, error, reconstruction, pose, structure, fact] [mapping, equivalence, data, sparsity, permutation, linear, number, case, sparse, experiment, method,
original, objective, problem, empirically] [rotation, figure, vertical, horizontal, small, second, translation, stitching, direct] [image, transformation,
invariant, invariance, local, corresponding, good, geometric, distance]

Shape Driven Kernel Adaptation in Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Facial Traits Recognition

Li, Shaoxin, Xing, Junliang, Niu, Zhiheng, Shan, Shiguang, Yan, Shuicheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[adaptation, learning, trait, evaluation, indicated, automatically] [convolutional, cnn, subnetworks, recognition,
deep, network, age, feature, multipie, architecture, webface, conduct, subnetwork, learned, neural, learn, morph, convolve, stage, trained, performance, alexnet, representation, layer, input, additional, pool, better, setting, global, deepface, convolution,
accuracy] [adaptive, multiple, propose, appearance, generate, based, three] [face, facial, shape, gender, pose, estimation, structure, expression, driven,
landmark, model] [kernel, method, proposed, function, fusion, optimization, note, normalized, data, element, idea, denoted, random] [robust, figure, real]
[local, image, database, patch, corresponding, comprehensive, variation, large, texture]

Neuroaesthetics in Fashion: Modeling the Perception of Fashionability

Simo-Serra, Edgar, Fidler, Sanja, Moreno-Noguer, Francesc, Urtasun, Raquel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[fashionability, post, user, clothing, fashion, dataset, type, latent, work, predicting, fashionable, pastel, semantic, prediction, casual, enp, style, refer,
predict, dress, sentiment, los, analyze, perform, personal, going, country, ethnicity, people, garment, example] [table, feature, crf, learn, network, deep, output, class, improve, setting, map, hidden, performance,
neural, input] [online, segmentation, individual, strong] [model, scene, current, social, dominant, unary, location, face, reader] [number,
order, analysis, pairwise, random, note, cluster, time] [black, figure, high, photograph, small, blue] [image, large, well, person, visualization, scale,
compute, consists]

Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator

Vinyals, Oriol, Toshev, Alexander, Bengio, Samy, Erhan, Dumitru

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[word, description, language, sentence, human, bleu, set, natural, datasets, report, nic, ranking, evaluation, visual, work, generation, vision, task, learning,
mscoco, embeddings, embedding, system, text, generating, transfer, dataset, describing, test, example, sbu, probability, flickr, novel, evaluating] [training, neural, lstm, input, recurrent, trained, size,
network, rnn, table, gate, log, cnn, deep, pascal, better, performance, output, advantage, fed, convolutional, representation] [generated, memory, generate, score, sequence, based, likelihood] [model,
approach, current, provide] [data, machine, time, case, number] [translation, figure, computer, generates, quality] [image,
well, large, best, cell, metric]

Integrating Parametric and Non-Parametric Models For Scene Labeling

Shuai, Bing, Wang, Gang, Zuo, Zhen, Wang, Bing, Zhao, Lifan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, label, learning, semantic, vision, transfer, set, visually, natural, work] [global, cnn, feature,
belief, class, convolutional, context, neural, network, table, recognition, better, discriminative, learned, training, stanford, cnns, size, performance, accuracy, achieved, fed, integrating, nonparametric, input, road, deep, siftflow, sand, reported, learn,
parsing, achieve, layer, pooling, softmax] [based, likelihood, background, integration, average, object, final] [scene, model, potential, estimation, building,
sea, pose] [energy, function, method, clique, denotes, data] [computer, pixel, ieee, conference, pattern, figure, result, parametric, presented, equation,
international, frequency, sky] [local, image, nearest, metric, large, sift, distance, spatial, comparison]

On the Relationship Between Visual Attributes and Convolutional Networks

Escorcia, Victor, Carlos Niebles, Juan, Ghanem, Bernard

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, visual, work, relationship, vision, learning, recognize, tend, semantic, encode, existence, furry, dataset, focus, understanding, predict, set,
centric, shiny, pink, green, orange, european] [acns, recognition, convolutional, trained, layer, acn, performance, deep, imagenet, network, neural, discriminative, representation, accuracy, ablated, learn,
top, conv, wet, brown, activation, wooden, learned, feature, metallic, striped] [object, average, correlation, group, long, based] [percentage, model, rough]
[sparse, number, sparsity, normalized, matrix, solution, solving, round] [figure, computer, conference, pattern, high, yellow, small, blue, ieee, red, white,
black] [image, well, roc, large]

Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification

Akata, Zeynep, Reed, Scott, Walter, Daniel, Lee, Honglak, Schiele, Bernt

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[embeddings, learning, embedding, text, unsupervised, awa, semantic, word, label, supervised, soa, sje, cub, wikipedia, corpus, bird, human, attribute, test,
wordnet, highest, cmb, visual, labeled, ranking, unlabeled, evaluate, glove, prediction, appear, work, annotation, correspond, perform, goog, set] [output, input, class, combining, training, accuracy, structured,
context, learn, deep, learned, build, improve, improves, table, performance, recognition, window, better, size, neural, cnn, network, convolutional, standard] [hierarchical, combination, framework, obtains,
target, cost, multiple] [joint, model, continuous] [data, vector, binary, objective, method, number] [computer]
[image, large, similarity, compatibility, best, vocabulary, hierarchy, distance]

Deep Hashing for Compact Binary Codes Learning

Erin Liong, Venice, Lu, Jiwen, Wang, Gang, Moulin, Pierre, Zhou, Jie

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, unsupervised, supervised, set, semantic, visual, search, dataset, existing] [deep, learn, learned,
top, training, layer, network, feature, map, compared, discriminative, neural, table, loss, performance, output, convolutional, grant] [recall, precision, three, object, multiple, hierarchical] [approach,
term, model, independent] [hashing, binary, sdh, method, proposed, kmh, hamming, pcah, splh, compact, bre, sample, lsh, itq, mlh, projection, vector, nonlinear, minimizing, function, objective, time, original,
number, seek, singapore, quantization, basic, mnist, algorithm, row] [spherical, figure, second, presented] [image, large, computed, query, retrieved,
gradient, outperforms, gallery]

An Improved Deep Learning Architecture for Person Re-Identification

Ahmed, Ejaz, Jones, Michael, Marks, Tim K.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, positive, test, summary, novel, labeled, report, visual, work, hard] [network, feature,
layer, deep, input, architecture, negative, size, training, previous, convolution, convolutional, tied, performance, max, fully, connected, learned, passed, fpnn, trained, learn, map, smaller, identification, response, accuracy, representation, softmax]
[state, art, performs] [model, approach, body] [data, method, rank, analysis, problem] [figure,
small, ieee, computer, pattern, conference, presented] [neighborhood, person, image, metric, difference, patch, large, pair, local, rate, compare, viper, similarity, esdc, computed, sdalf, outperforms, itml,
compute, kissme]

Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them

Mahendran, Aravindh, Vedaldi, Andrea

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, natural, understanding, amount, interesting, learning, study, subset] [hog, deep, neural, cnn,
inversion, dsift, representation, network, cnns, standard, invert, table, regulariser, layer, loss, inverting, convolutional, imagenet, shallow, compared, implemented, hoggle, feature, max, binning, larger, learned, increasing, apply] [average,
based, viewed, apparent] [reconstruction, error, model, qualitative, prior] [method, euclidean, analysis, function, problem, code, bilinear, norm, linear,
algorithm, note, objective, original, normalized, regularization] [figure, inverse, technique, paper, reconstructing, requires, direct, ieee, derivative] [image,
gradient, local, best, sift, applied, computing, contained, cell, reference, large]

Combining Local Appearance and Holistic View: Dual-Source Deep Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation

Fan, Xiaochuan, Zheng, Kang, Lin, Yuewei, Wang, Song

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, set, selected, learning, dataset, include, select] [testing, training, convolutional, input, flic,
cnn, performance, heatmap, layer, tompson, deep, better, sliding, neural, output, size, combine, loss, network] [object, detection, appearance, based, likelihood, average, three, indicates, multiple, including,
performs, proposal] [joint, pose, body, estimation, lsp, model, holistic, graphical, localization, location, pdj, detected, full, deeppose, visible, limb, single, pictorial, located, pcp, johnson, capture]
[method, proposed, normalized, number, upper] [figure, left, developed, estimating, computer] [image, patch,
local, comparison, distance, construct, view, spatial, large, rate]

DeepContour: A Deep Convolutional Feature Learned by Positive-Sharing Loss for Contour Detection

Shen, Wei, Wang, Xinggang, Wang, Yan, Bai, Xiang, Zhang, Zhijiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, positive, set, natural, label, work, selected, versus, human, supervised, semantic, labeled, probability] [contour,
deep, feature, loss, cnn, convolutional, learned, class, training, layer, neural, softmax, learn, performance, nyud, discriminative, negative, standard, output, architecture, network, generalization, structured, log, setting, apply, better, belongs, table,
explore, unit, effective, size] [detection, object, edge, segmentation, truth, partition, based, background, contrast] [shape, ground, model, forest]
[data, function, parameter, proposed, method, problem, binary, clustering, number, sparse, code] [pattern, ieee, figure, result, computer, color] [image,
patch, local, gradient, cross, sketch]

Mid-Level Deep Pattern Mining

Li, Yao, Liu, Lingqiao, Shen, Chunhua, van den Hengel, Anton

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, mining, association, set, rule, discovered, discovery, dataset, discover, process, category, work, natural, baseline, representativeness, positive,
test, outperforming, item] [cnn, activation, training, discriminative, pooling, feature, mdpm, table, neural, convolutional, performance, recognition, deep, max, representation, appealing, mit, pascal, voc,
conf, detector, accuracy, suppmin, scfvc, ensemble, extracted, class, previous, apply, train, frequent] [object, target, based, bounding, box, detection, merging] [approach,
indoor, scene, current] [element, number, proposed, algorithm, encoding, min, largest, method, linear] [pattern, ieee, transaction, figure, high]
[image, large, patch, corresponding, vlad, local]

Deep Transfer Metric Learning

Hu, Junlin, Lu, Jiwen, Tan, Yap-Peng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, transfer, domain, source, dataset, set, knowledge, visual, labeled, supervised, label, datasets, unlabeled, subject, exploit, positive] [deep,
top, layer, training, discriminative, network, recognition, feature, performance, neural, hidden, better, output, table, accuracy, testing, loss, learned, learn, activation, convolutional, designed] [target,
hierarchical, qij, deeply] [face] [method, proposed, function, nonlinear, data, distribution, linear, objective, vector, sample, experimental, subspace,
problem, machine] [captured, figure, assume] [metric, dtml, person, caviar, viper, distance, lij, lji, dstml, lfw, image, lsi, lti, rate, mth, wdref,
computed, stml, compute, pij, applied, large, ddml, similarity, difference, htj]

Viewpoints and Keypoints

Tulsiani, Shubham, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[prediction, task, predicted, vision, predict, instance, set, human, evaluate, annotated, evaluation, correct, car, system] [performance,
convolutional, table, global, cnn, training, train, network, architecture, setting, pascal, neural, output, generic, response, layer, voc, restricted, size, class, improve, trained, feature, xiang, loss, recognition] [object,
detection, based, appearance, likelihood, bounding, multiscale, box, propose, truth] [viewpoint, pose, estimation, error, model, approach, conditioned, localization, capture, euler, ground, occluded, described]
[method, analysis, denote, note, number, problem] [computer, ieee, pattern, conference, rotation, small, figure] [keypoint,
keypoints, local, corresponding, well, image, metric]

Hyper-Class Augmented and Regularized Deep Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification

Xie, Saining, Yang, Tianbao, Wang, Xiaoyu, Lin, Yuanqing

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, vision, dataset, car, labeled, annotated, search, visual, dog, set, label, work, human, novel, baseline, probability, task, report] [deep,
recognition, cnn, training, class, neural, performance, fgic, stanford, level, train, imagenet, network, auxiliary, convolutional, feature, improve, augmentation, baidu, table, multitask, accuracy, sharing, learn, generic, activation] [framework,
object, propose, multiple, detection, success] [model, approach, pose] [data, proposed, augmented, regularization, number, regularized, easily, method,
denote, note, exploiting] [computer, conference, ieee, pattern, international, figure, small, high] [image, large, inherent, view, variance, well]

A Large-Scale Car Dataset for Fine-Grained Categorization and Verification

Yang, Linjie, Luo, Ping, Change Loy, Chen, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[car, dataset, attribute, benz, door, audi, test, prediction, labeled, bwm, vision, seat, volkswagen, compcars, rich, hatchback, type, interesting, side, convertible,
categorization, datasets, predict, subset, learning, novel, baseline, suzuki, positive] [cnn, feature, table, recognition, deep, neural, training, train, observe, capturing, accuracy, class] [object,
including, detection, three, series, appearance, utilized, entire, based, truth] [model, joint, face, viewpoint, challenging, ground, continuous] [number,
data, maximum, sample, analysis, space, row, implicit] [figure, speed, computer, unique, suv, total, vehicle] [image, bayesian, large, displacement, pair,

Mind's Eye: A Recurrent Visual Representation for Image Caption Generation

Chen, Xinlei, Lawrence Zitnick, C.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, sentence, language, word, coco, flickr, generating, novel, human, learning, set, generation, meteor, evaluation, text, bleu, caption, cider, datasets,
description, probability, automatic, ability, task, evaluate, dataset, report, ranking, natural, perplexity, vision] [neural, rnn, recurrent, hidden, network, better, learn, representation, training, previous,
pascal, feature, arxiv, layer, preprint, deep, table, performance, validation, rnns, standard, microsoft] [generated, generate, based, memory, likelihood, long, truth, numerous, capable] [model,
approach, error, provide, scene, ground] [time, random, machine, data, lower] [figure, paper, directly, computer] [image,
retrieval, reference]

Action Recognition With Trajectory-Pooled Deep-Convolutional Descriptors

Wang, Limin, Qiao, Yu, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, learning, human, datasets, set, visual, describe, evaluation] [feature, convolutional, convnets,
recognition, deep, tdd, tdds, improved, performance, pooling, map, net, training, input, size, channel, table, effective, layer, extracting, conduct, discriminative, fisher, convnet, representation, trained, learn, accuracy, architecture, neural] [action,
video, temporal, trajectory, spatiotemporal, based, extraction, extract, hof, complementary] [point, model, single] [dimension, number, method, proposed,
original, vector, fusion] [optical, motion, figure, high] [spatial, normalization, local, large, dense, descriptor, choose, sampling, image, called, best]

Simultaneous Feature Learning and Hash Coding With Deep Neural Networks

Lai, Hanjiang, Pan, Yan, Liu, Ye, Yan, Shuicheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, supervised, ranking, returned, search, unsupervised, existing, visual, vision] [input, convolution,
deep, architecture, shared, triplet, cnnh, alternative, loss, module, training, top, feature, output, table, representation, designed, size, intermediate, layer, neural, learn, map, sigmoid, encoded, learned, network, class, stage] [precision,
three, based, threshold, propose, generate, multiple] [independent] [hash, proposed, hashing, binary, method, hamming, data, number, function, approximate,
code, quantization, form, vector, machine, lsh, coding, mlh] [figure, conference, relative, ieee, international, computer, pattern] [image, comparison,
preserve, corresponding]

Interleaved Text/Image Deep Mining on a Very Large-Scale Radiology Database

Shin, Hoo-Chang, Lu, Le, Kim, Lauren, Seff, Ari, Yao, Jianhua, Summers, Ronald M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[topic, learning, radiology, semantic, perplexity, document, latent, language, text, lda, visual, categorization, sentence, word, processing, report, set,
datasets, work, natural, diagnostic, mining, collection, describing, dataset, unsupervised, label, referring, system] [deep, cnn, neural, imagenet, output, training, extracted, table, convolutional, level,
cnns, trained, representation, learned, learn, map, better] [key, based, object, score, three, cost] [model, supplementary, body, adjacent] [vector,
number, space, data, national, dirichlet, machine] [figure, imaging, computer, conference, high] [image, medical, large, disease, good, reference, database,

Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions

Karpathy, Andrej, Fei-Fei, Li

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[word, sentence, set, multimodal, visual, language, test, text, ranking, generating, work, evaluation, mscoco, learning, embedding, example, description, dataset,
karpathy, describe, goal, natural, novel, datasets, annotation, aligns] [neural, rnn, recurrent, network, training, arxiv, preprint, context, brnn, size, input, learn, representation, performance, table, trained,
convolutional, powerful, deep, previous, cnn, challenge] [generate, based, score, bounding, sequence, generated, object] [model, full, approach, alignment,
single, tree, scene, generative] [dependency, function, data, vector, consider, note, time, method, space] [figure, generates, developed] [image,
region, retrieval, outperforms, compute, large]

Deep Convolutional Neural Fields for Depth Estimation From a Single Image

Liu, Fayao, Shen, Chunhua, Lin, Guosheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, work, conditional, predicting, semantic, prediction, baseline, dataset, rel, set, report] [deep,
cnn, network, neural, convolutional, training, crf, map, jointly, input, better, conv, table, composed, train, layer, relu, trained, learn, structured, compared, shared, negative, eigen] [superpixel, partition,
performs, based, superpixels] [depth, model, unary, continuous, single, estimation, scene, potential, rpq, error, svr, nyu, regression, neighbouring, inference, smoothness, analytically, indoor, term, spq]
[method, pairwise, function, consider, problem, note, solve, random, general, solving, optimization, proposed, matrix, vector, extra] [ieee, outdoor, directly,
rms] [image, outperforms]

Efficient and Accurate Approximations of Nonlinear Convolutional Networks

Zhang, Xiangyu, Zou, Jianhua, Ming, Xiang, He, Kaiming, Sun, Jian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[evaluate, work, set] [layer, convolutional, increase, accuracy, table, increased, deep, feature, imagenet,
reduce, previous, neural, version, response, training, network, apply, accelerating, trained, size, input, output] [based] [error, model, reconstruction,
single, evaluated] [speedup, nonlinear, linear, asymmetric, method, rank, complexity, solution, approximated, problem, approximation, matrix, zij, peedup, energy, decomposition, case, accelerated, selection,
jaderberg, number, accumulative, accumulated, original, computation, approximate, min, symmetric, optimization, consider, theoretical, vector, largest, time, reduction, solve] [ratio, solver, figure, accurate,
small, adopt] [spatial, pca, rate, image, large, computed, compute, degradation]

Multi-Objective Convolutional Learning for Face Labeling

Liu, Sifei, Yang, Jimei, Huang, Chang, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, label, set, learning, semantic, test, dataset, evaluation, existing, work] [nonparametric, network,
training, cnn, convolutional, cnns, input, loss, size, hair, deep, output, train, table, crf, trained, structured, accuracy, testing, compared, map, class, apply, parsing, additional, combining, performance, neural, smaller, learned] [based,
edge, generated, truth, propose, generate] [face, prior, facial, unary, model, term, approach, ground, inference, helen, single, xij] [pairwise, proposed,
method, algorithm, number, crfs, regularization, random, energy, note, addressed] [figure, generates, pixel, skin, second, component] [image, patch, sampling,

Finding Action Tubes

Gkioxari, Georgia, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[task, human, label, visual, positive, predicted, work, report, dataset, study, predict, correct] [convolutional,
train, svm, feature, trained, neural, layer, network, build, accuracy, extracted, recognition, ablation, improvement, table, level, cnns, classify, jain, pascal, better, training, inspired] [action, detection,
video, object, frame, ucf, auc, threshold, tube, average, score, appearance, wang, three, static, based, overlap, temporal, truth, performs, linked, localize] [approach, model, shape, rgb, ground] [problem,
running] [motion, figure, optical, high, camera, produce, red, signal] [spatial, image, region, roc, rate]

Deep Domain Adaptation for Describing People Based on Fine-Grained Clothing Attributes

Chen, Qiang, Huang, Junshi, Feris, Rogerio, Brown, Lisa M., Dong, Jian, Yan, Shuicheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, attribute, clothing, adaptation, dataset, learning, source, people, surveillance, shopping, visual, describing, unsupervised, set, search, work, annotated,
fashion, supervised, semantic, amount, evaluation, label, human, datasets, annotation, ddan, prediction] [deep, feature, network, layer, training, convolutional, neural, cnn, imagenet, output, fully, standard,
bridge, recognition, setting, learned] [target, online, based, detection, cost, bounding, hierarchical, including, merging, candidate, path, correlation] [model,
alignment, body, approach, detailed] [data, proposed, problem, consider, number, method, function, linear, analysis, application] [directly, figure, captured,
color, small] [street, large, unconstrained, image, similarity, retrieval, consists]

Filtered Feature Channels for Pedestrian Detection

Zhang, Shanshan, Benenson, Rodrigo, Schiele, Bernt

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, test, baseline, dataset, learning, evaluation, human, work] [training, caltech, pedestrian, feature,
channel, decision, top, validation, ldcf, trained, size, observe, additional, learned, informedhaar, detector, acf, informedfilters, randomfilters, performance, compared, reported, table, improvement, design, larger, pooling, hog, context, pcaforeground, squareschnftrs,
explore, negative, train, effective, adaboost, rectangular, spatialpooling, improving, inria, standard, katamari, realboost] [detection, based, object, bank, strong] [kitti,
model, single, provide, step, discrete] [number, data, method, consider, original, random, vector] [optical, quality, figure, paper, uniform] [best,
image, applied, change, local, comparison, integral, considered, gap, lbp]

A Convolutional Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection

Li, Haoxiang, Lin, Zhe, Shen, Xiaohui, Brandt, Jonathan, Hua, Gang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, evaluation, set, positive, visual, test, annotated, work, dataset] [cascade, cnn, layer, detector,
training, convolutional, neural, stride, input, performance, cnns, boosted, stage, apply, network, window, achieve, trained, size, cpu, better, vga, headhunter, discriminative, gpu] [detection, bounding, object,
score, recall, detect] [face, structure, fps, scan, afw, single, reject, joint] [number, proposed, data, method, kernel, binary, problem, time, faster,
discontinuous] [calibration, figure, computer, pattern, ieee, conference, simple, high, accurate, international] [image, false, fast, large, benchmark,

Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Wang, Fang, Kang, Le, Li, Yi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, domain, dataset, datasets, correct, set, semantic, select, labeled] [network, feature, training,
cnn, convolutional, learn, table, loss, input, performance, layer, neural, class, learned, architecture, standard, top, reported, map, size] [based, three, state, recall, propose, art, generate, object, precision,
multiple] [shape, model, approach] [method, number, proposed, denotes, function, note, time, sample] [figure,
computer, acm, rendering] [retrieval, sketch, siamese, view, furuya, matching, similarity, best, metric, cross, well, comparison, benchmark, large, psb, illustrated, image, demonstrate, query, cyan, dcg,
saavedra, pair]

Learning From Massive Noisy Labeled Data for Image Classification

Xiao, Tong, Xia, Tian, Yang, Yi, Huang, Chang, Wang, Xiaogang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[noisy, label, learning, clean, dataset, labeled, confusing, massive, probability, clothing, windbreaker, set, mislabeled, correct, amount, test, visual, hoodie,
latent, type, work, unlabeled, supervised, jacket, coat, knitwear, sweater, predict, share, hard, content] [training, deep, better, class, log, cnn, neural, cnns, train, convolutional, layer, accuracy, alexnet,
pretrained, validation, size, table, imagenet] [surrounding, truth, based, framework, integrate, confusion, utilize] [model, ground, probabilistic, free,
independent, predicts, posterior, wrong] [data, random, method, matrix, problem, proposed, optimal, distribution, theorem, row, number] [noise, figure,
small, pure, simple] [image, true, upsampled, limited]

From Categories to Subcategories: Large-Scale Image Classification With Partial Class Label Refinement

Ristin, Marko, Gall, Juergen, Guillaumin, Matthieu, Van Gool, Luc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, ncm, learning, test, knowledge, category, baseline, labeled, label, evaluate, subset, annotated, transfer, semantic] [training,
accuracy, class, rncmf, trained, scoarse, coarse, table, subcategories, performance, subcategory, improves, additional, kcoarse, achieves, improve, ucoarse, validation, stacked, learned, train, classify, multiclass, fisher, stacking, feature, coarser, outperform,
improvement, gain] [based, average, hierarchical, object, node] [model, forest, approach, tree, full] [data,
number, random, regularized, function, sample, proposed, objective, consider] [second, relative] [image, metric, nearest, splitting, large, outperforms,
impact, best, hierarchy, well, neighbor]

Deep Networks for Saliency Detection via Local Estimation and Global Search

Wang, Lijun, Lu, Huchuan, Ruan, Xiang, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, search, label, learning, visual, svo, predict] [global, feature, training, deep, map, network, accuracy,
neural, input, convolutional, dnns, level, generic, table, trained, size, layer] [saliency, object, salient, candidate, detection, based, contrast, background, score, generated, foreground, complex, coverage,
detect, boundary, propose, truth, objectness, precision, wctr, entire, recall, drfi, hdct, hrgb, three, overlap, ufo, generate] [estimation, rgb, ground, model, scene, mae, shape] [data,
method, proposed, low, distribution, vector, number] [figure, color, high, pixel] [local, image, region, well, geometric, rate, patch, spatial, pca]

Learning Deep Representations for Ground-to-Aerial Geolocalization

Lin, Tsung-Yi, Cui, Yin, Belongie, Serge, Hays, James

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, learning, set, novel, embedding, task, visual, generalize, search, hard, evaluation, correct, baseline] [feature,
deep, training, learned, top, representation, network, convolutional, trained, performance, learn, architecture, layer, loss, margin, input, build] [average, based, object, correctly, publicly] [face,
depth, aligned, ground, location, orientation, model, building, scene] [data, method, number, function, dimensional, euclidean, proposed] [figure, traditional,
paper, direction] [image, aerial, matching, view, matched, query, distance, unmatched, pair, match, street, imagery, geolocalization, san, corresponding, scale, large, crossview, database, similarity, reference]

Deep Semantic Ranking Based Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval

Zhao, Fang, Huang, Yongzhen, Wang, Liang, Tan, Tieniu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[ranking, semantic, learning, set, dataset, visual, evaluation, relevant, common, supervised] [deep, feature,
loss, learn, layer, cnn, representation, neural, convolutional, performance, compared, activation, supervision, level, training, triplet, cnns, map, effective, better, network, connected, larger, learned] [based,
framework, measure, multiple] [model, structure, point] [hash, hashing, binary, data, function, multilevel, method, proposed, surrogate, hamming, order,
problem, optimization, compact, acg, optimizing, dsrh, number, pairwise, objective, original, multilabel, ndcg, multivariate] [ieee, pattern, figure, preserving, acm] [image,
similarity, preserve, database, retrieval, weighted, large, distance, query, list, metric, gradient, construct, well]

Depth and Surface Normal Estimation From Monocular Images Using Regression on Deep Features and Hierarchical CRFs

Li, Bo, Shen, Chunhua, Dai, Yuchao, van den Hengel, Anton, He, Mingyi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, transfer, learning, predict, predicted, semantic, common, rel] [deep, training, map, size, performance,
level, network, table, cnn, convolutional, crf, transferred, neural, context, layer, learned, trained, generalization, input, feature] [framework, hierarchical, extract, truth, formulate] [depth,
estimation, regression, surface, model, normal, single, nyu, scene, error, structure, inference, qualitative, ground, term, represent, monocular, provide] [data, method, problem, number, experimental, function,
random, proposed, solution, energy, denotes] [pixel, ieee, color, estimated, figure, estimate, presented, liu, blue] [image, local, large, patch, corresponding]

Multi-Instance Object Segmentation With Occlusion Handling

Chen, Yi-Ting, Liu, Xiaokai, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, category, set, predictor, task] [cnn, voc, contour, exemplar, pascal, top, performance, validation,
map, class, log, train, better, apply, feature, hariharan, network, size] [segmentation, object, detection, based, foreground, likelihood, tackle, framework, bounding, propose, generate, handling, sfj, score,
proposal, mcg, iou, superpixel, pcj, box, appearance, overshooting, favorable, categorized] [shape, occlusion, occluding, joint, model, prior, chamfer, reasoning, challenging] [algorithm,
proposed, energy, number, note, minimization, parameter] [figure, high, quality, inconsistent, handle, pixel, remove] [image, region, person, distance,
scale, large, choose, matched]

Learning Lightness From Human Judgement on Relative Reflectance

Narihira, Takuya, Maire, Michael, Yu, Stella X.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, dataset, vision, work, set] [crf, cnn, feature, neural, performance, global, training, convolutional,
deep, layer, learn, representation, log, perceived, learned, network, input, output, trained] [hierarchical, multiple] [model, approach, potential, point,
error, cij] [sparse, pairwise, coding, linear, decomposition, vector, solution, method, data, note, function, algorithm, order, machine, denotes, encoding] [figure,
intrinsic, relative, intensity, computer, conference, pattern, ieee, illumination, shading, direct, total, pixel, recovering, directly] [lightness, image, patch, hsc, local, query, jij, iiw, judgement, difference,
rate, well, large, dense, darker, initialized, benchmark, dictionary, implementation]

Towards 3D Object Detection With Bimodal Deep Boltzmann Machines Over RGBD Imagery

Liu, Wei, Ji, Rongrong, Li, Shaozi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, positive, dataset, semantic, labeled, labeling, existing, domain, set, focus, hard, label, european, task, evaluate] [bimodal,
training, representation, hidden, feature, deep, raw, train, sliding, detector, layer, stochastic, trained, negative, input, learn, testing, wjl, imagenet, performance, exemplar, pretrained] [detection, object,
bounding, based, truth, box, precision, average, framework, extract, score] [rgbd, depth, dbm, rgb, point, model, joint, boltzmann, ground, cloud, rmrc, visible, cad, fused, scene, single, performed, modeling]
[data, proposed, binary, energy, gaussian, space] [figure, computer, conference, international, ieee, pattern] [image,
reference, corresponding, well, leveraged]

What do 15,000 Object Categories Tell Us About Classifying and Localizing Actions?

Jain, Mihir, van Gemert, Jan C., Snoek, Cees G. M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, study, human, test, category, evaluation, learning, preference, datasets, localizing, semantically, selected, include, work, relevant]
[representation, recognition, accuracy, adding, table, fisher, validation, better, improve, improvement, conduct, learned, classifying, kth, performance, jain, class, discriminative, response, top, improves, follow,
convolutional, train, training] [action, object, video, average, responsive, matter, combined, weight, avoidance, ucf, wang, key, peng, interest, tubelet, barbell, groundtruth, three, thumos] [localization,
approach, modeling, qualitative] [encoding, number, experiment, empirical, selection, consider, vector] [motion, figure, preferred, high] [best,
large, local, compare]

Situational Object Boundary Detection

Uijlings, Jasper R. R., Ferrari, Vittorio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, set, test, coco, prediction, visual, work, evaluation, learning, predict, annotated, dataset, variety, label, baseline, occur] [class,
cnn, global, specific, training, detector, table, imagenet, fisher, trained, contour, pascal, microsoft, apply, voc, train, performance, context, convolutional, better, structured, validation] [object, boundary,
monolithic, detection, subclass, situational, agnostic, appearance, precision, situation, recall, segmentation, average, yield, three, specialized, based, edge, truth, sbd] [single, approach, ground, forest]
[random, number, method, cluster, row] [figure, caused, water, relative, paper] [image, local, true, choose,
outperforms, false, applied, good, fast]

An Active Search Strategy for Efficient Object Class Detection

Gonzalez-Garcia, Abel, Vezhnevets, Alexander, Ferrari, Vittorio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, set, evaluating, test, strategy, learning, evaluate, visual, work, active, car, dataset] [window,
context, training, belief, extractor, pascal, map, cnn, performance, uva, detector, van, fewer, convolutional, sliding, input, deep, train, subsampling, hyperparameters, decision, highly, actual] [object,
detection, score, based, appearance, multiple, average, proposal, node] [force, location, forest, approach, challenging, point, model, cluttered] [method,
random, number, runtime, effectively, kernel, reduces] [observation, figure, observed, relative, observing, high, ieee, small] [image, displacement, distance,
internal, large, overhead]

Associating Neural Word Embeddings With Deep Image Representations Using Fisher Vectors

Klein, Benjamin, Lev, Guy, Sadeh, Gil, Wolf, Lior

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[sentence, set, vision, annotation, dog, woman, learning, test, search, association, language, text, maximization, word, work, common, cca, vec, probability]
[fisher, neural, hybrid, previous, deep, recognition, representation, table, arxiv, preprint, validation, convolutional, feature, network, size] [based, three, object,
truth] [mixture, model, single, step, volume, current, ground] [vector, rank, laplacian, hglmm, distribution, gmm, gaussian, lmm, parameter, multivariate,
diagonal, computational, data, order, respect, represented, matrix, normalized] [computer, conference, black, median, component, ieee, international, equation, pattern] [image,
query, geometric, weighted, normalization, derived, retrieval, expectation, benchmark]

Transformation-Invariant Convolutional Jungles

Laptev, Dmitry, Buhmann, Joachim M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, set, learning, vision, select, task, include, selected] [feature, convolutional, training, recognition,
neural, decision, class, neuronal, size, learn, performance, learned, trained, better, global, layer, train, generalization, achieve, ensemble, max, width, accuracy, identity] [segmentation, incorporate, art,
state, propose, object] [allows, face, prior, split] [algorithm, maximum, method, proposed, regularization, consider, data, clustering, original, parameter,
number, optimization, idea, yale, machine, lemma, main, kernel, case] [computer, pixel, ieee, conference, pattern, presented, figure, paper] [image, ticj,
transformation, local, large, tict, considered, applied, discussed, includes, gradient, transformed]

Multi-Manifold Deep Metric Learning for Image Set Classification

Lu, Jiwen, Wang, Gang, Deng, Weihong, Moulin, Pierre, Zhou, Jie

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, dataset, datasets, visual, randomly, versus, existing, selected, work] [deep, mmdml, discriminative,
training, recognition, feature, layer, compared, network, testing, learned, margin, table, performance, learn, standard, top, dfrv, neural, class, nonlinearity, grant, map] [object, multiple, based, average,
video, propose, employed, key, appearance] [face, model, approach, single] [method, manifold, number, ytc, nonlinear, proposed, sample, function, mobo,
algorithm, time, china, problem, singapore, analysis, mmsml, vector, linear, nonlinearly, effectively] [figure, captured, second, varying] [image, distance,
compute, rate, metric, pubfig, computed, large, similarity, nearest]

Towards Unified Depth and Semantic Prediction From a Single Image

Wang, Peng, Shen, Xiaohui, Lin, Zhe, Cohen, Scott, Price, Brian, Yuille, Alan L.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, prediction, predicted, predict, consistency, set, label, learning] [global, cnn, map, jointly,
trained, network, training, better, feature, learned, output, train, achieves, coarse, previous, loss, convolutional, parsing] [segment, segmentation, edge, object, hierarchical, framework, formulate, generate,
appearance, bounding, propose, considering, truth] [depth, joint, inference, potential, ground, hcrf, scene, estimation, unary, single, model, infer, represent, canonical, nyu, neighboring, approach, quantitative,
structure] [normalized, method, data, problem, consider, denote, regularize] [pixel, figure, vertical, absolute, relative, accurate, inside, center, balancing]
[local, image, scale, geometric, limited, regressor, comparison, difference, large]

Salient Object Subitizing

Zhang, Jianming, Ma, Shugao, Sameki, Mehrnoosh, Sclaroff, Stan, Betke, Margrit, Lin, Zhe, Shen, Xiaohui, Price, Brian, Mech, Radomir

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[subitizing, vision, category, dataset, test, amt, existence, labeled, set, visual, human, predicting, mso, baseline, task, labeling, label, resorting, processing,
sun, predicted, learning, european, consistency, evaluate, people] [recognition, cnn, accuracy, global, feature, performance, table, hog, neural, imagenet, training, output, convolutional, reported]
[salient, object, detection, saliency, bounding, three, average, proposal, based, counting, threshold, detecting, precision] [model, single, provide, scene, localization,
approach] [number, method, time, proposed, sample, consistently, analysis, gist, row] [conference, computer, ieee, pattern, international, figure, simple,
small, viewing, technique, tested] [image, cell, implementation, large, proportion]

Cross-Scene Crowd Counting via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Zhang, Cong, Li, Hongsheng, Wang, Xiaogang, Yang, Xiaokang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, test, learning, unseen, randomly, set, selected, labeled, treated, surveillance, task, predict, predicted, example] [training,
map, cnn, pedestrian, loss, table, deep, global, better, ucsd, performance, trained, convolutional, neural, input, compared, learn, learned, nonparametric] [crowd, density, counting, target, truth, based,
count, video, detection, segmentation, foreground, ucf, candidate, three, propose, framework, object, including] [scene, model, regression, ground, estimation, switchable, head, introduced] [method,
number, proposed, distribution, data, objective, kernel, normalized] [figure, perspective, estimated, total, absolute] [image, local, patch, retrieved,
ridge, scheme, view, best, scale]

Learning Coarse-to-Fine Sparselets for Efficient Object Detection and Scene Classification

Cheng, Gong, Han, Junwei, Guo, Lei, Liu, Tianming

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, set, visual, learning, existing, work, baseline, exploit, unsupervised, aca, supervised] [sparselets,
activation, discriminative, training, classification, coarse, train, hidden, shared, learned, pascal, mit, fine, sparselet, trained, factor, voc, learn, table, merced, size, accuracy, layer, neural, land, convolution, discriminatively, performance, detector,
achieved, input, hog, effective, dpm, dpms, unified, recognition] [object, detection, based, average, framework, propose, cost] [scene, reconstruction, deformable,
term] [method, number, speedup, sparse, sparsity, proposed, objective, function, algorithm, constraint, computational, simultaneously, solution, vector] [total,
second] [dictionary, large, image, compute, spatial]

Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Social Images

Zhang, Wei, Zeng, Sheng, Wang, Dequan, Xue, Xiangyang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, label, supervised, weakly, noisy, latent, visual, concept, dataset, learning, consistency, existing, conditional, labeled, annotated, probability,
task] [cnn, training, feature, global, learn, contextual, fully, performance, convolutional, learned, pascal, network, extracted, accuracy, table, neural, comparable] [segmentation,
superpixels, superpixel, object, lsc, correlation, background, multiple, based, overlap, appearance, framework, failure] [model, approach, potential, social, tree, joint, inference, challenging, adjacent,
ground, building] [energy, pairwise, proposed, problem, quantization, random, algorithm, graph, vector, function, distribution, number, missing] [figure,
sky, field] [image, spatial, comparison, large]

Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network for Skeleton Based Action Recognition

Du, Yong, Wang, Wei, Wang, Liang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, dataset, work, vision, learning] [layer, recognition, recurrent, rnn, neural, brnn, hidden, network,
lstm, input, deep, representation, output, training, connected, fully, connection, activation, accuracy, brnns, tanh, gate, effectiveness, contextual, table, subnets, chaudhry] [action, skeleton, temporal,
based, three, hierarchical, sequence, forward, msr, propose, berkeley, vantigodi, memory, backward] [model, body, capture, depth, joint, performed, trunk, represent] [proposed,
experimental, time, number, problem, function, method] [conference, ieee, bidirectional, computer, pattern, motion, international, figure, adopt, left] [compare,
derived, corresponding, spatial, gradient]

Deep Correlation for Matching Images and Text

Yan, Fei, Mikolajczyk, Krystian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[text, dcca, protocol, visual, evaluation, learning, caption, cca, description, natural, latent, work, language, learnt, dataset, test, girl, annotation, automatic,
gold, ranked, cula, generation, set, iapr, address, vision, generating, standing, example, content, dog, task, sentence, describing] [deep, table, training, performance, gpu, neural, layer, network, top, cpu,
structured, convolutional, architecture, validation] [correlation, based, three, video, art, state, memory, average] [canonical] [objective,
proposed, data, trace, batch, norm, matrix, space, linear, rank, analysis, time, row, singular, order, number] [figure, white, tno, total, paper] [image,
matching, scheme, retrieval, large, magnitude, implementation, gradient]

Beyond Gaussian Pyramid: Multi-Skip Feature Stacking for Action Recognition

Lan, Zhengzhong, Lin, Ming, Li, Xuanchong, Hauptmann, Alex G., Raj, Bhiksha

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[datasets, human, dataset, visual, task, evaluation] [feature, mifs, performance, recognition, representation,
convolutional, improved, pyramid, level, learnability, extracted, table, stacking, training, higher, neural, deep, standard, simonyan, improvement, skip, reported, improves, better, arxiv, preprint, fisher, smaller, accuracy, macc] [action,
video, trajectory, wang, multiple, event, cost, based, peng, olympics, detection, youtube, dynamic] [single] [number, time, condition, gaussian, differential,
singular, computational, method, matrix, theorem, vector, range, proof, linear] [frequency, signal, conventional, figure, motion, generates, small, bias, optical, recover] [large,
dense, image, scale, comparison]

Exemplar SVMs as Visual Feature Encoders

Zepeda, Joaquin, Perez, Patrick

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, positive, vision, learning, visual, dataset, search, european, distractor, evaluate, work, task, system, baseline] [feature,
exemplar, negative, generic, map, performance, fisher, sgd, cnn, deep, svms, pool, convolutional, size, extracted, learned, neural, improvement, svm, table, representation, training, generalization, larger] [based,
object, propose, average, precision] [approach, single] [encoding, number, proposed, method, vector, linear, base, machine, kernel, close, function, order,
analysis] [computer, pattern, relative, conference, international, figure, ieee] [image, local, large, retrieval, encoder, query, recursive, vlad, oxford,
scale, consists, computed, well]

Fine-Grained Classification of Pedestrians in Video: Benchmark and State of the Art

Hall, David, Perona, Pietro

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, clothing, people, gait, human, sex, set, labelled, style, work, annotation, label, datasets, entropy, visual, attribute, baseline, learning, collected,
task, worker, existing, casual] [categorisation, subcategories, age, class, recognition, deep, performance, pedestrian, subcategory, training, convolutional, size, accuracy, extracted, network, top]
[bounding, box, video, weight, frame, three, entire, average] [pose, error, estimation, body, model, occlusion, labelling, single, challenging, lsp, viewpoint, height,
articulated, normalised, gender] [number, method, data] [figure, left, estimate, total, warped] [image,
large, keypoints, person, benchmark, keypoint, region, best, indicate]

Grasp Type Revisited: A Modern Perspective on a Classical Feature for Vision

Yang, Yezhou, Fermuller, Cornelia, Li, Yi, Aloimonos, Yiannis

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[type, human, vision, set, dataset, system, category, learning, recognize, labeled, visual, natural, correct, test, prediction, work] [recognition,
cnn, training, convolutional, feature, neural, layer, power, belief, level, input, testing, deep, performance, nan, apply, size, achieved] [action, based, precision, segmentation, three, truth, average, key,
cooking, evolution, static, tracking, video, recall, segment, cognitive, robot, detection, object] [grasp, hand, intention, manipulation, grasping, infer, ground, inference, pgraspt, model, knife, current,
scene] [data, consider, number, experimental, journal, experiment, third, main, method] [computer, figure, ieee, conference, intelligent, pattern, international,
small, cylindrical] [image, unconstrained, patch, large, considered]

Deeply Learned Attributes for Crowded Scene Understanding

Shao, Jing, Kang, Kai, Change Loy, Chen, Wang, Xiaogang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, dataset, learning, stand, dlsf, prediction, dlmf, user, understanding, set, human, describe, study, subject, sto, existing, example, tag, evaluation,
keywords, common, label, audience, probability] [deep, learned, table, performance, input, response, higher, pedestrian, convolutional, feature, compared, network, size, negative, learn, generic, design]
[crowd, video, appearance, auc, crowded, walk, three, tracklet, deeply, multiple, frame, background, cue, static, average, action, sit, indicates, recognizing] [scene,
model, single, indoor, structure] [row, number, time, proposed] [motion, figure, outdoor, high, second, stability, blue] [well,
descriptor, image, compare, cuhk, good]

Learning a Convolutional Neural Network for Non-Uniform Motion Blur Removal

Sun, Jian, Cao, Wenfei, Xu, Zongben, Ponce, Jean

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, predict, learning, predicting, example, natural, predicted, work, probability] [cnn, convolutional,
neural, layer, network, better, table, learned, learn, effective, training, deep, fully] [candidate, based, generate, complex, interval, propose] [approach,
estimation, model, challenging, term, single, error] [kernel, distribution, mrf, vector, method, optimize, extension, effectively, note, markov, problem] [motion,
blur, blurry, estimate, deblurring, figure, pixel, rotated, camera, estimated, sharp, mse, estimating, uniform, spatially, extend, nonuniform, synthetic, sext, remove, varying, rotation, deconvolution, result, removing, caused, removal, designing, blind, length,
directly] [image, patch, dense, local, well, psnr, compare]

Pooled Motion Features for First-Person Videos

Ryoo, Michael S., Rothrock, Brandon, Matthies, Larry

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, set, human, learning, datasets] [feature, representation, pooling, cnn, recognition, ifv, performance,
pyramid, advantage, compared, designed, previous, overfeat, max, combining, improved, caffe, convolutional, better, pooled, hog, class, table, public] [pot, temporal, activity, video, series, dogcentric, itf,
multiple, uec, hof, appearance, park, based, entire, framework, including, combined, egocentric, mbh, stip, sequence] [capture, single, structure, performed, approach, described, cuboid] [time,
vector, superior, number, idea, explicitly] [motion, figure, conventional, camera, optical, result, tested] [bow, descriptor, image, best, local, histogram,
well, representing]

3D ShapeNets: A Deep Representation for Volumetric Shapes

Wu, Zhirong, Song, Shuran, Khosla, Aditya, Yu, Fisher, Zhang, Linguang, Tang, Xiaoou, Xiao, Jianxiong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, category, active, dataset, label, test, recognize, evaluate, probability] [recognition, deep,
representation, layer, convolutional, map, table, belief, training, testing, convolution, train, hidden, trained, feature, reduce, chair, stride, size, top, build, accuracy] [object, based, complex, propose,
average] [shape, model, depth, shapenets, cad, voxels, surface, voxel, planning, mesh, free, completion, visible, nyu, reconstruction, full, represent, point, generative, princeton, potential, probabilistic,
joint] [data, distribution, space, algorithm, binary, method, sample, selection, missing] [figure, observed, result, camera, acm, unique, unknown]
[view, large, retrieval, choose, geometric, image, limited, sampling, construct, best]

ActivityNet: A Large-Scale Video Benchmark for Human Activity Understanding

Caba Heilbron, Fabian, Escorcia, Victor, Ghanem, Bernard, Carlos Niebles, Juan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[activitynet, human, untrimmed, dataset, datasets, category, existing, household, collection, annotation, vision, set, test, semantic, personal, encode, visual,
goal, taxonomy, variety, benchmarking, report, cleaning, hardest, search, introduce, hard, annotated, rich] [recognition, performance, feature, level, top, deep, table, class, validation, challenge, map, structured,
training, size] [activity, video, action, trimmed, temporal, detection, three, ing, object, multiple, average, thumos, organization, static, measure] [current,
provide, scene] [number, data, order, note, largest, analysis, time, third] [figure, computer, motion, second, international, care] [large,
benchmark, scale, compare, false, best, limited, tier, hierarchy]

A Coarse-to-Fine Model for 3D Pose Estimation and Sub-Category Recognition

Mottaghi, Roozbeh, Xiang, Yu, Savarese, Silvio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, car, perform, work, subset, sedan, category] [training, layer, table, level, better, recognition,
performance, coarse, representation, pascal, dpm, loss, feature, increase, standard, hog] [object, box, hierarchical, bounding, detection, three, proposal, based, segmentation, appearance, groundtruth]
[viewpoint, continuous, model, discrete, cad, pose, potential, estimation, inference, joint, represent, alignment, modeling, detailed, glb, reason, typically, mixture, height] [consider,
note, method, function, variable, projection, random, number, case] [figure, azimuth, estimated, estimate, result, elevation] [hierarchy, distance, compute,
computed, corresponding, sampling, image, compare, represents]

Fine-Grained Recognition Without Part Annotations

Krause, Jonathan, Jin, Hailin, Yang, Jianchao, Fei-Fei, Li

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, test, set, visual, work, annotation, european, generating, dataset] [recognition, bbox, training,
class, discriminative, performance, cnn, feature, decision, trained, improves, convolutional, learned, learn, better, standard, size, top, combining, caffenet, table, setting] [bounding, segmentation, foreground,
object, box, detection, combination, grabcut, based, background, generated, truth, appearance] [pose, alignment, approach, model, aligning, prior, align, single, term, ground, point, shape, represent]
[method, graph, time, analysis, minimum, spanning, machine, scaling, number] [computer, pattern, conference, international, figure] [image,
difference, large, comparison, propagated]

Picture: A Probabilistic Programming Language for Scene Perception

Kulkarni, Tejas D., Kohli, Pushmeet, Tenenbaum, Joshua B., Mansinghka, Vikash

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, human, language, learning, summary, automatically, automatic, set, dataset, latent, work, representative] [neural,
representation, deep, layer, stochastic, convolutional, learned, trained, discriminative, network, arxiv] [object, proposal, based, complex, monte, generate, density, likelihood, hypothesized, appearance]
[inference, program, scene, probabilistic, picture, model, generative, pose, face, shape, approach, sreal, elliptical, modeling, supplementary, reconstruction, continuous, single, error, earlier, render, mcmc, express,
tolerance, quantitative] [random, approximate, programming, function, data, trace, kernel, number, code, gaussian] [figure, observed, rendering, computer,
slice, inverse, camera, conference] [image, bayesian, fast, large]

Learning to Segment Moving Objects in Videos

Fragkiadaki, Katerina, Arbelaez, Pablo, Felsen, Panna, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[ranking, set, work, learning, generation] [detector, cnn, performance, previous, network, training, convolutional,
trained, combining, architecture, layer, input, increase] [object, moving, trajectory, segmentation, static, frame, video, segment, detection, objectness, boundary, tube, proposal, multiple, supervoxel, background,
multiscale, average, moseg, score, mop, bounding, box, based, union, tracking, intersection, hierarchical, boost] [point, challenging, capture, rgb] [method,
number, clustering, random, consider, proposed, denote, code, effectively] [motion, optical, figure, pixel, extend] [image, large, best, dense, well,
compute, compare, benchmark, displacement, rate, weighted, outperforms]

Multi-Feature Max-Margin Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Action Recognition

Yang, Shuang, Yuan, Chunfeng, Wu, Baoxin, Hu, Weiming, Wang, Fangshi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, latent, dataset, process, topic, perform, task, test, lda, datasets, visual, work, human, label, expected] [hbm,
hgm, recognition, representation, feature, learn, class, global, kth, learned, discriminative, table, stp, accuracy, jointly, svm, shared, loss, combining, training, context, capability, achieves] [action,
hierarchical, multiple, based, ucf, clip, employ, average, wang, temporal, mbh, video, framework, appearance, including, propose, integrate] [model, generative, inference, probabilistic, graphical, represent]
[proposed, gibbs, gaussian, distribution, number, method, dirichlet, parameter] [figure, total] [bayesian,
local, sampling, compare, spatial, sift, divergence, image]

Model Recommendation: Generating Object Detectors From Few Samples

Wang, Yu-Xiong, Hebert, Martial

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[task, set, transfer, library, collaborative, store, learning, airplane, bed, recommendation, pbc, dataset, system, recommender, unsupervised, category, search,
rating, source, select, predict, generating, perform, nmf, test, sun, work, unlabeled, supervised, visual, annotated, randomly, recommended] [input, performance, training, chair, factor, ensemble, size, feature,
pascal, map, hidden, voc, shared, better, detector, contextual, dpm] [detection, object, target, based, average, generate, generated, bounding, box, entire] [model,
approach, single, rij, procedure] [matrix, data, number, factorization, vector, svd, note, random, space] [direct, figure, setup, relative, directly]
[large, probe, best, well, image, region]

Adaptive Region Pooling for Object Detection

Tsai, Yi-Hsuan, Hamsici, Onur C., Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, transfer, selected, search, learning, representative, positive, test, esvm, select, evaluate, dataset, car] [pooling,
exemplar, feature, training, coarse, table, learn, cnn, testing, pascal, better, performance, achieves, voc, transferred, top, pyramid, discriminative, apply, negative, train, map, size] [object, detection,
bounding, recall, adaptive, overlap, segmentation, box, based, target, truth, appearance, propose, performs, mask, segmented, extract, multiple] [structure, detected, model, regression, ground, approach, error]
[method, algorithm, proposed, number, note, linear, cluster] [figure, ratio, small, quality] [region, matching,
rate, large, sift, well, keypoint, keypoints, image, spatial, compare]

Fusing Subcategory Probabilities for Texture Classification

Song, Yang, Cai, Weidong, Li, Qing, Zhang, Fan, Dagan Feng, David, Huang, Heng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[probability, dataset, test, visual, generation, contribution, datasets, set, representativeness] [subcategory,
feature, svm, subcategories, sck, class, performance, caffe, ifv, compared, training, fmd, belonging, design, higher, fck, representation, better, dtd, multiclass, discriminative, convolutional, improvement, cotton, trained, qck, bread, accuracy, improve,
table, rck] [based, three, object, segmentation, weight] [model, challenging, performed, fused, represent] [data,
method, clustering, vector, subspace, cluster, sparse, number, fusion, matrix, analysis, approximated, encoding, lower, proposed, support] [figure, ieee, paper, pattern, second] [texture,
image, computed, distinctiveness, local, difference, descriptor, applied, variation, similarity]

DeepShape: Deep Learned Shape Descriptor for 3D Shape Matching and Retrieval

Xie, Jin, Fang, Yi, Zhu, Fan, Wong, Edward

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[noisy, set, clean, human, learning, dataset, green, workshop] [discriminative, layer, hidden, feature,
deep, performance, input, output, training, class, train, representation, neural, activation, learned, learn, standard, discrimination, hybrid, fisher, unit] [based, multiscale, multiple, object] [shape,
model, represent, vertex, mesh, surface, term, point, pose] [proposed, distribution, method, function, kernel, form, number, order, denote, algorithm, vector, represented, criterion, denotes, denoted, sparse,
scatter] [computer, noise, figure, red, small] [descriptor, retrieval, heat, matching, hks, dasd, mcgill, dictionary, geometric, scale, shapegoogle, signature,
eurographics, partial, large, local, invariant, insensitive, histogram, crab, benchmark]

Learning Semantic Relationships for Better Action Retrieval in Images

Ramanathan, Vignesh, Li, Congcong, Deng, Jia, Han, Wei, Li, Zhen, Gu, Kunlong, Song, Yang, Bengio, Samy, Rosenberg, Charles, Fei-Fei, Li

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[relationship, visual, relation, vision, set, prediction, language, embedding, semantic, learning, dataset, consistency, mutually, work, human, people, positive,
exclusive, riding, predicted, rab, test, feeding, textual, holding, newly, ank, knowledge, processing, correct, cab, subset, ang, label, returned, search] [recognition, loss, training, neural, learn, higher,
performance, additional, better, layer, improvement, gain, learned, network, stanford, train, compared] [action, object, based, weight, three] [model, prior,
full, single] [method, objective, function, vector, data, number, original] [computer, conference, ieee, pattern, international, figure, small]
[image, retrieval, person, corresponding, large, similarity]

Joint Calibration of Ensemble of Exemplar SVMs

Modolo, Davide, Vezhnevets, Alexander, Russakovsky, Olga, Ferrari, Vittorio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, test, search, set, evaluate, example, visual, task, subset] [sigmoid, window, training, negative,
table, scored, global, better, ilsvrc, loss, pascal, isotonic, trained, voc, cnn, performance, output, map, calibrating, calibrate, class, exemplar, train, root, hog, ensemble, max, rooted, svm] [object, threshold,
score, detection, recall, average, node, candidate] [joint, tree, independent, procedure, step, regression, single, subtree] [algorithm, optimal, solution,
feasible, positively, number, optimization, method, space, note, pruning, consider, problem, satisfy, data, equivalent, approximate, function] [calibration, observation, figure, presented, small]
[false, compare, globally, large, outperforms, image]

SOM: Semantic Obviousness Metric for Image Quality Assessment

Zhang, Peng, Zhou, Wengang, Wu, Lei, Li, Houqiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, human, dataset, visual, set, predicted, existing, work, evaluation, type, learning, natural, perception, randomly] [feature,
performance, generic, raw, table, training, previous, extracted, pooling, jpeg, cnn, top, global, trained, discriminative, detector] [based, detection, obviousness, iqa, object, assessment, extract, score,
srocc, framework, measure, lcc, perceptual, objectness, som, brisque, cornia, dmos, correlation] [live, approach, regression, represent] [codebook, proposed,
number, method, experimental, range, machine, linear, encoding, adopted, promising] [quality, distorted, figure, distortion, signal, paper, blind, result] [image,
local, reference, metric, region, corresponding, fast, consists, ssim]

Learning a Sequential Search for Landmarks

Singh, Saurabh, Hoiem, Derek, Forsyth, David

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, learning, set, search, dataset, scoring, tend, test, fashion, visual] [training, learns, context,
learned, performance, better, margin, layer, contextual, apply, learn, feature] [detection, appearance, truth, state, candidate, object, detect, art, individual, making] [landmark,
model, detected, pose, step, inference, ordering, ground, approach, dependent, location, independent, earlier, body, lsp, articulated, current, error, sequential, modeling, estimation, pictorial, provide] [method,
order, note, normalized, fixed, general, consider, random, function, original, close, range] [figure, high, small] [image, spatial, distance, gradient,
computed, well, rate, good, best, corresponding, comparison]

Attributes and Categories for Generic Instance Search From One Example

Tao, Ran, Smeulders, Arnold W.M., Chang, Shih-Fu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[instance, search, attribute, shoe, dataset, visual, learning, category, existing, example, evaluate, address, cleanshoes, work, set, automatically, semantic,
expvlad, relevant, embedding, aim, manually, triemb, common] [fisher, generic, learned, deep, training, performance, representation, feature, better, combining, improve, table, pascal, top, learn, achieves,
cnn, achieved] [object, appearance, propose, three, combination, target] [searching, building, viewpoint] [consider,
vector, range, proposed, method, space, problem, arbitrary, locality, number] [figure, second, high, result] [query, image, large, local, descriptor,
similarity, retrieval, good, randomized, best, well, matching, scale, wide]

Domain-Size Pooling in Local Descriptors: DSP-SIFT

Dong, Jingming, Soatto, Stefano

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, vision, dataset, learning, selected, evaluation, include] [pooling, size, performance, recognition,
feature, map, convolutional, neural, arxiv, larger, improvement, discriminative, network, response, standard, detector, increasing] [average, precision, interpretation, including] [scene,
point, visibility, performed, detected, single] [number, dimension, complexity, derivation, depends, analysis, method] [computer, conference, pattern,
ieee, figure, frequency, small, international, blur, sensitivity, planar, classical] [sift, computed, descriptor, scale, matching, image, spatial, magnitude, oxford, transformation, outperforms, comparison,
nuisance, local, large, best, sampling, fischer, gradient, variability, compare, ordinary, distance, corresponding, aggregating]

Zero-Shot Object Recognition by Semantic Manifold Distance

Fu, Zhenyong, Xiang, Tao, Kodirov, Elyor, Gong, Shaogang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, embedding, unseen, learning, absorbing, test, visual, amp, attribute, zsl, relatedness, word, process, dataset, probability, set, label, existing,
strategy, novel, transient, awa, vision, prototype, transductive, knowledge, processing, devise, labelled] [class, feature, imagenet, recognition, connected, neural, cnn, training, deep, compared, performance,
achieved, learned, convolutional, accuracy] [based, object, node, state, transition, combination, framework, measure] [model, structure, approach, tree]
[space, graph, manifold, vector, chain, markov, method, matrix, proposed, projection, extended, number, represented, data] [computer, result, figure, ieee, pattern,
conference] [image, distance, similarity, large, computed, metric, scale, compute, outperforms, nearest]

The S-Hock Dataset: Analyzing Crowds at the Stadium

Conigliaro, Davide, Rota, Paolo, Setti, Francesco, Bassetti, Chiara, Conci, Nicola, Sebe, Nicu, Cristani, Marco

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[people, set, game, human, categorization, novel, collection, vision, focus, annotated, annotation, dataset, perform, ice] [neural,
standard, training, accuracy, map, size, performance, trained, convolutional, network, dpm, cnn, deep] [crowd, spectator, detection, behavior, action, based, propose, focusing, ock, bounding, crowded, team,
supported, sae, rink, frame, segmentation, sport, object, video] [head, pose, social, body, estimation, prior, face, model, single, fact, ground, modeling] [method,
order, analysis, consider, proposed, time, upper, literature, computation, data, low, case] [computer, paper, figure, motion, left, second] [person, considered,
large, best, patch, image, similarity, computed]

Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation in the Wild

Zhang, Xucong, Sugano, Yusuke, Fritz, Mario, Bulling, Andreas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, evaluation, datasets, multimodal, work, collected, existing, test, subset, learning, system, evaluate, visual, collection] [training,
performance, cnn, input, convolutional, fully, layer, neural, previous, learn, connected, larger] [eye, appearance, tracking, detection, key, three, indicates] [gaze,
estimation, head, mpiigaze, pose, face, multiview, model, eyediap, error, coordinate, single, regression, normalisation, facial, normalised, challenging, potential, continuous, approach, controlled, pupil, current] [data,
method, number, space, proposed, vector, random, respect, sample, mapping] [figure, camera, angle, intensity, left, illumination, total, handle, lighting, light] [image,
large, well, difference, person, region]

Multi-Task Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding for Video Thumbnail Selection

Liu, Wu, Mei, Tao, Zhang, Yongdong, Che, Cherry, Luo, Jiebo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[embedding, thumbnail, semantic, visual, learning, relevance, dataset, search, representative, selected, select, labeled, latent, side, positive, label, representativeness,
word, textual, common, keyframes, summarization, content, clicked, strategy, leverage, set, web, freely, evaluate] [deep, trained, training, map, representation, compared, train, performance, layer, loss,
improve, input, cnn, highly, achieves, effectiveness, shared, higher] [video, based, candidate, score, employ, frame, online] [model] [method,
selection, proposed, fusion, vector, space, data, projection, function, china, order, algorithm] [figure, directly, conventional, equation] [query, image,
similarity, compute, choose, gap, well, computing]

Ontological Supervision for Fine Grained Classification of Street View Storefronts

Movshovitz-Attias, Yair, Yu, Qian, Stumpe, Martin C., Shet, Vinay, Arnoud, Sacha, Yatziv, Liron

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[business, text, restaurant, food, system, set, store, human, beauty, label, category, visual, shopping, gas, health, vision, prediction, drink, textual, automotive,
language, cafe, grained, correct, ontology, salon, listing, task, geographical, google, test, work, labeled, dental, nail, process, ood, word, transcription, containment, search, study, storefront] [training,
network, top, accuracy, level, recognition, deep, convolutional, neural, extracted, googlenet, architecture, performance, train] [recall, precision, based, multiple, object, detection] [model,
location, described, ground, full, approach] [data, number, method, note, multi] [figure, computer, conference, ieee, real, pattern, high, international]
[image, street, large, view, scale, area]

ConceptLearner: Discovering Visual Concepts From Weakly Labeled Image Collections

Zhou, Bolei, Jagadeesh, Vignesh, Piramuthu, Robinson

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[concept, visual, set, weakly, labeled, sbu, learning, dataset, supervised, hard, positive, label, sentence, associated, tag, weak, instance, selected, search,
describe, sun, description, discovery, relevant, evaluate, baseline, test, discover, work, predicted, discovered, ranked, datasets, fwc, system, knowledge, human, discovering] [learned, recognition, train,
pascal, feature, voc, negative, fully, training, detector, deep, pool, learn, supervision, table, top, svm, accuracy, validation] [object, detection, based, multiple, generate, target] [scene]
[method, selection, data, vector, number, easy, algorithm, cluster, note, row] [figure] [image, large, database,
well, region]

Metric Imitation by Manifold Transfer for Efficient Vision Applications

Dai, Dengxin, Kroeger, Till, Timofte, Radu, Van Gool, Luc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, domain, transfer, embedding, source, human, test, unsupervised, datasets, vision, set, work, knowledge, goal, privileged, popular] [training,
learned, table, feature, cnn, learn, trained, convolutional, better, standard, performance, van, learns, improves, expensive, compared, global] [object, imitation, target, three, precision] [evaluated]
[manifold, method, data, matrix, lap, dimensionality, space, clustering, linear, mapping, pairwise, computationally, problem, gist, rest, function, projection, euclidean, time] [tested]
[metric, sfs, image, tfs, distance, lle, local, good, retrieval, lbp, computed, neighborhood, jor, large, transformation, phog, nearest, cheap, transformed, ukbench, neighbor]

Large-Scale Damage Detection Using Satellite Imagery

Gueguen, Lionel, Hamid, Raffay

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, unsupervised, supervised, positive, sun, set, work, labeled, human, novelty, label, indicator, relevant, collected, example] [feature,
training, extracted, table, cnn, level, accuracy, learn, size, input, reported] [detection, framework, based, multiple, average, cost] [shape, detected, tree,
error, model, canonical] [data, analysis, time, number, problem, note, proposed, linear, lower, consider, vector, upper] [figure, ieee, acquisition, high,
elevation] [image, damage, satellite, difference, change, rate, area, damaged, imagery, equal, represents, pair, variability, curation, false, impact, local, computed, gsd, eer, true, sift, opposed]

Joint Patch and Multi-Label Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection

Zhao, Kaili, Chu, Wen-Sheng, De la Torre, Fernando, Cohn, Jeffrey F., Zhang, Honggang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, jpml, apl, positive, selected, gft, relation, automatic, facs, subset, select, work, exploit, describe] [negative,
feature, table, performance, training, unit, discriminative, better, standard, compared, jointly, involves, learn, improve, recognition] [action, three, group, correlation, detection, dynamic, truth]
[facial, face, joint, spontaneous, expression, model, ground, affective] [matrix, lower, sparse, upper, algorithm, norm, problem, data, vector, number, iteration,
min, selection, sparsity, regularizer, spsd, convergence, admm, effectively, coding, linear, column, denote] [figure] [patch, best, skew, image, indicate,
computed, local, bold]

Cross-Age Face Verification by Coordinating With Cross-Face Age Verification

Du, Liang, Ling, Haibin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[task, learning, study, visual, dataset, novel, work, share, baseline, versus, strategy, competition, datasets, selected, positive] [age,
feature, auxiliary, recognition, loss, training, agcd, coordinating, discriminative, sharing, boosting, morph, cme, previous, exclusion, performance, table, coordination, size, improve, pool] [target, hypothesis,
framework, weight, gop, multiple] [face, coordinate, joint, model, facial, descent, modeling, estimation] [algorithm, proposed, greedy, base, experimental,
analysis, function, alternating, orthogonal, regularization, regularized, selection, conducted, number, sensitive, binary, update, graph, method] [figure, small, tested, competing] [image,
best, aging, eer, gradient, local, invariant, difference, large, cross]

Regularizing Max-Margin Exemplars by Reconstruction and Generative Models

Rubio, Jose C., Ommer, Bjorn

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, learning, set, visual, lda, category, vision, mining, hard, esvm, domain, popular, search, process] [training,
exemplar, negative, performance, margin, hog, trained, representation, recognition, discriminative, pascal, mlda, voc, train, additional, dpm, class, feature, structured, improve, table, size, generalization] [object,
bounding, detection, propose, multiple, average, based, three] [model, reconstruction, generative, approach, single, localization, prior, neighboring] [original,
regularization, distribution, covariance, optimization, optimal, maximum, sample, number, matrix, approximation, method, data, order, linear, computationally] [figure, computer, conference, pattern, estimate,
quality, ieee] [image, large, good, wavelet, corresponding, well, nearest, patch, region]

Supervised Mid-Level Features for Word Image Representation

Gordo, Albert

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[word, character, text, learning, label, annotated, supervised, semantic, encode, atts, visual, dataset, lexicon, set, work, char, perform, midlevel, describe,
localizing, spotting, test, correlated, embedding, bbi] [global, training, recognition, representation, fisher, learn, testing, fvs, standard, accuracy, pyramid, deep, level, discriminative, table]
[bounding, based, extract, individual, box, framework, propose] [approach, scene, project] [block, dimensionality,
space, svt, proposed, projection, normalized, explicitly] [small, produce, figure, second] [image, sift, spatial, retrieval, compute, construct, region,
sampled, aggregated, local, densely, aggregate, normalization, computing, best]

Basis Mapping Based Boosting for Object Detection

Ren, Haoyu, Li, Ze-Nian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[weak, vision, dataset, hard, positive, referring, evaluation, select, description, learning, human, evaluate] [training,
hog, pedestrian, boosting, xbasis, feature, boosted, logitboost, inria, accuracy, chm, performance, size, train, cascade, pascal, better, effectiveness, achieves, testing, table, voc, trained, learn, detector, improves, compared, caltech] [detection,
object, based, propose, intersection] [current, face] [basis, mapping, sample, proposed, kernel, original, linear, space, method, function, machine, algorithm,
number, analysis, vector, approximation, problem, dimension, convergence, computation, implicit] [computer, ieee, conference, pattern, speed, international, figure, result, conventional] [mapped,
descriptor, histogram, rate, local, best, false, region, image, fast]

Sparse Projections for High-Dimensional Binary Codes

Xia, Yan, He, Kaiming, Kohli, Pushmeet, Sun, Jian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, work, evaluate, visual] [map, accuracy, deep, effective, table, learned, feature, performance,
imagenet, better, neural, raw, convolutional, dnn] [long, based, applicable] [valid, model] [binary,
solution, encoding, method, itq, projection, matrix, time, problem, cbe, lsh, number, code, sparse, data, iterative, sparsity, objective, constraint, regularizer, case, function, procrustes, min, note, hamming, faster, orthogonal, thrm, computational, algorithm,
thresholding, coding, optimization, circulant, approximate, update, vector, easily] [accurate, length, figure, requires, second] [image, large, nearest,
dense, retrieval, degradation, vlad]

Oriented Edge Forests for Boundary Detection

Hallman, Sam, Fowlkes, Charless C.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, probability, set, predicted, natural, vision, learning, system] [training, output, detector, decision,
performance, trained, contour, input, map, structured, centered, table, learn, feature, class] [edge, boundary, detection, oriented, precision, average, contrast, segmentation, individual, based] [forest,
tree, model, orientation, approach, location, posterior, discrete, allows] [space, data, random, parameter, sparse, distribution, number, empirical, analysis, order] [figure,
calibration, computer, averaging, ieee, pixel, pattern, requires, conference, simple, small, high, produce] [image, patch, local, sharpening, voting, benchmark, scale, large, distance, computed, monotonic,
oef, randomized, outperforms]

Enriching Object Detection With 2D-3D Registration and Continuous Viewpoint Estimation

Bongsoo Choy, Christopher, Stark, Michael, Corbett-Davies, Sam, Savarese, Silvio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, novel, test, existing, car, work, provided, search, generation, set, par, probability, positive] [hog,
performance, exemplar, class, feature, convolution, train, training, detector, output, negative, ensemble, table, discriminative, additional, level, trained] [object, detection, bounding, precision, based,
box, average, candidate] [viewpoint, cad, model, pose, template, estimation, rendered, continuous, discrete, single, mcmc, joint, approach, enrich, deformable] [method,
conjugate, time, whitening, number, original, parameter, matrix, whitened, iterative, computational, problem, algorithm, condition, data] [figure, focal, rendering, calibration, azimuth, length, result,
high] [image, large, gradient, matching, corresponding]

Transferring a Semantic Representation for Person Re-Identification and Search

Shi, Zhiyuan, Hospedales, Timothy M., Xiang, Tao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, learning, unsupervised, semantic, domain, search, surveillance, supervised, annotated, transfer, fashion, adaptation, clothing, existing, latent,
visual, weakly, human, source, colour, datasets, annotation, category, bag, set, description, dasa, evaluate, people, weak, dataset] [representation, auxiliary, factor, learned, performance, table, svm, training,
feature, supervision, train, compared, learn, accuracy] [target, appearance, strong, framework, final, generate, based, including, detection] [model, approach,
joint, generative, single, face] [data, mrf, vector, method, matrix, number, binary, consider, studied, sample, dimensional] [camera, blue, paper, color]
[person, image, query, patch, matching, compute, well, viper]

Hierarchical-PEP Model for Real-World Face Recognition

Li, Haoxiang, Hua, Gang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, learning, process, labeled, selected, work, report, baseline, supervised, dataset] [pep, recognition,
representation, discriminative, layer, training, feature, accuracy, lde, performance, size, build, table, observe, deep, train, hierarchicalpep, apply, cosine, reduce, previous] [video, propose, based, appearance,
hierarchical, multiple] [face, model, joint, pose, elastic, full] [dimensionality, pasc, method, machine, analysis, algorithm, data, experiment, reduction,
working, linear, number, selection] [computer, ieee, conference, pattern, figure, simple, international, equation] [image, sift, bayesian, pca, similarity,
consists, lfw, patch, pair, matching, comparison, construct, hierarchy, discriminant]

Learning Descriptors for Object Recognition and 3D Pose Estimation

Wohlhart, Paul, Lepetit, Vincent

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, test, vision, evaluation, dataset, search, work, perform, add, evaluate, representative] [training,
hog, recognition, input, train, network, cnn, performance, accuracy, output, learn, fully, class, discriminative, convolutional, neural] [object, detection, cost] [pose,
depth, template, rgb, approach, estimation, error, rely, capture, term] [data, method, euclidean, sample, machine, analysis, consider, number, scalable] [computer,
conference, pattern, figure, small, ieee, angle, length, ratio, synthetic] [descriptor, linemod, distance, image, similarity, nearest, closest, neighbor, large, dissimilar, corresponding, rate, pair, compute,
applied, best, implementation, gradient, mapped, metric, well, ltriplets]

Learning Hypergraph-Regularized Attribute Predictors

Huang, Sheng, Elhoseiny, Mohamed, Elgammal, Ahmed, Yang, Dan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, hypergraph, learning, hap, prediction, embedding, cshapg, cub, cshaph, usaa, hyperedge, awa, visual, zsl, label, predictor, dataset, test, semantic,
side, cshap, collection, provided, categorization, relation, set, depict, supervised, ale, positive, encode, latent] [class, training, feature, accuracy, loss, additional, better, representation, performance,
table, jointly, learn] [correlation, three, framework, object, incorporate, based] [approach, model, vertex, capture, aligned] [space,
kernel, cut, matrix, proposed, graph, sample, data, exploiting, number, laplacian, problem, normalized, function, consider, denoted, arg, respect, regularized, vector, sign, optimal, mapping] [equation,
figure] [well, corresponding]

Beyond Spatial Pooling: Fine-Grained Representation Learning in Multiple Domains

Li, Chi, Reiter, Austin, Hager, Gregory D.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, learning, dataset, visual, work, instance, set, subset] [pooling, feature, recognition, convolutional,
representation, better, pooled, testing, discrimination, cshot, deep, table, learned, smaller, achieves, pyramid, performance, achieved, xyz, design, architecture, receptive, max, level, arxiv, context] [object,
three, framework, hierarchical, multiple, average, score] [probabilistic, point, pose, depth, current] [proposed, algorithm, method, random, kernel, experiment,
space, data, order] [color, viewing, figure, presented] [spatial, invariance, invariant, variance, local, image, bigbird, large, descriptor, distance,
choose, region, scale, derived, good, major, view]

Second-Order Constrained Parametric Proposals and Sequential Search-Based Structured Prediction for Semantic Segmentation in RGB-D Images

Banica, Dan, Sminchisescu, Cristian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, set, test, learning, process, labeling, label, labeled, dataset, selected, prediction, understanding, visual, work, side, generation, category]
[table, class, deep, pooling, training, extracted, trained, structured, pooled, feature, performance, recognition] [segmentation, object, based, state, segment,
policy, proposal, generated, truth, multiple, action, average, generate, boundary, candidate, score] [depth, scene, rgb, rmrc, inference, nyu, indoor, current, spin, ground, model, sequential, methodology,
procedure, point, described, retained, pcf] [order, method, data, number, proposed, problem, algorithm] [intensity, parametric] [image,
local, region, spatial, partial, metric, masked, well, overlapping, large]

Learning to Propose Objects

Krahenbuhl, Philipp, Koltun, Vladlen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, type, coco, learning, evaluate, work, add, highest, semantic] [training, ensemble, global,
trained, accuracy, table, voc, feature, crf, size, microsoft, train, pascal, performance, optimizes] [object, proposal, segmentation, localized, superpixel, candidate, detection, facility, bounding, average,
abo, box, recall, generated, seed, multiple, three, overlap, boundary, edge, gop, combinatorial, koltun, objectness] [approach, model, prior, procedure, location, single, composition] [objective,
number, algorithm, optimized, parameter, pairwise, time, vector, method, min, binary, running, approximation, crfs, note, graph] [presented, figure, produced, small, accurate] [image,
region, best, distance, outperforms, sampled, well, fast]

Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Convex Clustering

Bilen, Hakan, Pedersoli, Marco, Tuytelaars, Tinne

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, latent, supervised, positive, weakly, set, work, probability, search, visual, help] [training,
window, discriminative, learned, class, learn, standard, performance, voc, song, table, feature, pascal, additional, loss, svm, global, negative, improve, jointly, neural, learns] [object, detection, target,
based, multiple, appearance, background, propose, measure, average] [term, localization, single, model, location, inference, challenging] [method, clustering,
convex, formulation, cluster, algorithm, slsvm, optimization, case, parameter, number, problem, regularization, stuck, function, vector, optimal, initialize, enforces, objective] [figure, avoid, smooth,
small, enforce] [similarity, image, best, compare, local, comparison, weighted, outperforms]

Video Event Recognition With Deep Hierarchical Context Model

Wang, Xiaoyang, Ji, Qiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, vision, learning, dataset, baseline, surveillance, human, set, work, existing, label] [context,
level, recognition, feature, deep, hidden, contextual, accuracy, table, combining, performance, learn, improve, layer, previous] [event, three, virat, interaction, based, object, state, appearance, art, video,
hierarchical, bounding, utilize, middle, average, box, stip, multiple, key, action, propose, activity, dynamic, wang, including, integrates, integrate] [model, prior, scene, ground, capture, approach, represent,
probabilistic] [proposed, vector, method] [conference, figure, computer, ieee, pattern, observation, international] [person,
neighborhood, histogram, well, compare, sift, includes, image]

Image Parsing With a Wide Range of Classes and Scene-Level Context

George, Marian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, system, baseline, semantic, set, test, labeling, visual, dataset] [parsing, training, balanced,
global, context, class, unbalanced, performance, better, nonparametric, recognition, improve, fusing, feature, lmsun, combining, improves, rare, road, bdt, accuracy, achieve, smoothing, size, tighe, output, lsj, previous] [likelihood,
superpixels, truth, superpixel, foreground, object, background, cost, score, weight, average, coverage, multiple, combined] [scene, full, ground, inference, step, initial, approach, error, model, probabilistic]
[number, method, energy, function, data, mrf, normalized, fusion] [figure, equation, total] [image, retrieval,
query, compute, large, rate, computed, lsi, person]

Combination Features and Models for Human Detection

Jiang, Yunsheng, Ma, Jinwen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, vision, set, test, work, correspond] [grammar, poselet, hog, feature, performance, voc, recognition,
table, effective, hoc, hob, pascal, whl, overlapped, dpm, fuse, conduct, weightednms, competitive, improvement, combine, input, deep, impressive] [detection, object, based, combination, score, framework, integrated,
threshold, precision] [model, deformable, structure, procedure, single, volume] [fusion, algorithm, proposed, general, note, method, time, computation,
denotes, low, original, order, function] [computer, ieee, color, pattern, figure, direct, hue, calibrated, intensity, saturation] [image, person, large,
corresponding, gradient, well, histogram, good, texture]

Computing the Stereo Matching Cost With a Convolutional Neural Network

Zbontar, Jure, LeCun, Yann

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, vision, dataset, test, work, example, predict, perform, evaluate] [network, training, convolutional,
size, neural, output, input, learn, map, yamaguchi, architecture, larger, negative, top, centered, table, recognition] [cost, forward, three, object, combined] [kitti,
error, position, neighboring, location, initial, single, term, depth] [method, support, random, machine, number, runtime, pass, denote, analysis, function] [stereo,
disparity, left, computer, ieee, figure, pattern, horizontal, conference, vertical, international, camera, pixel] [matching, image, aggregation, computed, patch, semiglobal, computing, arm, ccbca, compute,
rate, csgm, differ, pair, well, true]

A Mixed Bag of Emotions: Model, Predict, and Transfer Emotion Distributions

Peng, Kuan-Chuan, Chen, Tsuhan, Sadovnik, Amir, Gallagher, Andrew C.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[emotion, evoked, source, probability, category, transferring, cnnr, predicting, emotional, user, set, transfer, provided, work, predict, amt, positive, dmtr,
keywords, subject, joy, semantic, study, hit, randomly, human] [table, previous, better, cnn, input, performance, convolutional, feature, neural, level, training, comparable] [target,
truth, framework, multiple, three, average, saliency, propose, based] [ground, affective, dominant, single, model, svr] [distribution, method, basic, random,
proposed, experiment, number, changing, algorithm] [color, figure, international, adopt, uniform, ieee] [image, transformed, distance, change, texture,
outperforms, closer, tone, compare, database, corresponding, transform, histogram, difference, modify]

Image Retrieval Using Scene Graphs

Johnson, Justin, Krishna, Ranjay, Stark, Michael, Li, Li-Jia, Shamma, David, Bernstein, Michael, Fei-Fei, Li

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, visual, dataset, vision, man, grounding, set, semantic, attribute, learning, grounded, semantics, novel, example, relationship, text, system, wearing,
retrieve, natural, language, tuples, search, work, occur, perform, association, describe] [recognition, performance, representation, table, training, context, class, cnn, structured, crf] [object,
recall, iou, entire, based, bounding] [scene, model, full, detailed, localization, represent, modeling] [graph, rank, gist, random, data, number, computational,
journal] [computer, conference, ieee, pattern, median, international, figure, simple, detail] [image, retrieval, query, large, sift, outperforms, vocabulary,
compute, descriptor, scale]

Scalable Object Detection by Filter Compression With Regularized Sparse Coding

Chao, Ting-Hsuan, Lin, Yen-Liang, Kuo, Yin-Hsi, Hsu, Winston H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, perform, work, vision, system, process, learning, visual, collected, budget] [map, performance,
functionality, convolution, accuracy, achieve, size, feature, better, recognition, conduct, larger, trained, training, loss, stage, learn, dpm, drop, reduce, intermediate, class, higher] [object, detection,
score, memory, proposal, based, appearance, illustrate] [reconstruct, model, deformable, error, reconstruction] [sparse, method, coding, codebook, number,
speedup, regularized, regularization, original, augmented, huge, computation, experiment, optimization, computational, matrix, codewords, complexity, linear, problem, space, freg, scalability, negligible, minimizing, proposed] [figure,
computer, small, ieee, conference, produce, pattern, equation, regard, reconstructed, international, result] [large, difference, computing]

TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector

Verdie, Yannick, Yi, Kwang, Fua, Pascal, Lepetit, Vincent

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, vision, dataset, webcam, set, positive, introduce, task, work] [training, detector, feature,
performance, learned, layer, loss, trained, learn, response, standard, size, train] [score, average, three, sequence, detection, temporal, extract] [approach,
term, detected, shape, location] [method, linear, number, machine, proposed, function, objective, original, time, approximation] [computer, conference,
pattern, simple, figure, international, robust, outdoor, ieee, captured, illumination] [keypoints, keypoint, image, regressor, repeatability, sift, oxford, surf, local, scale, applied, separable, sfop, wade,
drastic, invariant, mser, sifer, lcf, matching, large, good, wnm, best, fast, chamonix]

Global Refinement of Random Forest

Ren, Shaoqing, Cao, Xudong, Wei, Yichen, Sun, Jian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, prediction, vision, indicator, set, randomly, dataset, human, rule, visual, subset] [global,
training, standard, loss, recognition, decision, size, performance, better, accuracy, reduce, boosting, table, version, refined, smaller, age, feature, achieves, power, deep, clearly] [complementary, individual,
propose, strong, strength, node, multiple] [forest, leaf, tree, model, error, depth, regression, randomness, face, independent, single, body] [random, number,
pruning, vector, machine, data, function, optimization, alternating, optimal, method, parameter, formulation, matrix, mnist, regularization, experiment, reformulation] [conference, computer, figure, ieee,
pattern, real, international, ratio, accurate, relative] [large, well, ideal, local, corresponding]

Learning a Non-Linear Knowledge Transfer Model for Cross-View Action Recognition

Rahmani, Hossein, Mian, Ajmal

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, knowledge, dataset, transfer, human, existing, set, source, test] [recognition, training, learn,
learned, accuracy, input, table, layer, deep, output, feature, representation, shared, discriminative, neural, svm] [action, path, target, trajectory, video, aog, weight, extract, three, average, sequence]
[canonical, model, single, performed, viewpoint, joint, approach, point, structure] [proposed, method, data, codebook, general, linear, sparsity, time, number,
function, sample, algorithm, decay] [motion, camera, unknown, synthetic, figure, real, requires, technique, captured] [nktm, view, virtual, mocap, ncte,
dense, cvp, dvv, ixmas, large, descriptor, respective, transformation]

Finding Distractors In Images

Fried, Ohad, Shechtman, Eli, Goldman, Dan B., Finkelstein, Adam

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[distractor, distractors, dataset, vision, user, prediction, work, visual, mturk, mapp, datasets, app, created, mechanical, collected, turk, text, automatic,
learning, retargeting, cropping, annotation, future, select, predict, green, probability, interface, photo, predictor] [table, feature, recognition, training, train, top, map, input] [saliency,
average, distracting, object, auc, segmentation, salient, segment, score, calculate, threshold, based, detect, detection] [model, rgb, full, hole, described] [main,
method, gaussian, number, data, inverted, lasso, random] [computer, ieee, figure, remove, removal, pattern, international, left, removing, attenuated, second, mobile, produce, pixel, quality] [image,
good, person]

Co-Saliency Detection via Looking Deep and Wide

Zhang, Dingwen, Han, Junwei, Li, Chao, Wang, Jingdong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[common, transfer, consistency, learning, msrc, dataset, existing, agreement, visual, set, evaluation, unsupervised, visually] [deep,
performance, cnn, feature, map, explore, extracted, rbm, table, compared, global, additional, convolutional] [detection, object, saliency, group, spi, based, background, framework, foreground, salient, superpixels,
ops, propose, multiple, suppress, video, segmentation, cshs, icoseg, superpixel, generated, recall, extract, contrast, three, candidate] [approach, capture, model, represent, current] [proposed,
cluster, order, solve, algorithm, method, effectively, experimental, defined] [figure, ieee, color] [image, wide, similarity, region, bayesian]

Expanding Object Detector's Horizon: Incremental Learning Framework for Object Detection in Videos

Kuznetsova, Alina, Ju Hwang, Sung, Rosenhahn, Bodo, Sigal, Leonid

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, lme, learning, embedding, adaptation, dataset, adl, unlabeled, incremental, yto, test, set, category, incrementally, unsupervised, source, existing,
work, labeled, select, positive, prototype, datasets, visual, lifelong, instance, baseline, arriving, ucn, newly, adapting] [performance, class, detector, feature, imagenet, learned, training, trained, map,
improve, expanded, learn, train] [object, detection, video, target, based, track, bounding, framework, appearance, temporal] [model, initial, probabilistic,
approach, continuously, detected, continuous] [data, method, original, complexity, sample, proposed, expansion, problem, space, note, distribution, formulated, number, respect] [figure]
[image, similarity, large, corresponding, well]

Don't Just Listen, Use Your Imagination: Leveraging Visual Common Sense for Non-Visual Tasks

Lin, Xiao, Parikh, Devi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, common, sense, fitb, text, human, knowledge, dataset, textual, learning, baseline, understanding, answering, task, clipart, word, description, question,
mike, semantic, jenny, describe, learnt, people, describing, test, oij, default, abstract, example, answer, mentioned, vision, evaluate, attribute, language, paraphrasing, generating, study, factual, generation, lpw, set, wrxyd] [performance,
learn, training, representation, recognition, input, log] [object, generated, extract, generate, truth, average, three] [scene, approach, model, reasoning,
ground, capture, described] [data, solve, base, random] [figure, relative, presence, second, mode] [image,
corresponding, pair, well, leveraging]

Multiple Instance Learning for Soft Bags via Top Instances

Li, Weixin, Vasconcelos, Nuno

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, bag, mil, soft, instance, separability, learning, supervised, datasets, prediction, expected, source, labeling, set, label, dataset, concept, annotation,
separator, indicator, rule, semantic, study, popular, latent, example, evaluation, tlc, weakly, human] [negative, representation, top, svm, performance, feature, training, accuracy, table, setting, larger,
max, better, learn, margin] [three, multiple, based, score, combinatorial, object] [fact, composition, procedure] [number,
problem, theorem, note, function, proposed, vector, consider, method, linear, optimal, space, bound, support, convex, theoretical, data, solution, programming, empirical] [figure, conventional, small, uniform,
generalized] [image, weighted, best, large, separable, weighting, consistent, benchmark, considered]

Query-Adaptive Late Fusion for Image Search and Person Re-Identification

Zheng, Liang, Wang, Shengjin, Tian, Lu, He, Fei, Liu, Ziqiong, Tian, Qi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, dataset, learning, datasets, work, test, set, evaluation, relevant, collected, irrelevant] [feature,
map, knn, global, effectiveness, table, performance, accuracy, cnn, effective, competitive, recognition, van] [score, three, weight, tail, late, object, multiple, average] [initial,
performed, independent, require] [method, fusion, curve, graph, gist, parameter, rank, random, number, normalized, sparse, product, hamming, case, proposed] [figure,
result, paper, robust, presented, sensitivity] [image, reference, bow, good, bad, query, area, sift, person, ukbench, database, nearest, neighbor, compare, impact, hsv, comparison, similarity, large, sorted,
well, proportion, best, weighting, viper, matching, scale]

Shadow Optimization From Structured Deep Edge Detection

Shen, Li, Wee Chua, Teck, Leman, Karianto

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, work, dataset, set, label, novel, prediction, uiuc, probability, colour] [structured, cnn, global,
input, output, training, extracted, connected, learned, convolutional, learn, map, dapp, achieves, table] [edge, detection, boundary, groundtruth, framework, ucf, formulate, based, complex, propose, object,
measure, moving, superpixel] [shadow, bright, ground, structure, volume, single, approach, labelling, detected, model, shd, cmu, capture, cast, neighbouring] [proposed,
method, optimization, number, problem, data, algorithm] [figure, pixel, illumination, recovery, central, computer, robust] [local, image, region, patch,
computed, june, compare, connectivity, canny, corresponding, spatial]

3D Deep Shape Descriptor

Fang, Yi, Xie, Jin, Dai, Guoxian, Wang, Meng, Zhu, Fan, Xu, Tiantian, Wong, Edward

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, vision, description, set, noisy, dataset, visual, collection] [deep, neural, training, performance,
feature, network, discriminative, representation, trained, learn, dnn, margin] [based, structural, target, object, three, group, entire] [shape, model, point,
approach, modeling, surface] [kernel, covariance, analysis, machine, data, method, denotes, proposed, isometric, complexity, diffusion, distribution, matrix] [figure,
computer, conference, noise, ieee, developed, international, component, robust, informative, result, blue, high, pattern] [descriptor, retrieval, geometric, heat, deepsd, heatsd, signature, incomplete, large,
hks, comparison, encoder, heatsds, local, esd, concise, mcgill, dinosaur, query, shapegoogle, image, partial, invariant]

Fine-Grained Histopathological Image Analysis via Robust Segmentation and Large-Scale Retrieval

Zhang, Xiaofan, Su, Hai, Yang, Lin, Zhang, Shaoting

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, set, supervised, majority, relevant, analyze, category] [accuracy, table, training, performance,
designed, extracted, testing, improve, compared, feature, level, design, conduct, van] [segmentation, detection, framework, based, precision, analyzing, truth, seed, segmented, propose, hierarchical, generate,
including] [detected, ground, challenging] [hash, hashing, method, analysis, proposed, number, computational, ksh, repulsive, binary, gaussian, denotes,
kernel, note, support, main] [robust, traditional, circle, half, accurate, ratio] [image, cell, histopathological, retrieval, scheme, medical, voting,
lung, squamous, diagnosis, weighting, weighted, adenocarcinoma, mapped, cancer, cbir, comparing, breast, grading, large, spv, decided, tissue, clinical, microscopic, represents, distance]

Understanding Image Virality

Deza, Arturo, Parikh, Devi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[virality, viral, content, attribute, reddit, human, dataset, understanding, visual, predict, vision, predicting, prediction, asked, study, category, title,
popularity, datasets, work, set, sort, selected, annotated, task, people, correlated, highest, chance, familiar, marketing, textual, semantic, beautiful, perception, phenomenon, tend, create, amt, posted, test] [performance,
accuracy, context, table, deep, svm, top, level] [score, correlation, multiple, temporal, complex, object, three, role] [social, qualitative] [random,
machine, number, studied, experiment, data, explicit, time, consider] [relative, computer, figure, presence, intrinsic, conference, second, synthetically, equation] [image,
pair, well, considered, difference, large]

Aligning 3D Models to RGB-D Images of Cluttered Scenes

Gupta, Saurabh, Arbelaez, Pablo, Girshick, Ross, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[instance, set, work, search, system, report, test, semantic, task, evaluate, sofa, understanding, bed, dataset, prediction] [performance,
output, table, train, setting, network, coarse, trained, hha, chair, training, top, better, shallow, observe, accuracy, cnn, song] [object, segmentation, box, detection, truth, bounding, mask, recall, plot,
placement, average] [model, pose, depth, ground, scene, alignment, tagree, cad, point, inferred, normal, indoor, approach, error, reasoning, align, guo, trainval, occluded] [data,
algorithm, number, problem, note, method, proposed, support, consider, missing, upper] [estimate, synthetic, figure, pixel, real, small] [image, region,
metric, large]

Classifier Adaptation at Prediction Time

Royer, Amelie, Lampert, Christoph H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[adaptation, prediction, test, label, feedback, work, domain, vision, natural, rnd, system, adapting, bandit, learning, txt, correct, set, rabbit, adapt, create,
semantically, semantic, example, common, visual, occur, differs, probability, unsupervised, watch] [class, training, setting, imagenet, accuracy, recognition, cnn, convolutional, feature, achieve, context,
table] [online, object, based, dynamic, situation, walk, sequence, adaptive, three, framework] [error, fact, realistic, probabilistic, current] [data,
distribution, time, random, machine, base, underlying, method, update, problem, vector, optimal] [computer, conference, estimate, figure, real, assume, international, ieee, length] [image,
change, difference, large, compute, well]

Three Viewpoints Toward Exemplar SVM

Kobayashi, Takumi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, category, novel, vision, dataset, set, learning, irrelevant] [exemplar, svm, feature, negative,
performance, margin, recognition, table, training, discriminative, smaller, hog, exsvm, apply, ensemble, larger, input, unit, svms] [object, target, detection, based, three, score, measure, multiple]
[detected, scene, viewpoint, described] [sample, vector, method, proposed, original, number, formulation, parameter, support, regularization, linear, min, problem,
case, note, kernel, computation, required, pass, matrix, manner, corresponds, simply, reduced, form] [computer, conference, pattern, ieee, second, lagrangian, small, international, figure] [similarity,
transformation, applied, image, large, transform, distance, well, transformed]

Curriculum Learning of Multiple Tasks

Pentina, Anastasia, Sharmanska, Viktoriia, Lampert, Christoph H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, task, seqmt, transfer, vision, human, learner, mergedsvm, study, knowledge, baseline, choosing, test, easiest, attribute, awa, seal, adaptation,
automatically, question, multiseqmt, hardest, chimpanzee, work, hyperplane, side, domain, hard, giant, european, expected, learing, diversity, semantic, advantageous] [performance, training, learn, class,
better, table, generalization, effective, previous, svm, sharing, feature, achieve] [multiple, weight, average, based, sequence, adaptive, propose, object, performs] [error,
model, approach, term, hand, single] [order, algorithm, machine, data, proposed, solving, random, bound, linear, method, solved, solve, case, idea, form] [conference,
computer, international, figure, high, assume] [best, corresponding, rate, compare, image]

Learning With Dataset Bias in Latent Subcategory Models

Stamos, Dimitris, Martelli, Samuele, Nabi, Moin, McDonald, Andrew, Murino, Vittorio, Pontil, Massimiliano

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[datasets, dataset, visual, latent, learning, set, positive, test, car, task, work, common, perform, provided] [training,
lsm, subcategory, lsms, undoing, standard, improvement, trained, lcsm, concatenation, negative, performance, learn, class, loss, setting, multitask, compound, better, dpms, svms, smaller, table, max, testing, previous] [object,
weight, average, multiple, framework, detection, based, three] [model, initialization, single, point, term, approach, error, independent, step] [method,
function, objective, case, vector, convex, number, problem, linear, clustering, parameter, data, note, solution, machine, simply, cluster, suboptimal, special, optimization, journal] [bias, biased, figure,
computer, presented, relative, paper, extend] [good, well, corresponding, large, local]

VisKE: Visual Knowledge Extraction and Question Answering by Visual Verification of Relation Phrases

Sadeghi, Fereshteh, Kumar Divvala, Santosh K., Farhadi, Ali

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[relation, visual, knowledge, eating, horse, dog, man, bear, language, phrase, lion, laying, egg, sofa, river, set, icecream, pushing, cat, viske, conceptnet,
subject, devouring, bird, relationship, work, text, learning, answering, verifying, salmon, web, question, openie, svo, rabbit, woman, elephant, sheep, involved, snake, system, common, consistency, dataset, semantic, sun, focused, frog, validity] [feature,
performance, trained, extracting, grass, context, table, better] [object, appearance, extraction, box, detection, based, precision, action, indicates, bounding] [approach,
model, reasoning] [problem, number, method, form, graph, base, case] [figure, pattern, relative, reveals] [spatial,
true, large, person, well, difference]

Discovering States and Transformations in Image Collections

Isola, Phillip, Lim, Joseph J., Adelson, Edward H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[collection, set, noun, relevant, discovering, adjective, vision, test, sliced, visual, system, cooked, fresh, apple, dataset, semantic, generalize, work,
melted, unripe, goal, antonym, knowledge, discovery, novel, ripe, understanding, example, transfer, physical, variety, include, selected, door, undergo, wilted, discovered, ranking, moldy, task, chance, discover, scraped, antonymic, chocolate, attribute]
[training, performance, raw, recognition, parsing, feature, neural, map, accuracy, class, crf, input, percent] [state, object] [room,
scene, fall, depicted] [method, order, problem, data, consider, space, journal] [computer, figure, ieee, conference, pattern, international, material,
equation, paper] [image, transformation, similarity, well, query, dissimilar, transformed, large]

Parsing Occluded People by Flexible Compositions

Chen, Xianjie, Yuille, Alan L.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, people, set, human, dataset, type, work, labeled, diagnostic, learning] [recognition, connected,
standard, training, parsing, performance, convolutional, learn, max, neural] [score, evidence, object, appearance, wij, detection, node, state, multiple] [model,
occlusion, tij, decoupling, visible, full, graphical, pose, body, composition, subtree, dependent, occluded, inference, approach, waf, idod, aop, pcp, absence, tji, prior, location, term, neighboring, modeling, estimation, wji, idpr, mixture, mgn, single]
[graph, pairwise, base, number, method, suitable, space, lemma, form] [computer, pattern, figure, bias, relative, conference, presence, international, equation,
measurement] [image, spatial, local, best, connectivity, computed]

Modeling Video Evolution for Action Recognition

Fernando, Basura, Gavves, Efstratios, Oramas, Jose M., Ghodrati, Amir, Tuytelaars, Tinne

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[ranking, learning, dataset, human, work] [representation, recognition, learn, fisher, training, table,
feature, better, map, discriminative, pooling, generalization, improved, observe, applying, capturing, size, class, apply] [video, videodarwin, action, temporal, evolution, appearance, average, frame, based,
moving, cooking, forward, reverse, gesture, fdvd, mpii, rfdvd, mbh, propose, score, trajectory, combined, precision] [capture, independent, ordering, modeling, model, approach] [time,
function, vector, method, linear, valued, rank, data, order, proposed, kernel, machine, denoted] [figure, varying, motion, stability, relative] [local,
compute, well, large, dense, similarity, applied]

Small Instance Detection by Integer Programming on Object Density Maps

Ma, Zheng, Yu, Lei, Chan, Antoni B.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, vision, test, people, dataset, instance, baseline, datasets] [map, training, sliding, window, global,
feature, input, size, ucsd, performance, table, better, detector, train, output, learned] [density, detection, object, counting, bounding, count, box, integer, crowded, framework, individual, truth, average,
crowd, video, segmentation, recall, propose, divided] [ground, location, approach, challenging, model, viewpoint] [number, method, programming, proposed,
vector, constraint, problem, function, maximum, mapping, codebook] [small, estimated, computer, estimate, figure, ieee, pattern, total, roi, perspective, pixel, accurate, international, synthetic]
[image, local, cell, large, distance, corresponding, matching]

Weakly Supervised Localization of Novel Objects Using Appearance Transfer

Rochan, Mrigank, Wang, Yang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[novel, familiar, learning, word, weakly, labeled, vision, work, set, transfer, knowledge, supervised, semantic, collection, annotated, dataset, goal, car,
visual, cat, bird, horse, dog, cow, embedding, transferring, collect, boat, european, processing, datasets, access, subset] [pascal, class, table, voc, learned, feature, train, imagenet, training, learn, apply]
[object, appearance, bounding, box, localize, video, propose, combined, based, corloc, edge, combination, proposal] [model, approach, term, localization, reconstruction]
[method, vector, data, linear, denote, algorithm, parameter, number, proposed, consider, machine] [computer, conference, ieee, pattern, figure, international,
society, assume] [image, large, compare]

Data-Driven 3D Voxel Patterns for Object Category Recognition

Xiang, Yu, Choi, Wongun, Lin, Yuanqing, Savarese, Silvio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, test, hard, set, car, associated, evaluation, category, evaluate, visual] [recognition, training,
dpm, table, train, validation, trained, detector, accuracy, class, testing, compared, jointly, feature, build, acf] [object, detection, segmentation, mask, bounding, average, truth, appearance, moderate, overlap,
based, box, detect, occluder, three] [voxel, occlusion, kitti, occluded, model, cad, localization, pose, visibility, orientation, visible, reasoning, ground, approach, depth, ordering, voxels, detected, shape,
estimation, outdoorscene, truncation, cuboid] [method, truncated, clustering, easy, data, explicit, number, note, proposed] [figure, estimating, handle]
[image, benchmark, similarity, well, large]

A Novel Locally Linear KNN Model for Visual Recognition

Liu, Qingfeng, Liu, Chengjun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, dataset, visual, learning, popular, vision, rule, selected, relation, novel, evaluate] [representation,
training, recognition, power, class, knn, performance, table, achieve, discriminative, effectiveness, decision, fisher, improve, caltech, global, highly, max, size, accuracy, comparable] [based, density, action,
object, grouping, bayes, propose] [model, face, scene, indoor, estimation, error] [proposed, sample, method, linear, vector, llknnc, shifted, llnmc, kernel,
parameter, sparse, dimension, experimental, sensitiveness, data, llknn, note, arg, minimum, analysis, number, approximate, largest, sparsity, journal] [pattern, ieee, computer, conference, equation, international]
[nearest, locally, dictionary, transformation, image, applied, ideal, tar, derived, demonstrate, spatial]

Classifier Learning With Hidden Information

Wang, Ziheng, Ji, Qiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, secondary, versus, primary, exploit, lir, existing, relationship, privileged, humpback, cat, side, seal, rat, giant, rpr, baseline, persian, chimpanzee,
hippopotamus, panda, set, label, leopard, raccoon, whale, task, predicted, test, statistically, type, predict, student, human] [hidden, training, loss, feature, performance, better, improve, classify, learn,
improvement, standard, margin, combine, svm, testing, input, recognition, train] [action, object, target, strong, based, truth] [facial, term, approach, face,
ground, expression] [proposed, regularization, method, data, inequality, problem, parameter, function, binary, original, empirical, number, case, represented] [preserving,
paper, pig, assumption, generally, figure, total] [image, compare, incomplete]

Best of Both Worlds: Human-Machine Collaboration for Object Annotation

Russakovsky, Olga, Li, Li-Jia, Fei-Fei, Li

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, vision, annotation, system, user, set, labeling, probability, requester, utility, correct, budget, visual, mdp, question, draw, instance, tight, answer,
task, expected, feedback, learning, active, crowdsourcing, labeled, label, correspond, dataset, european, annotated, predicting, engineering, returned] [recognition, class, accuracy, input, table, response,
training, effective, decision] [object, box, detection, bounding, precision, action, multiple, transition, average, iou, cost, framework, principled, state, crowd] [model,
current, scene, error] [time, data, number, method, machine, analysis] [computer, pattern, figure, conference, international, quality, yellow, accurately,
desired, ieee, accurate] [image, compute, computing, computed]

Learning Graph Structure for Multi-Label Image Classification via Clique Generation

Tan, Mingkui, Shi, Qinfeng, van den Hengel, Anton, Shen, Chunhua, Gao, Junbin, Hu, Fuyuan, Zhang, Zhen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, set, learning, relevant, active, prediction, knowledge, identify, conditional] [performance, loss,
max, feature, table, neural, output, learned, learn, structured, cnn, stochastic, pascal, better, map, input] [propose, based] [scene, structure, tree, model,
capture, joint, approach, graphical, inference, probabilistic] [data, graph, problem, cgm, method, solving, hamming, clique, arg, number, dual, random, proposed, objective, chowliu, algorithm, plem, ssvm,
vector, multilabel, min, convex, plst, solve, sparse, mmoc, lead, update, solution, binary, mapping, denotes, programming, note, proximal, exploiting, coding, basic, optimization, sparsity, constraint] [figure,
synthetic, ieee, adopt] [image, comparison]

Watch and Learn: Semi-Supervised Learning for Object Detectors From Video

Misra, Ishan, Shrivastava, Abhinav, Hebert, Martial

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeled, set, labeling, learning, label, purity, dataset, test, automatically, ssl, work, diverse, datasets, esvms, annotated, esvm, semantic, subset, decorrelated,
unlabeled, positive, visual, weakly, relevance, boot, existing] [training, input, feature, trained, performance, negative, train, detector, eigen] [object,
detection, tracking, video, bounding, multiple, box, long, recall, average, reliable, virat, start, truth, track, frame] [approach, kitti, ground, pose, initial, drift] [data,
algorithm, iteration, method, selection, sparse, iteratively, lsvm, random, outlier, number] [figure, high, assume, motion] [image, large, good, sparsely,
false, scale, compute]

Virtual View Networks for Object Reconstruction

Carreira, Joao, Kar, Abhishek, Tulsiani, Shubham, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, vision, collection, set, visual, work, prediction, semantic] [network, training, recognition, class,
deep, feature, pascal, better, additional, convolutional, neural, voc] [object, target, multiple, segmentation, based, propose, truth, detection] [reconstruction,
shape, viewpoint, alignment, pose, single, structure, rigid, sfm, ground, point, align, extrapolated, mirrored, reconstruct] [factorization, euclidean, data, analysis, missing, proposed, machine, matrix,
algorithm, method] [computer, ieee, pattern, conference, synthetic, figure, motion, robust, accurate, international, assume, inliers, assuming, reconstructed, observation] [image,
matching, nearest, virtual, distance, neighbor, keypoints, grid, view, docking, dense, vvn, compute, computed, sift, large]

Efficient Label Collection for Unlabeled Image Datasets

Wigness, Maggie, Draper, Bruce A., Ross Beveridge, J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, label, effort, visual, hcgl, concept, active, labeled, learning, subset, set, human, supervised, evaluation, mkml, unlabeled, collected, process,
collecting, latency, dataset, existing, system, vision, annotator, selected, collection, majority, msrc, discovery] [training, performance, accuracy, class, fully, train, feature, higher] [group,
hierarchical, structural, multiple, object, grouping, path, three] [represent, single, ordering, scene, approach, provide, structure, introduced, autonomous] [data,
clustering, largest, iteratively, number, selection, cluster, order, binary] [figure, computer, noise, pattern, conference, technique, international, length, high, result] [image,
change, large, dominating, benchmark, local, comparison, guided, match, performing]

Learning to Segment Under Various Forms of Weak Supervision

Xu, Jia, Schwing, Alexander G., Urtasun, Raquel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, weak, set, learning, supervised, labeled, weakly, label, tag, test, work, refer, dataset, unlabeled, evaluate, interactive, report, evaluation,
incorporating, ilt, task] [supervision, accuracy, class, training, setting, feature, performance, fully, level, parsing, standard, loss, size, smaller] [bounding,
segmentation, box, object, assigned, appearance, foreground, inferring, truth] [inference, full, scene, approach, model, challenging, ground, single, program, fact] [matrix,
note, form, data, linear, number, vector, sample, assignment, constraint, algorithm, geodesic, case, optimization, binary, random, method, optimal, respect] [ratio, second, pixel, figure] [image,
partial, large, well]

Towards Open World Recognition

Bendale, Abhijit, Boult, Terrance

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[open, set, learning, incremental, system, ncm, nno, vision, risk, visual, work, evaluation, incrementally, probability, labeled, closed, novel, process, manage,
add, dataset, measurable, protocol, label, existing, novelty] [recognition, training, class, testing, performance, feature, svm, imagenet, accuracy, additional, learned, standard, learn, neural] [object,
based, detection, multiple] [model, provide, approach, cap] [space, function, number, algorithm, machine, vector, data, scalable, proposed, problem, support,
update, time, consider, solution, thresholding, analysis, theorem] [unknown, computer, pattern, ieee, conference, paper, robust, handle] [nearest, metric,
scale, large, image, distance, transformed]

Fast 2D Border Ownership Assignment

Teo, Ching, Fermuller, Cornelia, Aloimonos, Yiannis

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[prediction, dataset, vision, set, visual, example, predict, natural, predicted] [structured, contour, training,
top, feature, input, accuracy, compared, decision, table, previous, learn] [ownership, border, boundary, extremal, bsds, edge, token, foreground, object, srf, grouping, detection, segmentation, target, gestalt,
background, oriented, key, cue, detect] [depth, approach, indoor, orientation, ground, torque, step, closure, shape, structure, split, tree, capture, occlusion] [spectral,
basis, random, assignment, principal, note, data, number, tangent, order, proposed] [computer, spiral, figure, simple] [image, local, patch, derived,
gradient, corresponding, pca]

Joint Inference of Groups, Events and Human Roles in Aerial Videos

Shu, Tianmin, Xie, Dan, Rothrock, Brandon, Todorovic, Sinisa, Chun Zhu, Song

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, people, latent, work, dataset, learning, baseline, noisy, existing, set, label, source] [recognition,
log, parsing, training, extracted, level, representation, accuracy, jointly] [event, group, tracking, role, video, spatiotemporal, foreground, object, temporal, box, exchange, based, recognizing, trajectory,
bounding, activity, dynamic, subtraction, assigned, three, background, grouping, info, assign, viewed, detection, tracklets] [inference, template, social, scene, prior, model, approach, joint, infer, represent]
[assignment, time, graph, method, optimal, pairwise] [small, result, ieee, figure, camera] [aerial, large,
spatial, illustrated, best, corresponding]

Salient Object Detection via Bootstrap Learning

Tong, Na, Lu, Huchuan, Ruan, Xiang, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[weak, learning, dataset, set, visual, svo, test, labeled, perform] [map, channel, training, performance,
input, feature, boosting, learned] [saliency, salient, detection, strong, based, bootstrap, object, dark, recall, precision, wco, asd, multiple, background, dsr, generate, gmr, cbsal, foreground, lrmr, superpixels,
generated, truth, detect, sod, propose, measure, average, threshold, weight] [model, ground, prior, approach] [proposed, method, algorithm, graph, number,
binary, note, kernel, cut, constructed] [figure, pixel, color] [image, region, computed, construct, compute, local, well]

Joint Action Recognition and Pose Estimation From Video

Xiaohan Nie, Bruce, Xiong, Caiming, Zhu, Song-Chun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, learning, dataset, label, example, relation, set] [recognition, feature, training, accuracy, train,
trained, performance, learn, root, representation, discriminative, table] [action, score, video, appearance, detection, three, temporal, penn, frame, truth, terminal, node, framework, based, transition, decomposed,
aog, interest, hierarchical] [pose, estimation, model, represent, single, inference, ground, deformation, mixture, adjacent, smoothness, graphical, capture, joint, occlusion] [method,
number, represented, graph, data] [motion, component, small, figure, directly] [image, large, best, geometric, distance, dense]

HC-Search for Structured Prediction in Computer Vision

Lam, Michael, Rao Doppa, Janardhan, Todorovic, Sinisa, Dietterich, Thomas G.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, learning, label, vision, work, labeling, prediction, semantic, dataset, set, ranking, natural] [performance,
training, learned, stanford, loss, structured, previous, connected, learn, accuracy, table, ybest, output, larger, apply, feature, context, input] [heuristic, segmentation, state, cost, dagger, object, background,
candidate, nematocyst, berkeley, successor, detection, imitation, superpixel, edge, ucm, truth, generate, superpixels, score, generated, flipbit, threshold, branching, hierarchical] [depth, scene, error, initial,
approach, inference, step, single, current, ground, estimation] [function, space, time, bound, number, greedy, exact, upper, algorithm, method, machine, energy, journal, oracle] [computer,
figure, robust, relative] [best, image, randomized, good, true]

First-Person Pose Recognition Using Egocentric Workspaces

Rogez, Gregory, Supancic, III, James S., Ramanan, Deva

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, add, human, noisy] [feature, training, map, recognition, svm, global, size, performance, previous,
additional, implement, classifying] [egocentric, generate, object, detection, tracking, correctly, weight, score, background, plot] [depth, hand, pose, voxels,
volumetric, quantized, workspace, volume, model, joint, estimation, binarized, front, cloud, voxel, approach, coordinate, single, manipulating, visible, interacting, capture, manipulated, fall, body, allows] [data,
binary, sparse, linear, tensor, note, vector] [camera, figure, synthetic, perspective, simple, spherical, computer, pixel, varying, orthographic, conference, international, produce, ieee] [image,
arm, local, corresponding, grid, outperforms, cvpr, virtual, large, compare, vary]

MUlti-Store Tracker (MUSTer): A Cognitive Psychology Inspired Approach to Object Tracking

Hong, Zhibin, Chen, Zhe, Wang, Chaohui, Mei, Xue, Prokhorov, Danil, Tao, Dacheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, visual, processing, store, learning, evaluation, active, process] [output, feature, performance, input,
neural, trained, top, response] [memory, tracking, target, based, object, tracker, muster, appearance, correlation, long, icf, threshold, background, precision, updated, kcf, forgetting, success, retention,
integrated, online, employ, survival, plot, meem, strength, employed, struck, tracked, shortterm, bounding, adaptive, ootb, frame] [model, estimation, occlusion, control, detected] [proposed,
ransac, number, curve, consider, original, conducted, kernel] [robust, component, figure, relative, result, inside, maintain, second] [keypoints, keypoint,
matching, image, database, matched, scale, consists, large, nearest, local, best, corresponding, stable, benchmark, filter]

Symmetry-Based Text Line Detection in Natural Scenes

Zhang, Zheng, Shen, Wei, Yao, Cong, Bai, Xiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[text, icdar, natural, character, dataset, swt, positive, symmetrical, evaluation, reading, probability, work, novel, neumann, datasets] [feature,
training, recognition, level, representation, performance, testing, standard, connected, higher, deep, advantage, achieves] [detection, bounding, based, recall, appearance, stroke, multiple, extraction, truth,
detecting, precision, middle, group] [scene, challenging, ground, template, height, localization] [proposed, algorithm, low, method, number] [symmetry,
rectangle, property, axis, ieee, figure, robust, conventional, directly, handle, color, removal, component, pixel, computer] [image, false, mser, region, local, compute, texture, scale, difference]

Understanding Image Structure via Hierarchical Shape Parsing

Liu, Xian-Ming, Ji, Rongrong, Wang, Changhu, Liu, Wei, Zhong, Bineng, Huang, Thomas S.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, vision, human, search, learning, collection, perform, exploring, unsupervised, understanding, example, probability, parse] [parsing,
feature, pooling, representation, level, structured, selective, table, performance, recognition, larger, compared, top, improve, pyramid, exemplar, convolutional, better, build, inspired, neural] [hierarchical,
edge, object, structural, detection, objectness, appearance, based, node, recall, parsed, complex, superpixels, cognitive, indicates, performs, saliency] [tree, structure, shape, scene, building, approach,
inference] [proposed, method, number, algorithm, space, analysis, markov, machine, journal] [computer, figure, ieee, pattern, conference, international,
paper, component] [image, scale, matching, region, spatial, local, well, corresponding]

Object Proposal by Multi-Branch Hierarchical Segmentation

Wang, Chaoyang, Zhao, Long, Liang, Shuang, Zhang, Liqing, Jia, Jinyuan, Wei, Yichen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, search, process, set, strategy, work, evaluate, automatic, positive, test] [stage, performance,
training, train, loss, pascal, top, achieves, effective, generic, validation, negative, map, increase, previous, compared, setting] [object, merging, proposal, segmentation, recall, iou, hierarchical, branch,
detection, complementary, branching, gop, threshold, bing, gls, multiple, merged, score, propose, segment, auc, box, truth, start, bounding, weight, svalid, based, strain] [initial, approach, starting, ground,
neighboring, composition, structure] [greedy, number, method, algorithm, linear, order, curve, machine, university, journal] [degree, figure, small, computer]
[image, rate, area, large, pair, best, comparison]

Discriminative Shape From Shading in Uncalibrated Illumination

Richter, Stephan R., Roth, Stefan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, test, set, prediction, natural, work, address, evaluate, datasets, aim] [training, map,
input, discriminative, mit, performance, contour, output, feature, context, trained] [object, strong, correlation] [surface, shape, silhouette, normal, approach,
regression, single, estimation, model, point, realistic, allows, modeling, evaluated, environment, drel, forest, medial, occluding] [data, method, gaussian, time, directional, convex, consider, distribution]
[illumination, shading, synthetic, lighting, integrability, estimate, intrinsic, component, color, direction, real, unknown, estimated, estimating, white, relative, second, pixel, texton, uniform, figure, barron,
photometric, sphere, light] [image, spatial, distance, local, well, scale]

High-Fidelity Pose and Expression Normalization for Face Recognition in the Wild

Zhu, Xiangyu, Lei, Zhen, Yan, Junjie, Yi, Dong, Li, Stan Z.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, learning, trend, type, evaluate] [recognition, performance, table, identity, accuracy, feature,
frontal, deep, contour, level, discriminative] [propose, boundary, based, appearance, adaptive, surrounding] [face, pose, expression, facial, landmark, hpen,
model, invisible, shape, morphable, marching, fitting, neutral, depth, robustness, adjusted, yaw, step, editing, visibility] [method, normalized, original, data, analysis, proposed, machine, linear]
[ieee, computer, pattern, conference, detail, international, figure, assumption, estimated, poisson, illumination, robust, caused, preserving, estimate] [image,
normalization, region, database, unconstrained, large, lfw, corresponding, anchor, ddml, demonstrate, pca, correspondence]

Effective Learning-Based Illuminant Estimation Using Simple Features

Cheng, Dongliang, Price, Brian, Cohen, Scott, Brown, Michael S.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, evaluation, natural, subset] [training, performance, table, feature, input, ensemble, better,
output, trained, van, reported] [based, truth, average, including, three, group, framework] [regression, tree, estimation, rgb, error, scene, ground, approach,
surface, evaluated, model] [data, method, proposed, number, time, spectral, space] [color, chromaticity, illuminant, illumination, constancy, camera,
gamut, figure, simple, median, josa, estimated, mode, angular, result, laboratory, palette, sfu, corrected, paper, learningbased] [image, best, local, statistical, comparison, bayesian, compare, fast, good]

Image Specificity

Jas, Mainak, Parikh, Devi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[sentence, baseline, vision, description, visual, people, sim, predicted, predict, dataset, human, textual, automated, search, study, word, content, set, describing,
describe, association, category, evaluation, specificity, automatically, beat, automatic, tend, learning, predicting, associated, memorability, generating, correlated, semantic] [recognition, training, train,
better, neural] [target, correlation, multiple, average, object, score, measure, based] [approach, model, scene, described] [rank,
number, note, computational, low] [conference, computer, ieee, figure, pattern, international, high] [image, similarity, query, reference, auto, computed,
database, retrieval, variance, consistent]

Space-Time Tree Ensemble for Action Recognition

Ma, Shugao, Sigal, Leonid, Sclaroff, Stan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, human, word, discover, discovered, discovering, mining, mined, latent, appear, search, positive] [discriminative,
performance, training, learned, recognition, class, smaller, larger, root, ensemble, frequent, pooling, representation, table, testing, svm] [action, video, highfive, temporal, stss, hierarchical, node, average,
edge, sts, eij, movement, segmentation, hug, box, bounding, combination, propose, kiss, recall, wang] [tree, body, model, inference, approach, structure, procedure, single, vertex] [graph,
compact, number, method, clustering, exact, note, space, pairwise, cluster, fusion] [small, figure, simple] [spatial, matching, best, partial, large,
pair, vocabulary, matched, computed, match]

Fast and Accurate Image Upscaling With Super-Resolution Forests

Schulter, Samuel, Leistner, Christian, Bischof, Horst

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, work, task, evaluate, domain, vision, include, evaluation, prediction] [training, learn,
input, output, standard, feature, factor, table, size, better, investigate] [node, framework, detection, average, based] [single, regression, model, leaf,
forest, inference, approach, tree, typically, sisr, depth, operates, yang] [random, linear, data, function, problem, time, objective, sparse, parameter, mapping, space, number, regularization, coding, basis,
sample, encoding, proposed, method] [figure, quality, superresolution, direct, constant, computer, simple, upsampling, directly] [image, dictionary, upscaling,
splitting, psnr, fast, well, rfl, neighborhood, anr, coupled, compare, locally, srcnn, comparison, bicubic, anchored]

Label Consistent Quadratic Surrogate Model for Visual Saliency Prediction

Luo, Yan, Wong, Yongkang, Zhao, Qi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, visual, dataset, human, knowledge, set, prediction, label, vision, datasets, existing, predict, evaluation, process, natural, processing, leverage,
sauc, osie] [training, width, feature, mit, learn, learned, trained, discriminative, map, better, neural, performance] [saliency, online, based, eye, object,
itti, attention, tracking, gbvs] [model, prior, scene, ground] [sparse, proposed, algorithm, machine, quadratic, surrogate, lcqs, update, min, convergence,
gaussian, arg, analysis, method, problem, sample, journal, function, number, regularization, data, matrix, basis, solution] [ieee, blur, computer, pattern, conference, bias, center, international, conventional,
figure] [dictionary, image, consistent, cross, compute, large, computed, leveraging, corresponding, scale]

Early Burst Detection for Memory-Efficient Image Retrieval

Shi, Miaojing, Avrithis, Yannis, Jegou, Herve

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, search, set, evaluate, dataset, strategy, representative, concept, focus, evaluation] [feature,
size, performance, connected, factor, map, table, representation, larger, gain, conduct] [group, detection, three, object, cost, memory, detect, hierarchical] [initial,
model, orientation, approach, position] [kernel, number, spectral, clustering, asymmetric, method, symmetric, function, normalized, product, inverted, matrix, quantization, proposed, hamming, vector]
[figure, shift, component] [image, burst, scale, descriptor, large, local, retrieval, query, vlad, vocabulary, similarity, isolated, matching, bursty, burstiness,
imbalance, early, oxford, patch, remaining, aggregation, aggregated, quick, match, geometrical, database, compute]

Multi-View Feature Engineering and Learning

Dong, Jingming, Karianakis, Nikolaos, Davis, Damek, Hernandez, Joshua, Balzer, Jonathan, Soatto, Stefano

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, test, learning, probability, evaluation, instance, predicted] [training, performance, feature,
representation, better, hog, detector, accuracy] [multiple, object, density, group] [scene, reconstruction, point, orientation, surface, single, ground, viewpoint,
model, step, joint, shape] [approximation, function, sample, number, distribution, machine, random, complexity, respect, analysis, dependency, approximate, time] [computer,
ieee, pattern, conference, excitation, planar, real, requires, synthetic, parallel, translation, intrinsic, plane, minimal] [image, descriptor, spatial, ideal, local, nuisance, computed, daisy, dense, surf,
variability, gradient, correspondence, compute, marginalized, compare, marginalization, distance, invariant, sampling, aggregation, scale, area, histogram]

BOLD - Binary Online Learned Descriptor For Efficient Image Matching

Balntas, Vassileios, Tang, Lilian, Mikolajczyk, Krystian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, positive, learning, correct, subset, dataset, test] [global, performance, feature, discriminative,
table, class, learned, negative, better, training, intra, compared] [online, based, extraction, tracking, object, generated, generate] [error, approach]
[binary, optimized, proposed, optimization, hamming, number, selection, random, method, minimize, computational, low, dimensionality, matrix, distribution] [figure,
high, simple, robust, intensity, ieee] [descriptor, patch, globally, matching, rate, sift, variance, bold, distance, binboost, image, adapted, surf, large, local, locally, best, orb, false, discriminant,
yosemite, demonstrate, dbrief, stable, implementation, masked, true]

Robust Multi-Image Based Blind Face Hallucination

Jin, Yonggang, Bouganis, Christos-Savvas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, latent, predicted, set, example, association, learning] [performance, log, previous, generic, max,
table, map, training, better, feature, size, improve, global] [multiple, combination, based, viewed, combined, framework, tracking, background] [face, prior,
estimation, posterior, model, facial, mixture, single, holistic, approach] [kernel, proposed, covariance, gaussian, method, updating, bound, lower, distribution, note, arg, subspace, number, constraint,
optimizing, normalized, special] [estimated, ieee, robust, blind, simulated, real, estimate, paper, figure, observation, observed, deblurring, assumed] [blurring,
pca, image, mppca, transformation, hallucination, registration, initialized, database, const, comparison, local, patch, hmrf, est, represents, psnr, applied]

Face Alignment by Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching

Zhu, Shizhan, Li, Cheng, Change Loy, Chen, Tang, Xiaoou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, test, search, subset, learning] [feature, training, stage, accuracy, learn, zhu, performance,
deep, hybrid, coarse, setting] [framework, based, candidate, weight, appearance, detection, including] [shape, searching, cascaded, regression, face, error,
alignment, facial, initialisation, probabilistic, approach, initial, pose, challenging, averaged, xij, model, sdm, regressed, landmark, dominant, helen, lbf, cfan, regressors, rcpr, drmf, lfpw, ced] [method,
proposed, distribution, space, random, practical, algorithm, time, number, problem, vector, sample] [estimate, robust, center, conventional, speed, accurate, estimated, estimating] [local,
sift, comparison, large, early, worth, outperforms, best, subsequent, region]

Interaction Part Mining: A Mid-Level Approach for Fine-Grained Action Recognition

Zhou, Yang, Ni, Bingbing, Hong, Richang, Wang, Meng, Tian, Qi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, mining, set, dataset, semantic, novel] [performance, discriminative, recognition, representation,
pooling, feature, detector, apply, max, better, achieves, training, top, fisher, extracted, accuracy, achieve, table, improved] [interaction, action, object, video, activity, daily, mpii, detection, candidate,
cooking, msr, propose, based, appearance, tak, weight, proposal, segmentation, utilize, generate, frame, score, trajectory, edge, background, skeleton, localized, foreground, seeding, fro] [approach, model,
depth, free, represent, formation, holistic] [method, graph, proposed, explicit, number, form, algorithm, vector, sample, parameter] [motion, figure]
[dense, large, computed, region, image, compare, matching, consistent]

Traditional Saliency Reloaded: A Good Old Model in New Shape

Frintrop, Simone, Werner, Thomas, Martin Garcia, German

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, visual, human, evaluation, vision] [feature, map, pyramid, performance, layer, smoothing, global,
designed] [saliency, object, salient, contrast, invt, based, detection, surround, attention, twin, measure, segmentation, eye, proposal, itti, three, turned, precise, average, integration, arithmetic, suited,
recall] [approach, location, model, structure, prior, current] [method, computation, space, corresponds, fusion, original, data, basic, computational]
[color, center, intensity, theory, mobile, figure, simple, elegant, separation, ratio, high] [image, compute, well, large, good, region, outperforms, local,
scale, benchmark, weighting, weighted]

Semantics-Preserving Hashing for Cross-View Retrieval

Lin, Zijia, Ding, Guiguang, Hu, Mingqing, Wang, Jianmin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, semantic, learnt, supervised, learning, text, probability, predicted, unseen, instance, provided, vision, novel, work, wiki, dataset] [training,
performance, size, learn, feature, output, learns, recognition, better, previous, effective] [propose, utilize] [regression, model, probabilistic]
[hash, seph, hashing, code, kernel, data, hamming, proposed, logistic, matrix, formula, vector, optimal, binary, distribution, function, objective, minimizing, space, note, bit, mirflickr, largest, cmfh, transforming,
derive, approximates] [conference, observed, international, quality, computer, acm, length, ieee, pattern] [query, corresponding, retrieval, sampling,
image, view, well, database, preserve, similarity, benchmark, derived, calculated]

SUN RGB-D: A RGB-D Scene Understanding Benchmark Suite

Song, Shuran, Lichtenberg, Samuel P., Xiao, Jianxiong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[evaluate, dataset, understanding, semantic, evaluation, prediction, annotation, task, popular, set, learning, sun, human, study, label, example, tool]
[table, recognition, map, training, sliding, raw, performance, svm, effective, size, deep, pascal, context, power, testing] [object, detection, truth, box, iou,
segmentation, bounding, based, average, frame, three] [depth, scene, room, kinect, ground, layout, estimation, indoor, point, rgbd, free, xtion, nyu, realsense, orientation, intel, rgb, asus, capture]
[space, algorithm, data, convex, number] [figure, color, sensor, total, estimate, camera, angle, computer, captured, inside, quality, accurate, manhattan, result]
[image, benchmark, geometric, difference, database, scale]

A Maximum Entropy Feature Descriptor for Age Invariant Face Recognition

Gong, Dihong, Li, Zhifeng, Tao, Dacheng, Liu, Jianzhuang, Li, Xuelong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, entropy, probability, dataset, existing, vision] [feature, recognition, age, training, morph, discriminative,
identity, table, decision, performance, factor, album, extracted, log, hog, representation, improve, cosine, compared] [framework, based, node] [face, approach,
tree, facial, leaf, model, expressive, ifa, estimation, orientation] [vector, maximum, binary, proposed, code, random, analysis, sample, encoding, method, space, number, largest] [pattern,
ieee, figure, component, pixel, uniform, frequency, computer] [descriptor, matching, aging, image, local, lbp, sift, gallery, invariant, probe, mefd, scheme, fgnet, aifr, called, lfw, database, tot, sampling,
illustrated, splitting, generalizability, representing, distance, histogram, corresponding]

Separating Objects and Clutter in Indoor Scenes

Khan, Salman H., He, Xuming, Bennamoun, Mohammed, Sohel, Ferdous, Togneri, Roberto

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, task, semantic, obj, labeling, annotated, baseline, evaluate, dataset, understanding, involved] [feature,
top, crf, performance, better, training, level, generic] [object, detection, superpixel, cost, based, bounding, three, segmentation, superpixels, incorporate, threshold, appearance, intersection, salient,
hypothesis, jaccard] [cuboid, scene, cluttered, indoor, clutter, potential, model, approach, rgbd, unary, milp, layout, estimation, inference, jiang, joint, depth, obstruction, reasoning, room, detected, term,
volumetric, huebner] [method, pairwise, number, linear, problem, parameter, function, algorithm, denote, variable, time, random] [color, estimate, figure,
geometry] [image, local, geometric, spatial, rate, major, view, geometrical, large]

Learning to Detect Motion Boundaries

Weinzaepfel, Philippe, Revaud, Jerome, Harchaoui, Zaid, Schmid, Cordelia

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, learning, clean, datasets, evaluation, work, annotated, set, predict, prediction, introduce, predicted] [training,
structured, train, performance, table, input, trained, decision, feature, map] [boundary, detection, ymb, edge, youtube, temporal, propose, video, based, segmentation, ldof, object, recall, precision, frame,
threshold] [approach, estimation, error, occlusion, forest, model, depth, tree, challenging, rgb] [random, method, norm, binary, energy, proposed]
[motion, optical, figure, estimated, warping, high, color, middlebury, ieee, flow, estimate, accurately, result, robust] [image, gradient, large, patch, local,
compute, compare, computed, fast, deepflow, outperforms, impact, well]

Learning to Rank in Person Re-Identification With Metric Ensembles

Paisitkriangkrai, Sakrapee, Shen, Chunhua, van den Hengel, Anton

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, visual, existing, introduce, surveillance, test, returned, correct, written, task] [recognition,
top, performance, training, ensemble, triplet, learn, cnn, feature, neural, pedestrian, discriminative, deep] [propose, individual, multiple, based, appearance] [approach,
represent] [data, number, base, rank, covariance, linear, algorithm, matrix, problem, optimization, proposed, curve, idea, method, regularization, constraint, parameter, analysis, solve] [camera,
ieee, color, relative, pattern] [person, distance, metric, cmc, rate, view, image, large, local, best, viper, ilids, gallery, outperforms, benchmark, descriptor, probe, texture, represents, applied, matching,
pij, consists, commonly]

Discriminative and Consistent Similarities in Instance-Level Multiple Instance Learning

Rastegari, Mohammad, Hajishirzi, Hannaneh, Farhadi, Ali

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, instance, mil, learning, bag, consistency, ranking, set, dataset, migraph, categorization, test, discovered, system, text, discovering, csg, datasets,
introduce, rxi, coincidental, discovery, evaluate, include, work, task] [negative, discriminative, training, previous, global, feature, table, svm, standard, learn, accuracy, learned] [multiple,
node, based, score, edge, walk, eij, weight, object] [approach, reasoning, step, model] [method, pairwise, algorithm, random, optimization, problem, rank,
graph, function, clique, consistently, experimental, time] [high, figure] [similarity, image, consistent, maximal, large, notion, local, outperforms,
benchmark, compute, includes]

Prediction of Search Targets From Fixations in Open-World Settings

Sattar, Hosnieh, Muller, Sabine, Fritz, Mario, Bulling, Andreas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, visual, book, prediction, set, predict, task, amazon, work, predicting, chance, behaviour, human, learning, evaluation, colour, collage, natural,
synthesised, investigated, user, relevance, qtest, vision, qtrain, dataset, test, categorical, focused] [accuracy, setting, level, size, previous, training, performance, train, window, recognition, optimum,
higher, learn, svm] [target, eye, three, average, cognitive, movement, based, tracker, appearance, longer] [gaze, potential, model, approach, challenging,
control, searching] [data, number, problem, proposed, formulation, minimum, binary, journal, random, method, experiment, implicit] [figure, assume, pattern]
[image, query, sampling, well, similarity, retrieval, patch]

Rent3D: Floor-Plan Priors for Monocular Layout Estimation

Liu, Chenxi, Schwing, Alexander G., Kundu, Kaustav, Urtasun, Raquel, Fidler, Sanja

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, test, dataset, prediction, evaluate, work, predicted, photo, goal, correct, exploit, semantic, refer] [window,
train, top, performance, table, accuracy, training, additional, feature] [branch, three, employ] [room, layout, wall, scene, apartment, aspect, plan, inference,
approach, indoor, rental, localization, estimation, monocular, provide, model, point, typically, full, challenging, front, face, alignment, pose, single, queue, location] [number, energy, problem, note,
random, bound, order, time, data, space, denotes, case, markov] [ratio, camera, figure, total, vanishing, geometry, ray, left, estimating] [well, compute,
image, large, contained]

Delving Into Egocentric Actions

Li, Yin, Ye, Zhefan, Rehg, James M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, datasets, understanding, visual, work, dataset, include, encode, surveillance, human, focus, novel, evaluation, rich, vision] [recognition,
performance, feature, previous, table, representation, training, discriminative, accuracy, improve] [egocentric, action, gtea, object, video, three, trajectory, idt, propose, key, including, foreground, activity,
interest, movement, segmentation, compensation, boost, fathi, lab, combination, recognizing, confusion, attention, combined] [gaze, head, hand, point, manipulation, provide, split, model, modeling]
[encoding, method, number, data] [motion, camera, optical, result, figure, captured, directly, color] [local,
benchmark, image, best, dense, comparison, large, histogram, demonstrate, descriptor, implementation, radius, systematic]

Sense Discovery via Co-Clustering on Images and Text

Chen, Xinlei, Ritter, Alan, Gupta, Abhinav, Mitchell, Tom

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, semantic, text, sense, domain, word, knowledge, google, discovers, create, unsupervised, scoring, disambiguation, automatically, dataset, learning,
human, web, discovering, set, perform, associated, discover, noun, discovery, phrase, search, evaluation, apple, work, baseline, correspond] [feature, performance, representation, table, training] [based,
multiple, node, likelihood, merge, object, score, intersection, subway, propose, extract, generate] [approach, term, joint, structure, model, represent, split, step, cmu, smoothness] [clustering,
data, cluster, algorithm, mapping, problem, space, number, spectral, note, function, experiment, membership, iterative] [figure, estimate, assumption] [image,
bow, similarity, histogram, compare]

Supervised Descriptor Learning for Multi-Output Regression

Zhen, Xiantong, Wang, Zhijie, Yu, Mengyang, Li, Shuo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, supervised, existing, dataset, work] [discriminative, feature, performance, representation, learn,
achieve, hog, learned, supervision, discrimination, effectiveness, output, training, max, table, achieves, validation, highly] [based, propose, framework] [regression,
estimation, pose, head, orientation, sij, term, structure, yaw, volume] [sdl, multivariate, manifold, proposed, compact, reduction, approximation, matrix, dimensionality, function, regularization, objective,
algorithm, space, data, smr, kernel, arg, problem, optimization, solved, experimental, solve, vector, simultaneously, great, formulated] [ieee, generalized, accurate, conventional, developed, pitch, computer,
camera] [descriptor, image, spatial, gradient, lbp, local, handcrafted, phog, outperforms, cross, large]

Fine-Grained Visual Categorization via Multi-Stage Metric Learning

Qian, Qi, Jin, Rong, Zhu, Shenghuo, Lin, Yuanqing

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, address, visual, active, dataset, test, baseline, set] [class, training, learned, triplet, table,
performance, size, feature, challenge, auxiliary, learn, better, stage, imagenet, issue, accuracy, euclid, improve, observe, deep] [segmentation, framework, cost, based, bounding] [approach,
single] [msml, dimensional, number, dml, proposed, random, method, fgvc, low, matrix, lsvm, problem, data, rank, algorithm, optimization, dual, space, computational, time, dimensionality, linear, projection,
original, solving, min, storage, note, approximation, optimal, psd, sparse, function] [high, small, handle, conventional, figure, directly, avoid] [metric,
distance, large, image, lmnn, comparison, outperforms, compute]

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Tell Me, Is the Error Small?

Yang, Heng, Patras, Ioannis

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, test, set, consistency, evaluate, feedback, selected, example, interesting, dataset, correct, parse, focus, introduce, representative] [performance,
training, table, trained, size, recognition] [correlation, object, detection, art, state, truth, bounding, measure, calculate, based, wang, recall, including] [mirror,
error, alignment, face, rcpr, mirrorability, localization, ground, pose, ifa, facial, sdm, model, fmp, body, yang, sem, estimation, coefficient, lsp, ltm, sea, landmark, cascaded, mirrored, shape, ramanan, fact] [method,
original, order, restart, proposed, symmetric, low, number, analysis, sample, selection] [result, high, symmetry, figure, second] [image, calculated,
difference, large, corresponding, good, invariant, applied, called]

Understanding Classifier Errors by Examining Influential Neighbors

Kabra, Mayank, Robie, Alice, Branson, Kristin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[example, set, learning, labeled, test, weak, label, fastboot, mispredicted, understand, user, active, labeling, unlabeled, prediction, jaaba, selected, positive,
novel, understanding, system, interactive, wing, lda, inconsistently, add, mislabeled, work, indicated, insight, predicted, relevant, backup] [training, boosting, version, feature, learn, improve, recognition,
imagenet, context, improvement] [behavior, measure, object, weight, propose, bootstrap, performs, score] [current, single, leaf, performed] [data,
method, space, machine, algorithm, distribution, number, case, complexity, normalized, consider] [figure, median, opposite, small, estimate, examine] [distance,
dissimilarity, closest, large, nearest, best, metric, image, sorted, sampled, well, fast, true]

From Dictionary of Visual Words to Subspaces: Locality-Constrained Affine Subspace Coding

Li, Peihua, Lu, Xiaoxiao, Wang, Qilong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, representative, set, learning, work, probability] [feature, performance, fisher, training, ensemble,
voc, size, accuracy, higher, table, map, pascal, better, pyramid, increasing, class, achieves, improved] [measure, based, object, propose, segmentation, indicates, surrounding] [structure,
indoor, scene, described, coordinate] [lasc, method, subspace, coding, proximity, llc, vector, linear, manifold, data, number, encoding, space, proposed, sparse, approximation, function, dimension, matrix,
note, form, dimensionality, kobayashi, attached, cluster, distribution, solution, principal, problem, reduction] [figure, piecewise, component, geometry, high, simple] [dictionary,
local, image, comparison, nearest, large, geometric, statistical, metric, matching, outperforms, compare, weighted]

Automatically Discovering Local Visual Material Attributes

Schwartz, Gabriel, Nishino, Ko

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[attribute, visual, discovered, set, human, discover, category, recognize, predicted, plastic, perception, encode, trait, discovery, discovering, foliage,
schwartz, sharan, leather, nishino, learning, existing, appear, understanding, predict, labeled, process, embedding] [recognition, accuracy, raw, training, feature, previous, train, input] [perceptual,
object, based, propose, framework, recognizing] [fact, represent, model, rely, shape] [matrix, space, method, pairwise, random, binary, distribution, mapping,
proposed] [material, figure, water, typical, fabric, smooth, desired, paper, metal, computer, glass] [image, local, similarity, exhibit, distance, expect,
compute, patch, texture, consistent, indicate]

Jointly Learning Heterogeneous Features for RGB-D Activity Recognition

Hu, Jian-Fang, Zheng, Wei-Shi, Lai, Jianhuang, Zhang, Jianguo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, human, set, dataset, work, share, test, report] [feature, shared, recognition, tpf, hoi, table,
training, performance, compared, hog, extracted, accuracy, reported, jointly, learn, channel, sysu, pyramid] [activity, ing, action, temporal, skeleton, dynamic, video, msr, object, based, appearance, daily,
confusion, sequence, wallet, joulesvm, framework, interaction, employed, three] [model, depth, joint, rgb, step, inference, capture] [heterogeneous, method,
proposed, matrix, dimensionality, original, number, min, random, algorithm, sample, optimization, china, projection, science, solution, subspace, fusion, function] [figure, signal, fourier, phone, developed,
motion, observed] [gradient, best, outperforms, comparison]

Improving Object Proposals With Multi-Thresholding Straddling Expansion

Chen, Xiaozhi, Ma, Huimin, Wang, Xiang, Zhao, Zhichen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[obj, set, existing, diverse, generating, search] [accuracy, achieve, improving, pascal, improve, sliding,
effective, achieves, higher, setting, feature, generic] [object, bounding, box, recall, straddling, superpixel, iou, bing, superpixels, threshold, tightness, mtse, mcg, average, proposal, overlap, multiple,
cpmc, detection, intersection, generate, union, segmentation, objectness, based, edge, propose, integrated, measure, viewed, numerous, three, background, utilize, truth, generated, strong] [localization, approach,
initial, alignment, model, ground] [expansion, method, low, number, distribution, curve, proposed] [figure, ieee, high, bias, quality, accurate, simple,
sin] [image, best, area, compute, distinct]

VIP: Finding Important People in Images

Solomon Mathialagan, Clint, Gallagher, Andrew C., Batra, Dhruv

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[people, dataset, visual, work, predict, baseline, human, study, annotation, task, annotated, photo, focus, prediction, selected, understanding, pick, category,
collected, datasets, test, description, british, set, tend, interface, asked, sentence, identify, predicting, agreement, automatically, question, describe, woman, api] [table, feature, compared, improvement,
previous] [saliency, group, salient, bounding, frame, score, three, measure, detection, individual, multiple, average, box] [face, social, pose, model, approach,
capture, qualitative] [method, number, order, journal, consider] [center, relative, sharpness, ratio, figure, paper, ieee, international, total]
[person, image, pair, distance, difference, weighted, compute, best]

Bilinear Heterogeneous Information Machine for RGB-D Action Recognition

Kong, Yu, Fu, Yun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, visual, dataset, knowledge, work, existing, risk, human] [feature, svm, recognition, learned,
shared, training, performance, table, discriminative, accuracy, achieves, learn, representation, compared, better, reduce, generalization, extracted, learns, testing] [action, spatiotemporal, msr, structural,
activity, measure, daily, oriented, three] [depth, rgb, model, capture, projected, naturally, term, body, allows] [bhim, bilinear, parameter, data, matrix,
linear, modality, method, space, problem, proposed, form, projection, nxyt, rank, missing, effectively, heterogeneous, optimization, algorithm, original, dimensionality, vector, function, min, compress, order, regularizer, regularized, minimization, case,
solved, optimized] [noise, motion, figure, solver, total] [outperforms, comparison]

Dynamically Encoded Actions Based on Spacetime Saliency

Feichtenhofer, Christoph, Pinz, Axel, Wildes, Richard P.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, novel, dataset, evaluation, work, subset] [recognition, feature, pooling, performance, fisher, training,
accuracy, table, svm, alternative, improve, hog, representation, standard] [action, saliency, idt, late, spacetime, spatiotemporal, measure, foreground, video, three, based, contrast, yield, oriented, superpixels,
puppet, temporal, truth, employed, sequence, hof, catching, static, frame, mbh] [approach, capture, typically, step, ground, orientation] [energy, encoding,
proposed, vector, normalized, fusion, sum, directional, gaussian, coding, number] [motion, figure, second, ball, frequency, presented, plane] [local,
spatial, image, weighted, aggregation, dense, variance, applied, weighting, well, comparison, descriptor, large, distance, region, locally]

In Defense of Color-Based Model-Free Tracking

Possegger, Horst, Mauthner, Thomas, Bischof, Horst

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, ranking, datasets, exploit, distractors, mil, learning, search, adapt, identify, vote, evaluation, advance] [discriminative,
representation, performance, accuracy, table, challenge, achieves, compared, van, top, previous, achieve] [object, tracking, based, online, vot, distracting, kcf, dat, adaptive, appearance, lgt, tracker, likelihood,
combined, struck, surrounding, threshold, background, dsst, bounding, segmentation, spot, drifting, frame, nodat, fot, ogt, target, average, distinguish, suppress, correlation, including, adaption, propose] [model,
approach, robustness, allows, location, current, detailed, estimation] [proposed, rank, update] [color, figure, robust, high] [benchmark,
scale, region, well, best, large, overcome]

Watch-n-Patch: Unsupervised Understanding of Actions and Relations

Wu, Chenxia, Zhang, Jiemi, Savarese, Silvio, Saxena, Ashutosh

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[topic, human, unsupervised, set, word, learning, dataset, probability, correlated, interactive, document, evaluate, semantic, indicating] [learned,
recognition, training, table, output, performance, learn] [action, temporal, video, activity, forgotten, segment, segmentation, assigned, skeleton, patching, complex, wnd, detection, online, znd, frame, correctly,
xkc, sequence, extract, multiple, object, tmnd, hmm, hierarchical, tnd] [model, modeling, rgb, approach, kinect, challenging, structure, prior, normal, capture, recorded, body] [time,
distribution, consider, number, order, pairwise, missing, drawn, assignment] [relative, figure, absolute, completely, motion] [well, sampling, local]

Building a Bird Recognition App and Large Scale Dataset With Citizen Scientists: The Fine Print in Fine-Grained Dataset Collection

Van Horn, Grant, Branson, Steve, Farrell, Ryan, Haber, Scott, Barry, Jessie, Ipeirotis, Panos, Perona, Pietro, Belongie, Serge

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[citizen, dataset, annotation, vision, bird, corruption, datasets, mturkers, set, label, test, tool, category, mechanical, mturk, throughput, expert, visual,
domain, flickr, interface, cub, search, crowdsourcing, help, community, quiz, task, collect, scientist, vote, collecting, knowledge, nabirds, work, labeling, user, turkers, expertise] [training, imagenet,
recognition, level, performance, accuracy, larger, size, class, raw] [object, lab, average, cost, based, multiple] [error, provide] [number,
time, analysis, data, corrupted] [computer, figure, quality, high, conference, ieee, pattern, total, real, accurate] [image, large, june, false, rate]

How Many Bits Does it Take for a Stimulus to Be Salient?

Hossein Khatoonabadi, Sayed, Vasconcelos, Nuno, Bajic, Ivan V., Shan, Yufeng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, prediction, test, label, processing, vision, set, probability, consistency, entropy, natural, human, amount] [feature,
accuracy, map, table, neural, standard, class, higher, global] [saliency, video, measure, obdl, average, stimulus, based, temporal, auc, aws, eye, salient, detection, attention, mam, pmes, mcsdm, surp, compressibility,
maxnorm, stsd, pxl, gbvs, sorm, principle, score] [model, control, scene, cmp, volume] [block, compressed, sample, number, energy, coding, mrf, proposed,
random, analysis, markov, function, avg, journal, low, data] [ieee, motion, high, computer, accurate, figure, measured, signal] [image, compression, spatial,
modern, local, implementation, psnr, statistical]

Class Consistent Multi-Modal Fusion With Binary Features

Shrivastava, Ashish, Rastegari, Mohammad, Shekhar, Sumit, Chellappa, Rama, Davis, Larry S.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, vision, dataset, learning, predicted, set, subject, predict, evaluate, multimodal, randomly] [class,
feature, recognition, level, training, table, max, performance, decision, svm, input, fusing, better, accuracy] [multiple, based, target, object, score, weight, combined, combination] [depth,
continuous] [binary, fusion, algorithm, data, modality, ccmm, solution, greedy, problem, method, kernel, optimization, arg, bit, sparse, iris, linear, machine, denoted, proposed, smbr, vector, gurobi, row,
matrix, feasible, min, wvu, sample, ith, perturbation, mip, biometrics, atm, order, mkl, number, solving] [conference, ieee, computer, pattern, international, intensity, figure, color] [consistent,
compute, image, computed, large, biometric, mth, change, compare]

Ranking and Retrieval of Image Sequences From Multiple Paragraph Queries

Kim, Gunhee, Moon, Seungwhan, Sigal, Leonid

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[text, blog, latent, photo, set, semantic, embedding, work, sentence, associated, ranking, retrieve, language, test, visual, paragraph, natural, disneyland,
retrieving, topic, corpus, post, association, disney, ripa, user, relation, evaluation, relevant, learning, perform, dvisor, common, scand, review, representative, lda, evaluate, automatically] [training,
svm, feature, input, learn, size, top, performance] [segmentation, sequence, multiple, structural, three, segment, based, groundtruth, key] [approach, model,
single] [method, algorithm, problem, data, mapping, vector, number, lsa, space, analysis] [unique, parallel] [image,
query, retrieval, large, best, similarity, comparison, consists, visualization, pair, comprehensive]

Motion Part Regularization: Improving Action Recognition via Trajectory Selection

Ni, Bingbing, Moulin, Pierre, Yang, Xiaokang, Yan, Shuicheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, set, human, latent, select, word, associated, introduce, learning, dataset, selected, ranked] [discriminative,
fisher, recognition, training, feature, representation, testing, learned, top, svm, global, improved, better, follow, extracted, class, ifv] [action, video, trajectory, based, group, discriminativeness, temporal,
weight, entire, structural, framework, movement, copy, golf, olympic, wang, propose, utilized] [model, body] [vector, method, regularization, proposed,
selection, number, form, note, denote, entry, sparse, algorithm, sample, optimization, lasso, problem, respect, parameter, gaussian, solve, objective] [motion, figure, ieee, simple, assume, high]
[local, dense, weighted, database, corresponding, scheme, overlapping, best, good, gradient]

Beyond Principal Components: Deep Boltzmann Machines for Face Modeling

Nhan Duong, Chi, Luu, Khoa, Gia Quach, Kha, Bui, Tien D.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, active, domain, set, predict, evaluation, ability] [deep, testing, hidden, age, training, table,
layer, better, trained, representation, higher, input, factor, recognition, compared, discriminative, capability] [appearance, based, generate, numerous, three] [facial,
shape, model, face, aams, reconstruction, modeling, boltzmann, approach, helen, estimation, lfpw, occlusion, dbm, represent, current, maes, challenging, provide, landmark, term] [method, proposed, order,
formulated, arg, original, represented, data, gaussian, problem, algorithm] [computer, figure, reconstructed, ieee, conference, presented, pattern, international, noise, rmse, second, estimated, quality]
[texture, image, bicubic, database, aging, pca]

Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Mapping Learning for Multi-Label Classification

Jing, Liping, Yang, Liu, Yu, Jian, Ng, Michael K.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, learning, labeled, instance, unlabeled, sun, latent, prediction, msrc, set, datasets, category, dataset, lin, active] [feature,
loss, training, performance, accuracy, size, table, learn, testing, class] [based, three, handling, multimedia, auc, indicates, average] [model, structure,
capture, term] [data, slrm, space, method, mapping, number, singular, matrix, proposed, function, regularization, linear, missing, algorithm, alternating, vector, machine, complexity, min, faie, nuclear,
main, optimization, mediamill, convex, problem, norm, miml, order, denoted, cplst, analysis, mlloc, manifold, close, experimental, computational, ith, remark] [figure, intrinsic, direction, real, square,
ieee] [large, image, geometric, corresponding, local]

Can Humans Fly? Action Understanding With Multiple Classes of Actors

Xu, Chenliang, Hsieh, Shao-Hang, Xiong, Caiming, Corso, Jason J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, vision, dog, understanding, label, conditional, dataset, bird, set, work, human, eating, european, car, jump, cat, tuple, considers, labeled, labeling,
relationship] [recognition, performance, jointly, train, accuracy, training, observe, better, class] [action, actor, segmentation, video, trilayer, adult,
bayes, object, bilayer, supervoxel, baby, crawling, walking, three, average, individual, climbing, actoraction, jointps, multiple] [model, joint, modeling, inference, full, graphical, independent, potential]
[space, product, consider, problem, roll, journal] [computer, conference, ieee, international, pattern, rolling, figure, ball, motion, directly, paper]
[dense, well, eat, large]

Learning Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detectors Without Real Data

Hattori, Hironori, Naresh Boddeti, Vishnu, Kitani, Kris M., Kanade, Takeo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, work, surveillance, domain, dataset, adaptation, evaluation, evaluate, human, labeled, purely, baseline, scenario] [pedestrian,
detector, dpm, trained, learn, ssv, training, performance, learned, table, generic, train] [detection, appearance, object, precision, overlap, recall, based, generated, generate, cmusrd, correlation, town,
bounding, video, framework, truth, static, three] [scene, approach, location, model, single, smoothness, localization, ground, mellon, pose, cij, carnegie] [data,
proposed, method, min, problem, denotes, number, arg, range] [real, synthetic, camera, figure, ratio, geometry, computer, fourier, center, small, perspective, varying, account, simulated, second]
[virtual, large, distance, resolution, image, outperforms, geometric, corresponding, spatial, applied]

Visual Recognition by Counting Instances: A Multi-Instance Cardinality Potential Kernel

Hajimirsadeghi, Hossein, Yan, Wang, Vahdat, Arash, Mori, Greg

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[cardinality, instance, bag, learning, vision, people, label, latent, positive, work, set, visual, european, dataset, summarization, interesting, yqj, relevant,
encode, evaluation, probability, human, labeled, example, hard] [recognition, svm, structured, training, feature, performance, trecvid, standard, global] [video,
event, activity, temporal, multiple, segment, collective, based, action, group, framework, counting, propose, likelihood, detection] [model, potential, probabilistic, inference, joint, approach, scene, modeling,
single] [kernel, proposed, method, algorithm, number, exp, exact, marginal, machine, parameter, encoding, intelligence] [computer, conference, pattern,
international, figure, paper, length] [internet, dense, comparison]

Modeling Deformable Gradient Compositions for Single-Image Super-Resolution

Zhu, Yu, Zhang, Yanning, Bonev, Boyan, Yuille, Alan L.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, learning, example, woman, bird, exploit, test, select, evaluate, selected] [input, deep, better,
network, performance, previous, top, global] [based, edge, mask, baby, path, combination, contrast, propose, integrated, candidate] [deformable, model, deformation,
compositional, single, smoothness, prior, structure, position, head, represent, reconstruction, regression, estimation, composition, adjustment] [singular, method, sparse, coding, proposed, function, parameter,
linear, base, note, form, literature, constraint, appropriate] [figure, intensity, pixel, sharp, ieee, red, reconstructed] [gradient, patch, image, dictionary,
psnr, ridge, ssim, magnitude, corresponding, masked, local, dominating, matching, choose, best, increment, well, neighbor, june]

Learning Multiple Visual Tasks While Discovering Their Structure

Ciliberto, Carlo, Rosasco, Lorenzo, Villa, Silvia

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, mtl, task, attribute, relevant, dataset, associated, positive, visual, natural, knowledge, report, closed, okl, share] [setting,
training, standard, table, class, loss, output, designed, feature] [multiple, detection, framework, object, sequence, generated, propose] [structure, approach,
term, model, limb] [kernel, problem, matrix, sparse, skmtl, convex, method, sparsity, form, algorithm, solution, linear, reproducing, optimization, empirical, minimization, function, alternating, respect,
proposed, theorem, regularization, hilbert, graph, order, machine, solving, space, stl, solve, operator, convergence, number, mtrl, consider, rkhsvv, objective, selection] [recover, conference, scalar, computer,
recovered, figure, color, synthetic, theory] [separable, considered]

Mapping Visual Features to Semantic Profiles for Retrieval in Medical Imaging

Hofmanninger, Johannes, Langs, Georg

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, visual, learning, set, healthy, label, radiology, weak, relevant, reticular, emphysema, mil, honeycombing, bvw, labeling, content, highest, haralick,
weakly, vision, bag, occurring, link] [feature, training, class, map, ensemble, table, compared, learn, decision] [based, supervoxels, supervoxel, anomaly,
appearance, precision, generated, generate, multiple, partitioning] [volume, performed, leaf, capture] [data, random, space, vector, mapping, distribution,
number, binary, analysis, method, machine] [imaging, figure, ieee, pattern, computer, conference, high, relative] [image, retrieval, medical, corresponding,
clinical, texture, tissue, lung, local, descriptor, distance, true, randomized, variability, metric, similarity]

On Learning Optimized Reaction Diffusion Processes for Effective Image Restoration

Chen, Yunjin, Yu, Wei, Pock, Thomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[process, learning, test, work, natural, set, feedback] [training, trained, stage, learned, jpeg, size,
table, performance, previous, convolution, train, loss, output, effective, standard, involves, additional, smoothing] [based, propose] [model, term, joint,
anisotropic, step, discrete, prior, approach, descent, typically] [diffusion, function, nonlinear, proposed, reaction, penalty, linear, gaussian, time, computation, ugt, greedy, order, algorithm, csf, deblocking,
problem, consider, energy, number, method, data, optimized, trdt, kernel, note, lead, critical, minimization, wnnm, optimal] [high, ieee, noise, conventional, parallel, result, supplemental, figure, derivative,
material] [image, restoration, denoising, gradient, local, corresponding, variational]

Correlation Filters With Limited Boundaries

Kiani Galoogahi, Hamed, Sim, Terence, Lucey, Simon

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, learning, set, versus, vision, selected, visual, predicted] [training, performance, size, output,
advantage, log, learn, compared, train, negative, applying] [correlation, tracking, object, cost, boundary, eye, struck, memory, precision, average, frame, threshold, detection, complex, based] [approach,
localization, error, full, position, face, fps] [method, number, mosse, objective, proposed, computational, matrix, shifted, fragtrack, vector, vectorized, iterative, denotes, miltrack, operator, algorithm,
augmented, solving, admm, expressed, energy, operation, iteration, extremely] [figure, equation, frequency, circular, fourier, shift, signal, desired, length, lagrangian, estimated, paper, robust, synthetic]
[spatial, dense, image, rate, well, sampling, dramatically, patch]

Active Learning and Discovery of Object Categories in the Presence of Unnameable Instances

Kading, Christoph, Freytag, Alexander, Rodner, Erik, Bodesheim, Paul, Denzler, Joachim

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[active, learning, vision, dataset, unlabeled, expected, emoc, unnameable, label, discovery, example, set, labeled, coco, labeling, erm, work, process, risk,
european, annotator, selecting, evaluating, select, pknn, probability, rejected, entropy, unrelated, discover, visual] [class, output, recognition, accuracy, training, loss, previous] [object,
density, principle, including] [model, regression, approach, face, valid, current, uncertainty, step, realistic] [data, binary, gaussian, problem, random,
machine, number, usps, method, sample, empirical, function, respect, code, case] [conference, computer, international, unknown, technique, high, estimate, pattern, estimated, figure] [change,
query, large, image]

A MRF Shape Prior for Facade Parsing With Occlusions

Kozinski, Mateusz, Gadde, Raghudeep, Zagoruyko, Sergey, Obozinski, Guillaume, Marlet, Renaud

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, semantic, door, baseline] [class, parsing, performance, grammar, table, window, accuracy,
neural, training, vegetation, raw] [segmentation, assigned, hierarchical, structural, allowed, complex] [facade, adjacency, shape, prior, adjacent, ecp, alignment,
formalism, anc, neighboring, production, etrims, unary, irregular, split, model, textonboost, structure, artdeco, vertically, architectural] [algorithm, number, column, row, dual, encoding, method, energy,
formulation, proposed, denote, linear, lower, optimal, respect, problem, element, random, pairwise, optimization, decomposition, primal] [pixel, pattern, vertical, horizontal, figure, component, simultaneous,
result, sky] [image, grid, corresponding, recursive, hierarchy]

Predicting the Future Behavior of a Time-Varying Probability Distribution

Lampert, Christoph H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, probability, learning, prediction, domain, future, predicted, embedding, adaptation, work, extrapolating, predict, visual, vision, source, conditional,
predicting, test, extrapolate, embeddings, study, positive] [training, learn, setting, table, feature, input, apply, identity, actual] [target, video, situation,
sequence] [step, regression, mixture, model, split] [distribution, data, time, edd, kernel, sample, herding, rkhs, method, machine, hilbert, space, linear,
operator, problem, empirical, order, number, predsvm, convex, form, working, reproducing, experiment, practical, inner, vector, regularization] [observed, conference, synthetic, figure, estimate, computer,
real, international, second, equation] [true, weighted, distance, consists]

An Approximate Shading Model for Object Relighting

Liao, Zicheng, Karsch, Kevin, Forsyth, David

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[user, study, visual, system, dataset, existing, subject, task, set, expert] [coarse, age, layer, representation,
standard, passed, table, alternative, better] [object, viewed, target, complex] [shape, model, scene, composition, reconstruction, error, normal, surface,
rendered, single, realistic, approach, estimation, allows, realism] [method, approximate, composite, column, lower, number] [shading, detail, barron,
illumination, insertion, real, malik, parametric, result, figure, karsch, material, relighting, half, inserted, chose, rendering, synthetic, residual, preferred, acm, light, albedo, simple, color, accurate, smooth, technique, second, subpopulation, high, produce,
failed, artist, intrinsic, male, lighting] [image, geometric, view, large, best, well, comparison]

Web Scale Photo Hash Clustering on A Single Machine

Gong, Yunchao, Pawlowski, Marcin, Yang, Fei, Brandy, Louis, Bourdev, Lubomir, Fergus, Rob

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[photo, perform, store, purity, work, dataset, set, learning, stream, introduce, amount, web] [table, deep,
build, convolutional, neural, standard, size, better] [online, based, truth, propose, object] [step, point, single, ground, represent] [clustering,
binary, cluster, number, hash, method, data, algorithm, problem, proposed, hashing, time, trending, compact, speedup, kmeans, lookup, running, spam, huge, complexity, batch, machine, hamming, quantization, endfor, update, faster, kmedoids, optimization, duplicate,
easily, extremely, bkmeans] [figure, directly, center, speed, enables, handle] [large, image, nearest, fast, distance, internet, applied]

Hardware Compliant Approximate Image Codes

Kuang, Da, Gittens, Alex, Hamid, Raffay

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, visual, work, encode] [accuracy, size, table, training, pascal, increase, feature, mit, standard,
compared, discriminative, better, class] [average, memory, plot, cost] [error, reconstruction, approach, fact, volume] [encoding,
exact, approximate, llc, proposed, approximation, codewords, analysis, linear, coding, note, cluster, matrix, perturbation, codebook, bmt, number, normalized, solving, main, intuition, empirical, assignment, theorem, sparse, computational, function, consider,
complexity, multiplication, min, codeword, cholesky] [computer, figure, equation, ieee, hardware, pattern, high] [scheme, nearest, image, dictionary,
cvpr, local, counterpart, large, modern, distance]

Multispectral Pedestrian Detection: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline

Hwang, Soonmin, Park, Jaesik, Kim, Namil, Choi, Yukyung, So Kweon, In

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, vision, datasets, human, positive, annotated, introduce, evaluation, baseline, system, existing] [acf,
pedestrian, channel, feature, negative, capturing, recognition, additional, compared, trained, better, larger, standard, performance, caltech] [detection, based, object, three, bounding, temporal, average,
frame, heavy, video] [occlusion, aligned, height, occluded, visible, shape, kitti] [number, analysis, proposed, machine, extension, algorithm] [thermal,
color, multispectral, camera, figure, pattern, computer, ieee, conference, captured, infrared, hardware, day, beam, night, pixel, reasonable, nighttime, international, calibration, braking, splitter, handle, daytime, medium] [image,
rate, false, distance, scale, partial, gradient, voting, person]

Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation With Subspace Learning for Visual Recognition

Yao, Ting, Pan, Yingwei, Ngo, Chong-Wah, Li, Houqiang, Mei, Tao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, source, adaptation, learning, labeled, unlabeled, sdasl, visual, transfer, webcam, concept, test, latent, positive, learnt, risk, work, unsupervised,
amazon, dslr, mismatch, set, randomization, dataset, instance, scmv] [training, performance, feature, better, trecvid, learn, imagenet, recognition, svm, jointly, trained, decision] [target,
three, video, indicates, structural, object] [structure, predictive, model, represent] [data, subspace, objective, function, proposed, regularization, manifold,
distribution, optimization, method, conducted, algorithm, problem, original, mapping, number, space, minimizing, minimize, dimensionality, vector, simultaneously, china] [figure, preservation, shift]
[image, distance, similarity, metric, difference, good, outperforms, compute]

Real-Time Part-Based Visual Tracking via Adaptive Correlation Filters

Liu, Ting, Wang, Gang, Yang, Qingxiong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, visual, learning, set] [map, response, recognition, size, learned, table, discriminative, training,
structured, performance] [tracking, target, based, correlation, object, kcf, appearance, tracker, adaptive, online, tracked, multiple, structural, state, bounding, frame, weight, struck, updated, framework,
likelihood, individual, track, adaptively, average, psr, particle, calculate, entire, video, box, detection] [model, fps, occlusion, joint, inference, location, occluded, layout, challenging] [method,
proposed, constraint, updating, problem, maximum, number, complicated, sparse, update, machine, adopted] [computer, ieee, conference, pattern, robust, international, speed, red, observation, smooth, center,
small, high, figure] [bayesian, corresponding, scale, image, spatial, partial, rate]

Efficient Sparse-to-Dense Optical Flow Estimation Using a Learned Basis and Layers

Wulff, Jonas, Black, Michael J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, work, learning, set] [feature, learned, layer, training, accuracy, recognition, learn, performance,
combine] [frame, truth, average, propose, assigned] [estimation, kitti, approach, model, ground, volume, current, full, point] [sparse,
basis, method, algorithm, linear, principal, note, analysis, machine, runtime, data, number, subspace, journal, computationally, approximate] [optical, motion, computer, ieee, pattern, layered, accurate,
figure, estimate, conference, international, robust, interpolation, small, horizontal, traditional, vertical, requires, springer, lecture, simple] [image, dense, compute, pca, matching, spatial, computed,
sintel, june, large, resolution, fast, variational, well, good, local, displacement]

Cascaded Hand Pose Regression

Sun, Xiao, Wei, Yichen, Liang, Shuang, Tang, Xiaoou, Sun, Jian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, dataset, learning, work] [better, stage, previous, training, global, root, feature, learn, achieve]
[hierarchical, object, based, frame, tracking, average, framework, truth, updated, complex] [pose, hand, regression, palm, estimation, holistic, depth, coordinate,
articulated, cascaded, viewpoint, approach, body, fps, initial, canonical, error, parameterization, lrf, joint, model, ground, finger, initialization, forest, regressing, offset, regressors, rough, challenging, articulation] [random,
algorithm, update, note, data] [pixel, estimate, camera, axis, real, estimated, figure, rotation, angle, second, plane, residual, high, pitch, motion, directly] [image,
large, transformation, invariance, normalization, difference, applied, corresponding, good, local]

Joint Photo Stream and Blog Post Summarization and Exploration

Kim, Gunhee, Moon, Seungwhan, Sigal, Leonid

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[photo, blog, summarization, text, set, stream, semantic, associated, summary, disney, help, latent, ranking, attraction, subset, include, disneyland, knowledge,
titling, visual, work, automatic, representative, task, test, selected, entity, randomly, perform] [svm, size, table, stochastic, jointly, training, feature, better, top, build, achieve] [consecutive,
key, based, sequence, generate, online, three, indicates, score] [alignment, joint, approach, localization, initial, adjacency, location] [algorithm, method,
number, data, constraint, matrix, vector, optimization] [interpolation, estimated, figure] [image, large, similarity, query, pair, comparison, named,
choose, list, best]

Latent Trees for Estimating Intensity of Facial Action Units

Kaltwang, Sebastian, Todorovic, Sinisa, Pantic, Maja

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, latent, work, categorical, set, conditional, evaluation, clean, human, existing, emotion] [training,
hidden, feature, performance, learn, input, discriminative, better, increase] [average, node, action, likelihood, video, correlation, structural, target, appearance] [model,
fau, facial, structure, tree, svr, disfa, blt, corr, svc, faus, shoulderpain, spontaneous, inference, face, landmark, posterior, joint, generative, estimation, continuous, leaf, discrete, marginals, pronounced] [data,
number, algorithm, distribution, vector, binary, marginal, iteratively, parameter, random, problem, derive] [intensity, noise, ieee, pattern, figure, estimate] [local,
parent, lbp, bayesian]

Material Classification With Thermal Imagery

Saponaro, Philip, Sorensen, Scott, Kolagunda, Abhishek, Kambhamettu, Chandra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, system, indicator, correct, plastic, wood, vision, study] [feature, coarse, accuracy, class, extracted,
top, fine, refers, map, table, compared, standard] [video, combination, based, combined, long, threshold] [model, described, recorded, aligned, coordinate]
[rank, method, function, time, linear, sample, spectral, chosen] [material, water, permeation, color, thermal, fft, spherical, equation, figure, infrared, temperature,
ieee, computer, heating, pattern, paper, binned, conference, camera, cooling, wave, international, lamp, lighting, nir, slice, champ, lwir, minute, txk, simple, center, total, varying, setup, bidirectional] [heat,
texture, best, image, imagery, patch, rate, invariance, comparison, comparing]

Fixation Bank: Learning to Reweight Fixation Candidates

Zhao, Jiaping, Siagian, Christian, Itti, Laurent

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, test, positive, human, selected, set, correlated, green, learning] [feature, map, channel, negative,
training, fixation, learn, raw, extracted, representation, build, contextual] [blob, saliency, bank, decomposed, group, auc, weight, diem, dynamic, video, blocked, eye, crcns, making, frame, attention, static,
density, judd, decompose, ciom, including, based, reweight] [model, gaze, scene, reconstruction, regression, location, approach] [data, gaussian, block,
algorithm, column, lasso, linear, reweighting, method, sum, problem, journal, row, sample, decomposition, number, case] [figure, motion] [dictionary,
peak, local, image, spatial, outperforms, weighting, weighted, reference, gap]

Leveraging Stereo Matching With Learning-Based Confidence Measures

Park, Min-Gyu, Yoon, Kuk-Jin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[predicted, prediction, selected, set, learning, datasets, correct, consistency, select] [performance, feature,
input, training, improvement, accuracy, map, negative, improves, learned, trained] [cost, measure, detection, based, frame, auc, detecting] [kitti, regression,
sgm, challenging, forest, initial, term, occluded, approach, tree, ground, error, step, volume, robustness, depth] [proposed, method, number, data, selection, random, variable, algorithm, vector, order,
time, original, permutation, problem, consistently] [stereo, disparity, modulation, figure, pixel, outdoor, quality, robust, left, captured, middlebury] [matching,
image, difference, computed, unreliable, modulated, correctness, construct, similarity, local, mismatched, fast, false, peak]

Beyond the Shortest Path : Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Sampling Subspaces Along the Spline Flow

Caseiro, Rui, Henriques, Joao F., Martins, Pedro, Batista, Jorge

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, source, adaptation, amazon, dslr, webcam, ssf, symd, visual, unsupervised, set, learning, paradigm, datasets, work, concept, wrapping, description,
task, refer] [intermediate, recognition, caltech, map, training, advantage, fully, trained, representation] [target, object, multiple, complex, integrate,
sod] [point, allows, kinematic, model, location] [curve, data, manifold, spline, geodesic, space, grassmann, sgf, tangent, proposed, riemannian, projection,
order, matrix, number, rank, symmetric, subspace, problem, algorithm, represented, idea, euclidean, sen, orthogonal, special, son] [rolling, mode, smooth, shift, simple, real, presented, motion] [compute,
computed, image, geometric, sampling, deal, large, respective, best, metric]

Discriminant Analysis on Riemannian Manifold of Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition With Image Sets

Wang, Wen, Wang, Ruiping, Huang, Zhiwu, Shan, Shiguang, Chen, Xilin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, vision, learning, positive, embedding] [recognition, discriminative, training, performance, feature,
testing, compared, belonging] [based, measure, propose, average, three, video, group, multiple] [face, model, modeling, prior, probabilistic, represent, single,
approach, mixture] [gaussian, kernel, manifold, gaussians, analysis, riemannian, method, space, covariance, linear, data, lie, gmm, number, distribution, subspace, euclidean, proposed, ytc, nonlinear, order,
derive, cdl, mda, mmd, sparse, cox, gda, dcc, pasc, sample, geda, spd, denoted, conducted, ytf] [computer, conference, ieee, pattern, component, society, international, geometry] [image,
distance, discriminant, statistical, local, similarity, compute, weighted, nearest, divergence, gallery, derived]

Reflectance Hashing for Material Recognition

Zhang, Hang, Dana, Kristin, Nishino, Ko

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, embedding, learner, learning, selected, novel, processing, automotive, paint, wood, visual] [recognition,
feature, boosting, training, class, discriminative, performance, neural, size, response] [appearance, recognizing, spot, framework] [surface, approach, mirror,
point, single, scene, error, joint, layout, provide] [binary, hashing, method, number, function, machine, hash, space, spectral, compact, analysis] [material,
figure, computer, texton, disk, conference, ieee, glossy, pattern, angular, illumination, camera, metal, viewing, paper, parabolic, measurement, light, rubber, international, pixel, angle, high, optical, feather, ceramic, brdf] [image,
rate, textons, texture, spatial, nearest, gradient, illustrated, distance, region, characteristic, textured, variation, change, database]

Real-Time 3D Head Pose and Facial Landmark Estimation From Depth Images Using Triangular Surface Patch Features

Papazov, Chavdar, Marks, Tim K., Jones, Michael

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, set, library, system, side] [training, testing, input, accuracy, trained, map, detector, previous,
table, feature] [based, detection, average, online, generated] [head, depth, pose, facial, landmark, triangle, face, point, centroid, tsp, surface, model,
estimation, biwi, orientation, triangular, performed, height, kinect, fanelli, single, equilateral, winning, error, nose, cloud, bfm, mesh, detected, localization] [base, data, method, number, sample, parameter,
lie, proposed, clustering, time] [rotation, figure, robust, synthetic, estimate, estimated, sensor, accurate, high, ieee] [distance, voting, descriptor,
sampled, missed, patch, sampling, compute, local, corresponding, image, consists, rate, nearest]

Making Better Use of Edges via Perceptual Grouping

Qi, Yonggang, Song, Yi-Zhe, Xiang, Tao, Zhang, Honggang, Hospedales, Timothy, Li, Yi, Guo, Jun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, human, work, generation, ranking, learning, natural, semantic, visual, dataset, novel, vision, strategy, generating] [contour,
map, better, performance, feature, top, table, hog] [edge, grouping, object, gestalt, perceptual, segmentation, objectness, based, box, bounding, candidate, group, sbir, score, generated, multiple, detection,
proposal, grouper, framework, generate, key, three, measure, edgeboxes, recall, bing, salient, partition, boundary, mcg] [approach, closure, model, qualitative] [graph,
proposed, method, problem, proximity, algorithm, function, energy, grouped, number, rank] [figure, real, continuity, simple, ratio, high] [sketch, image,
retrieval, pair, query, scale, distance, formed, compute, local]

Data-Driven Depth Map Refinement via Multi-Scale Sparse Representation

Kwon, HyeokHyen, Tai, Yu-Wing, Lin, Stephen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, natural, set, human, address, noisy] [map, raw, training, learned, level, performance,
higher, learn, size, table, previous, compared] [based, three, truth, park, edge] [depth, rgb, kinect, face, approach, joint, scene, reconstruction, nagdp,
single, model, hole, ground, reconstruct] [data, method, sparse, practical, algorithm, missing, fusion, problem, order, min, arg] [figure, upsampling,
equation, tof, captured, presented, high, ieee, quality, intensity, middlebury, supplemental, recovered] [dictionary, image, resolution, gradient, large, scale, texture, local, degradation, statistical,
uncorrelated, geometric, exhibit, patch, bicubic, variation, illustrated]

Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification With Semi-Coupled Low-Rank Discriminant Dictionary Learning

Jing, Xiao-Yuan, Zhu, Xiaoke, Wu, Fei, You, Xinge, Liu, Qinglong, Yue, Dong, Hu, Ruimin, Xu, Baowen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, dataset, test, select, evaluation, randomly] [learned, feature, representation, discriminative,
training, compared, table, designed, pedestrian, learn, recognition, learns] [based, updated, appearance] [approach, term, represent, ensure, provide]
[mapping, min, function, coding, sparse, ith, formula, objective, matrix, rank, regularization, number, experimental, china, method, updating, cluster, proposed, denote, close, lagrange] [camera,
ieee, conference, figure, captured, technique, intrinsic] [person, image, dictionary, gallery, pair, matching, probe, rate, sscdl, coupled, sampling, discriminant, viper, rdc, rplm, well, kissme, prid, distance,
patch, converted, metric, characterize, corresponding]

Unsupervised Visual Alignment With Similarity Graphs

Shokrollahi Yancheshmeh, Fatemeh, Chen, Ke, Kamarainen, Joni-Kristian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, unsupervised, work, learning, set, manually, semantic, maximization, select, labeled, annotation] [feature,
class, effective, imagenet, accuracy, achieved, table, representation, better] [object, seed, cost, based, measure, detection, bounding] [alignment, face,
approach, manual, aligned, term] [graph, assignment, problem, method, algorithm, aij, matrix, approximation, number, function, space, solution, selection, optimization, computation, proposed, computational,
form, solved, ransac, minimum, data] [figure, direct, generalized, avoid, distortion] [similarity, image, matching, good, geometric, transformation, congealing,
dijkstra, spatial, ideal, centrality, fast, benchmark, large, stepwise, mst, best, lankinen, distance, local, huang, sift, moderately]

Person Re-Identification by Local Maximal Occurrence Representation and Metric Learning

Liao, Shengcai, Hu, Yang, Zhu, Xiangyu, Li, Stan Z.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, occurrence, vision, dataset, set] [feature, performance, table, learn, representation, learned,
training, accuracy, effective, applying, recognition, compared] [propose, score] [viewpoint, face, detected] [proposed,
method, subspace, algorithm, analysis, rank, time, dimensional, dimension, function, problem, low, eigenvalue] [conference, computer, camera, pattern, ieee, color, robust, illumination, international, figure,
horizontal, observed, generalized, second] [person, metric, local, xqda, lomo, discriminant, image, retinex, distance, viper, matching, database, called, maximal, kissme, comparison, applied, best, invariant,
cumulative, cvpr, bayesian, well, cmc, derived, texture, grid, itml, histogram, lmnn, large, cuhk, computed]

A Dynamic Programming Approach for Fast and Robust Object Pose Recognition From Range Images

Zach, Christopher, Penate-Sanchez, Adrian, Pham, Minh-Tri

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, predicted, dataset, evaluation, learning, task, consistency] [feature, training, recognition,
input, def, level, discriminative, performance, global, highly] [object, detection, based, frame, three, interest] [depth, pose, model, surface, approach,
point, coordinate, estimation, shape, message, occupancy, normal, spin, cluttered, current, full, cad, commodity] [data, sample, time, method, range, computation, algorithm, number, respect, pairwise, binary,
random, choice] [pixel, minimal, robust, sensor, observed, color, estimating, real] [local, matching, image, descriptor, distance, sampling, putative,
respective, compatibility, invariant, inlier, determine, compute, true, hough, query]

Fast and Flexible Convolutional Sparse Coding

Heide, Felix, Heidrich, Wolfgang, Wetzstein, Gordon

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, vision, set, evaluate, datasets, existing, strategy, work, example] [convolutional,
learned, feature, better, convolution, table, previous, inversion, standard, training, size] [boundary, cost, propose, framework, supported] [reconstruction,
allows, approach, described, term] [sparse, method, proposed, objective, coding, algorithm, data, csc, optimization, solve, formulation, converges, argmin, general, linear, fruit, convergence, sum, number,
problem, faster, solution, bristow, original, shrinkage, alternating, solved, solving, gaussian, note, convex, operator, time, proximal, derive] [figure, quality, frequency, computer, signal, compressive,
inverse, imaging] [image, incomplete, local, psnr, demonstrate, city, well, sampled, spatial, splitting, compare, good]

Similarity Learning on an Explicit Polynomial Kernel Feature Map for Person Re-Identification

Chen, Dapeng, Yuan, Zejian, Hua, Gang, Zheng, Nanning, Wang, Jingdong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, latent, learning, vision, positive, dataset, introduce, discover, correct, task] [feature, triplet,
loss, table, negative, map, learn, performance, training, size, recognition, accuracy] [multiple, based, three, weight, utilize, object] [approach, face,
mixture, single, term] [function, regularization, explicit, method, vector, kernel, sparsity, binary, linear, rank, problem, number, form, formulation, update, algorithm, data, proposed, objective, machine,
respect, min, convex, constraint, parameter, national] [computer, figure, pattern, polynomial, equation, conference, camera, adopt, second, international] [similarity,
person, matching, image, gallery, distance, patch, hij, viper, comparison, probe, grid, mahalanobis, metric, matched, descriptor, rate, best, cmc, compare, hik]

24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis

Torii, Akihiko, Arandjelovic, Relja, Sivic, Josef, Okutomi, Masatoshi, Pajdla, Tomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, work, baseline, google, example, dog, associated] [recognition, map, top, compared, performance,
representation, feature, fisher, standard, extracted] [appearance, based, generate, recall, structural, individual] [scene, viewpoint, depth, location, structure,
position, model, challenging, approach] [method, sparse, original, number, compact, data, vector, note, proposed] [illumination, camera, figure, synthetic,
perspective, ratio, captured] [place, image, query, virtual, vlad, matching, dense, synthesized, view, database, sampled, local, descriptor, synth, major, large, invariant, densely, synthesis, inlier, sift,
tokyo, change, match, illustrated, imagery, geometrically, well, matched, grid, spatial, rootsift, synthesize, sparsely, sampling, closest]

Tree Quantization for Large-Scale Similarity Search and Classification

Babenko, Artem, Lempitsky, Victor

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, search, learning, dataset, datasets, evaluate, process, evaluation] [training, accuracy, global, advantage,
learned, table, neural, representation, better, fisher] [assigned, recall, average, edge, performs] [tree, error, reconstruction, inference, structure, vertex]
[otq, encoding, quantization, codebook, coding, product, codebooks, vector, opq, dimension, compressed, uncompressed, code, codewords, optimal, apq, codeword, number, optimized, euclidean, minimization, quantizer,
main, sum, method, additive, complexity, approximate, faster, data, linear, binary, assignment, time, graph, composite, orthogonality, pairwise] [scalar, figure, rotation] [compression,
nearest, neighbor, large, scheme, distance, retrieval, well, fast, query, compare, image]

Becoming the Expert - Interactive Multi-Class Machine Teaching

Johns, Edward, Mac Aodha, Oisin, Brostow, Gabriel J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[teaching, learning, human, student, strategy, active, set, teacher, interactive, visual, datasets, task, work, ability, dataset, labeled, seer, mechanical,
incorrect, label, swp, showing, provided, scc, example, sbatch, adapt, correct, future, web, test, amount, curriculum, goal, perform, domain, turk, access, feedback] [class, feature, performance, table, learn,
testing, better, compared] [based, teach, average, truth, object, individual] [model, current, ground, challenging, approach, prior, uncertainty] [machine,
random, number, matrix, time, method, optimal, problem, data, batch, space, selection, distribution] [figure, real, directly, estimate, presented, computer] [image,
similarity, computed]

Encoding Based Saliency Detection for Videos and Images

Mauthner, Thomas, Possegger, Horst, Waltner, Georg, Bischof, Horst

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, visual, dataset, perform, set, evaluate, supervised, content, weakly] [global, map, training, feature,
compared, representation, input, top, detector, applying] [saliency, salient, video, object, ebsg, foreground, based, detection, activity, likelihood, dynamic, contrast, recall, individual, background, ucf,
static, appearance, precision, segmentation, action, box, analyzing, ebsl, average, gestalt, border, bounding, combination, propose, asd, lab] [occupied, joint, allows, estimation, described, challenging,
approach, cluttered, solely] [encoding, number, distribution, data, proposed, method, maximum, general] [motion, color, figure, camera, pixel, directly,
optical, enforce, estimating] [image, local, region, histogram, weighted, magnitude]

Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization in the Wild: Part-Based Matching With Bottom-Up Region Proposals

Cho, Minsu, Kwak, Suha, Schmid, Cordelia, Ponce, Jean

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[unsupervised, discovery, learning, collection, common, supervised, work, dataset, weakly, colocalization, set, source, evaluation, visual, evaluate, example,
horse] [class, table, performance, better, discriminative, negative, fully, top, bus, pascal] [object, corloc, corret, foreground, multiple, average, standout,
cosegmentation, score, target, localized, box, measure, detection, candidate, based, state, localize, bounding, contrast, viewed, objectness, appearance] [localization, potential, challenging, approach, dominant,
offset, probabilistic, single, current] [method, algorithm, proposed, form, number, note, problem] [figure, robust] [region,
image, matching, neighbor, retrieval, hough, match, best, metric, correspondence, well]

Semantic Part Segmentation Using Compositional Model Combining Shape and Appearance

Wang, Jianyu, Yuille, Alan L.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, animal, learning, horse, set, labeling, relation, work, human, dataset, side] [parsing, learn,
pascal, voc, performance, fully, combining, top] [segmentation, object, appearance, detection, node, bounding, box, segment, average, hierarchical, boundary, score, iou, edge, dynamic] [compositional,
model, mixture, inference, head, leaf, shape, structure, location, neck, pose, represent, leg, torso, pixelwise, body, deformable, challenging, localization, tree, capture, landmark, constrained] [algorithm,
method, number, problem, min, symmetric, denote, experiment, energy, lower, function, consider, graph, vector, complexity, linear, approximate] [figure, result, develop] [region,
best, image, distance, represents, transform]

Multiclass Semantic Video Segmentation With Object-Level Active Inference

Liu, Buyu, He, Xuming

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, learning, set, active, labeling, consistency, select, relation, introduce, evaluate, entropy, selected, subset, focus, include] [crf,
class, performance, accuracy, table, learn, build, multiclass, achieve, improve, parsing, learned, jointly, train, better] [object, video, supervoxel, segmentation, based, policy, subgraph, three, hypothesis,
subgraphs, hmn, detection, average, state, generate, singleton, foreground, score, imitation, formulate, multiple, sequence] [inference, model, scene, potential, joint, occlusion, ordering, unary, full, approach,
structure, current, forest] [number, method, selection, pairwise, optimal, algorithm, approximate, random, proposed] [figure, informative, pixel, develop,
liu, computer] [dense, pair, compute, choose, large]

Global Supervised Descent Method

Xiong, Xuehan, De la Torre, Fernando

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, strategy, dataset, supervised, labeled, subset, active, work, domain, evaluation, learning, positive] [training,
feature, previous, global, generic, performance, learns, recognition, standard, context] [tracking, partition, three, object, based, appearance, track, average, state, policy] [sdm,
face, gsdm, descent, facial, shape, model, extrinsic, alignment, pose, error, landmark, recorded, posit, dhd, single, nls, ceh, estimation, xiong] [parameter, optimization, function, data, method, nonlinear,
matrix, space, exists, proposed, algorithm, number, minimizing, case, extended, condition, order, iteration, hessian, kernel] [computer, camera, pattern, calibration, figure, rotation, simple] [local,
image, gradient, large]

3D All The Way: Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes From Start to End in 3D

Martinovic, Andelo, Knopp, Jan, Riemenschneider, Hayko, Van Gool, Luc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, labeling, weak, work, test, set, learning, evaluation, labeled, knowledge, label, create, novel] [accuracy,
crf, parsing, van, performance, class, grammar, connected, table, recognition, pascal, top] [segmentation, propose, individual, object, based, box, generated, group, multiple, detection, iou, three]
[facade, point, approach, cloud, architectural, pcl, initial, structure, scene, procedural, shape, reconstruction, urban, split, depth, timing, alignment, modeling, height, projected, sfm, building] [method,
optimization, random, time, original, graph, number, data, main] [figure, separation, speed, estimated] [image, best, descriptor, compare, view, city,

Robust Video Segment Proposals With Painless Occlusion Handling

Wu, Zhengyang, Li, Fuxin, Sukthankar, Rahul, Rehg, James M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, evaluation, annotator, system, set, dataset, report, human, semantic, work, european] [training,
size, testing, previous, pool, feature, table, better] [video, segment, object, frame, segmentation, track, tracking, lso, appearance, overlap, truth, score, framework, proposal, target, detection, handling,
average, long, propose, lsos, start, tracked, hierarchical, merge, backtracking, moving, updated, preliminary, tracker, generated, entire, temporal] [occlusion, ground, occluded, model, complete, free, approach,
step, regression, single, starting] [algorithm, number, matrix, method, time, original, clique, note, order, problem, graph, move] [computer, conference,
ieee, pattern, motion, international, handle, figure, assume, tested] [image, metric]

Learning To Look Up: Realtime Monocular Gaze Correction Using Machine Learning

Kononenko, Daniil, Lempitsky, Victor

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, set, learning, vision, test, dataset, people] [training, input, output, feature, recognition, replacement,
decision, learn, version, trained, learned] [eye, based, video, score, box, appearance, bounding, node, threshold] [gaze, tree, redirection, face, single,
forest, location, columbia, leaf, head, monocular, approach, point, error, pose, realistic, estimation, split, alignment] [method, number, vector, machine, random, sample, problem, data] [pixel,
correction, computer, pattern, figure, conference, camera, coherence, contact, small, result, direction, international, second, motion, vertical, hardware, color] [image, view, randomized, difference, ten,
compatibility, corresponding, compare, synthesize, person]

Kernel Fusion for Better Image Deblurring

Mai, Long, Liu, Feng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, european, conditional, dataset, existing, evaluate, provided, relation, predict] [better,
training, performance, improve, combining, input, trained, train, combine, compared, learn, feature, outperform, testing] [individual, multiple, generate, framework, success, combination, average, generated,
measure] [estimation, model, error, neighboring, approach, regression] [kernel, fusion, method, element, gaussian, random, function, denotes, effectively,
problem, underlying, fpq, energy] [deblurring, deconvolution, computer, conference, figure, blur, ieee, pattern, quality, result, ratio, blind, blurry, estimated, blurred, motion, sharp, gcrf, averaging,
sbdb, produce, recover, classical, cho, camera, develop, international, goldstein] [image, true, best, local, rate, good, large, well, blurring]

DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-Modal and Multi-Spectral Correspondence

Kim, Seungryong, Min, Dongbo, Ham, Bumsub, Ryu, Seungchul, Do, Minh N., Sohn, Kwanghoon

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, evaluation, set, learning] [pooling, receptive, discriminative, window, performance, training,
feature, size, table, max] [adaptive, based, cost, weight, correlation, combination, propose, measure, reliable, average] [error, ground, evaluated, challenging,
approach] [support, computational, modality, computation, method, sensitive, complexity, objective] [illumination, pattern, robust, ieee, stereo, conventional,
optical, exposure, figure, intensity, multispectral, estimate, pixel, middlebury, mpi, varying, motion, color, acm, disparity] [descriptor, dense, matching, dasc, image, sampling, local, correspondence,
fast, sift, similarity, benchmark, randomized, computed, patch, compute, computing, daisy, ancc, inherent, unoccluded, wta, rsncc, registration, dramatically, gradient, densely]

GMMCP Tracker: Globally Optimal Generalized Maximum Multi Clique Problem for Multiple Object Tracking

Dehghan, Afshin, Modiri Assari, Shayan, Shah, Mubarak

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, association, hard, selected, scenario] [network, layer, input, size, global, table, performance, reported,
better] [tracking, dummy, gmmcp, gmcp, appearance, node, tracker, tracklets, edge, track, multiple, cost, object, based, detection, integer, weight, adn, tracklet, propose, formulate, target, lot, parking,
mot, town, online, segment] [model, program, occlusion, allows, quantitative] [graph, problem, solution, number, clique, maximum, cluster, method, data,
proposed, optimization, batch, constraint, time, complexity, order, function, vector, multi, binary, form, formulation, variable, computational, original] [motion, generalized, real, second, equation, figure,
length, small, paper] [implementation, similarity]

A Stable Multi-Scale Kernel for Topological Machine Learning

Reininghaus, Jan, Huber, Stefan, Bauer, Ulrich, Kwitt, Roland

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, domain, vision, popular, address, study, positive, work] [performance, feature, table, bottleneck,
map, class, input, recognition, standard, connected] [segmentation, propose, individual] [shape, point, structure, surface, approach] [persistence,
kernel, topological, function, data, space, shrec, diagram, dkl, machine, wasserstein, note, persistent, solution, homology, analysis, hilbert, consider, order, exp, theorem, time, outex, form, denote, vector, parameter, dirac, respect, proposed, sublevel,
lead, operator, problem, condition, additive, prove, bijections] [stability, result, figure, high, directly, constant, real, synthetic] [distance, scale,
texture, stable, hks, called, metric, image, lipschitz, retrieval, corresponding, partial, large]

Indoor Scene Structure Analysis for Single Image Depth Estimation

Zhuo, Wei, Salzmann, Mathieu, He, Xuming, Liu, Miaomiao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[predicted, vision, encode, predict, dataset, semantic, probability, exploit, test, prediction, retrieve, set, label] [global,
training, layer, trained, table, additional, input, ablation, larger] [superpixel, superpixels, three, based, employed, state, boundary, candidate, box, propose, appearance] [depth,
scene, estimation, single, model, structure, approach, normal, layout, term, indoor, potential, detailed, inference, rmrc, reasoning, provide, unary, orientation, discrete, represent, semanticdepth, typically, error, relies, rgb] [method,
energy, note, analysis, pairwise, data] [pixel, computer, ieee, conference, estimated, pattern, plane, figure, estimate, geometry] [image, local, region,
corresponding, query, large]

A Graphical Model Approach for Matching Partial Signatures

Du, Xianzhi, Doermann, David, Abd-Almageed, Wael

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, topic, set, datasets, supervised, work, draw, latent, visual, document, address, probability, predicted, test, refer, existing] [context,
accuracy, table, training, build, contour, feature, compared, performance, previous, global] [salient, based, three, hierarchical] [full, shape, model, term,
built, point] [number, method, dirichlet, rank, pairwise, lsh, distribution, problem, sample, data, algorithm, journal, space, corresponds, cluster, column, row] [figure,
equation, total, observation, estimate, international, estimated] [partial, signature, matching, region, hdp, tobacco, query, vocabulary, author, variational, impact, tth, local, slda, umd, image, nth, reference,
histogram, large]

Classifier Based Graph Construction for Video Segmentation

Khoreva, Anna, Galasso, Fabio, Hein, Matthias, Schiele, Bernt

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, type, learnt, work, subset, common, test, baseline, visual] [performance, validation, training,
feature, improves, better, connected, improve, table, improvement, level, learn] [video, segmentation, edge, superpixels, based, topology, partitioning, bpr, superpixel, wij, vpr, boundary, appearance, precision,
galasso, measure, frame, temporal, object, propose, ncl, average, hierarchical, partition, mjf] [model, shape, approach, provide, allows, challenging, procedure, split] [graph,
proposed, number, consider, spectral, clustering, construction, selection, method, algorithm, exp, optimal, literature, matrix] [figure, calibration, motion, length, optical] [similarity,
image, best, distance, large, neighbor, compute]

Pushing the Frontiers of Unconstrained Face Detection and Recognition: IARPA Janus Benchmark A

Klare, Brendan F., Klein, Ben, Taborsky, Emma, Blanton, Austin, Cheney, Jordan, Allen, Kristen, Grother, Patrick, Mah, Alan, Burge, Mark, Jain, Anil K.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[subject, dataset, search, protocol, set, provided, baseline, open, human, manually, datasets, annotation, randomly, operational, collected, automated]
[recognition, accuracy, detector, training, performance, testing, reported, table] [detection, bounding, box, multiple, detect, video, key, plot, interest, threshold]
[face, template, pose, performed, full, approach, commodity, geographic, ground, facial, allows, single] [number, algorithm, proposed, exists, data, order, scalable]
[figure, ieee, captured, paper, computer] [unconstrained, image, probe, imagery, false, gallery, benchmark, rate, person, janus, compare, gots, iarpa, varied,
well, overview, match, roc, accept, openbr, database, sampled, corresponding, limited, large, lfw]

Video Summarization by Learning Submodular Mixtures of Objectives

Gygli, Michael, Grabner, Helmut, Van Gool, Luc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[summary, summarization, learning, dataset, set, user, interestingness, select, predict, web, text, representative, representativeness, evaluation, document,
existing, maximization, visual, subset, create, automatically, interesting, domain, hard, task, evaluate, prediction, type, created, annotated] [learn, max, training, previous, input, deep, compared, global,
follow, jointly, trained, structured, performance, optimizes, version] [video, multiple, score, segment, egocentric, short, temporal, based, frame, cost, event, generated, longer, recall, uniformity, propose]
[approach, inference] [submodular, method, objective, order, function, optimize, solution, greedy, data, selection, optimizing, algorithm, problem, approximation,
marginal, optimal, optimized, arg, optimization] [uniform, acm, length] [reference, well, good, image, best]

Mining Semantic Affordances of Visual Object Categories

Chao, Yu-Wei, Wang, Zhan, Mihalcea, Rada, Deng, Jia

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[verb, semantic, affordances, visual, affordance, knowledge, work, human, plausibility, language, google, mining, collaborative, vision, synset, car, predict,
sense, horse, bird, selectional, cat, operate, dog, common, cow, boat, bottle, bicycle, search, airplane, plant, side, sheep, noun, couch, dining, returned, textual, motorcycle, potted, text, learning, dataset, question, predicting, hurt, answer, natural,
visualness] [train, table, recognition, chair, feed, bus, pascal, representation, top] [object, action, precision, average, recall, score, based, truth]
[ground, prior, performed] [number, matrix, problem, computational, data, lsa] [computer, ieee, international,
pattern, figure] [person, image, false]

Fast Action Proposals for Human Action Detection and Search

Yu, Gang, Yuan, Junsong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, search, set, dataset, evaluation, positive, green, evaluate, work] [table, compared, max, performance,
recognition, feature, reduce, training, larger, highly] [action, detection, path, bounding, based, score, video, proposal, box, msrii, object, actionness, recall, candidate, average, ucf, overlap, trajectory,
locate, coverage, segmentation, handclapping, three, precision, generated, boxing, temporal, online, frame, cost, propose] [performed, localization, challenging, detected, approach, potential, cad]
[algorithm, random, maximum, number, problem, computational, proposed, method, satisfy, greedy, consider, data, space, linear] [motion, red, figure, high, ratio,
presented, blue] [best, applied, well, dense, local, unconstrained, fast, large, good]

A Dataset for Movie Description

Rohrbach, Anna, Rohrbach, Marcus, Tandon, Niket, Schiele, Bernt

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[movie, description, semantic, visual, vision, audio, corpus, dataset, sentence, linguistics, smt, association, human, natural, language, script, verbnet,
learning, datasets, work, open, automatic, sense, annotated, manually, word, european, evaluation, text, meeting, novel, annual, describing, generating, wsd, verb, select, discussion, understand, source, automatically] [recognition,
table, parsing, neural, performance, representation] [video, extract, role, object, multiple] [approach, aligned, alignment, provide, rely, align, scene,
manual, model] [computational, data, method, number, proposed, time] [conference, computer, ieee, international, pattern, parallel, translation, total,
length] [image, large, nearest, compare, comparing]

Reconstructing the World* in Six Days *(As Captured by the Yahoo 100 Million Image Dataset)

Heinly, Jared, Schonberger, Johannes L., Dunn, Enrique, Frahm, Jan-Michael

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[photo, visual, set, processing, dataset, datasets, strategy, add, system, perform, discover, process, leverage, work] [connected,
representation, size, feature, table, achieve, recognition, smaller] [overlap, based, propose, detection, memory, merging, candidate, framework] [scene, approach,
modeling, model, single, reconstruction, sfm, current] [cluster, data, number, method, proposed, order, scalability, computation, time, minimum] [component,
computer, figure, disk, enable] [image, iconic, geometric, streaming, retrieval, frahm, register, sift, query, internet, registration, compute, rate, connectivity, large, match, scale, connecting, vocabulary,
nearest, unordered, pair, overlapping, major, matching, registered, limited, leveraging, yahoo]

Pairwise Geometric Matching for Large-Scale Object Retrieval

Li, Xinchao, Larson, Martha, Hanjalic, Alan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, system, visual, consistency, evaluate, strategy, work, datasets, ranking, ranked] [performance, feature,
map, table, global, bof, improvement, compared, improving, achieved, improve, generic] [object, salient, individual, based, three, multiple, bin, start] [point,
initial, model, typically, step, approach] [pairwise, method, proposed, time, scaling, number, case, computational, hamming, experimental, exploited, binary, order, exploiting, original, code] [rotation,
figure, high] [image, geometric, spatial, matching, retrieval, correspondence, local, pgm, scale, transformation, query, large, hough, cvpr, hpm, oxford, barcelona, matched, scheme, comparison, applied,
weighting, reranking, voting, vocabulary, derived, pair, computed, database, performing, best, similarity, illustrated]

Video Magnification in Presence of Large Motions

Elgharib, Mohamed, Hefeeda, Mohamed, Durand, Fredo, Freeman, William T.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[processing, noisy, reveal, user] [gate, global, larger, input, stage, feature] [sequence,
video, frame, generate, youtube, temporal, foreground, temporally, background, generated, mask, parking, interest, entire, eye, handling, nearby, moving] [approach, addition, current, model] [original,
time, number, composite] [motion, eulerian, dvmag, lagrangian, generates, examined, stabilization, technique, small, optical, magnify, dashed, white, yellow, figure, estimate, subtle, liu, matting, roi,
stabilized, red, slice, integrity, remove, bulb, blue, klt, phase, rectangle, vibration, acm, magnifying, compositing, examine, magnified, gun, estimated] [large, reference, image, ssim, region, remaining,
blurring, texture, synthesis, compare]

Face Video Retrieval With Image Query via Hashing Across Euclidean Space and Riemannian Manifold

Li, Yan, Wang, Ruiping, Huang, Zhiwu, Shan, Shiguang, Chen, Xilin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, common, character, task, supervised, multimodal, work, natural, shot] [training, svms, map,
representation, recognition, train, feature, achieve] [video, multiple, based, frame, precision, big, average, recall] [face, single, supplementary]
[hash, space, kernel, riemannian, euclidean, covariance, hashing, hamming, heterogeneous, method, manifold, hilbert, matrix, data, represented, modality, optimization, original, bang, iterative, case, function,
update, algorithm, code, linear, optimize, proposed, mlbe, discriminability, application, compact, smh, vampire, ith, reproducing, objective, plmh] [theory, length, traditional, paper] [image,
retrieval, query, discriminant, database, large, comparison, similarity, distance, person, local, limited]

Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images

Hassner, Tal, Harel, Shai, Paz, Eran, Enbar, Roee

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[photo, vision, learning, soft, labeled, appear, work, system] [recognition, performance, feature, reported,
previous, input, frontal, standard, hybrid, accuracy, effective, better, highly] [based, appearance] [face, facial, visibility, shape, surface, model, alignment,
estimation, single, gender, pose, aligned, approach, coordinate, detected, facing, visible, rough] [method, matrix, projection, symmetric, problem, code, approximation, guarantee, order, university]
[symmetry, pixel, figure, estimate, pattern, produced, geometry, produce, estimating, result, estimated, computer, varying, rotation] [frontalized, reference,
query, frontalization, view, image, lfw, unconstrained, adience, despite, corresponding, similarity, lbp, local, benchmark, well, fplbp, funneled, extreme]

Sparse Representation Classification With Manifold Constraints Transfer

Zhang, Baochang, Perina, Alessandro, Murino, Vittorio, Del Bue, Alessio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[embedding, set, learning, vision, transfer, test, dataset, process, subject] [recognition, representation,
training, performance, table, input, testing, previous, compared, feature, size] [based, action, framework, sport, ucf, including] [face, structure, fact,
allows, alignment, approach] [manifold, data, method, sparse, optimization, src, problem, linear, proposed, geodesic, solve, variable, objective, solution, sample, original, admm, coding, constraint, function,
algorithm, matrix, mct, vector, optimized, lagrange, augmented, solved, linearly, machine, space, initialize, fddl, minimize, cloned, general, alternating, minimization, projection, digit, lie, experimental] [ieee,
pattern, computer, paper, robust, direction, illumination, traditional, embedded] [dictionary, scheme, distance, database, best, image, nearest, lfw]

SALICON: Saliency in Context

Jiang, Ming, Huang, Shengsheng, Duan, Juanyong, Zhao, Qi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[mouse, visual, dataset, human, paradigm, coco, natural, osie, datasets, salicon, amt, vision, sauc, collection, category, attentional, collect, crowdsourcing,
system, set, understand, work, evaluation, peripheral, collected, task, web, psychophysical, cursor] [map, context, contextual, percent, training, performance, width] [saliency,
eye, object, tracking, attention, average, attract, propose, viewed, based, record] [scene, gaze, current, procedure] [data, number, function, sample, low,
computational, method, gaussian, general] [figure, center, viewing, computer, relative, blur, high, blending, bias, sensitivity] [image, resolution, large,
spatial, practice, distance, rate]

Displets: Resolving Stereo Ambiguities Using Object Knowledge

Guney, Fatma, Geiger, Andreas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, semantic, european, evaluation, category, processing] [recognition, map, performance, input,
class, training, table, cnn] [object, superpixels, segmentation, superpixel, based, combination] [model, displets, error, kitti, displet, cad, unary, reconstruction,
smoothness, scene, hull, mesh, shape, challenging, term, single, surface, depth, current, inference, sgm, joint, plausible] [number, machine, analysis, proposed, method, energy, intelligence, denotes, space,
data, problem, order, encourage, random, respect, algorithm] [stereo, computer, ieee, disparity, pattern, international, plane, pixel, figure, simple, robust, inverse] [image,
matching, pair, well, large, local, corresponding, dense, illustrated]

Fusion Moves for Correlation Clustering

Beier, Thorsten, Hamprecht, Fred A., Kappes, Jorg H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, work, evaluation, set, search, positive, natural] [better, size, improve, network, performance,
negative, connected, smaller, larger] [correlation, edge, segmentation, proposal, node, based, multicut, hierarchical, partitioning, weight, wij] [current,
social, approach, single] [clustering, fusion, graph, energy, problem, move, cgc, polytope, solution, proposed, runtime, optimal, number, yij, algorithm, original, contracted, anytime, ehc, cut, iteratively,
inner, contraction, solving, random, polyhedral, faster] [computer, noise, figure, quality, international, conference, high] [large, best, scale, image,
weighted, implementation, fast]

Beyond Mahalanobis Metric: Cayley-Klein Metric Learning

Bi, Yanhong, Fan, Bin, Wu, Fuchao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, positive, labeled, datasets] [training, learn, input, table, log, class, performance, effectiveness,
learned, better] [based, average, three, group] [point] [data, matrix, euclidean, method, linear, space,
objective, pairwise, hyperbolic, symmetric, optimization, function, form, problem, repeat, iteration, riemannian, proposed, proposition, call, machine, constraint] [generalized, geometry, relative, figure,
pattern, intersect, balance, small, projective] [metric, mahalanobis, lmnn, distance, mmc, elliptic, osr, dck, pubfig, gradient, transformation, image, nearest, cayleyklein, neighbor, dissimilar, called,
similarity, fractional, wine, invariant, query, large, remaining, return, kind, outperforms]

Generalized Deformable Spatial Pyramid: Geometry-Preserving Dense Correspondence Estimation

Hur, Junhwa, Lim, Hwasup, Park, Changsoo, Chul Ahn, Sang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, search, dataset, ssf] [pyramid, level, belief, table, previous, layer] [node,
target, state, object, cost, considering, complex] [model, deformable, term, deformation, smoothness, viewpoint, child, approach, structure, quantitative, qualitative, offset] [algorithm,
regularization, objective, number, pairwise, dimensional, analysis, space, function, method, optimization, original, effectively, optimal, case] [rotation, flow, pixel, generalized, figure, warping, translation,
geometry, high, handle, varying, preserving, directly, center] [matching, scale, spatial, dsp, dense, sift, correspondence, image, vij, geometric, dff, parent, grid, gdsp, loopy, calculates, propagation,
descriptor, daisy, local, distance, calculating, large, cell, filter, transform]

Discriminative Learning of Iteration-Wise Priors for Blind Deconvolution

Zuo, Wangmeng, Ren, Dongwei, Gu, Shuhang, Lin, Liang, Zhang, Lei

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[sun, dataset, learning, set, latent, natural, visually, work] [learned, training, learn, discriminative,
map, table, better, compared, designed] [based, three, edge, strong, success, updated, threshold, making] [error, prior, estimation, model, quantitative]
[method, kernel, algorithm, min, proposed, updating, alternating, parameter, adopted, minimization, time, regularization, function, shrinkage, sparse, constraint, operator, solution, iteration, running, solve,
sparsity, regularizers] [blind, blur, deconvolution, figure, ratio, deblurring, gst, levin, jia, blurry, real, synthetic, cho, ieee, krishnan, competing, lee, adopt, estimated, axiter, total, estimate, directly,
small, desired, deblurred] [image, gradient, applied, patch, initialized, comparison, fast]

Active Learning for Structured Probabilistic Models With Histogram Approximation

Sun, Qing, Laddha, Ankit, Batra, Dhruv

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[entropy, active, learning, annotation, set, unlabeled, highest, work, goal, probability, prediction, labeling, scoring, label, perform, diverse, probable,
dataset, test, focus] [structured, map, output, training, performance, log] [segmentation, bin, object, node, monte, entire, deterministic, video]
[model, approach, probabilistic, graphical, typically, mass] [distribution, gibbs, number, approximation, approximate, support, algorithm, space, binary, data,
surrogate, random, proposed, inaccurate, graph, problem, machine, optimal, lemma, corresponds, computation, exact, markov, pairwise, literature, function, chain] [accurate, lagrangian, small, estimate, computer,
estimated, high, unstructured] [image, histogram, compute, large, sampling, variational, outperforms, geometric, computing, partial, compare, true]

SOLD: Sub-Optimal Low-rank Decomposition for Efficient Video Segmentation

Li, Chenglong, Lin, Liang, Zuo, Wangmeng, Yan, Shuicheng, Tang, Jin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, unsupervised, dataset, semantic, natural, label, work, evaluation, consistency] [discriminative, representation,
feature, previous, global, performance, table, better, window] [video, segmentation, temporal, supervoxel, supervoxels, framework, hierarchical, replication, sold, based, bpr, indicates, three, shgb, recall,
hgb, precision, appearance, average] [approach, prior, model, neighboring, current] [matrix, rank, algorithm, method, number, decomposition, low, proposed,
denotes, graph, constraint, computational, formulated, optimal, superior, optimization, norm, solution, solved, spectral, science, linear, tuning, denote, min, analysis] [ieee, pattern, figure, motion, robust]
[consistent, streaming, image, large, comparison, local, region]

Probability Occupancy Maps for Occluded Depth Images

Bagautdinov, Timur, Fleuret, Francois, Fua, Pascal

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[people, report, set, introduce, probability, vision, learning, datasets, human, dataset, type, work] [acf,
performance, detector, hidden, log, hog, rectangular, trained, map] [detection, object, threshold, background, overlap, precision, recall, tracking, target, truth, detecting, multiple, evidence, bounding,
based, segmentation] [depth, ground, dpom, model, moda, generative, approach, rgb, location, kinect, single, occupancy, silhouette, point, occluding, occluded, unihall, scene, posterior, inference]
[distribution, algorithm, euclidean, data] [pixel, presence, camera, plane, conference, estimate, observed, computer, figure, pattern, assume, small, observing,
ieee] [image, corresponding, computing, large, compare]

Articulated Motion Discovery Using Pairs of Trajectories

Del Pero, Luca, Ricco, Susanna, Sukthankar, Rahul, Ferrari, Vittorio

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, human, dataset, dog, selected, unsupervised, label, discovery, perform, discovering, work, purity] [recognition,
better, hog, channel, class, discriminative, feature, top] [object, pot, tiger, action, foreground, video, trajectory, appearance, frame, interval, idtfs, segmentation, swing, temporal, based, individual,
turning, uniformity, idtf, average, partition, walking, behavior, moving, hierarchical] [articulated, model, single, head, ordered] [method, clustering,
number, cluster, pairwise, analysis, consider, move, close] [motion, relative, velocity, median, pattern, optical, periodic, ieee, second, total, figure] [anchor,
descriptor, displacement, histogram, large, compare, pair, local, dense]

Just Noticeable Defocus Blur Detection and Estimation

Shi, Jianping, Xu, Li, Jia, Jiaya

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[natural, vision, set, work, processing, existing] [feature, map, input, representation, recognition, size,
standard, learn] [based, detection, edge, mask, including, strength, strong, recall, propose, generate, precision] [estimation, depth, represent, single,
slight] [method, sparsity, sparse, gaussian, number, analysis, data, machine, intelligence, kernel, proposed] [blur, clear, jnb, blurred, small, ieee,
conference, figure, defocus, estimate, pattern, blurriness, computer, result, deblurring, sharp, motion, noticeable, frequency, camera, signal, blurry, refocus, handle, directly, generally, spatially, varying, produce, blind, traditional, shi] [image,
dictionary, local, patch, region, corresponding, gradient, chakrabarti, well, comparison, difference, commonly, dxi]

Propagated Image Filtering

Rick Chang, Jen-Hao, Frank Wang, Yu-Chiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[process, highest, example, probability, relationship, processing, existing, expected, goal] [smoothing,
context, input, output, apply, better, window, belief, standard, highly, intermediate, performance] [path, weight, based, viewed, calculate, utilize, propose] [adjacent,
neighboring] [geodesic, note, algorithm, consider, computation, parameter, explicit, proposed, base, fusion, problem, solving, speedup] [pixel, figure,
photometric, acm, result, produced, noise, preserving, pattern, small, color, verify] [image, propagation, bilateral, guided, mixing, psnr, ssim, spatial, denoising, dpf, filtering, textural, recursive,
filter, distance, connecting, applied, performing, large, compare, choose, preserve, dgf, determine, calculates, calculated, desirable, difference, gradient, undesirable]

Exploiting Uncertainty in Regression Forests for Accurate Camera Relocalization

Valentin, Julien, Niessner, Matthias, Shotton, Jamie, Fitzgibbon, Andrew, Izadi, Shahram, Torr, Philip H. S.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, predicted, entropy, predict, work, probability, randomly, vision, test] [training, table, train, top,
accuracy, feature, better] [hypothesis, state, candidate, art, node, propose] [pose, regression, scene, relocalization, isotropic, tree, anisotropic, error,
forest, mixture, model, continuous, approach, kabsch, uncertainty, leaf, point, described, coordinate, percentage, predicts, current, body, rigid] [proposed, energy, optimization, method, gaussian, note,
distribution, space, update, random, empirical, function, ransac, main, convergence, algorithm, mapping, machine, gaussians] [camera, pixel, computer, pattern, robust, observed, estimate, slam] [sampling,
sampled, good, corresponding, image, difference, comparison, major, distance, metric]

Visual Recognition by Learning From Web Data: A Weakly Supervised Domain Generalization Approach

Niu, Li, Li, Wen, Xu, Dong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, latent, learning, web, wsdg, bag, test, visual, mil, set, source, dataset, label, weakly, supervised, learnt, privileged, adaptation, unseen, textual,
discovering, indicator, vision, work, proceedsing, existing, select, instance, introduce, kodak, european, ccv] [training, generalization, learn, class, recognition, svm, better, feature, max, effectiveness,
testing, inspired, setting] [target, multiple, video, event, based, three, propose, integrated] [approach] [problem,
method, data, machine, optimization, constraint, vector, dual, solve, kernel, form, sample, order, exploiting, proposed, function, denote, number, objective, cluster, formulation, optimal, min] [conference,
computer, ieee, international, robust, pattern, noise] [image, corresponding, best, well]

PatchCut: Data-Driven Object Segmentation via Local Shape Transfer

Yang, Jimei, Price, Brian, Cohen, Scott, Lin, Zhe, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, test, transfer, example, soft, horse, dataset, selected, work, set, semantic, labeling, interactive, learning, transferring, novel] [structured,
window, table, transferred, performance, better, pascal, training, cascade, size, achieve] [segmentation, object, patchcut, mask, gbvs, jaccard, based, cpmc, saliency, grabcut, salient, thres, candidate, zkm,
foreground, cost, performs, appearance, truth, score, boundary, three, weizmann] [shape, prior, term, ground, qualitative] [algorithm, energy, mrf, space,
note, binary, function, upper, bound, method, problem, graph, solution, solved, thresholding, number, random] [figure, color, estimated, high, estimate, quality] [image,
local, patch, matching, scale, constitute, large, compare, best, database]

Flying Objects Detection From a Single Moving Camera

Rozantsev, Artem, Lepetit, Vincent, Fua, Pascal

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, vision, correct, weak, learning, datasets, variety, set] [size, training, performance, achieve,
train, hog, effective, detector, hybrid, smaller, adaboost] [aircraft, object, detection, uav, compensation, background, appearance, moving, average, drone, precision, subtraction, target, based, detect, video,
complex, apparent, frame, uavs, compensate, course, illustrates, detecting, consecutive, three] [approach, collision, single, allows, rely, challenging, regressors, detected, position] [method,
algorithm, machine, number, random, case, problem, close] [motion, optical, center, computer, conference, small, camera, figure, pattern, shift, stabilization, international, ieee, inside, second, horizontal,
vertical] [image, large, fast, patch, aerial, comparison, compare]

Video Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Hierarchical Feature Representation and Gaussian Process Regression

Cheng, Kai-Wen, Chen, Yie-Tarng, Fang, Wen-Hsien

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, process, learning, visual, dataset, set, semantic, unusual, datasets] [ensemble, global, training,
log, feature, representation, learned, knn] [gpr, detection, anomaly, stc, based, interaction, stip, event, abnormal, interest, stips, ibc, nearby, video, likelihood, detect, junction, hierarchical, subway,
structural, multiple, three, behavior, indicates, frame] [model, normal, regression, inference, template, detected, point] [sparse, method, gaussian, proposed,
time, data, codebook, algorithm, matrix, function, computation, space, note, respect, computational, vector] [pattern, figure, ieee, quality, noise, handle, observed, motion] [local,
dense, qmul, geometric, similarity, june, spatial, rate, integral, roc]

FAemb: A Function Approximation-Based Embedding Method for Image Retrieval

Do, Thanh-Toan, Tran, Quang D., Cheung, Ngai-Man

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[embedding, learning, set, dataset, visual, relationship, work] [map, table, higher, compared, fisher, version,
designed, improving, representation, generalization, improvement, gain, applying, learned] [framework] [coordinate, single, ensure, step] [function,
coding, method, vector, approximation, dimension, problem, nonlinear, approximated, linear, objective, sum, dimensional, number, order, whitening, hessian, matrix, linearly, main, motivation, lemma, optimization, sparse, sample, nonnegative] [embedded,
high, paper, rotation, assumption, second, figure] [image, faemb, vlat, tlcc, vlad, retrieval, local, anchor, temb, aggregated, applied, democratic, comparison, aggregating, vlatimproved, corresponding,
aggregation, good, sift, descriptor, lipschitz, large, comparing, rsift, fair, normalization, similarity, appendix, compare, gradient]

Optimal Graph Learning With Partial Tags and Multiple Features for Image and Video Annotation

Gao, Lianli, Song, Jingkuan, Nie, Feiping, Yan, Yan, Sebe, Nicu, Tao Shen, Heng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, label, annotation, set, datasets, ssl, address, noisy, visual, existing, labeled, unlabeled, dataset, work] [performance,
training, feature, map, representation, better, learn, adding, achieve, improved] [multiple, based, precision, video, recall, propose] [model, sij, approach,
term, reconstruction, point] [graph, data, ogl, optimal, function, min, objective, tagged, construction, method, lgc, sparse, subspace, linear, number, update, manifold, proposed, problem, optimizing, regularization,
university, iterative, rank, pairwise, fasttag, harmonic, yan, solve, rest] [ieee, robust, figure, high, color] [image, partial, similarity, lle, ixmas,
compare, large, construct, local, variance]

FaLRR: A Fast Low Rank Representation Solver

Xiao, Shijie, Li, Wen, Xu, Dong, Tao, Dacheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, datasets, set, existing, learning, positive, study] [representation, table, achieves, global,
feature, performance, recognition] [based, framework, three, calculate, generate] [face, term] [lrr,
problem, time, algorithm, falrr, running, clustering, solving, data, rank, optimal, solve, svd, parameter, solution, matrix, objective, number, proposed, singular, complexity, theoretical, subspace, method, updating, skinny, theorem, iteration, min, resultant,
denote, optimization, original, norm, denotes, harus, truncated, spectral, exactly, formulation, subproblems, note, lemma, nuclear, subproblem, column, low, alternating, solved, vector, speedup, convergence] [figure,
solver, distributed, synthetic, total, direction] [lfw, large, corresponding, fast, called, compare]

Unifying Holistic and Parts-Based Deformable Model Fitting

Alabort-i-Medina, Joan, Zafeiriou, Stefanos

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, active, novel, search, set, work, probability, learning, popular, provided, associated] [previous,
recognition, global, max, reported, learn, cascade, training, trained, discriminative, response, accuracy, combining] [appearance, object, interpretation, combination] [shape,
model, deformable, landmark, face, probabilistic, approach, holistic, clms, aams, regression, alignment, constrained, term, prior, misalignment, generative, point, error, hdms, aic, pbdms, cootes, fitting, position, rlms, current, procedure, descent, independent,
compositional] [arg, proposed, optimal, min, problem, formulation, algorithm, linear, method, experiment, note, regularized, function, solution, data, optimization, eigenvectors, normalized, distribution,
original] [computer, conference, pattern, international, figure, inverse, accurate] [texture, local, image, similarity]

Joint SFM and Detection Cues for Monocular 3D Localization in Road Scenes

Song, Shiyu, Chandraker, Manmohan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, set, understanding, work, green] [feature, accuracy, output, raw, detector, achieve, input, size,
table, better] [object, bounding, detection, tracking, box, framework, tracked, based, truth, frame, cost, incorporate, moving, background, adaptive, incorporates, mechanism, complementary] [ground,
sfm, localization, pose, joint, monocular, scene, driving, estimation, kitti, point, autonomous, model, prior, alignment, error, coordinate, adjustment, multibody, approach, initial, challenging, height, position] [optimization,
sparse, note, method, energy, denoted] [plane, optical, estimated, camera, figure, estimate, high, accurate, epipolar, motion, intensity, quality, robust] [dense,
consistent, image, demonstrate, well, fast, distance, computed, corresponding]

Subgraph Decomposition for Multi-Target Tracking

Tang, Siyu, Andres, Bjoern, Andriluka, Miykhaylo, Schiele, Bernt

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, probability, people, association, selected, subset, par] [performance, jointly, feature, connected,
achieves, compared, learned] [subgraph, multicut, tracking, disjoint, detection, tracklet, cost, mota, frame, target, multiple, ilp, yvw, object, hypothesis, undirected, track, based, state, tracklets, edge,
suppression, video, path] [model, unary, approach, initial, procedure, full] [problem, minimum, graph, number, respect, pairwise, solution, feasible, time,
method, space, objective, optimization, proposed, greedy, optimal, data, linear, decomposition, function, formulation, solving, variable] [solver, figure, component] [characteristic,
comparison, cycle, good, person, overlapping, spatial]

Supervised Discrete Hashing

Shen, Fumin, Shen, Chunhua, Liu, Wei, Tao Shen, Heng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[supervised, learning, set, label, test, dataset, embedding] [training, loss, table, learned, map, compared,
achieve, learn, performance, achieves, better, feature] [precision, propose, cyclic, based, generate] [discrete, approach, joint, coordinate] [hashing,
binary, hash, sdh, code, problem, method, optimization, linear, data, proposed, fasthash, ksh, hamming, solve, min, ssh, bit, solution, optimal, bre, hinge, algorithm, nonlinear, kernel, mlh, function, original, regularization, matrix, time, number, mnist,
comparative, form, maximum, formulation, graph, vector, iteratively, imh] [length, high, figure, ieee] [large, retrieval, image, distance, anchor, similarity,
best, query]

Face Alignment Using Cascade Gaussian Process Regression Trees

Lee, Donghoon, Park, Hyunsin, Yoo, Chang D.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dog, learning, prediction, set, dataset, process, vision, test, randomly] [training, cascade, recognition,
learned, log, smoothing, feature, input, extracted, compared, better, distant] [based, framework, nearby, extraction] [shape, regression, cgprt, face, split,
gprt, predictive, facial, helen, tree, lfpw, landmark, crt, alignment, leaf, depicted, performed, described, gprts, fall, estimation, lbf, point, error] [gaussian, number, method, function, data, proposed,
kernel, regularization, greedy, computation, note, variable, random, binary] [computer, figure, ieee, conference, estimate, pattern, pixel, equation, second, international] [sampling,
local, comparison, retinal, computed, difference, similarity, gradient, consists, distance]

Hierarchical Sparse Coding With Geometric Prior For Visual Geo-Location

Gopalan, Raghuraman

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, test, dataset, set, vision, visual, perform, latent, knowledge, utility, novel, collection, european, transferring, datasets, existing] [training,
feature, recognition, svm, discriminative, representation, accuracy, learn, level] [appearance, hierarchical, average, recall, based, cost, truth, three, video] [location,
approach, prior, ground, structure, inference, landmark, single] [data, sparse, space, heterogeneous, coding, function, vector, problem, number, code, method, matrix, manifold, machine, geodesic, random,
form, algorithm, case, cluster, analysis, tangent] [conference, computer, ieee, parallel, pattern, figure, transport, mobile, uniform] [geometric, image,
san, francisco, similarity, corresponding, contained, pertaining, matching, best, obtaining, compute, large]

Social Saliency Prediction

Soo Park, Hyun, Shi, Jianbo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[predictor, predict, relationship, set, prediction, positive, people, predicted] [feature, representation,
learn, top, context, apply, accuracy] [attention, saliency, group, interaction, detection, basketball, based, truth, multiple, team, detect, video] [social,
joint, formation, gaze, dipole, ground, scene, detected, member, busker, orientation, model, mass, location, point, circumcircle, represent] [method, space, number, data, third, distribution, respect, analysis,
note, computational, form] [center, figure, moment, captured, motion, direction, camera, circular, equation] [person, geometric, scale, spatial, rate,
magnitude, view, image, compare, distance, false, true, large]

Reliable Patch Trackers: Robust Visual Tracking by Exploiting Reliable Patches

Li, Yang, Zhu, Jianke, Hoi, Steven C.H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, positive, set, process, probability, ranking, label] [performance, negative, response, top, feature,
map] [tracking, reliable, object, kcf, rpt, tracker, tracked, scm, tgpr, target, precision, struck, success, particle, threshold, tld, cxt, ope, asla, score, resample, state, background, bounding, box, trackable,
track, employed, overlap, cel, employ, monte, carlo, correlation, framework, likelihood, vor, video, based, measure, foreground, plot, group, online, kwon] [location, error, approach, structure, represent,
challenging, sequential, position, model, template] [proposed, method, base, function, denotes, experimental, algorithm] [motion, figure, estimate, robust,
rotation, observation, illumination] [patch, scale, large, rate, image, fast, benchmark, scheme, implementation, hough, comparing]

Complexity-Adaptive Distance Metric for Object Proposals Generation

Xiao, Yao, Lu, Cewu, Tsougenis, Efstratios, Lu, Yongyi, Tang, Chi-Keung

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, search, evaluation, vision, work, process, novel, example] [performance, level, achieve, selective,
output, larger, better, table, recognition, pascal] [object, superpixel, superpixels, edge, recall, iou, grouping, bounding, based, proposal, box, combination, cost, segmentation, mcg, threshold, dmin, candidate,
mabo, overlap, auc, spa, detection, transition, merging, average, score, hierarchical, merged, multiple] [searching] [number, complexity, low, method, algorithm,
time, graph, space] [color, high, figure, computer, ieee, conference, pattern, small, tested, international, total, produced] [distance, metric, image,
dmax, area, spatial, large, best, texture, local]

Multihypothesis Trajectory Analysis for Robust Visual Tracking

Lee, Dae-Youn, Sim, Jae-Young, Kim, Chang-Su

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, select, set, selected, test, search] [feature, table, better, previous, achieve] [tracker,
forward, tracking, trajectory, backward, frame, object, target, appearance, mta, bounding, multiple, cyclic, three, based, struck, box, interval, multihypothesis, meem, consecutive, yield, updated, average, success, failure, weight, online, precision, employ,
kcf, backwardly, employing, score, analyzing, measure, detect, tld] [position, robustness, single, current] [proposed, algorithm, vector, analysis, time,
optimal, support, selection, denote, note, experimental] [component, figure, robust, conventional, estimated, illumination, result, motion, color, red, length, korea] [geometric,
similarity, best, pair, benchmark, corresponding, image, discriminant, invariant]

Completing 3D Object Shape From One Depth Image

Rock, Jason, Gupta, Tanmay, Thorsen, Justin, Gwak, JunYoung, Shin, Daeyun, Hoiem, Derek

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[novel, set, entropy, dataset, predict, retrieve, category, include, work] [exemplar, training, better,
class, table, input, recognition] [object, based, detection, propose, target] [depth, mesh, model, shape, reconstruction, voxels, deformation, voxel, deformed,
surface, point, complete, tps, approach, occupied, reconstruct, alignment, volume, full, single, aligned, forest, tree, silhouette, constrained, cluttered, control] [random, method, approximation, function,
machine, linear, number, analysis, consider] [symmetry, observed, median, computer, figure, acm, ieee, plane, conference, international, technique, camera] [query,
retrieved, image, similarity, matching, distance, view, retrieval, match, correspondence, matched, partial, corresponding, compute]

PAIGE: PAirwise Image Geometry Encoding for Improved Efficiency in Structure-From-Motion

Schonberger, Johannes L., Berg, Alexander C., Frahm, Jan-Michael

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, evaluation, predict, incremental, positive, strategy, describe] [feature, stage, reduce, training,
performance] [overlap, based, eye, propose, multiple] [location, orientation, approach, scene, sfm, volume, structure, reconstruction, model] [number,
pairwise, method, approximate, time, computational, proposed, encoding, random, quadratic, data, matrix, scalable, low, ransac] [geometry, camera, figure, square, produce, small, rotation, translation, motion,
relative, robust] [image, matching, paige, change, geometric, retrieval, rome, vocabulary, large, pair, match, exhaustive, trafalgar, london, tate, san, histogram, overhead, modern, marco, true, preemptive,
false, scale, sift, overlapping, compute, similarity, descriptor, putative, fast, corresponding]

Single Target Tracking Using Adaptive Clustered Decision Trees and Dynamic Multi-Level Appearance Models

Xiao, Jingjing, Stolkin, Rustam, Leonardis, Ales

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, set, work, test, select] [feature, level, decision, top, accuracy, performance, highly, discriminative,
previous] [target, tracking, adaptive, middle, tracker, superpixels, bounding, appearance, background, candidate, box, object, overlap, online, adaptively, vot, superpixel, relearning, foreground, threshold,
propose, success, frame, favour, three, combination, successive, based, scm, video, ivt, csk] [model, tree, robustness, current, continuously, approach, occlusion, represent] [method,
algorithm, proposed, update, updating, number, minimum, data, ith] [clustered, robust, ratio, figure, high, simple, enable, illumination, pixel] [matching,
image, best, local, region, benchmark, histogram, discriminating, computed, similarity, mth, unmatched, change]

CIDEr: Consensus-Based Image Description Evaluation

Vedantam, Ramakrishna, Lawrence Zitnick, C., Parikh, Devi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[sentence, human, evaluation, description, cider, dataset, automatic, meteor, evaluate, bleu, automated, datasets, rouge, set, popular, existing, visual, language,
evaluating, describing, uiuc, work, association, annotation, generation, natural, generating, protocol, coco, collect, describe, include, vision, learning, perform, judgment, abstract] [performance, accuracy,
triplet, pascal, higher, better, recognition, version] [candidate, based, generated, correlation, propose, measure, score, truth, precision] [provide, ground]
[machine, number, computational, proposed, method, form] [translation, computer, quality, high, relative, conference] [image,
metric, reference, consensus, well, best, similarity, computed, commonly]

Category-Specific Object Reconstruction From a Single Image

Kar, Abhishek, Tulsiani, Shubham, Carreira, Joao, Malik, Jitendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[instance, automatic, learnt, vision, predicted, noisy, set, car, visual, work, dataset, test, predict] [pascal,
training, voc, learn, fully, table, map, learned, recognition, subcategory, pipeline] [object, truth, bounding, segmentation, mask, based, detection] [shape,
model, reconstruction, ground, silhouette, nrsfm, deformation, depth, single, rigid, viewpoint, point, approach, pose, deformable, mesh, morphable, capture, chamfer, projected] [method, data, projection,
note, algorithm, energy, basis, optimization, proposed, analysis, machine] [computer, figure, conference, camera, high, ieee, estimate, quality, pattern, illumination, frequency] [image,
distance, well, keypoints, scale, keypoint, local, large]

Book2Movie: Aligning Video Scenes With Book Chapters

Tapaswi, Makarand, Bauml, Martin, Stiefelhagen, Rainer

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[book, novel, text, chapter, set, dialog, perform, character, story, adaptation, source, textual, rich, game, harry, work, language, shot, evaluation, automatic,
dlgs, semantic, potter, finding, learning, create] [performance, accuracy, table, global, max, neural] [video, series, node, shortest, path, truth, based,
detection, edge, plot, multiple, three, score, assigned, indicates, complex, track] [alignment, scene, prior, face, ground, approach, allows, term, aligning, align, model] [data,
graph, method, number, problem, analysis, corresponds, proposed, column] [figure] [matching, similarity, distance, large, best, list, corresponding, person]

Active Pictorial Structures

Antonakos, Epameinondas, Alabort-i-Medina, Joan, Zafeiriou, Stefanos

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, active, set, existing, correspond] [recognition, training, trained, connected, table, applying,
global] [appearance, object, cost, precision, employ] [shape, model, aps, landmark, deformation, prior, gmrf, normal, compositional, deformable, structure,
face, pictorial, alignment, aams, jacobian, single, error, aam, generative, tree, location, facial] [graph, proposed, matrix, vector, distribution, optimization, random, method, covariance, algorithm, case,
order, function, note, close, respect, analysis, multivariate, denotes, equivalent, form, denote, markov] [computer, ieee, inverse, conference, pattern, international, robust, accurate, high, figure]
[pca, image, comparison, local, patch, statistical, best]

Project-Out Cascaded Regression With an Application to Face Alignment

Tzimiropoulos, Georgios

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, work, system, active, process, vision, strategy] [training, performance, learn, learned,
learns, level] [appearance, sequence, propose, employed, based, detection, publicly, bounding] [regression, shape, cascaded, facial, face, model, averaged,
alignment, descent, deformable, ibug, jacobians, structure, jacobian, approach, sdm, afw, pose, prior, analytic, chehra, challenging, generative, current, lfpw, constrained, landmark, step] [problem, data,
proposed, optimization, iteration, method, solution, hessian, vector, number, subspace, orthogonal, idea, note, algorithm, computational, update] [parametric, inverse, estimate, computer, accurate, noise]
[image, large, variation, gradient, compute, local, computed, difference]

Target Identity-Aware Network Flow for Online Multiple Target Tracking

Dehghan, Afshin, Tian, Yicong, Torr, Philip H. S., Shah, Mubarak

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[association, learning, set, human, introduce, annotation] [network, global, structured, performance, detector,
discriminative, highly, better, identity] [tracking, object, target, candidate, multiple, cost, based, detection, online, track, node, frame, fij, bounding, appearance, edge, video, overlap, tracker, lot,
temporal, transition, segment, score, consecutive, assigned, struck, sequence, propose, gog, spot, three] [model, inference, location, manual, allows, penalizes] [method,
data, constraint, solution, proposed, number, lagrange, problem, graph, relaxation, optimization, algorithm, function, vector, minimum, linear, greedy, solving, main, relaxing] [observation, lagrangian,
figure, color, traditional] [spatial, best, pair]

Single Image Super-Resolution From Transformed Self-Exemplars

Huang, Jia-Bin, Singh, Abhishek, Ahuja, Narendra

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[natural, source, search, learning, visual, exploit, dataset] [training, better, input, performance, version,
achieve, structured] [target, based, cost, propose, indicates, appearance] [urban, deformation, quantitative, single, scene, regression, model, shape, estimation,
searching, detected, initialization, driven] [algorithm, matrix, method, space, proposed, parameter, mapping, number, function, simultaneously] [perspective,
figure, planar, plane, estimate, ieee, geometry, second, acm] [image, patch, transformation, neighbor, internal, external, nearest, matching, geometric, scale, best, srcnn, dictionary, glasner, kim, scsr,
database, patchmatch, transformed, downsampled, large, regular, bsd, comparison, psnr, indicate, local, fast, similarity]

A Statistical Model of Riemannian Metric Variation for Deformable Shape Analysis

Gasparetto, Andrea, Torsello, Andrea

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, learning, human, process, supervised, test, datasets, associated, example] [representation,
training, performance, class, log, table, build, pyramid, global, belonging, follow] [based, object, density] [shape, mesh, centroid, model, approach, represent,
deformable, lack, eigendecomposition, introduced] [matrix, eigenvector, spectral, geodesic, laplacian, eigenvectors, proposed, order, method, decomposition, number, eigenvalue, problem, orthogonal, respect,
distribution, algorithm, computation, parameter, main, riemannian, analysis, manifold, permutation] [rotation, computer, ieee, conference, second, international, pattern, acm, assume, component, geometry,
intrinsic, synthetic] [retrieval, invariant, distance, compute, computed, transformation, applied, descriptor, statistical, metric, spatial, june, eurographics, matching]

Representing 3D Texture on Mesh Manifolds for Retrieval and Recognition Applications

Werghi, Naoufel, Tortorici, Claudio, Berretti, Stefano, Del Bimbo, Alberto

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, vision] [recognition, representation, performance, compared, global, unit, reported, feature,
extracted, table] [three, based, framework, appearance, action, score, pot, combination, object, sequence, middle] [face, shape, mesh, surface, facial, approach,
facet, depth, ordered, expression, owl, full, triangular, single, point, procedure, variant, potential, normal, azimuthal] [fusion, analysis, binary, proposed, machine, method, random, function, construction,
case, lower] [photometric, pattern, ieee, central, figure, geometry, computer, rotation] [texture, geometric, local, image, lbp, retrieval, eat, best,
distance, histogram, grid, corresponding, comparison, descriptor, database, probe, ring, computed, representing, gap, meshlbp]

FlowWeb: Joint Image Set Alignment by Weaving Consistent, Pixel-Wise Correspondences

Zhou, Tinghui, Jae Lee, Yong, Yu, Stella X., Efros, Alyosha A.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, consistency, collection, visual, unsupervised, work, source, vision, human, discovery, example, provided, dataset, car] [representation,
global, size, accuracy, table, pascal, jointly, feature, max, better] [object, score, appearance, target, boundary, measure, three, propose] [alignment, tij,
joint, model, shape, initial, sij, term] [pairwise, graph, update, method, number, optimization, lower, algorithm, iteration, subspace, denote, sample, regularization] [pixel,
figure, optical, pattern, flow, accurate, phase, ieee] [image, correspondence, matching, cycle, consistent, keypoint, priority, dsp, flowweb, tkj, transitive, sift, pair, tik, compute, congealing, good,
rasl, local, region, mobahi, dense, spatial, similarity]

Heteroscedastic Max-Min Distance Analysis

Su, Bing, Ding, Xiaoqing, Liu, Changsong, Wu, Ying

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[lda, dataset, set, datasets, separability, learning, latent, perform] [class, training, max, better, margin,
log, fisher, standard] [three, average] [face, error, projected] [hmmda, whmmda, dimensionality, pairwise,
ohmmda, scatter, proposed, original, mmda, hlda, apac, problem, analysis, reduced, orthogonal, heteroscedastic, data, linear, dimension, chernoff, reduction, gaussian, solution, yale, optimal, feasible, lower, qdf, min, marohmmda, whitening, subspace, general,
bound, distribution, yaleface, matrix, objective, trace, quotient, criterion, space, supohmmda, number, relaxation, uci, whitened, homoscedastic] [separation] [distance,
discriminant, difference, best, database, nearest, rate, transformation, weighted, transformed, corresponding]

Structural Sparse Tracking

Zhang, Tianzhu, Liu, Si, Xu, Changsheng, Yan, Shuicheng, Ghanem, Bernard, Ahuja, Narendra, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, learning, set, relationship, existing, human] [representation, learn, global, learned, discriminative,
performance, achieves] [tracking, target, appearance, object, based, structural, sst, particle, frame, candidate, track, tracker, online, propose, three, performs, lgt, mixed, rtct, mtt, abrupt, combination,
dft, multiple] [model, represent, joint, structure, layout, drift, pose, template, error, occlusion, reconstruction, challenging, holistic, location] [sparse,
proposed, algorithm, represented, method, note, matrix, number, sparsity, formulation, time] [figure, inside, robust, intrinsic, illumination, center, observation, second] [local,
image, dictionary, corresponding, spatial, patch, sampled, partial, best, well, sampling, region]

Person Count Localization in Videos From Noisy Foreground and Detections

Chen, Sheng, Fern, Alan, Todorovic, Sinisa

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[people, noisy, work, add, correct, set, introduce, dataset, address, human] [pedestrian, accuracy, input,
detector, previous, output, training, performance, smaller, train, hyper, adding] [count, foreground, detection, ilp, football, egr, counting, based, frame, truth, tracking, assigned, cla, american, video,
edge, integer, localized, segmentation, crowded, object, score, tracker, dei, framework, detecting, assign, crowd, measure, activity] [localization, approach, ground, initial, forest, provide, prior, occlusion,
single, program, error] [graph, problem, solution, number, missing, random, note, iterative, optimization, constraint, linear, order, iteration] [integrity,
figure, small] [person, metric, large, false, isolated, corresponding, local, severe]

Transport-Based Single Frame Super Resolution of Very Low Resolution Face Images

Kolouri, Soheil, Rohde, Gustavo K.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, set, test, learning, subject, amount, work, process, written, vision, instance] [training, learned,
size, standard, testing, learn, performance] [based, combination, appearance, framework, likelihood, average] [face, model, modeling, introduced, described,
reconstruct, approach, facial, prior, reconstruction] [method, optimal, linear, space, problem, proposed, low, function, principal, subspace, yaleb, note, original, nonlinear, data, eigenvectors, sparse,
basis, spline, mapping, matrix, corresponds, optimization, journal] [figure, ieee, transport, reconstructed, computer, high, technique, lagrangian, pattern, international, intensity, interpolation]
[image, sfsr, displacement, resolution, corresponding, degraded, cubic, ssim, gradient, grid, morphing, reference, nearest, compare, best]

Modeling Object Appearance Using Context-Conditioned Component Analysis

Turmukhambetov, Daniyar, Campbell, Neill D.F., Prince, Simon J.D., Kautz, Jan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, set, dataset, vision, learning, example, test, datasets, active, semantic, address] [context, training,
recognition, hidden, learn, table, additional, log] [appearance, object, segmentation] [model, xij, face, reconstruction, cij, approach, error, hif, argmax,
shape, term, generative, modeling, regression, inpainted, structure, allows] [vector, subspace, function, form, inpainting, number, analysis, solution, matrix, parameter, linear, general, space, case, gaussian,
yij, principal, problem, proposed] [computer, equation, pixel, figure, conference, international, pattern, rotation, estimate, color, component, varying, parametric, translation, noise] [image,
consists, corresponding, dense, sift, spatial]

Feature-Independent Context Estimation for Automatic Image Annotation

Tariq, Amara, Foroosh, Hassan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[annotation, visual, textual, test, process, automatic, tucker, set, strategy, description, probability, system, relevance, association, esp, word, evaluation,
semantic, text, vision, iapr, learning, work, visually, task, popular, conditional, processing, dataset, keywords, pick, tag] [context, training, representation, performance, size, auxiliary] [group,
based, recall, employed, video, three, evidence] [estimation, model, formation, represent, joint, distinctive, height, prior] [tensor, decomposition, vector,
proposed, form, number, analysis, core, computational, problem, distribution, data, gaussian, denoted, computationally, represented, suitable] [estimate, computer, estimated, ieee, conference, international,
figure, assume, high, inserted, assumed] [image, vocabulary, similarity, signature, grid]

Understanding Tools: Task-Oriented Object Modeling, Learning and Recognition

Zhu, Yixin, Zhao, Yibiao, Chun Zhu, Song

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, tool, physical, affordance, learning, ranking, vision, imagined, parse, concept, demonstration, task, essential, understanding, work, set, stone, rational,
cracking, hammer, causal, shovel, household, animal, imagining, automation, paint, nut, ability, pgs, selected, visual, natural, annotated] [recognition, representation, learned, top] [object,
action, three, target, based, tracking, cognitive, detection, sequence, video, including, temporal, framework] [hand, pose, robotics, scene, represent, inference, inferred, reasoning, force] [algorithm,
functional, basis, graph, choice, consider, number, space, science, sample, optimal] [computer, conference, ieee, international, figure, typical, red, assume, blue, produced] [best,
image, area, spatial, represents]

Temporally Coherent Interpretations for Long Videos Using Pattern Theory

Souza, Fillipe, Sarkar, Sudeep, Srivastava, Anuj, Su, Jingyong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, concept, semantic, correct, set, describing, generating, pick, knowledge, search, human, closed, learning, identifying] [performance,
recognition, feature, window, representation, level] [temporal, video, bond, interpretation, complex, generator, based, multiple, ontological, action, segment, consecutive, structural, theoretic, framework,
generated, individual, coherent, sequence, allowed, combinatorial, interaction, correctly, activity, average, depicts] [approach, represent, structure, inference, single, provide] [modality,
number, space, form, data, time, graph, proposed, function, machine, main] [pattern, figure, conference, computer, ieee, quality, international] [indicate,
best, illustrated, consists, local]

Robust Saliency Detection via Regularized Random Walks Ranking

Li, Changyang, Yuan, Yuchen, Cai, Weidong, Xia, Yong, Dagan Feng, David

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[ranking, vision, visual, dataset, set, evaluation, process] [input, map, recognition, dir, performance]
[saliency, boundary, background, detection, foreground, salient, erroneous, superpixel, recall, final, based, precision, object, seed, contrast, three, controlling, weight, calculate, pbo, wij, propose, sstep, superpixels,
attention, seg] [estimation, model, step, approach, prior, fitting, ground, adjacent] [random, proposed, regularized, algorithm, method, matrix, graph,
manifold, vector, element, analysis, defined] [figure, pattern, ieee, computer, conference, removal, color, second, blue, left, pixel] [image, comparison,
pca, outperforms, major, remaining, region]

Semantic Object Segmentation via Detection in Weakly Labeled Video

Zhang, Yu, Chen, Xiaowu, Li, Jia, Wang, Chen, Xia, Changqun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, weakly, set, labeled, dataset, supervised, consistency, learning, noisy, selected, unsupervised, bird, label, perform, car, address] [performance,
training, train, accuracy, table] [object, segmentation, video, detection, track, segment, appearance, framework, foreground, temporal, generate, background, segtrack, based, bounding, cost, tracking, spatiotemporal,
threshold, frame, overlap, likelihood] [shape, approach, initial, step, term, joint, procedure, single, represent, provide] [proposed, method, problem,
solving, objective, algorithm, note] [figure, estimated, preserving, high, pixel, paper, motion, relative] [region, area, consists, initialized, compare,
consistent, statistical, outperforms]

Saturation-Preserving Specular Reflection Separation

Liu, Yuanliu, Yuan, Zejian, Zheng, Nanning, Wu, Yang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, natural, vision, preference] [input, stage, class, global, transferred] [based]
[surface, model, smoothness, term, fall] [method, problem, note, bound, upper, maximum, lower, space, linear, solve, sparsity, original, main, number, analysis,
proposed, sparse, function, row] [specular, diffuse, chromaticity, color, saturation, hue, achromatic, highlighted, separation, computer, ratio, recovered, pure, chromatic, smooth, constancy, highlight,
figure, pixel, piecewise, component, produced, ieee, recover, result, conference, removal, blue, suv, separating, red, intensity, removed, pattern, specularfree, tan, recovering, paper, separate, yellow, small] [image,
anchor, local, propagation, spatial, isolated, well, partial, difference]

Unconstrained Realtime Facial Performance Capture

Hsieh, Pei-Lun, Ma, Chongyang, Yu, Jihun, Li, Hao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, user] [input, map, identity, previous, performance, feature, designed, effective, training]
[tracking, segmentation, video, frame, appearance, tracked, based, reliable, superpixel, dynamic, framework, superpixels, detection] [facial, face, model, depth,
blendshape, capture, occlusion, realtime, shape, personalization, expression, current, occluded, deformation, rigid, animation, landmark, rgb, mesh, term, approach, uncontrolled, visibility, personalized, completion, modeling, vertex, penetration, ensure,
prior, introduced, uninterrupted] [method, linear, data, laplacian, exponential, solve, sparse, binary, algorithm, spectral, exponentially, number] [figure,
motion, acm, color, illumination, robust, accurate, lighting, handle, captured, caused, siggraph] [texture, large]

Automatic Construction Of Robust Spherical Harmonic Subspaces

Snape, Patrick, Panagakis, Yannis, Zafeiriou, Stefanos

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, provided, existing, automatically, perform, active, example] [training, class, input, representation,
build, involves] [appearance, object, propose] [shape, facial, alignment, model, single, surface, provide, face, performed, helen, expression, morphable,
aam, normal, allows] [order, subspace, basis, problem, matrix, decomposition, rank, method, low, algorithm, linear, number, harmonic, proposed, time, sparse, data, tensor, svd, solution, denotes, case, argmin,
update, solved, solving, seek] [recover, photometric, recovered, lighting, robust, recovery, stereo, uncalibrated, ieee, spherical, accurate, illumination, figure, recovering, tom, component, frequency,
directly, lambertian, light, unknown, optical, lee, technique, pixel, warped] [image, dense, correspondence, reference, large]

KL Divergence Based Agglomerative Clustering for Automated Vitiligo Grading

Das Gupta, Mithun, Srinivasa, Srinidhi, J., Madhukara, Antony, Meryl

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, expert, evaluation, set, task, work, generation] [feature, reported, size] [based,
segmentation, hierarchical, score, generate, cost, merge, generated, segmenting, propose, hypothesis, segment, superpixels, swa, boundary, partially, truth, merging] [model, ground, represent, mixture]
[clustering, proposed, method, algorithm, symmetric, number, note, analysis, data, mrf, cluster, graph, gaussian, denotes, random, markov, matrix, function, respect, exponential, convex, decomposition, machine]
[pixel, skin, albedo, color, completely, shading, technique, figure, ieee, simple] [image, divergence, vitiligo, mncut, depigmented, disease, agglomerative,
distance, region, well, bregman, missed, compare, depigmentation, patch, partial, area, similarity, neighborhood, local, comparison, weighted, clinical]

Real-Time Joint Estimation of Camera Orientation and Vanishing Points

Lee, Jeong-Kyun, Yoon, Kuk-Jin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[noisy, set, system, datasets, existing, vision, mutually, evaluation] [performance, feature, detector,
accuracy, jointly, table, unit] [frame, segment, based, state, three, tracking, propose, detection] [orientation, estimation, point, scene, joint, normal,
model, approach, robustness, current, solid, detected] [method, proposed, orthogonal, vector, great, constraint, consider, singular, nonlinear, gaussian, matrix, space, covariance, projection, number]
[camera, vps, rotation, manhattan, parallel, vanishing, spurious, accurate, robust, estimate, figure, measurement, estimated, synthetic, real, noise, circle, management, direction, center, rotational, sphere, plane,
lbd, blue, estimating, observed, pynew] [image, matching, nearest, bayesian, descriptor, gradient]

A Low-Dimensional Step Pattern Analysis Algorithm With Application to Multimodal Retinal Image Registration

Addison Lee, Jimmy, Cheng, Jun, Hai Lee, Beng, Ping Ong, Ee, Xu, Guozhen, Wing Kee Wong, Damon, Liu, Jiang, Laude, Augustinus, Han Lim, Tock

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[multimodal, dataset, test, datasets, describe] [feature, higher, window, factor, achieve] [average,
success, based, edge, detection, extraction, bin, contrast, eye] [step, mae, point, volume, error, robustness] [algorithm, method, number, proposed, low,
form] [intensity, rotation, robust, color, figure, pattern, distributed, high, uniformly, angle] [image, retinal, registration, scale, corner, sift, severe,
unhealthy, rate, fundus, vascular, geometric, lospa, descriptor, invariant, corresponding, transformation, local, register, matched, gradient, bifurcation, applied, harris, closest, mutual, change, repeatability, match, matching, connecting, difference, mee]

Video Co-Summarization: Video Summarization by Visual Co-Occurrence

Chu, Wen-Sheng, Song, Yale, Jaimes, Alejandro

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[mbf, visual, shot, set, summarization, summary, biclique, aca, unsupervised, jump, collection, subject, coc, learning, dataset, appear, selected, labeled,
knowledge, relevant, human, discovering, novel, eiffel, content, discovered, visually, identify, work, example] [feature, top, compared, effectiveness, better, standard] [video,
temporal, multiple, recall, truth, precision, score, three, generate, online, segmentation, walk, generated] [approach, model, ground, performed, capture, cij, single, represent, averaged] [number,
algorithm, matrix, graph, method, cluster, clustering, suppose, sparsity, problem, solution, vector, analysis] [quality, figure, high, total] [maximal,
query, bipartite, compute, pair, large, retrieved, computed, image]

Toward User-Specific Tracking by Detection of Human Shapes in Multi-Cameras

Huang, Chun-Hao, Boyer, Edmond, do Canto Angonese, Bibiana, Navab, Nassir, Ilic, Slobodan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, visual, strategy, set, association, subject] [input, better, apply, feature, previous, discriminative,
training, testing, standard] [tracking, overlap, framework, frame] [surface, error, pose, shape, icp, forest, joint, regression, vertex, voxel, approach,
mesh, normal, model, generative, vsuf, deformation, meshhog, voxels, patchedol, ground, averaged, silhouette, capture, volumetric, skeletal, bpsvm, current, straka, cagniart, split, coordinate, offset, depth] [method,
data, vector, time, outlier, random, proposed, denoted, close] [figure, estimated, motion, black] [local, reference, correspondence, fail, image, large,
distance, matching, compare, medical, metric]

Unsupervised Learning of Complex Articulated Kinematic Structures Combining Motion and Skeleton Information

Jin Chang, Hyung, Demiris, Yiannis

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, generation, human, description, set, novel, dataset, entropy] [feature, highly, smoothing, margin,
performance, input, recognition] [skeleton, object, boundary, segmentation, complex, based, segment, cost, generated, target, merging, framework, generate, centre, factorisation, robot, adaptive, detection]
[articulated, structure, kinematic, estimation, body, icub, point, error, skeletal, silhouette, approach, hand, shape, prior, rigid, ground, single] [method, number,
function, proposed, kernel, data, iterative, parameter, sparse, sample, algorithm, minimum, vector, order, support, geodesic, analysis, journal, baxter, topological, iteration, yan, ransac] [motion, figure,
estimated, estimate, computer, pattern, international, ieee, small] [distance, arm, good, randomized, voting, image]

Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Targets

Milan, Anton, Leal-Taixe, Laura, Schindler, Konrad, Reid, Ian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, label, evaluation, work, positive, task, association, learning, colour] [representation, crf, detector,
global, table, standard, negative] [tracking, detection, object, segmentation, target, trajectory, multiple, superpixel, video, superpixels, temporal, based, cost, bounding, background, tracker, likelihood,
track, hypothesis, evidence, crowded, state, foreground, three, edge, weight, entire, propose, online, frame] [model, prior, approach, ground, occluded, location, volume, shape, challenging, scene, continuous,
joint, quantitative] [number, method, energy, problem, space, optimization, time, data, pairwise, note, minimum, linear, random] [ieee, motion, velocity,
pattern] [image, cvpr, eccv, partial, consistent]

Constrained Planar Cuts - Object Partitioning for Point Clouds

Schoeler, Markus, Papon, Jeremie, Worgotter, Florentin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, set, vision, work, supervised, unsupervised, consistency, scoring, introduce, evaluation, annotated, label, evaluate] [recognition,
performance, level, training, class, achieve, reported, shoulder] [object, segmentation, partitioning, edge, supervoxels, rand, segment, score, strong, supervoxel, leading, boundary] [point,
adjacency, constrained, model, concavity, princeton, cloud, shape, mesh, single, step, full, ground, approach, error, pose, smin] [concave, cut, algorithm, method, convex, graph, euclidean, ransac, directional,
proposed, support, number, data, clustering] [figure, computer, ieee, pattern, conference, planar, noise, acm, separate] [local, cutting, locally, benchmark,
well, weighted, gap, randomized, distance]

Light Field Layer Matting

Fiss, Juliet, Curless, Brian, Szeliski, Rick

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[novel, work, system, content, focus, natural, common, create, vision] [layer, input, map, representation,
window] [foreground, background, multiple, threshold, video, propose, weight] [depth, scene, occluded, estimation, single, reconstruction, typically, model,
ground] [method, composite, range, operation, problem, algorithm, original, linear, iteration] [light, matting, rendering, layered, color, estimate, ray,
alpha, lytro, figure, plane, siggraph, conference, acm, computer, shift, ieee, refocused, matte, perspective, occluders, synthetic, technique, thin, estimating, pattern, spatially, defocus, varying, camera, multicolor, trimap, focal, separate, small, plenoptic,
removing, reconstructing, refocusing] [image, compute, view, compare, well, limited, bayesian, computing]

Understanding Pedestrian Behaviors From Stationary Crowd Groups

Yi, Shuai, Li, Hongsheng, Wang, Xiaogang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, prediction, example, learning, probability, annotated, source, existing, topic] [pedestrian, map,
factor, table, smaller, larger, learned] [crowd, stationary, walking, group, moving, path, destination, personality, based, behavior, abnormal, video, route, sgi, average, walk, frame, including, weight, key,
three, modeled, detection, obstacle, density, dynamic, crowded, regarded, event, activity] [scene, model, modeling, personalized, layout, location, social, current, estimation, force] [energy,
proposed, analysis, general, optimal, parameter, machine, number, close, time, optimized, method] [figure, observed, observation, ieee, motion, pattern, estimated, observing] [calculated,
distance, region, large, change, represents]

Holistic 3D Scene Understanding From a Single Geo-Tagged Image

Wang, Shenlong, Fidler, Sanja, Urtasun, Raquel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, labeling, car, visual, help, dataset, set, freely] [map, performance, context, jointly, input,
road, trained] [object, detection, segmentation, based, generate, bounding, employ, box, multiple] [depth, geographic, scene, holistic, pose, single, model,
reconstruction, inference, approach, estimation, localization, cad, error, kitti, rad, shape, rendered, structure, osm, reasoning, edo, layout, challenging, fidler, render, initial, reason, prior, edep, point, provide, eseg, reader, potential, ground, current]
[method, proposed, min, energy, encoding, solve, note, random, gaussian, algorithm, solving, minimizing] [median, figure, camera, paper, estimated, pixel, computer,
rendering, relative] [image, well, geometric, local, dense, distance]

Image Segmentation in Twenty Questions

Rupprecht, Christian, Peter, Loic, Navab, Nassir

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[question, probability, set, human, dataset, user, answer, interactive, visual, ibsr, vision, label, active, datasets, learning, strategy, work, natural, twenty]
[stanford, hidden, training, size, design, performance] [segmentation, object, seed, background, guess, state, foreground, score, proposal, berkeley, based, three,
dice, allowed, framework, truth, segment, gop, series] [mcmc, location, performed, ground, posterior, picked, current, provide, approach, uncertainty, described, volume, rely, fact] [method,
number, geodesic, distribution, oracle, markov, algorithm, machine, binary, space, chain, selection, proposed, random, case, solution] [computer, pixel, figure, small, ieee, inside, international, pattern,
informative, conference] [image, sampling, distance, brain, sampled, consists, large]

Towards Force Sensing From Vision: Observing Hand-Object Interactions to Infer Manipulation Forces

Pham, Tu-Hoa, Kheddar, Abderrahmane, Qammaz, Ammar, Argyros, Antonis A.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, vision, visual, learning, work, process, physical] [net, training, apply, learn, performance]
[tracking, object, based, interaction, framework, individual] [force, hand, estimation, kinematics, manipulation, tactile, pose, grasp, mass, nominal, socp, single,
approach, normal, manipulating, capture, differentiation, grasping, fsv, full, friction, anns, step, performed, fact, model, environment, body, control, challenging] [method, distribution, time, experimental,
problem, consider, optimization, sum, data, gaussian] [contact, motion, ieee, estimate, observed, numerical, algebraic, computer, sensing, estimated, relative, acceleration, minimal, figure, cone, acm, camera,
rotational, velocity] [internal, applied, compute, brain]

Dual Domain Filters Based Texture and Structure Preserving Image Non-Blind Deconvolution

Yang, Hang, Zhu, Ming, Niu, Yan, Guan, Yujing, Zhang, Zhongbo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, scenario, noisy, visual, process] [window, stp, top, table, observe, smaller, representation, performance]
[based, propose, forward, adaptive] [structure, approach, joint, volume] [method, proposed, sparse, algorithm,
gaussian, dual, shrinkage, parameter, kernel, original, iteration, energy, iterative, regularized, low, house, matrix] [deconvolution, rolling, fourier, ieee, deblurring, noise, figure, preserving, stk,
blurred, result, small, blur, residual, simple, quality, left, remove, ringing, signal, detail, produce, frequency] [image, guidance, denoising, transform, bilateral, isnr, variance, texture, outperforms,
barbara, uorig, denoised, restoration, large, good, nitr, gray, scale, pieias, spatial, stft, local]

Robust Image Filtering Using Joint Static and Dynamic Guidance

Ham, Bumsub, Cho, Minsu, Ponce, Jean

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set] [input, map, output, table, global, coarse] [static,
dynamic, structural, average, framework, contrast, truth] [depth, model, joint, structure, ground, term, localization, approach, initialization, typically] [regularization,
function, parameter, data, objective, solution, nonconvex, regularizer, surrogate, regularized, gaussian, implicit, converges, time, method, iteratively, explicit, random, proposed, convergence, minimum, note, bilinear] [color,
figure, constant, intensity, acm, solver, varying, robust, high, ieee, upsampling, noise, middlebury, handle] [guidance, image, rgf, wls, scale, gradient, texture, upsampled, local, applied, oall, wmf, weighted,
bmes, ois, comparison, difference, correspondence, outperforms]

Efficient Illuminant Estimation for Color Constancy Using Grey Pixels

Yang, Kai-Fu, Gao, Shao-Bing, Li, Yong-Jie

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, datasets, natural, set, work, source, vision] [performance, table, better, standard, input, van]
[based, three, edge, multiple, hypothesis, contrast, measure, utilized] [error, estimation, indoor, scene, model, bright, detected, percentage, evaluated, volume]
[method, proposed, journal, analysis, note, science, machine, low, order, number, parameter, lower] [grey, color, illuminant, angular, constancy, sfu, figure,
ieee, median, pixel, iim, computer, society, imaging, pattern, light, ball, detectable, simple, checker, logarithmic, equation, conference, estimated, white, optical, small, second, estimate, america] [image,
local, computed, benchmark, patch, best, equal]

Computationally Bounded Retrieval

Rastegari, Mohammad, Keskin, Cem, Kohli, Pushmeet, Izadi, Shahram

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, vision, learning, search, sun, dataset, noisy, prediction, embedding, task] [accuracy, feature, imagenet,
training] [recall, based, auc, cost] [joint, error] [binary, method, optimization, itq, number, projection,
data, function, matrix, sparsity, bit, computational, quantization, hashing, code, orthogonal, sparse, update, time, optimal, mapping, complexity, dimensional, case, linear, iterative, proposed, solution, hash, solve, problem, machine, nop, space, curve, solving,
coding, cbe, circulant, objective, constraint, column, faster, original, consider, computation] [figure, equation, high, computer, ieee, conference, pattern, naive] [retrieval,
nearest, image, rate, neighbor, fast, query, comparison, large]

Geodesic Exponential Kernels: When Curvature and Linearity Conflict

Feragen, Aasa, Lauze, Francois, Hauberg, Soren

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, vision, learning, popular, example, sense, cat, embedding, processing] [negative, fisher, recognition,
neural, table] [path, shortest, based, framework] [curvature, triangle, point, shape, continuous, model, structure] [geodesic,
kernel, riemannian, space, gaussian, data, theorem, euclidean, laplacian, manifold, cnd, machine, exponential, sectional, hilbert, general, main, linear, respect, analysis, consider, isometric, journal, proof, prove, hyperbolic, mathematical, isometrically,
inner, grassmann, laplace, vector, tangent, mapping, diffusion, form, implies, graph, spectral] [computer, conference, ieee, chordal, intrinsic, pattern, geometry, embedded, international, classical, radial,
result, straight, generally, assume, figure] [metric, distance, corresponding, image, comparison, statistical, geometric]

Efficient SDP Inference for Fully-Connected CRFs Based on Low-Rank Decomposition

Wang, Peng, Shen, Chunhua, van den Hengel, Anton

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[positive, set, label, work] [map, feature, table, crf, input, standard, neural, achieves, convolution]
[segmentation, based, memory, cost] [approach, inference, estimation, evaluated, unary, performed] [method,
approximation, matrix, energy, product, sdp, problem, kernel, sdcut, proposed, function, pairwise, computational, crfs, algorithm, gaussian, linear, number, random, sdlr, expressed, rank, dual, optimal, complexity, note, solution, vector, relaxation, objective,
iteration, original, binary, denotes, rounding, exp, requirement, symmetric, lower, minimization, approximate, faster, lanczos, solve, column, quadratic, general, computation, solves] [ieee, speed, pixel,
pattern, accurate] [image, corresponding, compatibility, applied, fast, local, best]

Diversity-Induced Multi-View Subspace Clustering

Cao, Xiaochun, Zhang, Changqing, Fu, Huazhu, Liu, Si, Zhang, Hua

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[diversity, learning, work, dataset, diverse, novel, existing] [representation, table, standard, performance,
learned, feature, explore, jointly] [complementary, based, multiple, video, employ, recall, performs, precision] [face, approach, multiview, term, ensure,
joint] [clustering, subspace, method, data, matrix, spectral, dimsc, namsc, objective, function, proposed, kernel, dependence, hsic, complementarity, extended, algorithm, product, independence, independently,
low, row, nmi, number, singlebest, problem, inner, constructed, consider, graph, china, denotes, minimizing, underlying, denote, space, alternating, featconcate, solution, nonlinear] [figure, spc, result,
smooth, enforce, equation, second] [similarity, view, corresponding, outperforms, best, well, image]

Simulating Makeup Through Physics-Based Manipulation of Intrinsic Image Layers

Li, Chen, Zhou, Kun, Lin, Stephen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[transfer, personal, work, example, style] [layer, transferred, additional] [target,
appearance, eye, based, three, including] [face, model, surface, facial, shadow, approach, term] [method, row, decomposition, approximation, energy, proposed,
sparse, approximate, linear, expressed, distribution, data] [makeup, skin, specular, cosmetic, diffuse, shading, intrinsic, foundation, albedo, color, highlight, lighting, lipstick, scattering, figure, light,
simulated, subsurface, refractive, thickness, computer, real, rendering, captured, second, roughness, optical, acm, ratio, geometry, blush, bst, simulating, microfacet, beckmann, yellow, opaque, barefaced] [image,
reference, change, gradient, illustrated, applied, synthesized]

Riemannian Coding and Dictionary Learning: Kernels to the Rescue

Harandi, Mehrtash, Salzmann, Mathieu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, vision, supervised, set, positive, perform, example, unsupervised, introduce, visual, dataset, embedding] [recognition,
training, achieved, table, discriminative, representation, learn, previous, version, learned, better, accuracy] [] [approach, term, reconstruction, shape,
performed, point, introduced, prior, fact] [coding, riemannian, sparse, kernel, general, space, manifold, formulation, linear, euclidean, min, note, case, machine, tangent, vector, analysis, spd, special,
form, solution, derive, problem, solving, hilbert, function, method, ksc, logarithm, data, gaussian, matrix, approximate, nonlinear, logx, geodesic, kslcc, objective, logp, covariance] [conference, computer,
ieee, intrinsic, pattern] [dictionary, image, local, query, gradient, well]

Shape-Based Automatic Detection of a Large Number of 3D Facial Landmarks

Zulqarnain Gilani, Syed, Shafait, Faisal, Mian, Ajmal

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, automatic, manually, source, annotated, automatically, dataset, select, transfer, existing] [level,
table, reported, feature, recognition, coarse] [detect, detection, truth, target, adaptive, seed, based] [face, facial, model, point, surface, shape, landmark,
localization, neutral, error, expression, curvature, ground, anthropometric, approach, detected, bending, morphable, landmarking, autism, nose, pose, craniofacial] [number, algorithm, proposed, row, method,
analysis, journal, energy, function, note, distribution, order] [figure, speed, ieee, computer, paper, subtle, intensity, international, presented] [dense,
correspondence, corresponding, large, matching, statistical, query, database, sampled, difference, medical, extreme, well, comparison, image, mild]

Adopting an Unconstrained Ray Model in Light-Field Cameras for 3D Shape Reconstruction

Bergamasco, Filippo, Albarelli, Andrea, Cosmo, Luca, Torsello, Andrea, Rodola, Emanuele, Cremers, Daniel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, process, work, common] [level, recognition, feature, standard, accuracy, global, capturing,
fully] [target, behavior] [model, point, error, reconstruction, surface, estimation, rigid, performed, single, full, procedure] [code,
coding, method, number, optimization, problem, proposed, distribution, order, main, adopted, ransac, space] [calibration, camera, ray, imaging, computer, figure, light, interpolation, ieee, plenoptic, zoom,
conference, observed, sensor, pattern, microlens, parametric, paper, motion, plane, lytro, triangulation, maxzoom, pinhole, monitor, phase, calibrated, accurate, detail, horizontal, pixel, rotation, rms, adopt, result, captured, acm, international, high, axis,
recovery, squared, white, translation] [image, dense, large, well, view, applied]

Human Action Segmentation With Hierarchical Supervoxel Consistency

Lu, Jiasen, Xu, ran, Corso, Jason J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, set, evaluate, vision, understanding, automatically, consistency, european, label] [better, recognition,
map, feature, higher, level, representation, table] [action, segmentation, supervoxel, saliency, supervoxels, video, detection, hierarchical, actionness, foreground, bounding, truth, mask, jhmdb, background,
trajectory, iou, box, based, frame, penn, strong, puppet, golf, score, precision, average] [model, unary, potential, ground, localization, full, body, prior, detailed, term, estimation, shape, pose, joint,
approach] [pairwise, data, order, graph, method, mrf, analysis, energy, parameter, denotes, number, machine] [motion, computer, ieee, conference, pattern,
international, camera, optical, figure, high, color, robust] [hierarchy, large, person]

Non-Rigid Registration of Images With Geometric and Photometric Deformation by Using Local Affine Fourier-Moment Matching

Su, Hong-Ren, Lai, Shang-Hong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, relationship, associated, lin, example] [global, accuracy, feature, table, max, sliding, layer,
map, increase] [target, edge, based, lab, cost, framework, hierarchical, propose, average, three, partitioning] [estimation, model, point, initial, smoothness,
term, approach, step, depicted, challenging] [block, proposed, algorithm, method, minimizing, vector, matrix, function, problem, solved, order, energy, derive, parameter, denoted] [photometric,
color, fourier, moment, estimate, translation, figure, estimated, lighting, spectrum, robust, real, second, illumination, camera, estimating] [image, registration, local, geometric, transform, fmm, matching,
corresponding, reference, transforms, weighting, hierarchal, overlapping, voting, shen, similarity, large, zaragoza, deal, transformation, registering, transformed, histogram, sift, registered]

Hierarchically-Constrained Optical Flow

Kennedy, Ryan, Taylor, Camillo J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, label, annotated, store, associated] [size, global, table, training, feature] [cost,
segmentation, hierarchical, node, object, background, frame, based, groundtruth, edge, superpixels, final, multiple, ldof, weight, entire] [error, term, offset, model, vertex, smoothness, tree, location, estimation,
discrete, continuous, approach, procedure, full] [optimization, function, method, matrix, random, data, denoted, algorithm, graph, diagram, note, base, time, problem] [optical,
motion, figure, small, pixel, computer, color, ieee, conference, synthetic, international] [image, large, voronoi, hcof, computed, matching, deepflow, epe, endpoint, distance, local, compute, computing,
similarity, magnitude, patch, region, area, displacement]

Bayesian Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super Resolution

Akhtar, Naveed, Shafait, Faisal, Mian, Ajmal

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[process, indicator, set, learning, existing, probability, knowledge] [representation, table, performance,
public, learned, reported] [based, truth, propose, state, weight] [approach, ground, scene, prior, posterior] [sparse,
proposed, spectral, matrix, support, coding, method, sample, sik, parameter, code, vector, denotes, low, range, distribution, data, factorization, gibbs, selection, literature] [high, ieee, imaging, bernoulli,
component, estimate, rmse, reconstructed, sensing, multispectral, figure, material, directly] [image, hyperspectral, resolution, dictionary, bayesian, super, remote, spatial, sampling, inferencing, database,
zik, gsomp, beta, computed, harvard, cave, acquired, transformed, june, transform, compute, initialized, distinct, exhaustive, construct]

Revisiting Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Improved Large-Scale Image Retrieval

Jiang, Ke, Que, Qichao, Kulis, Brian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, vision, work, set, probability, flickr] [performance, standard, improvement, feature, applying,
increasing, representation, better] [viewed, based, intersection] [projected, provide] [kernel, klsh,
rank, random, lsh, analysis, gaussian, hashing, number, data, function, hash, matrix, choice, method, projection, space, note, covariance, empirical, original, vector, approximation, bound, approximate, theoretical, principal, limit, kernelized, theorem, sample,
explicit, subspace, hilbert, consider, sum, product, main, kulis, distribution, decay] [international, computer, figure, simple, central, conference, ieee, pattern] [retrieval,
nearest, scale, neighbor, image, database, similarity, query, difference, transformation, large, corresponding, tradeoff, best, pca]

Low-Level Vision by Consensus in a Spatial Hierarchy of Regions

Chakrabarti, Ayan, Xiong, Ying, Gortler, Steven J., Zickler, Todd

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, consistency, visual, subset, vision, physical] [map, larger, global, table, representation]
[framework, cost, hierarchical, multiple, organized, truth, measure, three] [scene, model, error, estimation, kitti, approach, term, ground, occluded, binocular,
initial, slanted, noc] [data, optimization, iteration, minimization, computational, computation, objective, algorithm, alternating, number, note, lower, core, greater, lowest, explicitly, proposed, support]
[stereo, ieee, degree, disparity, piecewise, second, figure, small, parallel, pixel, estimate, inliers, requires] [region, consensus, local, image, inlying,
matching, scale, variational, overlapping, aggregation, spatial, benchmark, computed, well, includes, large, consistent]

Clustering of Static-Adaptive Correspondences for Deformable Object Tracking

Nebehay, Georg, Pflugfelder, Roman

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[evaluation, dataset, set, identify] [output, performance, standard, global] [object,
tracking, frame, employ, measure, success, based, static, bounding, tracker, adaptive, individual, interest, overlap, box, plot, recall, threshold, state, average, scm, multiple, art, candidate, cutoff, allowing, truth, tld] [model,
approach, initial, current, ground] [clustering, method, order, algorithm, number, proposed, parameter, idea, pairwise, respect, computational, time, ransac, denotes] [figure,
robust, estimating, estimate, motion, second, str, simple] [keypoints, matching, vojir, dissimilarity, keypoint, scale, geometric, match, transform, compute, correspondence, distance, rate, algorithmic,
similarity, hough, computed, well, comparison, image, sgt, austrian, agglomerative, local]

Efficient ConvNet-Based Marker-Less Motion Capture in General Scenes With a Low Number of Cameras

Elhayek, Ahmed, de Aguiar, Edilson, Jain, Arjun, Tompson, Jonathan, Pishchulin, Leonid, Andriluka, Micha, Bregler, Chris, Schiele, Bernt, Theobalt, Christian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, people] [input, convnet, accuracy, network, convolutional, table, additional, discriminative, combining]
[tracking, detection, sequence, frame, multiple, based, combined, moving, average, video, overlap, likelihood, tracked, truth, individual, track, three] [pose, joint,
articulated, body, approach, capture, model, term, estimation, position, recorded, pictorial, full, posterior, challenging, location, generative, sog, single, ground, error, arker, projected, scene, depth, disc] [method,
number, energy, optimization, algorithm, gaussian, time, note, gaussians, low] [motion, camera, outdoor, figure, color, high, estimate] [image, computed,
similarity, view, resolution, weighted, local, sampling]

Semantic Alignment of LiDAR Data at City Scale

Yu, Fisher, Xiao, Jianxiong, Funkhouser, Thomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, work, car, set, google, correct, vision, associated, provided, system, test, collected, add, mutually] [feature,
global, better, recognition] [based, detect, object, detection, extract] [lidar, alignment, point, icp, urban, initial, provide, detected, scanner, control,
building, pose, align, shape, represent, percentage, york, distinctive, approach, valuable, reconstruction, scan, ground] [data, algorithm, method, optimization, range, mapping, spline, solution]
[computer, figure, international, conference, ieee, pattern, laser, small, simultaneous, paper, rotation, translation] [large, street, view, registration, city,
closest, distance, image, matched, correspondence, transformation, scale, dense, remote]

A Weighted Sparse Coding Framework for Saliency Detection

Li, Nianyi, Sun, Bilin, Yu, Jingyi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, human, visual, vision, focus, existing] [feature, performance, input, map, combine, compared, highly]
[saliency, superpixels, detection, focusness, salient, precision, recall, dsr, foreground, lrmr, based, superpixel, background, gbmr, framework, hdct, orbd, sod, contrast, measure, prc, object, handling, lfsd, generate,
weight] [depth, approach, scene, template, rgb, reconstruction, represent, error] [algorithm, data, sparse, matrix, solution, vector, coding, notice, iterative,
function, number] [color, light, high, computer, focal, figure, stereo, stack, technique, disparity, conference, ieee] [image, dictionary, texture, weighted,
histogram, reference, region, database, scheme, compute, similarity, connectivity, comprehensive, computed]

Bayesian Adaptive Matrix Factorization With Automatic Model Selection

Chen, Peixian, Wang, Naiyan, Zhang, Nevin L., Yeung, Dit-Yan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, process, draw, automatic, text, work] [input, factor, performance, table, better, advantage, comparable,
setting] [based, background, three, adaptive] [model, face, error, initial, mixture, shadow, prior, pcp, full, inference, approach, modeling, probabilistic]
[matrix, amf, factorization, rank, gaussian, distribution, number, data, method, selection, dirichlet, missing, proposed, brpca, vblr, norm, prmf, gmm, original, gaussians, parameter, denotes, problem, analysis,
mbrmf, row, mrpca, cwm, principal, ard, optimization, approximate, construction, journal, update] [noise, robust, removal, component, relative, recovered, figure, unknown, computer, proper] [bayesian,
variational, image, variance, corresponding, large, compare, mixing, true]

Robust Regression on Image Manifolds for Ordered Label Denoising

Wu, Hui, Souvenir, Richard

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, set, predicted, vision, mislabeled, associated, corruption, natural, work, learning, visual, processing] [input,
global, learn, neural, performance, loss] [truth, average, measure] [regression, svr, ordered, ground, model, pose, face, percentage, approach, error]
[manifold, data, method, function, hessian, ransac, problem, kspca, rbfn, sparse, algorithm, cloudy, space, original, digit, regularization, swiss, row, dimensionality, vector, cloudiness, represented, corrupted,
outlier, matrix, linear, number, nonlinear, weather, roll, kernel, statue, underlying] [robust, figure, computer, conference, noise, ieee, rotation, rmse, pattern, international, clear, high, equation, paper,
elevation, estimate, varying, red, intrinsic] [image, denoising, local, applied, neighborhood, indicate]

Visual Vibrometry: Estimating Material Properties From Small Motion in Video

Davis, Abe, Bouman, Katherine L., Chen, Justin G., Rubinstein, Michael, Durand, Fredo, Freeman, William T.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, physical, engineering, vision, tend] [testing, training, power, trained, learn, extracted, reported]
[video, object, weight, truth] [regression, model, approach, predictive, point, stiffness, ground, single, force, surface, elastic] [analysis,
method, data, journal, linear] [material, motion, mode, resonant, fabric, figure, vibration, estimate, small, recovered, frequency, sound, laser, ambient, clamped, geometry, high, estimating, computer, rod,
camera, theory, modulus, sensitivity, excitation, estimated, equation, acoustic, spectrum, hanging, technique, measured, aluminum, simple, captured, paper, plsr, setup, pixel, tested] [local, area, modal,
corresponding, image]

Reweighted Laplace Prior Based Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing for Unknown Sparsity

Zhang, Lei, Wei, Wei, Zhang, Yanning, Tian, Chunna, Li, Fei

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[datasets, dataset, learning, latent] [log, learned, table, max, reduce] [three,
based, bayes, hierarchical, adaptive, likelihood] [prior, reconstruction, urban, model, structure, estimation, capture] [rlphcs, sparse, data, lasso, rcs,
stomp, omp, sparsity, proposed, laplace, reweighted, matrix, hsi, paviau, variable, method, indiana, sam, function, linear, snr, hcs, min, optimization, underlying, norm, orthogonal, bar, random, basis, covariance, diag, optimizing, denotes, distribution,
ady, update, row, solution, regularization, gaussian, undemocratic, diagonal, adopted, penalization, exp, experimental, unmixing, proved] [signal, noise, figure, ieee, unknown, compressive, sensing, recover,
traditional] [sampling, rate, hyperspectral, image, ssim, psnr, band, comparison, wavelet, bayesian, matching, transform]

Online Sketching Hashing

Leng, Cong, Wu, Jiaxiang, Cheng, Jian, Bai, Xiao, Lu, Hanqing

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, dataset, stream, search, work, vision, set, existing, datasets, annual] [training, size, learned,
smaller, learn, performance, top, loss, version, map] [online, based, average, precision, extensive, propose] [step, approach, symposium] [data,
matrix, hash, hashing, algorithm, round, method, osh, proposed, function, sketching, okh, time, complexity, space, lsh, itq, chunk, random, binary, accumulated, problem, covariance, machine, objective, ytt, batch, column, code, approximation, number, hamming,
isoh, decomposition, denote, original, projection, approximate, optimized, scalability, eigenvectors] [computer, conference, ieee, rotation, pattern, second, international, small] [sketch,
streaming, large, scale, pair, nearest]

Saliency Propagation From Simple to Difficult

Gong, Chen, Tao, Dacheng, Liu, Wei, Maybank, Stephen J., Fang, Meng, Fu, Keren, Yang, Jie

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[teacher, set, labeled, vision, learning, curriculum, learner, unlabeled, existing, processing, knowledge, evaluate, example, process] [map,
recognition, input, learned, land, stage, coarse, better, connected] [saliency, superpixels, superpixel, background, detection, salient, based, foreground, individuality, precisionw, tllt, sequence, ihm, object,
target, msra, boundary, key, ecssd, recallw, informativity, generated, updated, generate] [hull, adjacent, approach, prior] [convex, matlab, proposed, matrix,
method, iteration, graph, algorithm, vector, inhomogeneity, machine, geodesic, gaussian, adopted, diffusion, random] [conference, ieee, pattern, simple, computer, figure, small, reasonable, inhomogeneous,
result, decide, traditional] [propagation, image, weighted, connectivity, region]

Long-Term Correlation Tracking

Ma, Chao, Yang, Xiaokang, Zhang, Chongyang, Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, mil, learning, vision, set, european, evaluation] [context, detector, feature, hog, train, effective,
window] [tracking, target, correlation, success, overlap, kcf, lct, frame, tracker, performs, stc, online, tld, threshold, struck, temporal, object, appearance, meem, scm, csk, tgpr, asla, based, precision,
adaptive, favorably, heavy, background] [model, regression, occlusion, estimation, location, approach, challenging, error, deformation] [method, algorithm,
proposed, number, random, case, update, problem, effectively, machine, gaussian, kernel] [figure, computer, conference, ieee, translation, pattern, estimated, robust, motion] [scale,
rate, well, fern, distance, fast, change, benchmark, regressor]

Learning Similarity Metrics for Dynamic Scene Segmentation

Teney, Damien, Brown, Matthew, Kit, Dmitry, Hall, Peter

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, unsupervised, supervised, dataset, semantic, existing, work, set] [learned, training, learn,
size, performance, larger, input, additional, smaller, better] [segmentation, dynamic, video, segment, appearance, hierarchical, truth, spatiotemporal, bank, merged, memory, object, edge, segmenting, framework,
rand, updated, boundary, complex, static] [rigid, ground, capture, allows, adjacent, approach, occlusion, manual] [algorithm, dimensionality, proposed,
reduction, number, data, method, function, optimize, linear, yij, objective, pairwise, note, general, graph] [motion, color, small, figure, optical, pattern, ieee] [metric,
distance, image, texture, large, compare, mahalanobis, consistent, pca]

Causal Video Object Segmentation From Persistence of Occlusions

Taylor, Brian, Karasev, Vasiliy, Soatto, Stefano

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, domain, causal, work, evaluation, perform, evaluate, knowledge, report] [layer, max, previous, training,
extracted] [video, object, segmentation, occluder, foreground, precision, recall, temporal, partition, appearance, docc, based, cost, detection, moving, tracking, entire, violating, framework, truth, frame]
[occlusion, occluded, depth, prior, model, full, ordering, estimation, term, ground, occluding, current, approach, described, visible, front] [optimization, row,
convex, time, min, problem, method, constraint, algorithm, note, binary, function, regularization, sample, number] [motion, optical, figure, requires, result, small, pixel, determining] [image,
region, scheme, computed, large, local, comparison]

3D Model-Based Continuous Emotion Recognition

Chen, Hui, Li, Jiangdong, Zhang, Fengjun, Li, Yang, Wang, Hongan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[emotion, set, natural, system, test, vision, work, human, recognize, dataset, multimodal, selected] [training,
recognition, table, input, achieve] [tracking, correlation, video, based, appearance, dynamic, node] [facial, continuous, shape, affective, regression, current,
presentation, expression, model, estimation, sij, forest, head, mij, picked, wid, avec, coordinate, arousal, face, step, valence, blendshapes, landmark, represent] [random, method, algorithm, time, matrix,
dimensional, fusion, number, proposed, space, energy, binary, journal, vector, dimension, original, covariance] [result, international, figure, ieee, conference, computer, robust, recovery, estimated]
[image, large, lbp, affect, difference]

New Insights Into Laplacian Similarity Search

Wu, Xiao-Ming, Li, Zhenguo, Chang, Shih-Fu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[ranking, set, positive, learning, dataset, test, interesting, select] [better, larger, map, top, design]
[density, average, propose, performs, entire, surrounding, wij, complementary] [vertex, structure, personalized, robustness] [cluster,
graph, sparse, regularizer, lim, parw, theorem, column, vector, behaves, lemma, laplacian, matrix, usps, analysis, pagerank, denote, random, hitting, corollary, respect, absorption, pii, consider, normalized, machine, gaussians, note, sparsest, suppose, proposed,
densest, limit, digit, order] [degree, ratio, paper, robust, assume, balancing, figure, computer, prefers, ieee, constant, small] [local, dense, image,
query, similarity, divergence, gap, weighted, compare, impact, essentially, large, retrieval, metric, desirable, well]

Active Sample Selection and Correction Propagation on a Gradually-Augmented Graph

Su, Hang, Yin, Zhaozheng, Kanade, Takeo, Huh, Seungil

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[active, human, label, learning, unlabeled, annotation, selected, transductive, select, expected, labeled, prediction, annotated, soft, set, dataset, hard]
[training, testing, performance, improved, feature, accuracy, achieve, implemented, kth] [segmentation, based, propose, frame] [initial,
error, sequential, triangle] [sample, selection, data, rademacher, matrix, luu, minimizing, algorithm, complexity, wul, graph, number, actively, random, method, vector, theorem, column, bound, upper, zsu,
proposed, augmented, machine, criterion, min, note, arg, order, ith, gaussian, drawn, harmonic, laplacian, time, solution] [correction, informative, conference, ieee, international, corrected, computer,
pattern, gradually, inverse] [propagation, cell, corresponding, subsequent, large, marked, propagated, change]

Continuous Visibility Feature

Liu, Guilin, Gingold, Yotam, Lien, Jyh-Ming

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[weak, example, human, semantic, existing, positive, set, evaluation, address, search, visual, airplane, meaningful] [feature,
better, achieved, table, designed, reduce] [segmentation, path, based, strong, propose, shortest, intersection, generate] [cvf, shape, visibility, visible,
continuous, continuously, vertex, cvfavg, approach, point, mesh, model, diameter, volume, surface, princeton, invisible, provide, entirely, wiley] [geodesic, running, function, time, decomposition, machine,
idea, lower, analysis, cut, distribution, graph, vector] [figure, sdf, computer, inside, thickness, component, pattern, acm, second, ieee, length, ray] [region,
retrieval, connecting, benchmark, matching, comparison, image, true, area, consistent, change]

Best-Buddies Similarity for Robust Template Matching

Dekel, Tali, Oron, Shaul, Rubinstein, Michael, Avidan, Shai, Freeman, William T.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, visual, evaluation, sad] [top, accuracy, window, performance] [target,
measure, object, background, foreground, overlap, success, bounding, key, interest, likelihood, based, detection, box, threshold, appearance, complex, candidate] [template, point, nonrigid, challenging, model,
deformation] [drawn, case, number, method, distribution, analysis, underlying, data, gaussian, note, space, range] [robust, pattern, figure, ieee, high,
real, signal] [image, matching, similarity, distance, expectation, marked, pair, ebbp, distinct, patch, bbp, bbps, ssd, emd, best, nearest, ncc, computing, cpk, integral, considered, geometric, cql, match,
commonly, sharply, well, deal, demonstrated, neighbor, fast]

Pose-Conditioned Joint Angle Limits for 3D Human Pose Reconstruction

Akhter, Ijaz, Black, Michael J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, dataset, vision, report, evaluate] [previous, representation, learn, training, learned, network]
[propose] [pose, joint, prior, estimation, valid, invalid, bone, body, cmu, reconstruction, error, coordinate, model, kinematic, manual, torso, single, fan, ramakrishna,
elbow, represent, monocular, full, wrist, modeling] [method, basis, proposed, algorithm, vector, matrix, data, denotes, number, problem, procrustes, consider, space, min, optimization, sparse, range, distribution,
gaussian, extended, linear, arbitrary, exploiting, function, general] [estimate, computer, estimated, camera, figure, angle, equation, international, rotation, relative, conference, estimating, motion, length,
noise, plane] [local, image, dictionary, corresponding, compare, mocap, bayesian, parent]

EpicFlow: Edge-Preserving Interpolation of Correspondences for Optical Flow

Revaud, Jerome, Weinzaepfel, Philippe, Harchaoui, Zaid, Schmid, Cordelia

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, perform, evaluate, dataset, incorrect, test] [table, contour, training, better, input, level,
performance] [based, propose, edge, performs, cost, density, state] [kitti, estimation, approach, error, occluded, initialization, term, model] [geodesic,
energy, minimization, euclidean, method, approximation, order, sparse, computation, note, algorithm, time] [interpolation, optical, motion, pixel, figure, estimate, middlebury, small, ieee, flow, robust,
second, interpolated, quality, result] [distance, epicflow, matching, image, dense, large, variational, aee, correspondence, scheme, local, match, sed, compute, impact, kpm, comparison, fast, deepmatching,
deepflow, well, kdg, displacement, compare, neighbor, outperforms, computed, region]

Projection Metric Learning on Grassmann Manifold With Application to Video Based Face Recognition

Huang, Zhiwu, Wang, Ruiping, Shan, Shiguang, Chen, Xilin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, work, embedding, positive] [recognition, discriminative, learn, feature, size, learned,
challenge] [video, based, target, youtube] [face, canonical, approach, represent, constrained] [grassmann,
manifold, matrix, projection, method, linear, proposed, subspace, dimensionality, data, analysis, space, kernel, ytf, algorithm, original, riemannian, psd, euclidean, gda, function, pml, reduction, hilbert, number, orthonormal, dcc, mapping, grassmannian,
optimization, ggda, pasc, academy, basis, cmsm, time, objective, dimensional, convergence, problem, aij, solution] [geometry, figure, high, developed, directly] [metric,
discriminant, image, distance, gradient, chinese, transformed, transformation, well, rate]

Multiple Random Walkers and Their Application to Image Cosegmentation

Lee, Chulwoo, Jang, Won-Dong, Sim, Jae-Young, Kim, Chang-Su

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[probability, rule, process, system, set, interactive] [input, recursion, achieve, accuracy, neural, fully,
top, performance, connected] [foreground, cosegmentation, segmentation, node, stationary, background, multiple, based, agent, object, transition, wij, employing, walk, ncut, simulate, edge, eij, propose, interact,
segment, icoseg] [initial, single, posterior, prior, dominant, point] [mrw, restart, random, proposed, clustering, distribution, algorithm, walker, graph,
repulsive, data, concurrence, rwr, matrix, auv, spectral, computation, time, element, number, normalizing, note, experimental, taj, mahal] [figure, ieee, conventional, center, desired, red, result, developed,
korea] [image, represents, distance, compute, computed]

More About VLAD: A Leap From Euclidean to Riemannian Manifolds

Faraki, Masoud, Harandi, Mehrtash T., Porikli, Fatih

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, dataset, learning, visual, example] [recognition, table, extracted, size, better, standard,
previous, power, training, accuracy, deep, reported] [video, dynamic, action, framework, cost] [scene, point, face, provide] [riemannian,
manifold, grassmannian, vector, spd, geodesic, machine, coding, matrix, projection, linear, euclidean, analysis, form, space, function, codebook, intelligence, chet, covariance, bowg, ldv, computational, algorithm, method, logarithm, data, symmetric, problem,
jeffrey, proposed, general, studied, tangent, block, note, stein, journal, upenn, formulation, complexity] [computer, conference, pattern, ieee, conventional, second] [vlad,
local, image, metric, gradient, distance, computing, descriptor, bowle, best, texture]

Bilinear Random Projections for Locality-Sensitive Binary Codes

Kim, Saehoon, Choi, Seungjin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[expected, vision, natural, search] [compared, performance, feature, size, reduce, recognition] [precision,
recall, correlation, memory, generate] [single, represent] [bilinear, binary, projection, upper, kernel, gaussian, random, bound, lower, data, matrix, time,
hamming, hashing, hash, covariance, computational, linear, code, space, analysis, theorem, case, function, lemma, number, respect, rdw, sgn, consumption, theoretical, lsh, induced, drawn, easily, algorithm, vector, mnist, method, empirical, approximate, plotted]
[figure, high, international, fourier, computer, conference, ieee, pattern, property] [distance, large, similarity, randomized, nearest, computed, neighbor,

Coarse-To-Fine Region Selection and Matching

Yang, Yanchao, Lu, Zhaojin, Sundaramoorthi, Ganesh

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, test, subset, set, baseline, dataset, vision, existing, correct, highest] [size, level, top, performance,
achieve] [detection, interest, hierarchical, threshold, group, salient, recall, precision, entire, cost] [viewpoint, point, procedure, approach] [method,
number, algorithm, denote, computational, journal, sample, chosen, element, decomposition, block, time] [figure, computer, pixel, ieee, pattern, second, conference, international, piecewise, robust]
[region, matching, hierarchy, image, invariant, large, rate, match, descriptor, correspondence, matched, corresponding, wide, change, false, turntable, maximal, ncc, invariance, alarm, orbit, best, transforms,
sift, asift, roc, comparing, local, bij, scale, compare, indicate, patch, neighborhood, haraff]

Elastic Functional Coding of Human Actions: From Vector-Fields to Latent Variables

Anirudh, Rushil, Turaga, Pavan, Su, Jingyong, Srivastava, Anuj

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, dataset, latent, set, embedding, work, learning, diverse, perform, datasets, search] [recognition,
representation, feature, learn, identity] [action, sequence, group, trajectory, skeleton] [shape, skeletal, point, joint, reconstruction, performed, provide]
[space, dimensional, manifold, mfpca, riemannian, lower, analysis, product, tangent, data, lie, tsrvf, principal, grassmann, original, proposed, low, matrix, geodesic, functional, time, vector, variable, dimensionality,
utkinect, exponential, euclidean, dimension, decay, linear, reduction, function, nonlinear, element, coding, eigenvalue, representational, orthogonal] [high, relative, warping, component, ieee, transport,
figure, velocity, pattern] [invariant, distance, sampling, pca, metric, applied, demonstrate]

Reflection Removal Using Ghosting Cues

Shih, YiChang, Krishnan, Dilip, Durand, Fredo, Freeman, William T.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, work, example, natural, side, user, automatic, set, include] [layer, input, recognition, factor,
convolution, map] [truth, multiple, based, generated, cost] [model, ground, prior, volume, single, mixture, scene] [gmm,
method, kernel, algorithm, shifted, optimization, analysis, solve, data, energy, gaussian, sparsity, decomposition, problem, product, machine] [ghosting, transmission, glass, figure, recovered, ieee, separation,
computer, camera, conference, pattern, attenuation, light, separating, relative, ghosted, synthetic, shift, angle, incident, requires, removal, pane, transparent, estimate, attenuated, autocorrelation, assume, equation, international, ratio, supplemental,
sin, pixel, imaging] [image, patch, local, spatial, gradient, distance, pair, corner]

Unsupervised Simultaneous Orthogonal Basis Clustering Feature Selection

Han, Dongyoon, Kim, Junmo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[selected, unsupervised, latent, select, learning, set, datasets, type, unlabeled, dataset] [feature, discriminative,
better, performance] [target, propose, based] [projected, structure, single, face, regression, term] [socfs,
selection, matrix, clustering, data, orthogonal, nmi, acc, ndfs, nonnegative, proposed, udfs, mcfs, number, cluster, constraint, optimization, basis, algorithm, min, regularized, formulation, objective, selects, problem, update, projection, method, bet, analysis,
umist, experimental, subproblem, row, spectral, usps, practical, function, solution, orthogonality, minimized, factorization, yaleb, tune, variable, parameter, relates, diagonal, encoding] [figure, directly,
simultaneous] [local, corresponding, computed, lung, best]

Saliency Detection via Cellular Automata

Qin, Yao, Lu, Huchuan, Xu, Yiqun, Wang, He

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, visual, existing, eqn] [map, recognition, global, factor, improve, input, level, apply, effective,
better, achieve] [saliency, cellular, salient, object, precision, boundary, recall, bsca, detection, mca, based, background, threshold, propose, superpixels, integration, superpixel, gcd, foreground, wco,
generated, contrast, dsr, integrated, integrate, ufo, asd, state, segmentation, evolution] [ground, prior] [matrix, algorithm, optimized, proposed, method,
time, updating, row, order, number, denoted, original] [ieee, computer, conference, figure, pattern, color, international, pixel, coherence, intrinsic, measured] [image,
distance, bayesian, construct, impact, cell, represents, local, region, spatial]

Random Tree Walk Toward Instantaneous 3D Human Pose Estimation

Yub Jung, Ho, Lee, Soochahn, Seok Heo, Yong, Dong Yun, Il

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, human, vision, randomly, test, evaluation, probability, process, operate] [training, size, map, previous,
trained, unit, discriminative, achieved, higher, decision, larger, compared, smaller, train] [walk, tracking, precision, average, node, multiple, based, frame] [pose,
rtw, joint, step, tree, depth, estimation, body, position, single, regression, eval, starting, point, fps, leaf, model, approach, provide, offset, skeletal, kinematic, current, forest, yang, ground] [random,
number, computation, proposed, method, algorithm, time, chosen, sample, distribution] [direction, computer, pattern, estimated, accurate, figure, presented, estimate, motion] [image,
large, expectation, represents, randomized, distance, implementation]

Shape-Tailored Local Descriptors and Their Application to Segmentation and Tracking

Khan, Naeemullah, Algarni, Marei, Yezzi, Anthony, Sundaramoorthi, Ganesh

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[active, dataset, set, vision, entropy] [global, size, level, previous, contour, accuracy] [segmentation,
object, based, boundary, oriented, uij, detection, indicates, tracking, multiple] [shape, ground, capture] [data, journal, method, respect, function, energy,
solution, sample, denotes, note, application, solve, problem, vector, remark, solving] [computer, ieee, small, piecewise, international, conference, constant, figure, pattern, smooth, intensity, pixel, color,
accurate, synthetic] [texture, image, local, stld, descriptor, region, gradient, scale, pde, textured, ois, compute, gpb, computed, aggregate, neighborhood, compare, textons, disocclusion, area, variation,
consists, large, disocclusions]

Layered RGBD Scene Flow Estimation

Sun, Deqing, Sudderth, Erik B., Pfister, Hanspeter

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, work, european, noisy, dataset] [layer, global, kth, table, bottleneck, jointly] [segmentation,
moving, frame, foreground, average, obtains, object, background, propose, based, detection] [depth, scene, rgbd, estimation, rgb, occlusion, ordering, model, term, single, approach, error, rigid, prior, current,
allows] [method, support, data, function, energy, solve, promising, note, penalty, code, random, depends] [motion, optical, layered, conference, computer,
ieee, figure, pattern, srsf, middlebury, vtk, estimate, second, pixel, rtk, translation, stk, estimated, rotation, utk, international, observation, robust, camera, warped, wtk, decide, gtk, reasonable, aae, constancy, rms] [image,
large, local, benchmark, corresponding, scheme]

A Linear Least-Squares Solution to Elastic Shape-From-Template

Malti, Abed, Bartoli, Adrien, Hartley, Richard

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[mechanical, test, set, written, relation, weak] [global, table, compared, feature, accuracy] [boundary,
node] [surface, shear, transverse, error, deformation, nlm, deformed, kfm, sft, shape, point, stress, nlg, deforming, stiffness, bending, template, cap, fem, plate, elastic, extensibility, reconstruction,
solid, balloon, force, monocular, normal, conformal, redchecker, initialization, initial, robustness, represent] [method, matrix, linear, order, time, formulation, computation, isometric, solution, construction,
variable, vector, energy, problem, consider] [equation, noise, thickness, accurate, real, reprojection, requires, figure, plane, material, std] [displacement,
local, image, external, applied, called, medical, geometric]

Fast Bilateral-Space Stereo for Synthetic Defocus

Barron, Jonathan T., Adams, Andrew, Shih, YiChang, Hernandez, Carlos

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[user, set, baseline, domain, perform, dataset, work] [output, loss, map, input, cropped, table, global,
standard] [cost] [depth, approach, inference, model, term, render, volume, allows, smoothness, vertex] [optimization,
algorithm, problem, number, function, data, lookup, sum, respect, faster, matrix, solve, space, convex] [stereo, disparity, produce, technique, figure, defocused, light, defocus, pixel, lattice, requires,
permutohedral, supplemental, speed, rendering, camera, produced, quality, interpolation, bcn, small, synthetically, producing, high, presented, optical, generally, bilateralspace, libelas] [bilateral, image,
fast, grid, benchmark, pair, construct, local, large]

Hashing With Binary Autoencoders

Carreira-Perpinan, Miguel A., Raziperchikolaei, Ramin

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, search, learning, work, test, processing] [better, training, global, decoder, apply, auxiliary, factor,
competitive] [precision, recall] [step, continuous, initialization, model, approach, ground, error, reconstruction] [binary,
function, hash, optimization, objective, hashing, bfa, hamming, linear, itq, algorithm, alternating, solution, relaxed, problem, code, method, mac, optimizing, space, tpca, optimal, number, euclidean, thresholded, optimize, quadratic, exact, machine, min,
agh, vector, spectral, data, matrix, minimizer, approximate, analysis, theorem, schedule, runtime, form] [computer, small, figure, parallel, pattern, ieee, nested] [distance,
image, nearest, autoencoder, encoder, large, change, june, good, retrieval, retrieved]

Bayesian Inference for Neighborhood Filters With Application in Denoising

Huang, Chao-Tsung

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[noisy, test, processing, set, bag, perform, latent, work] [log, apply, table, smaller, better] [likelihood,
framework, based, average] [estimation, model, nlm, infer, provide, fitting, inferred, position, inference, scan] [parameter, proposed, empirical, iteration,
range, algorithm, update, gaussian, method, function, time, matrix, kernel, maximum, note, basic, distribution, consider, condition] [noise, ieee, observed, small, estimated, estimate, result, color, directly,
international, quality, intensity, computer, signal, conference, conventional, high] [image, csm, bilateral, psnr, neighborhood, kld, recursive, mnlm, variance, denoising, patch, best, yaroslavsky, derived,
well, scale, corresponding, chi, bayesian, spatial, large, bdct, applied, similarity, choose, good, weighted]

Subgraph Matching Using Compactness Prior for Robust Feature Correspondence

Suh, Yumin, Adamczewski, Kamil, Mu Lee, Kyoung

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, learning, active, evaluate, positive, example, randomly, set, amount] [feature, performance, recognition,
additional, input] [node, subgraph, precision, recall, state, three, proposal, propose, monte, edge, based, score, object] [deformation, prior, sea, ground,
represent] [graph, number, method, solution, objective, iqp, algorithm, proposed, core, markov, problem, formulation, original, chain, random, solve, vector, nout, space, fgm, rrwm, represented, machine,
ipfp, optimization, analysis, function, consistently, plotted, effectively, parameter, matrix, yia, curve] [varying, figure, computer, ieee, pattern, conference, noise, robust, real, international, cho,
sin, synthetic, robustly, result, presence] [matching, correspondence, compactness, attributed, true, consists, match, large]

Blind Optical Aberration Correction by Exploring Geometric and Visual Priors

Yue, Tao, Suo, Jinli, Wang, Jue, Cao, Xun, Dai, Qionghai

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, strategy, latent, work, set] [channel, better, performance, global, apply] [propose,
framework, series, adaptive, principle] [single, estimation, approach, point, model] [proposed, algorithm, method, constraint, kernel, symmetric, min, arg,
respect, function, derive, objective, computational, main, solution] [aberration, optical, symmetry, lens, psf, schuler, blind, warping, radial, deconvolution, captured, chromatic, sharpest, correction,
blurry, central, figure, sharp, light, result, csym, uniform, quality, imaging, spherical, color, synthetic, removal, subimage, camera, rotational, high, coma, plane, concentric, cadj, assumption, handle] [image,
splitting, geometric, region, patch, local, well, large, applied, transform, ring, reference]

Fast and Robust Hand Tracking Using Detection-Guided Optimization

Sridhar, Srinath, Mueller, Franziska, Oulasvirta, Antti, Theobalt, Christian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[strategy, work, novel, set, evaluation, human] [representation, input, decision, discriminative, previous,
accuracy, global, jitter] [tracking, measure, evidence, late, based, skeleton, complex, average, detection, rapid, particle] [depth, hand, pose, model, error,
mixture, term, approach, estimation, iccv, joint, generative, single, fps, markerless, collision, capture, qualitative, esim, full, realtime, surface, articulated, leap, represent, projected, analytic, dpq, interacting] [gaussian,
method, optimization, data, energy, gaussians, number, penalty, fusion, proposed, time, random] [figure, motion, camera, high, equation, robust, varying, second] [similarity,
fast, image, best, local, large, cvpr, computed]

RGBD-Fusion: Real-Time High Precision Depth Recovery

Or - El, Roy, Rosman, Guy, Wetzler, Aaron, Kimmel, Ron, Bruckstein, Alfred M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, natural, set, process] [map, input, accuracy, improve, table] [multiple,
object, framework, state, complex, entire, cost] [depth, shape, surface, model, scene, term, reconstruction, initial, estimation, single, rough, normal, error, robustness, introduced, environment, explains]
[method, algorithm, proposed, order, function, problem, data, range, low, note, update, move, linear] [shading, lighting, computer, intensity, conference, ieee,
high, pattern, recovery, albedo, figure, recover, international, illumination, color, enhance, light, quality, intrinsic, smooth, photometric, handle, real, geometry, spherical, lambertian, frequency, directly, accurate, captured, eliminate, stereo, uniform,
recovering, recovered] [image, resolution, enhancement, gradient, local, variational]

Clique-Graph Matching by Preserving Global & Local Structure

Nie, Wei-Zhi, Liu, An-An, Gao, Zan, Su, Yu-Ting

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, attribute, discover, work, latent] [accuracy, size, feature, global, hgm, performance, previous, implemented]
[node, measure, individual, generated, edge, sequence, propose, object, score, density, based, originally] [deformation, unary, structure, point, step, represent]
[graph, clique, method, proposed, pairwise, order, objective, number, function, ipfp, rrwm, outlier, problem, rrwhm, random, fgmu, fgmd, convey, nin, convex, formulated, programming, experiment, solution, vip,
denotes, eab, sparse, constraint, algorithm, original, implicitly, vector, spectral, optimal] [noise, synthetic, figure, high, preserving, ieee, center, pattern, real] [matching,
local, similarity, correspondence, image, inlier, consists, well, consequently, varied]

Nested Motion Descriptors

Byrne, Jeffrey

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, set, dataset, example, relationship, evaluation] [pooling, representation, global, recognition,
response, pyramid, observe, performance, pooled, computes, pool, map, kth, improved] [activity, interest, action, spatiotemporal, saliency, salient, complex, video, background, temporal, oriented, frame, based,
foreground] [orientation, shape, point, provide, neighboring, single, dominant] [constraint, construction, number, support, function] [motion,
phase, nested, component, camera, velocity, robust, steerable, relative, figure, nmd, bandpass, stability, optical, constant, rock, constancy, small, quadrature, estimate, pixel, observed, computer] [descriptor,
local, scale, magnitude, gradient, image, normalization, large, compute, spatial, stable, invariant, difference, computed, dense, invariance, unconstrained, encodes, computing]

Dataset Fingerprints: Exploring Image Collections Through Data Mining

Rematas, Konstantinos, Fernando, Basura, Dellaert, Frank, Tuytelaars, Tinne

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, visual, mining, tile, dataset, discovered, user, discover, browsing, appear, cover, closed, summarization, interesting, system, coco, meaningful, common,
item, unsupervised, discovery, collection, lda, interestingness, summarize, covered, midlevel, interactive, lcm, amount, select, itemset, exploration, representative, photo, add, example, purity] [discriminative,
pascal, voc, exemplar, top, activated, explore, larger, activation] [based, object, overlap, generate, three, background, auc] [allows, initial, allow]
[data, number, support, method, matrix, denoted, algorithm, graph, minimum, criterion, selection, order, objective, cluster] [pattern, figure, transaction, result,
high, presented, equation] [image, large, good, area, view]

Sparse Composite Quantization

Zhang, Ting, Qi, Guo-Jun, Tang, Jinhui, Wang, Jingdong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, dataset, set, report] [table, performance, map, better, accuracy, fisher] [cost,
recall, average, object, candidate] [approach, term] [quantization, vector, ckm, product, code, composite, time, proposed, sparse, lookup, cmkd, sparsity,
approximate, ynm, inverted, cmk, problem, update, computation, construction, optimized, binary, constraint, hashing, algorithm, approximation, data, space, compact, encoding, objective, mnist, inner, ciki, solution, cmkm, optimal, number, accelerated, rjkj,
function, base] [length, figure, cartesian, ieee, pattern] [distance, query, database, nearest, large, dictionary, neighbor, scale, retrieved, retrieval,
ukbench, computing, image, comparison, sift, ann, scheme]

Background Subtraction via Generalized Fused Lasso Foreground Modeling

Xin, Bo, Tian, Yuan, Wang, Yizhou, Gao, Wen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, set, test, unsupervised, supervised, vision, popular, natural] [table, performance, achieved,
reported, better, compared, applying] [background, foreground, group, subtraction, sequence, video, wij, structural, adaptive, propose, frame, truth, three] [model,
modeling, fused, ground, structure, prior, estimation, mixture, detected, term] [data, proposed, matrix, algorithm, rpca, updating, solve, lasso, optimization, argmin, sparse, method, regularization, case,
number, gfl, multiplier, lagrange, mog, problem, journal, augmented, alm, min, uml, norm, sabs, singular, explicit, gaussian] [figure, pure, computer, ieee, conference, pixel, assumption, generalized, assume,
international, second] [applied, sml, image, fast, comparison, consists]

Superpixel-Based Video Object Segmentation Using Perceptual Organization and Location Prior

Giordano, Daniela, Murabito, Francesca, Palazzo, Simone, Spampinato, Concetto

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, dataset, vision, common, processing, visual, process, probability, identify] [performance, previous,
table, recognition, contour, connected, compared] [background, segmentation, superpixels, object, foreground, superpixel, video, based, frame, appearance, perceptual, complex, boundary, subtraction, segtrack,
consecutive, moving, density, union, dynamic, updated, adaptive, organization, mask] [model, modeling, approach, initial, location, potential, articulated, point, cluttered, performed, single] [method,
energy, number, function, analysis, minimization, order, algorithm, machine, time, min] [motion, ieee, computer, pattern, small, pixel, conference, underwater, color, accurate, account, light, optical, international]
[image, similarity, compute, fast, region, well, neighbor, large]

MRF Optimization by Graph Approximation

Kim, Wonsik, Mu Lee, Kyoung

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, type, generation, set, unlabeled, dataset, labeled, label] [table, performance, size, achieves]
[proposal, generate, weight, strength, node, applicable, three, success] [unary, current, approach, term, tree, model] [energy,
graph, function, algorithm, original, approximated, binary, solution, approximation, random, pairwise, fusion, qpbo, method, number, mrf, proposed, optimization, approximate, low, problem, choice, minimum, optimal, submodular, optimize, time, summarized, chosen,
easy, santa, optimizing, move, lowest, xcurrent, reduced, minimization, appropriate] [figure, relative, deconvolution, simple, synthetic, quality] [image,
good, applied, texture, rate, metric, limited]

Image Partitioning Into Convex Polygons

Duan, Liuyun, Lafarge, Florent

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, process, create, knowledge, work, set, strategy] [size, input] [partition,
superpixel, boundary, three, partitioning, detection, superpixels, segmentation, memory, recall, slic, object, extraction, propose, seed, anchoring] [shape, point, adjacency, adjacent, procedure, detected,
typically, capture, structure, allows] [algorithm, convex, graph, diagram, running, main, number, problem, method, note, low, time, parameter] [figure,
quality, pixel, homogeneous] [geometric, voronoi, image, region, spatial, sampling, compactness, large, well, contrary, distance, local, radius, scale, fast, illustrated, consists, consolidation, positioning,
bring, undersegmentation, satellite, positioned, atomic, matching]

From Single Image Query to Detailed 3D Reconstruction

Schonberger, Johannes L., Radenovic, Filip, Chum, Ondrej, Frahm, Jan-Michael

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[photo, system, set, mining, incremental, collection, search, retrieve, ability] [additional, top, achieve]
[based, multiple, propose, object, entire] [reconstruction, scene, sfm, detailed, initial, model, structure, approach, single, modeling, surface, point, landmark,
provide] [number, proposed, method, order, low, ransac, pairwise, reduced, problem, approximate, symmetric] [detail, figure, camera, high, arc, focal,
zoom, result, caused, small, geometry, computer, viewing, left, projective, terracotta] [image, retrieval, query, resolution, scale, geometric, matching, large, crawl, retrieved, unordered, sideways, registration,
nearest, transformation, registered, spatial, internet, overview, neighbor, exhaustive, notre, overcome, fraction, extreme, faulty, view]

SWIFT: Sparse Withdrawal of Inliers in a First Trial

Jaberi, Maryam, Pensky, Marianna, Foroosh, Hassan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[probability, set, selecting, instance, randomly, unsupervised, existing, selected, process, subset, study] [size,
accuracy, increasing, level, advantage, smaller] [multiple, detect, segmentation, candidate, detecting, based, detection, average] [model, point, structure,
sequential, multibody, detected, independent, approach, estimation, scene, valid, volume] [number, swift, population, sample, method, gross, clustering, fundamental, minimum, data, problem, sparse, proposed,
multivariate, required, order, changing, sparseness, hypergeometric, approximation, random, theoretical, distribution] [figure, equation, computer, estimated, inliers, robust, second, presence, international,
synthetic, total, motion, homographies, ieee, conference, homography] [sampling, sampled, image, large, equal, computed, determine, inlier]

Discrete Optimization of Ray Potentials for Semantic 3D Reconstruction

Savinov, Nikolay, Ladicky, Lubor, Hane, Christian, Pollefeys, Marc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, label, vision, set] [auxiliary, input, higher, standard, top, class, additional, jointly, negative]
[cost, object, segmentation, foreground] [depth, potential, voxel, reconstruction, volumetric, voxels, free, occupied, unary, term, surface, building, typically,
discrete, south, model, visibility, fir, continuous] [graph, optimization, problem, method, space, data, pairwise, algorithm, min, energy, qpbo, number, proposed, formulation, submodular, assignment, construction,
variable, order, solution, approximation, relaxation, formulated, optimal, product, feasible, random, minimization, function, form, projection, solved, move, enforcing, castle, analysis] [ray, computer,
conference, pattern, high, figure, length, pixel, stereo, international, directly] [transformation, dense, image, matched, transform, corresponding]

Image Denoising via Adaptive Soft-Thresholding Based on Non-Local Samples

Liu, Hangfan, Xiong, Ruiqin, Zhang, Jian, Gao, Wen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[noisy, natural, set, airplane] [standard, table, global, better, window, size, higher] [adaptive,
based, three, perceptual, group, average, correlation, adaptively, structural, density] [modeling, model, estimation, shape] [proposed, distribution, regularization,
parameter, gaussian, data, sparsity, vector, method, optimal, matrix, min, arg, laplacian, algorithm, house, form, experimental, sparse] [ieee, noise, signal, estimated, paper, deviation, figure, estimate,
conference, international, total, observed, uniform, component, computer, pattern, left] [image, denoising, transform, csr, nonlocal, scheme, band, patch, local, expectation, statistical, pca, variance,
comparison, psnr, ranging, monarch, lena, similarity, barbara, straw, vary, dictionary, outperforms, baboon, couple]

Adaptive As-Natural-As-Possible Image Stitching

Lin, Chung-Ching, Pankanti, Sharathchandra U., Natesan Ramamurthy, Karthikeyan, Aravkin, Aleksandr Y.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, natural, extrapolate, novel, visual] [global, recognition, compared, feature, reduce]
[target, propose, moving, multiple, combination] [point, approach, alignment, scene, single, error, offset, warp, provide, ground] [method,
proposed, parameter, gaussian, row, ransac, optimal, argmin, projection, matrix, function] [stitching, homography, perspective, figure, parallax, result, distortion, computer, sphp, panorama, estimate, camera,
plane, linearization, apap, extrapolation, rotation, smoothly, ieee, smooth, pattern, conference, homographic, varying, projective, unnatural, linearized, angle, dlt, temple, estimated, motion] [image, similarity,
transformation, local, overlapping, reference, corresponding, transform, anchor, area, weighting, computed, best, distinct, good, weighted]

Segment Based 3D Object Shape Priors

Karimi Mahabadi, Rabeeh, Hane, Christian, Pollefeys, Marc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, label, example, vision, baseline, descriptive, describe, work, indicated, preference, foliage, set] [table,
input, top, training, recognition, class, observe] [object, transition, segment, segmentation, multiple, based, cost, individual, strong] [shape, prior, free,
smoothness, wulff, anisotropic, reconstruction, surface, depth, approach, ground, volumetric, term, occupied, voxel, naturally, single, disconnected, allows, split, tabletop, depicted, mesh, xij, normal, reconstruct] [convex,
formulation, space, data, method, regularization, main, problem, optimization, order, proposed, fusion, inner, energy, idea] [computer, ieee, conference, pattern, figure, geometry, result, direction, international,
spatially, inside, horizontal] [dense, splitting, large]

High-Speed Hyperspectral Video Acquisition With a Dual-Camera Architecture

Wang, Lizhi, Xiong, Zhiwei, Gao, Dahua, Shi, Guangming, Zeng, Wenjun, Wu, Feng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, selected, work, set] [design, performance, detector, table, hybrid, train, better, concatenation,
compared] [video, temporal, branch, frame, three, moving, dynamic, based, multiple] [reconstruction, scene, capture, quantitative, location, detailed, represent]
[spectral, proposed, computational, data, underlying, sparse, time, number, objective, low, function, original, matrix, experimental, problem] [cassi, light,
pancam, hshs, coded, aperture, imaging, high, panchromatic, optical, ieee, acceleration, snapshot, exposure, camera, beam, incident, twist, compressive, figure, acquisition, recover, pmvis, dbr, captured, splitter, transmission, direct, total, developed, rmse,
observation] [hyperspectral, image, rate, spatial, resolution, dictionary, band, comparison, well, fast]

Texture Representations for Image and Video Synthesis

Georgiadis, Georgios, Chiuso, Alessandro, Soatto, Stefano

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[domain, process, work, instance, set, collection, store, vision, novel, select, visual, selected] [representation,
input, size, stochastic, increasing, larger] [video, multiple, frame, temporal, stationary, cost, segmentation, propose, structural, boundary] [structure,
scene, point, capture, infer, allows, allow, term] [algorithm, markov, complexity, function, note, analysis, data, sample, criterion, number, random, space, simultaneously] [figure,
property, second, quality, acm, pixel] [texture, image, synthesis, synthesized, region, neighborhood, scale, compression, nearest, statistical, synthesize, notion, tqc, stored, large, rcand, synthesizing,
best, fails, sampling, compute, spatial, local, vantage, statistic, compatibility, exhibit]

Protecting Against Screenshots: An Image Processing Approach

Yong-Sang Chia, Alex, Bandara, Udana, Wang, Xiangyu, Hirano, Hiromi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, meaningful, set, test, baseline, randomly, human, system, exploit, process, user, identify, evaluate, automatically, study, psychological, text, movie,
evaluation, undistorted, stream, depict] [accuracy, input, better, representation] [generated, assigned, generate, memory, video, contrast, short, correctly]
[approach, term, current] [method, data, number, limit, note, range, time, lower, proposed, random, additive, journal, upper, persistence, original, experimental]
[distorted, distorting, rms, distortion, distort, recovery, viewer, intensity, screen, protect, recover, display, screenshots, captured, presented, figure, screenshot, tested, blending, mentally, blue, recovered,
viewing, snapchat] [image, compute, distance, sampled, consistent, exhibit]

Line-Sweep: Cross-Ratio For Wide-Baseline Matching and 3D Reconstruction

Ramalingam, Srikumar, Antunes, Michel, Snow, Dan, Hee Lee, Gim, Pillai, Sudeep

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, identify, existing, work, vision, generating, semantically] [additional, feature, accuracy, standard,
compared] [average, edge, coverage, generate, based, three, threshold, detection, nearby] [point, reconstruction, approach, percentage, fan, challenging,
initial, bundle, structure, multiview, indoor, kitti] [number, consider, method, case, algorithm, proposed, constraint, maximum, idea, code, problem, data, basic, optimization] [figure,
uncalibrated, calibrated, disparity, stereo, camera, pencil, calibration, real, projective, motion, simple, perspective, relative, joining, robust, accurate] [virtual, image, matching, keypoint, pair, match,
compute, keypoints, corresponding, dense, difference, large, allowable, collinear, obtaining]

Superpixel Segmentation Using Linear Spectral Clustering

Li, Zhengqin, Chen, Jiansheng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, set, visual, relationship, vision, human] [feature, global, higher, input, highly] [superpixel,
segmentation, superpixels, lsc, boundary, based, slic, adherence, weight, art, state, generated, indicates, leading] [point, ground, shape, performed] [normalized,
space, clustering, algorithm, dimensional, number, complexity, proposed, function, kernel, linear, matrix, objective, computational, cluster, ncuts, time, optimization, spectral, energy, data, experimental, perceptually, product, inner, low, problem, compact,
graph, corollary, asa, iteratively, introducing, mapping] [high, figure, pixel, color, ieee, small, simple, shift, sin, relative, uniform] [weighted,
image, similarity, local, large, ten, well, corresponding, compactness]

Eye Tracking Assisted Extraction of Attentionally Important Objects From Videos

Shanmuga Vadivel, Karthikeyan, Ngo, Thuyen, Eckstein, Miguel, Manjunath, B.S.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, example, work, set, dataset, vision, active, search, novel] [extracted, performance, recognition]
[object, eye, tracking, video, extraction, multiple, bounding, extract, attention, segmentation, truth, based, sequence, cost, ijf, box, utilize, framework, track, frame, tracklets, temporal, viewed, interest, score,
objectness, attract, moving, tracklet, propose, salient, localize, precision, pursuit, recall, saliency, three] [ground, approach, single, dominant, represent, scene, prior, xij, provide] [proposed,
data, algorithm, graph, number, constraint, row, linear, analysis, note, notice, machine] [computer, ieee, conference, optical, pattern, figure, motion, smooth, international] [spatial,
best, image, guided, representing]

Gaze-Enabled Egocentric Video Summarization via Constrained Submodular Maximization

Xu, Jia, Mukherjee, Lopamudra, Li, Yin, Warner, Jamieson, Rehg, James M., Singh, Vikas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[summarization, summary, set, dataset, maximization, relevance, work, visual, user, human, interesting, subset, diversity, entropy, select, annotation, subject,
learning] [feature] [video, egocentric, subshots, subshot, segmentation, temporal, sequence, matroid, action, partition, attention, key, truth, tracking,
combinatorial, saccade, eye, extract, preparation, detection, frame, score, interest, object, daily] [gaze, model, ground, point, full, term, constrained, approach, provide, continuous] [submodular,
function, objective, algorithm, method, optimization, problem, number, maximizing, approximation, data, machine, selection, form] [uniform, camera, figure, computer, simple, informative, knapsack]
[good, well, computed, mutual, local, sampling, compute]

Casual Stereoscopic Panorama Stitching

Zhang, Fan, Liu, Feng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[create, baseline, set, label, labeling, user, study] [input, map, output, feature] [target,
three, video, object] [monocular, control, step, warp, alignment, point, allows, mesh, term, stitched, depth] [method, problem, energy, algorithm, independently,
sparse] [stereoscopic, left, panorama, disparity, stitching, stereo, stitch, warping, figure, pixel, panoramic, result, parallax, camera, ieee, vertical, viewing, acm, paper, handle, computer, warped, casually,
care, deliver, anaglyph, developed, estimate, optical, inconsistency, pattern, color, blending, conference, proper, equation] [image, corresponding, view, difference, local, grid, good, well, guided, large,

Saliency-Aware Geodesic Video Object Segmentation

Wang, Wenguan, Shen, Jianbing, Porikli, Fatih

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[probability, dataset, visual, evaluate, labeling, set] [map, global, compared, performance, table]
[saliency, object, video, frame, segmentation, foreground, spatiotemporal, background, superpixels, edge, appearance, segtrack, based, salient, average, temporally, superpixel, dynamic, detection, recall, weight,
threshold, temporal, shortest, tracking, framework, youtube, static, surrounded] [location, model, adjacent, term, prior, estimation, mae, approach, error, ground, unary, neighboring] [method,
geodesic, graph, proposed, number, energy, selection, algorithm] [motion, pixel, optical, color, spatially, estimated, figure, high, accurate, small, ieee, presented, result] [distance,
image, computed, spatial, large, rate, compute, subsequent, indicate, magnitude, weighted]

Semi-Supervised Learning With Explicit Relationship Regularization

In Kim, Kwang, Tompkin, James, Pfister, Hanspeter, Theobalt, Christian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[relationship, learning, set, label, embedding, dataset, existing, user, focus, labeled, natural] [performance,
classification, class, input, table, standard, size] [based, target] [error, point, constrained, smoothness, structure, potential, full, approach]
[function, err, regularization, graph, clustering, spectral, data, defined, laplacian, energy, ccsr, binary, dimensionality, csp, irr, regularizer, functional, explicit, number, space, explicitly, algorithm, cosc,
differential, mnist, sparsity, regularizers, parameter, fixed, riemannian, reduction, usps, manifold, original, regularize, complexity, gaussian, matrix, minimizing, close, corresponds, optimization, operator, iterated, order] [smooth,
small, figure] [corresponding, rate, large, sampled, local, similarity, neighborhood, construct]

Ego-Surfing First-Person Videos

Yonetani, Ryo, Kitani, Kris M., Sato, Yoichi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, people, search, work, dataset, novel, visual, collection, annotated, wearing, set] [global, recognition,
generic, detector, table, performance] [target, video, correlation, observer, supervoxel, targetness, supervoxels, based, wearable, pov, plike, likelihood, frame, segmentation, recognizers, pabs, group, pfull,
detection, localize, interval, egocentric, assistive, chat, shirt] [face, approach, prior, social, head, cmu, estimation, pose, averaged, potential, evaluated, recorded] [binary,
subspace, method, analysis, time, consider, assignment, proposed] [motion, pattern, computer, conference, ieee, international, figure, privacy, camera, pixel, estimate, yellow, robust, acm, blur, high]
[local, person, image, cross, region, corresponding]

Object-Based RGBD Image Co-Segmentation With Mutex Constraint

Fu, Huazhu, Xu, Dong, Lin, Stephen, Liu, Jiang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[common, set, noisy, select, dataset, work, labeled, unsupervised] [accuracy, table, map, better, performance,
improve] [object, foreground, mutex, candidate, multiple, based, segmentation, saliency, detection, cosegmentation, score, generate, background, icoseg, complex, weight, overlap, objectness, average, utilize,
likelihood, video, distinguish, employ, iou, exist] [rgbd, depth, rgb, unary, term, discrete, cap, provide, structure] [method, pairwise, graph, constraint,
solution, matrix, number, selection, effectively, objective, missing, formulated, iteration, min, optimization, algorithm] [estimated, figure, result, color, bowl, illumination, generally] [image,
region, local, computed, deal, overlapping]

A Multi-Plane Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Training Structural SVMs With a Costly Max-Oracle

Shah, Neel, Kolmogorov, Vladimir, Lampert, Christoph H.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, learning, vision, automatic, prediction, work, semantic] [training, structured, max, stanford, size,
stochastic] [structural, segmentation, making, mechanism] [current, step, earlier, term, rely] [algorithm,
approximate, oracle, number, bcfw, working, vector, problem, runtime, convergence, iteration, optimization, dual, time, exact, call, objective, bound, parameter, lower, ssvm, solution, selection, criterion, arg, primal, pass, horseseg, linear, computationally,
support, usps, optimal, data, solving, computational, faster, subgradient, suboptimality, respect, convex, function, graph, method, energy, ocr] [figure, plane, computer, requires, second, high] [image,
compute, large, well, implementation]

Efficient Parallel Optimization for Potts Energy With Hierarchical Fusion

Veksler, Olga

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, labeling, set, vision, subset, perform] [factor, level, better, smaller, larger, root, recognition,
compared, achieve] [node, hierarchical, based, boundary, assigned] [tree, approach, unary, performed, initial, structure, fact, model] [algorithm,
expansion, fusion, energy, potts, optimality, iteration, number, optimal, fpq, optimization, time, approximation, binary, running, swap, problem, optimizing, move, pairwise, machine, solution, graph, labellings, minimization, repeat, intelligence, counted,
xab, guaranteed, depend, proof, iterative, converged, speedup, case, random, analysis] [parallel, computer, ieee, pattern, conference, figure, pixel, stereo, left, result] [image,
good, partial, illustrated, comparison, hierarchy, return, best]

TVSum: Summarizing Web Videos Using Titles

Song, Yale, Vallmitjana, Jordi, Stent, Amanda, Jaimes, Alejandro

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, summarization, summary, set, dataset, title, summe, shot, search, web, archetypal, concept, chronological, representative, human, descriptive, content,
learning, collected, work, exclusive, livelight, user, interestingness, selecting, latent, visually] [shared, learns, learned, representation, table, learn] [video,
score, frame, framework, average, attention, online, generated, making, group, combination, based, temporal, measure] [approach, canonical, reconstruction, prior, model, provide, capture, represent]
[analysis, data, pairwise, main, problem, algorithm, method, optimization, convex, solving, cluster, solve, solution, expressed, optimal, number] [figure, length,
total, quality, color, equation, ieee] [image, query, computed, well, compute]

Robust Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes

Choi, Sungjoon, Zhou, Qian-Yi, Koltun, Vladlen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, evaluation, automatic, dataset, work, visual, fragment] [global, table, pipeline, accuracy, reported,
input, mit] [average, based, precision, recall, trajectory, object] [reconstruction, loop, scene, surface, closure, approach, indoor, room, living, odometry,
model, tij, depth, prior, supplementary, xiao, described, alignment, pose, single, dvo, complete, switchable, localization, sfm] [optimization, pairwise, range, algorithm, mapping, formulation, bre, experimental,
augmented, graph, data, number, proposed, objective, analysis] [robust, presented, reconstructed, figure, camera, produced, slam, acm, ieee, consumer] [geometric,
registration, dense, transformation, correspondence, pair, local, large, false, distance]

Descriptor Free Visual Indoor Localization With Line Segments

Micusik, Branislav, Wildenauer, Horst

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, strategy, visual, search, surveillance, concept, novel, evaluating, baseline] [standard, map, contour,
compared, effective, representation] [cost, segment, edge, three, interest, localized, detection] [localization, point, model, indoor, pose, approach, chamfer,
template, allows, alignment, location, estimation, orientation, discrete, reconstruction, scene, building, idte, tilt, ground, error, aligning, structure, pointbased, queue] [proposed, method, problem, number,
algorithm, computation, roll, sum] [camera, figure, vanishing, naive, angle, focal, estimated, radial, length, mobile, blue] [image, query, matching,
virtual, best, sampled, integral, large, distance, fast, view, well, descriptor, limited, applied]

Phase-Based Frame Interpolation for Video

Meyer, Simone, Wang, Oliver, Zimmer, Henning, Grosse, Max, Sorkine-Hornung, Alexander

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[content, visual, example, work, correspond] [pyramid, level, input, larger, global, intermediate, higher,
compared, coarser, factor, better, standard, gpu] [based, frame, video, propose] [approach, allows, supplementary, error, challenging] [method,
number, bounded, represented, parameter, linear, optimization, algorithm, computation, original, data, running] [phase, optical, motion, figure, interpolation, shift, high, frequency, correction, interpolating,
dif, quality, blending, small, interpolated, simple, brox, acm, pixel, eulerian, simpleflow, interpolate, didyk, color, smooth, brightness, lagrangian, steerable, amplitude, stereo] [image, difference, well,
large, spatial, resolution, computed, rate, implementation, scale, blurring, displacement]

Transformation of Markov Random Fields for Marginal Distribution Estimation

Saito, Masaki, Okatani, Takayuki

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, label, learning, conditional, expected, selected, search, study] [coarse, map, reduce, smaller]
[grouping, cost, object, target, fij, calculate, segmentation, indicates] [inference, discrete, continuous, term, free, estimation, unary, joint, approach, full,
boltzmann, described] [mrf, marginal, energy, method, mrfs, proposed, distribution, variable, number, space, original, site, computational, discretization, consider, algorithm, augmented, graph, trw, transforming,
problem, graining, downsizing, approximate, function, gibbs, markov, condition, gaussian, note, random, experimental, case, suppose, extended, grouped, xizi, third] [second, figure, naive, estimate, directly]
[transformed, derived, regular, transformation, grid, applied, transform, variational, choose, calculated, image, large]

How Do We Use Our Hands? Discovering a Diverse Set of Common Grasps

Huang, De-An, Ma, Minghuang, Ma, Wei-Chiu, Kitani, Kris M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, taxonomy, discovered, visual, set, discover, work, dataset, process, learning, diversity, determinantal, diverse, discovering, understanding, probability,
unsupervised, purity, common, stream, automatically, type, wmc, subset, prehensile, vision, yhg, label, evaluate] [power, learned, learn, recognition, standard, size] [online,
egocentric, object, candidate, based, hierarchical, video, robotic, interaction, action, precision, assigned, coverage, propose, framework] [grasp, hand, dpp, point, tree, approach, utg, prior, grasping]
[clustering, data, algorithm, number, cluster, proposed, functional, analysis, nmi, order] [figure, computer, unique, high, center, ratio, camera] [large,
fast, sampling, distance, streaming, nearest, compare]

Dense, Accurate Optical Flow Estimation With Piecewise Parametric Model

Yang, Jiaolong, Li, Hongdong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, work, labeling, label, european, test, example, clean] [recognition, table, training, compared]
[complex, segmentation, based, multiple, segment, frame] [model, estimation, term, kitti, joint, represent, discrete, approach, error, occluded, volume, initialization,
initial] [method, energy, proposed, algorithm, data, function, time, note, optimization, minimization, journal, number, analysis, machine, intelligence, pairwise, solve, problem] [motion,
optical, computer, parametric, homography, piecewise, conference, pattern, ieee, international, small, mdl, figure, estimated, continuity, homographies, accurate, pixel, estimate, middlebury, homogeneous, flow, brightness, constancy] [image,
large, benchmark, dense, well, sintel, displacement, variational, comparison, fast]

Solving Multiple Square Jigsaw Puzzles With Missing Pieces

Paikin, Genady, Tal, Ayellet

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[relation, choosing, select, knowledge, dataset, goal, correct, set, selecting, novel, selected, work, mentioned] [input,
size, table, pool, accuracy, previous, achieves, highly] [multiple, mixed, three, average, measure, likelihood, placement, based, considering, including] [distinctive,
step, orientation, initial, approach, shape, explained, performed] [algorithm, missing, function, solving, greedy, number, solution, running, solve, solves, faster, random, problem, case, solved]
[figure, unknown, square, small, color, second, perfect, result, smooth, solver, direct, accurate, absolute] [piece, best, jigsaw, puzzle, compatibility, dissimilarity,
large, neighbor, image, applied, outperforms, matching, mutual, worst, closest, spatial, demonstrated, good]

One-Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo via Skylight Estimation

Jung, Jiyoung, Lee, Joon-Young, So Kweon, In

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[natural, sun, vision, set, process, source, evaluation] [input, unit, performance, previous] [correlation,
based, appearance, object, detection] [surface, normal, estimation, model, shadow, shape, scene, point, rgb, single, depth, reconstruction, orientation, position, environment, modeling] [method,
distribution, function, sample, denotes, mrf, analysis, respect, machine, gaussian, number, intelligence, journal, quadratic, vector, spectral, matrix, corresponds] [sky, light, stereo, pixel, photometric,
color, outdoor, illumination, skylight, albedo, sunlight, camera, computer, hemisphere, ambient, day, luminance, estimate, relative, ratio, pattern, incident, captured, constant, irradiance, estimated, figure, absolute, angle, sensitivity, intensity, clear,
saturated, ieee, determined, radiometric, shadowed, proper] [image, calculated]

Subspace Clustering by Mixture of Gaussian Regression

Li, Baohua, Zhang, Ying, Lin, Zhouchen, Lu, Huchuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, vision, describe] [representation, table, better, performance, accuracy, reduce] [grouping,
segmentation, complex, contrast, based, adaptive] [regression, face, model, mixture, facial, approach, modeling] [clustering, subspace, mog, data, matrix,
method, proposed, norm, gaussian, analysis, min, corrupted, machine, lsr, ssc, sparse, lrr, number, eold, diagonal, distribution, algorithm, yale, regularization, extended, frobenius, solution, spectral, diag, sample, parameter, gaussians, hopkins, simply,
function, general, correntropy, graph, china, problem, experimental, denote] [noise, figure, ieee, computer, motion, pattern, conference, robust, international, illumination] [image,
database, similarity, good]

3D Shape Estimation From 2D Landmarks: A Convex Relaxation Approach

Zhou, Xiaowei, Leonardos, Spyridon, Hu, Xiaoyan, Daniilidis, Kostas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, subject, car, work, set, active, learning, existing, dataset, processing] [representation, training,
alternative, performance] [object, based] [shape, model, pose, estimation, approach, reconstruction, joint, error, step, deformable, pmp, prox, single, provide]
[convex, proposed, problem, method, basis, alternating, matrix, linear, minimization, algorithm, min, solve, norm, machine, number, optimization, analysis, sparse, solution, orthogonality, singular, denotes, spectral,
proximal, constraint, exact, journal, relaxation, updating, sparsity, formulation, augmented, solving, original, orthogonal, solved, admm, optimal, parameter] [figure, recovery, rotation, unknown, paper,
ieee, inverse, estimated, estimating, estimate, motion, pattern, computer, camera, reconstructed] []

Adaptive Eye-Camera Calibration for Head-Worn Devices

Perra, David, Kumar Gupta, Rohit, Frahm, Jan-Michael

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, visual, user, human, vision, active, relationship, natural, subject, sim] [window, size, global,
accuracy, additional, combining, performance] [eye, saliency, interest, salient, average, tracking, based, adaptive] [gaze, error, model, estimation, corneal,
pupil, approach, point, scene, gullstrand, environment, continuous, por, allows, projected, pose, require, guestrin, face, coordinate, chen, current] [optimal, method, proposed, time, order, number, lowest]
[calibration, center, figure, camera, axis, ieee, device, computer, conference, estimate, international, technique, pattern, accurate, light, plane, regard, optical, presented, estimated] [locally,
image, transformation, scheme, distance, local, june]

Part-Based Modelling of Compound Scenes From Images

van den Hengel, Anton, Russell, Chris, Dick, Anthony, Bastian, John, Pooley, Daniel, Fleming, Lachlan, Agapito, Lourdes

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, randomly, aim, natural, semantic, example] [input, performance, testing, adding, van, table]
[object, based, correctly, generated, video, three] [structure, scene, template, silhouette, reconstruction, lego, model, shape, building, allows, plausible, single,
fact, pose] [method, matrix, number, problem, projection, space, case, vector, form, block, note, general, support, row, basis, required, den, order, min, arg, optimization, binary, constructed, original]
[figure, noise, real, estimated, estimate, recovered, camera, synthetic, recover, varying, estimating, measurement, physically, computer, equation, component, high] [image,
fraction, corresponding, represents, true, impact, large]

Reflection Removal for In-Vehicle Black Box Videos

Simon, Christian, Kyu Park, In

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, car, example, set, selected, processing, domain] [layer, input, brown, previous] [box,
average, background, video, moving, multiple, frame, divided, sequence, utilized, forward, including, based] [prior, scene, model, single, mixture, approach, performed, point, surface, initial, detected, robustness,
described] [proposed, method, distribution, problem, optimization, function, number, min, sparse, algorithm, machine, analysis, sparsity, time] [separation,
figure, black, ieee, computer, conference, pattern, result, angular, windscreen, separate, derivative, vanishing, sarel, camera, remove, removal, motion, outdoor, captured, international, conventional, glass, produce, separating, median, color] [image,
gradient, fast, comparison, applied, region, denoising, separated, compare]

Generalized Tensor Total Variation Minimization for Visual Data Recovery

Guo, Xiaojie, Ma, Yi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[visual, strategy, work, set, positive, vision, noisy] [performance, design, response, recognition]
[weight, video, based, propose] [loop, anisotropic, isotropic, completion, model] [tensor, norm, data, update,
algorithm, gtv, case, problem, method, outer, matrix, low, minimization, argmin, proposed, sparse, inner, convergence, proposition, row, solution, iteratively, reweighting, linear, minimizing, analysis, convex, general, original, augmented, shrinkage, division,
effectively, inhomogeneity, superior, solving, gaussian, updating, iteration, converged, penalty, optimization] [noise, recovery, total, figure, ieee, conference, generalized, traditional, pattern, recovered,
computer, constant, lagrangian, small, derivative, observed, result, direction] [variation, image, computed, corresponding]

Deep Sparse Representation for Robust Image Registration

Li, Yeqing, Chen, Chen, Yang, Fei, Huang, Junzhou

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, existing, natural, source, evaluate, subject] [representation, input, deep, accuracy] [measure,
average, based] [alignment, error, challenging, robustness, term] [method, sparse, tensor, proposed, batch, function, denotes, algorithm, min, low, random,
problem, complexity, rank, range, vector, product, energy, solve, fusion, norm, sum, matrix, number] [intensity, robust, mode, ieee, translation, figure, computer, frequency, std, fourier, pattern, residual,
multispectral, second, component, illumination, distortion, pixel, rmse, toy] [image, registration, similarity, pair, rasl, gradient, medical, difference, ssd, register, severe, transformation, registered,
lena, compare, remotely, sensed, partial, large, local, optimally, reference, transform, spatial]

Fast Randomized Singular Value Thresholding for Nuclear Norm Minimization

Oh, Tae-Hyun, Matsushita, Yasuyuki, Tai, Yu-Wing, So Kweon, In

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, gait, type] [accuracy, power, apply, input, recognition, reduce, previous, table] [target,
based, segmentation] [error, alignment, supplementary, full, single] [matrix, method, rank, singular, nnm, svd, svt, computation, range, approximation,
time, bound, random, frsvt, data, norm, decomposition, minimization, computational, iteration, nuclear, algorithm, matlab, theoretical, analysis, proposed, theorem, number, sample, complexity, orthonormal, gaussian, halko, ltsvd, subspace, approximate, solution,
lanczos, machine, tensor, column, truncated, convergence, problem, thresholding, intelligence, operator, original, lrr, sralt, exact] [ieee, computer, robust, pattern, small, conference, high, figure, motion]
[fast, partial, randomized, sampling, image, propagation]

Geo-Semantic Segmentation

Ardeshir, Shervin, Malcolm Collins-Sibley, Kofi, Shah, Mubarak

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, set, perform, vision, labeling, content, process, covered, probability] [accuracy, size, improvement,
belonging, improve, performance, higher, recognition, smaller, extracted] [segmentation, score, segment, based, reliable, updated, overlap, segmenting, superpixels] [initial,
building, reliability, itr, alignment, location, point, evaluated, misalignment, urban, geosemantic, aligning, gps, misaligned] [projection, iterative, method, matrix, random, number, iteration, ith, form,
pairwise, proposed, fusion, graph, order, updating] [camera, computer, figure, high, conference, ieee, pattern, pixel, observed, color, total] [image,
corresponding, street, computed, distance, transformation, similarity, comparing, view, database, large]

Blur Kernel Estimation Using Normalized Color-Line Prior

Lai, Wei-Sheng, Ding, Jian-Jiun, Lin, Yen-Yu, Chuang, Yung-Yu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[sun, dataset, latent, vision, visual, set, process, example, european] [intermediate, input, effective,
better, apply] [edge, mask, success, propose, salient, contrast] [prior, estimation, model, error, step] [kernel,
method, algorithm, normalized, proposed, minimize, problem, number, objective, minimizing, optimization, optimize, solution, distribution] [blur, figure, sharp, color, blurred, deconvolution, computer, conference,
blind, michaeli, ieee, rjk, equation, irani, pixel, cho, ratio, pattern, noise, shock, lee, deblurring, levin, krishnan, jia, restore, enhancing, international, avoid, enhance, estimated, sharper, camera] [image,
patch, distance, rate, sampled, external, choose, good]

Landmarks-Based Kernelized Subspace Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Aljundi, Rahaf, Emonet, Remi, Muselet, Damien, Sebban, Marc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, domain, adaptation, unsupervised, selected, learning, transfer, select, common, labeled, vision, set, lssa, visual, perform, tjm, work, process, adapt,
strategy, dataset] [standard, learned, better, table, learn, reduce, recognition] [target, candidate, overlap, state, art, measure, based, multiscale, threshold,
lot] [landmark, alignment, approach, projected, joint, independent, allows, project, point, step] [subspace, data, selection, method, kernel, distribution,
linear, algorithm, space, geodesic, note, gaussian, mapping, experimental, eigenvectors, projection, order, optimization, consider] [figure, shift, computer, deviation, paper, quality, pattern, international]
[comparison, outperforms, best, connecting, transformation, matching, scale, considered, closer, deal, assumes, compute]

Object Scene Flow for Autonomous Vehicles

Menze, Moritz, Geiger, Andreas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, dataset, evaluation, set, european, novel, leverage, annotated, associated, existing] [recognition,
performance, table, map, advantage] [object, moving, superpixel, dynamic, truth, superpixels, combination, static, background] [scene, model, kitti, ground,
rigid, estimation, cad, term, unary, sgm, error, quantitative, point, provide, supplementary, body, depth, challenging, realistic, occ, rigidly, shape, qualitative, autonomous] [number, method, proposed,
data, respect, sparse, machine, analysis, denotes, optimization, journal, intelligence] [motion, stereo, optical, computer, disparity, ieee, pattern, international, plane, pixel, flow, small, laser, camera,
accurate, synthetic] [well, image, dense, matching, benchmark, reference, variational, pair, corresponding]

Joint Vanishing Point Extraction and Tracking

Kroeger, Till, Dai, Dengxin, Van Gool, Luc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, active, set, association, evaluation, knowledge, evaluate, baseline, consistency, mutually, associated, vision] [percent,
unit, extracted] [tracking, detection, frame, mota, interpretation, extraction, multiple, bin, video, evidence, transition, track, score, segment, object, start, cost, short, three, intersection] [approach,
joint, point, orientation, pose, occupancy, scene, urban, probabilistic] [method, time, orthogonal, problem, solution, proposed, graph, discretization, space, linear, solving] [camera,
vps, vanishing, plane, tno, manhattan, figure, sphere, horizontal, imaged, calibration, spherical, enforce, frustum, lpsf, vertical, parallel, lpmf, unknown, angle] [image, best, hough, outperforms, cumulative]

JOTS: Joint Online Tracking and Segmentation

Wen, Longyin, Du, Dawei, Lei, Zhen, Li, Stan Z., Yang, Ming-Hsuan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[labeling, set, label, labeled, process, task] [table, previous, size, effectiveness, belonging, better,
larger, effective] [segmentation, target, tracking, video, object, based, online, background, segtrack, appearance, superpixels, multiple, foreground, frame, performs, overlap, generate, hypothesized, indicates,
slic, spt, complex, segment, generated, average, birdfall] [model, term, location, current, initial, approach, error, joint, occluded, described] [algorithm,
energy, regularization, proposed, method, number, minimization, optimization, problem, function, iterative, data, objective, optimal, graph, complexity] [pixel, figure, small, center, motion, accurate, estimated,
handle, presented] [well, large, database, region, area, matching, hsv, fast]

3D Reconstruction in the Presence of Glasses by Acoustic and Stereo Fusion

Ye, Mao, Zhang, Yu, Yang, Ruigang, Manocha, Dinesh

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, labeling, labeled, work, probability, set, vision, future, identify, active, example] [map, table]
[object, based, target, boundary, segmentation, generate, frame, entire, mask, measure, generated] [depth, reconstruction, prior, scene, surface, empty, term, kinect,
model, current, reconstruct, kinectfusion, smoothness, dominant, approach, step, single, point, shape] [range, data, fusion, case, algorithm, space, problem, graph, method] [transparent,
ultrasonic, sensor, figure, pixel, measurement, camera, stereo, acoustic, ieee, conference, geometry, computer, captured, poisson, result, pattern, inside, opaque, international, glass, blending, laser, reconstructed, setup, second, high, developed, sound,
acm, small] [region, large, corresponding, image]

Direction Matters: Depth Estimation With a Surface Normal Classifier

Hane, Christian, Ladicky, Lubor, Pollefeys, Marc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, european, example, set, label, baseline, work, dataset, semantic] [input, standard, recognition,
training, global] [based, cost, intersection, average, dynamic] [normal, surface, depth, single, binocular, wulff, estimation, error, shape, ground, approach,
volume, term, discrete, indoor, point, allows, quantitative, challenging, kitti, continuous, unary, anisotropic] [regularization, convex, problem, optimization, formulation, machine, cut, method, data, analysis,
space, intelligence, algorithm, order, journal, energy, denotes, feasible, proposed, lead, random] [direction, stereo, computer, conference, pattern, international, pixel, ieee, disparity, figure, estimated,
half] [image, matching, view, gradient, dense, benchmark, best, dissimilarity, transformation, difference, transformed]

Inferring 3D Layout of Building Facades From a Single Image

Pan, Jiyan, Hebert, Martial, Kanade, Takeo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[semantic, set, dataset, existing, understanding, soft, selected, green, validity, process] [map, crf, top]
[candidate, score, three, based, interpretation, individual] [facade, orientation, ground, building, layout, nsi, depth, dsi, xsi, surface, approach, single, distinctive,
scene, model, adjacent, dsj, nsj, reasoning, potential, estimation, coordinate, quantitative, occlusion, height, continuous, quad, horizon, urban, richer, qualitative, xsj] [algorithm, method, form, convex,
row, space, note, proposed, constraint, optimal, number, pairwise] [figure, plane, vanishing, contact, equation, blue, camera, left, red, vertical, horizontal, recovering, planar] [image,
geometric, region, compatibility, sampling, distance, illustrated]

Maximum Persistency via Iterative Relaxed Inference With Graphical Models

Shekhovtsov, Alexander, Swoboda, Paul, Savchynskyy, Bogdan

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, labeling, label, test, study] [improving, map, table, class, standard, performance, larger, better]
[propose, based, node, cost] [graphical, inference, approach, single, discrete, current] [problem, algorithm,
persistency, mapping, method, dual, maximum, solution, optimal, energy, strictly, approximate, pruning, relaxation, practical, vector, linear, number, optimality, minimization, relaxed, proof, min, polytope, general, persistent, proposition, lemma, consider,
exact, guv, roof, formulation, time, case, condition, solves, order, primal, fuv, guarantee, space, feasible, optimization, solve, proposed, theorem, random, provably, duality, kovtun] [solver, computer,
arc] [partial, local, comparison, well, called]

Superpixel Meshes for Fast Edge-Preserving Surface Reconstruction

Bodis-Szomoru, Andras, Riemenschneider, Hayko, Van Gool, Luc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, set, semantic] [van, map, gpu, accuracy] [superpixel,
edge, propose, superpixels, based, slic] [mesh, sfm, depth, reconstruction, point, surface, single, triangle, urban, gcps, scene, reconstruct, approach, modeling, delaunay, pixelwise, volumetric, vertex, smoothness,
polygonized, facade, constrained, model, gcp, term, rely, lidar, cloud, aligned, control, ground, height, shape] [method, sparse, base, linear, data, number, compact, matrix, clustering, proposed]
[stereo, figure, triangulation, observed, rendering, relative, discontinuity, plane, directly, assumption, piecewise, planar, robust] [image, street, dense,
view, city, harris, fast, canny, reference, scale]

UniHIST: A Unified Framework for Image Restoration With Marginal Histogram Constraints

Mei, Xing, Dong, Weiming, Hu, Bao-Gang, Lyu, Siwei

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[natural, example, existing, visual, introduce, probability, processing, work, latent, process] [output,
performance, ensemble, better] [measure, average, framework] [model, quantitative, provide, term] [marginal,
method, original, distribution, min, gaussian, wasserstein, quadratic, problem, optimal, function, proposed, solution, data, regularization, solved, form, algorithm, random, optimization, kernel, corrupted, minimizes, operation, matrix] [deconvolution,
intensity, pattern, restored, observation, directly, horizontal, vertical, noise, figure, parametric, quality, presented] [image, histogram, gradient, restoration, unihist, denoising, reference, epll, idr,
distance, nldd, divergence, texture, ssim, psnr, enhances, metric, patch, degraded, represents, matching, statistical, blurring]

Single-Image Estimation of the Camera Response Function in Near-Lighting

Rodrigues, Pedro, Barreto, Joao P.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, perform, system, work, set, written] [crf, response, generic, previous] [multiple,
strong, segmentation, three, applicable] [estimation, approach, scene, model, single, described, shape, performed, surface, step, require, procedure] [method,
function, proposed, linear, machine, algorithm, vector, crfs, note, analysis, range] [calibration, light, camera, vignetting, white, albedo, radiometric, color, computer, ieee, isolines, irradiance, figure,
pattern, balance, isoline, ratio, conference, caltag, brightness, estimate, endoscopic, zoom, constant, lens, sensor, equation, pixel, high, surgeon, isovalue, endoscopy, correction, arthroscope, planar, calibrated, carried] [image,
grid, medical, acquired, geometric, well, scale, patch, invariance]

Heat Diffusion Over Weighted Manifolds: A New Descriptor for Textured 3D Non-Rigid Shapes

Abdelrahman, Mostafa, Farag, Aly, Swanson, David, El-Melegy, Moumen T.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[dataset, work, introduce, novel] [performance, table, representation, better] [based,
propose, average, object, three, framework, weight, measure, combined] [shape, approach, vertex, triangle, modeling, point, deformation] [proposed, kernel,
method, diffusion, manifold, analysis, time, discretization, formulation, solution, riemannian, null, mathematical, operator, function, denote, compact, condition, data, problem, laplacian, fusion] [color,
equation, photometric, figure, geometry, paper, second, high, intrinsic, computer] [heat, weighted, descriptor, retrieval, scale, geometric, textured, invariant, texture, signature, local, invariance, applied,
benchmark, cot, normalization, partial, hks, construct, adr, calculated, matching]

Large-Scale and Drift-Free Surface Reconstruction Using Online Subvolume Registration

Fioraio, Nicola, Taylor, Jonathan, Fitzgibbon, Andrew, Di Stefano, Luigi, Izadi, Shahram

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, active, vision, visual, work, process, collection, relying, existing] [global, representation, gpu,
previous] [tracking, sequence, moving, cost, online, dark, memory, frame, bounding] [volume, subvolumes, depth, pose, tsdf, reconstruction, surface, subvolume,
point, approach, loop, drift, rgb, room, voxel, estimation, error, require, kinectfusion, model, volumetric, step, stonewall, performed, lounge, copyroom, scene, host, misaligned, complete, signed, single, zhou] [optimization,
method, number, time, function, data, optimized, mapping, proposed, problem, required, explicit, fusion, accumulated, computation] [camera, figure, blending, estimated, ieee, requires, sensor, quality, acm,
technique] [large, distance, dense, local, scale, globally, image, registration]

Camera Intrinsic Blur Kernel Estimation: A Reliable Framework

Mosleh, Ali, Green, Paul, Onzon, Emmanuel, Begin, Isabelle, Pierre Langlois, J.M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, process, amount, european, introduce, set] [feature, accuracy, size] [target,
measure, multiple, generated, propose, framework, generate] [estimation, alignment, performed, prior, scene, single, term] [method, function, kernel, problem,
proposed, number, order, regularization, constraint, mapping, gaussian, bilinear] [psf, noise, pattern, camera, lens, blur, captured, calibration, sharp, estimated, synthetic, bernoulli, checkerboard, pixel,
conference, accurate, screen, display, white, measured, computer, estimate, color, intrinsic, deblurring, sdf, blind, black, figure, ieee, warped, deconvolution, intensity, warping, presence, technique, motion, frequency, observed, vignetting, ximea, acm,
homography, distortion, measurement, spectrum, mobile] [image, corresponding, large, correspondence, gradient, psnr]

Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering: A Unified Optimization Framework

Li, Chun-Guang, Vidal, Rene

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, vision, latent] [structured, representation, standard, table, feature, applying] [segmentation,
framework, multiple, based, combination, propose, average, union, video, segmenting] [structure, face, point, term, error, step] [subspace, clustering,
matrix, data, norm, problem, spectral, sparse, optimization, algorithm, ssc, solving, update, linear, min, analysis, hopkins, solved, method, machine, iteration, note, solution, yale, extended, lie, alternating, journal, constraint, experimental, lrr, frobenius,
solve, dimension, convex, zij, regularization, number] [ieee, pattern, motion, computer, conference, robust, international, synthetic, median, noise, direction, separate, illumination, varying, second]
[database, best, image, corresponding]

Good Features to Track for Visual SLAM

Zhang, Guangcong, Vela, Patricio A.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, visual, set, scenario, vision, subset, selected, incremental, ranking, selecting, process, baseline, evaluation, learning] [feature,
accuracy, gain, map, standard] [temporal, score, frame, based, som, segment, group, prk, state] [estimation, localization, orientation, robotics, monocular,
reconstruction, performed, provide] [time, method, matrix, algorithm, row, condition, data, proposed, update, computation, mapping, selection, svd, singular, submodular, linear, analysis, journal, criterion,
greedy, rank, theorem, problem, vector, ransac, minimum, machine, operator] [observability, slam, camera, ieee, conference, observable, motion, computer, international, figure, qsom, measurement, translation,
pattern, completely, observation, high, relative, intelligent] [good, inlier, anchor, cumulative, computing, best]

Accurate Depth Map Estimation From a Lenslet Light Field Camera

Jeon, Hae-Gon, Park, Jaesik, Choe, Gyeongmin, Park, Jinsun, Bok, Yunsu, Tai, Yu-Wing, So Kweon, In

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, baseline, dataset, domain] [map, feature, compared, smaller] [cost,
based, reliable, compensation, aws] [depth, estimation, error, approach, volume, discrete, adjacent, step, scene, term] [proposed, method, algorithm, order,
shifted, optimization, main, denotes, theorem, range, graph, bilinear, iterative] [light, disparity, lenslet, camera, figure, distortion, shift, lytro, stereo, computer, estimated, center, angular, phase,
accurate, conference, lens, relative, correction, gcdl, robust, raytrix, estimate, exhibited, pattern, narrow, captured, synthetic, presented, epi, ieee, international, observed, advanced, length, pixel, quality, median, result] [image,
matching, view, correspondence, resolution, gradient, local, spatial, computed, bicubic, matched]

Scalable Structure From Motion for Densely Sampled Videos

Resch, Benjamin, Lensch, Hendrik P. A., Wang, Oliver, Pollefeys, Marc, Sorkine-Hornung, Alexander

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[test, baseline, set, perform, processing] [global, feature, window, input, subsampling, standard, stage,
designed] [video, frame, based, tracking, cost, multiple, handling, sequence] [scene, reconstruction, pose, point, drift, structure, approach, sfm, estimation,
current, step, error, initialization, bundle, adjustment, ground, visible] [optimization, time, method, linear, data, number, order, sparse, computation, selection, faster] [camera,
figure, high, robust, reprojection, small, klt, quality, slam, light, motion, relative, unstructured, observed, calibration] [image, anchor, consistent, wide, well, large, densely, sampled, sift, resolution,
globally, variance, stable, good, matching, scale, compute, establish]

The k-Support Norm and Convex Envelopes of Cardinality and Rank

Eriksson, Anders, Thanh Pham, Trung, Chin, Tat-Jun, Reid, Ian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[cardinality, set, search, domain, vision, work, task, existing, active] [unit, table, performance, connection]
[average] [fact, valid, evaluated] [norm, convex, time, method, algorithm, lai, rank, operator, matrix, proximity,
computational, proposition, envelope, solving, proposed, number, spectral, dual, min, nuclear, binary, function, problem, computation, vector, singular, running, optimization, fenchel, sparse, row, arg, sparsity, regularized, general, established, parameter,
main, proxf, derivation, biconjugate, coding, surrogate, proximal, form, proven, original, science] [computer, result, ball, ratio, paper, ieee, pattern, synthetic, presented] [comparison,
image, well, establish, exhaustive, gradient, considered]

A Flexible Tensor Block Coordinate Ascent Scheme for Hypergraph Matching

Nguyen, Quynh, Gautier, Antoine, Hein, Matthias

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[hypergraph, set, work, dataset, associated, car, test, perform] [max, accuracy, higher, better, increasing,
hgm, performance, previous, compared, competitive] [score, sequence, based, propose, motorbike, viewed] [deformation, point, coordinate, lifted, approach]
[order, tensor, algorithm, third, graph, problem, number, ascent, assignment, multilinear, function, fourth, bcagm, symmetric, proposed, optimize, block, mpm, optimization, form, rrwhm, theorem, method, original,
scaling, lemma, reweighted, idea, ipfp, random, hungarian, arg, strictly, spectral, guarantee, optimal, pairwise, note, objective, nin, running] [second, figure, monotonically, robust, noise] [matching,
monotonic, image, geometric, corresponding, scheme]

Burst Deblurring: Removing Camera Shake Through Fourier Burst Accumulation

Delbracio, Mauricio, Sapiro, Guillermo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, latent, amount, shot, set, noisy] [better, input, performance, larger] [average,
frame, movement, memory, strong, multiple] [estimation, hand, scene, prior, align, model, step, current, approach] [algorithm, kernel, proposed, problem,
random, number, explicitly, method, low, parameter, time, distribution] [camera, fourier, shake, deconvolution, noise, motion, sharp, blind, blur, figure, deblurring, accumulation, frequency, bias, inverse,
exposure, removing, light, spectrum, texp, mse, imgs, typical, estimate, iso, blurred, acm, gyroscope, sharper, attenuated, captured, real, generally, restored, small, tremor] [image, burst, blurring, variance,
best, aggregation, magnitude, weighted, restoration, denoising, regular, implementation, comparison, registration]

The Common Self-Polar Triangle of Concentric Circles and Its Application to Camera Calibration

Huang, Haifei, Zhang, Hui, Cheung, Yiu-ming

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[common, relationship, share, vision, process, side] [level, table] [three,
based, calculate, disjoint, extract] [triangle, point, step, vertex, approach, model, provide, scene] [method, machine, support, matrix, analysis, respect,
eigenvectors, proposition, china, tangent, theorem, form, algorithm, orthogonal, linear, cholesky, orthogonality, conjugate, note] [calibration, concentric, camera, circle, center, vanishing, pattern, imaged,
figure, conic, ieee, noise, polar, recover, absolute, circular, computer, opposite, planar, intersect, international, recovered, coplanar, relative, focal, real, pixel, length, property, projective, plane, paper, accurate, scalar, technique, second, recovery,
theory, ying, iac] [image, consists, good]

A Fixed Viewpoint Approach for Dense Reconstruction of Transparent Objects

Han, Kai, Wong, Kwan-Yee K., Liu, Miaomiao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[pbc, existing, set] [level, table, accuracy, structured] [object,
path, based, complex] [surface, reconstruction, error, position, shape, approach, point, normal, allows, viewpoint, volume, facet, model, sweeping, depth, single, ground] [proposed,
method, problem, column, data, number, note, denote] [transparent, light, refractive, liquid, fep, reconstructed, pattern, refraction, figure, pbcs, camera, incident, reconstructing, noise, specular, setup,
plane, alter, recovered, synthetic, relative, triangulating, simple, angular, angle, handle, real, tank, water, assumption, originates, stripe, contact, parametric, hemisphere, sin, enter, inhomogeneous, recover, kutulakos, intensity, captured, develop, center]
[reference, image, distance, dense, pair, construct]

Intra-Frame Deblurring by Leveraging Inter-Frame Camera Motion

Zhang, Haichao, Yang, Jianchao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, set, work, process, exploit, existence] [standard, compared, better, effectiveness, level, advantage,
jointly, effective] [video, frame, multiple, temporal, complementary, based, object, applicable, adaptive] [estimation, single, approach, term, model, scene,
joint, typically] [method, proposed, kernel, min, problem, iteratively, update, data, solving, penalty, exploiting, operator] [motion, blur, deblurring,
blurry, camera, figure, sharp, robust, deblurred, cho, blind, estimated, presence, ieee, observation, ringing, caused, uniform, optical, pattern, removing, quality, noise, zhang, spatially, directly, flow, observed, travis, result, synthetic, shake, estimating,
estimate, produce] [image, psnr, ssim, restoration]

Small-Variance Nonparametric Clustering on the Hypersphere

Straub, Julian, Campbell, Trevor, How, Jonathan P., Fisher, III, John W.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[label, process, set] [unit, nonparametric, performance, previous, achieves] [score,
segmentation, assigned, three, average, temporally, hierarchical, frame, propose, transition, behavior] [mixture, surface, silhouette, inference, model, prior, normal, nyu, dependent, scene, depth, sequential,
posterior, von] [data, clustering, cluster, vmf, number, dirichlet, distribution, algorithm, spkm, parameter, directional, asymptotic, batch, assignment, limit, note, maximum, concentration, analysis, computational,
function, random, restarts, asymptotics, nmi, gaussian, exp, optimistic, journal, markov, approximation, regularization, egi, suppose] [spherical, synthetic, figure, direction, manhattan, plane, parallel,
angle, observed, unknown] [sampling, bayesian, consistent, streaming, computed]

On Pairwise Costs for Network Flow Multi-Object Tracking

Chari, Visesh, Lacoste-Julien, Simon, Laptev, Ivan, Sivic, Josef

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[people, set, strategy, evaluate, positive, focus] [network, global, previous, standard, additional, table]
[tracking, integer, cost, video, object, detection, overlap, uij, propose, multiple, track, framework, measure, heuristic, milan, flowk, qij, frame, mota, marchingrally, crowd, crowded] [approach,
head, body, term, program, xij, joint, ground, allows, point, challenging, modeling, structure] [linear, optimization, pairwise, quadratic, solution, selection, problem, objective, method, relaxation, algorithm,
rounding, relaxed, formulation, constraint, greedy, number, note, function, convex, order, binary] [figure, small, traditional, presented, high] [corresponding,
well, compare, correspondence, overlapping, pair]

Robust Manhattan Frame Estimation From a Single RGB-D Image

Ghanem, Bernard, Thabet, Ali, Carlos Niebles, Juan, Caba Heilbron, Fabian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, evaluation, set, work, dataset, create, perform, evaluate, popular, understanding] [performance,
unit, advantage] [truth, based, three, frame, box, propose, performs, object] [scene, indoor, estimation, aligned, ground, point, rmfe, error, depth, rgb,
dominant, robustness, single, normal, layout, surface, cloud, align, current, visible, approach] [method, matrix, number, runtime, sparse, problem, original, sparsity, main, analysis, norm, orthogonal, principal]
[estimate, slam, rotation, manhattan, conference, figure, ieee, computer, robust, pattern, estimated, international, second, estimating, rotated, angular, vanishing, noise] [image,
compute, best, difference, benchmark, geometric, corresponding]

Region-Based Temporally Consistent Video Post-Processing

Dong, Xuan, Bonev, Boyan, Zhu, Yu, Yuille, Alan L.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[consistency, set, example, user, study, visual] [input, global, output, top, level] [frame,
temporal, video, temporally, key, segmentation, average, propose, multiple, box, including, threshold, based, dynamic, segmented] [reconstruction, prior, neighboring, single, adjustment, estimation, reconstruct,
term] [original, algorithm, method, curve, objective, proposed, number, optimized, solution, problem] [color, result, quality, exposure, high, correction,
figure, mse, estimate, motion, acm, spatially, red, second, remove, conference, ieee] [enhancement, region, consistent, auto, corresponding, image, grading, correspondence, comparison, sce, area, difference,
local, spatial, premiere, histogram, unwanted, tone, super, experimentally, reference, variance]

Event-Driven Stereo Matching for Real-Time 3D Panoramic Vision

Schraml, Stephan, Nabil Belbachir, Ahmed, Bischof, Horst

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, system, visual, novel, test, evaluation, work, generation, set] [map, standard, performance, higher,
compared, size] [event, cost, based, dynamic, measure, contrast, truth, generated, temporal, static, three] [scene, ground, reconstruction, approach, depth,
performed, timing, estimation] [method, data, sparse, time, number, proposed, algorithm, order, calculation, low] [stereo, disparity, panoramic, figure,
high, ieee, computer, left, sensor, pattern, pixel, conference, asynchronous, presented, camera, horizontal, relative, dvs, libelas, fcvf, result, international, vertical] [matching, image, resolution, distance,
transformed, view, corresponding, spatial, partial, applied, local]

Self Scaled Regularized Robust Regression

Wang, Yin, Dicle, Caglayan, Sznaier, Mario, Camps, Octavia

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, subject, existing, randomly, exploit] [performance, additional, table] [leading,
sequence] [regression, error, model, face, approach, estimation, evaluated] [problem, data, proposed, number, vector, regularized, convex, algorithm, linear,
outlier, scaled, bound, formulation, matlab, solution, optimization, ransac, random, case, time, original, scaling, matrix, theorem, bprr, exact, lmeds, method, bsrr, analysis, gross, equivalent, noiseless, relaxation, corrupted, main, min, note, mlesac, tractable,
crpca, solve, msac, denote, consider, extra, sample] [robust, inliers, recovery, synthetic, computer, noise, figure, ieee, rms, real, presence] [inlier,
image, best, corresponding, true]

Photometric Stereo With Near Point Lighting: A Solution by Mesh Deformation

Xie, Wuyuan, Dai, Chengkai, Wang, Charlie C. L.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set] [input, global, improve] [based, object,
generate, framework, three, employed] [surface, mesh, point, model, shape, approach, normal, deformation, reconstruction, position, facet, initial, step, ground, error, orientation] [problem,
nonlinear, solve, method, vector, linear, experimental, computation, solution, optimization, dimension, row, machine, solving, matrix, analysis] [lighting, light, photometric, illumination, parallel, conventional,
stereo, reconstructed, ieee, computer, conference, figure, shaping, pixel, captured, technique, pattern, setup, camera, verify, npl, direction, paper, frequency, blending, ratio, assumption, determined, hardware, lambertian, calibration, estimated, geometry,
international, center, accurate] [local, distance, image, geometric, region, change, corresponding]

Spherical Embedding of Inlier Silhouette Dissimilarities

Littwin, Etai, Averbuch-Elor, Hadar, Cohen-Or, Daniel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[embedding, set, subset, work, associated, amount, perform, illustration] [input, knn, unit, performance,
feature] [measure, average, object, truth, group, correlation, based, union] [ground, point, approach, error, silhouette, shape, express, position]
[matrix, method, exponential, graph, pairwise, optimization, space, number, geodesic, embed, chosen, function, problem, lie, note, algorithm, order, university, sparse] [rotation,
technique, figure, camera, spherical, embedded, noise, sphere, screening, small, estimated, ieee, relative, equation, computer, examined, robust, pattern, requires, epipolar, real, calibration] [inlier,
distance, dissimilarity, large, well, illustrated, similarity, compute, image]

Graph-Based Simplex Method for Pairwise Energy Minimization With Binary Variables

Prusa, Daniel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, instance] [root, performance, better, size, input, negative] [object,
edge, node, path, based, performs, average, cost] [performed, adjacent, variant] [basic, nonbasic, dependency, energy, algorithm, minimization, simplex,
relaxation, binary, variable, time, basis, feasible, number, expressed, linear, method, form, machine, pairwise, xuk, problem, graph, aij, theorem, running, analysis, nonzero, expressing, general, update, depend, corollary, solution, vector, nonsubmodular,
diagram, solving, submodular, xui, random, depends, programming, optimal, qpbo, intersecting, consider, induce, cplex] [figure, ieee, pattern, component, result, computer] [pair,
cycle, well, called, applied]

Privacy Preserving Optics for Miniature Vision Sensors

Pittaluga, Francesco, Koppal, Sanjeev J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, system, example, people, processing, create, perform, utility, visual] [size, recognition, design,
power] [target, tracking, blob, video, mask, detection, based, coverage, multiple, edge] [face, volume, depth, scene, single, provide, approach, head]
[minimum, support, algorithm, gaussian, data, analysis, proposed, element, problem, journal, consider, membership] [privacy, optical, sensor, preserving, computer,
ieee, angular, defocus, knapsack, lensless, efov, conference, international, camera, motion, pattern, array, thermal, figure, sin, enables, intensity, miniature, sensing, acm, lens, theory, directly, zmin, small, blur, packing, aperture, mmin, enable, display,
compressive] [image, resolution, demonstrate, scale, corresponding]

Recovering Inner Slices of Translucent Objects by Multi-Frequency Illumination

Tanaka, Kenichiro, Mukaigawa, Yasuhiro, Kubo, Hiroyuki, Matsushita, Yasuyuki, Yagi, Yasushi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, vision, selected, evaluation, relationship] [layer, global, structured] [appearance,
object, target, multiple, truth] [depth, surface, scene, step, ground, normal, point, shape, projected] [method, inner, lower, upper, projection, number,
matrix, problem] [pattern, direct, light, translucent, scattering, pitch, slice, informative, component, inside, illumination, recovering, recover, figure, recovered, conference, computer, radiance, infrared,
recovery, ieee, imaging, zncc, result, thickness, camera, frequency, relative, optical, painting, technique, projector, intensity, develop, spread, psf, pigment, small, separation, ratio, checker, draft, coaxial, international, depthdependent, hfi, transparent,
measurement] [texture, image, corresponding, illustrated]

Defocus Deblurring and Superresolution for Time-of-Flight Depth Cameras

Xiao, Lei, Heide, Felix, O'Toole, Matthew, Kolb, Andreas, Hullin, Matthias B., Kutulakos, Kyros, Heidrich, Wolfgang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, vision, set, character] [raw, map, reduce, highly, cosine, compared, increase] [multiple,
complex] [depth, scene, model, prior, lidar, typically, surface, single, joint, approach] [method, algorithm, problem, argmin, proposed, update, kernel,
order, optimization, nonlinear, number, matrix, linear, gaussian, university, sparse, solution, data] [tof, amplitude, godbaz, naive, estimated, blur, figure, superresolution, noise, real, imaging, defocus,
derivative, directly, upsampling, deblurring, computer, aperture, sharp, quality, left, captured, high, light, ieee, sensor, international, conference, acm, second, total, camera, deblurred, simulated, camel, synthetic, modulation] [image,
limited, large, resolution, psnr, well, represents]

The Stitched Puppet: A Graphical Model of 3D Human Shape and Pose

Zuffi, Silvia, Black, Michael J.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, set, visual, people, work] [training, global, apply, learned, belief, connected, stage, learn]
[node, generate, frame, puppet, average, state, particle] [body, shape, model, pose, mesh, inference, scape, scan, graphical, torso, represent, pictorial, deformation,
alignment, faust, stitched, capture, template, term, coordinate, articulated, realistic, hull, estimation, align, current] [data, method, random, vector, range, space, pairwise, optimization, sample, note,
consider, gaussian, number, problem, solution, upper, represented] [intrinsic, figure, ieee, stitching, motion, acm, rotation, high, estimating, computer, simple, estimated, international] [june,
local, pca, applied, geometric]

Illumination and Reflectance Spectra Separation of a Hyperspectral Image Meets Low-Rank Matrix Factorization

Zheng, Yinqiang, Sato, Imari, Sato, Yoichi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work] [accuracy, raw] [considering] [scene,
error, model, surface, ground, estimation, nonrigid] [matrix, problem, subspace, dimensionality, linear, spectral, solution, factorization, number, computational, scalable, algorithm, method, data, singular,
solving, nonnegative, general, bilinear, chosen, random, maximum] [illumination, separation, color, recovered, assumption, reflectance, captured, grey, lamp, residual, white, observation, ieee, robust, figure,
measured, real, presence, relighting, photometric, spectrum, daylight, noise, camera, checker, macbeth, synthetic, component, typical, perfect, separating, relighted, led, unique, constancy, left, handle, computer, swapped, develop, signal, assume, swapping]
[image, hyperspectral, scale, patch, band]

LMI-Based 2D-3D Registration: From Uncalibrated Images to Euclidean Scene

Pani Paudel, Danda, Habed, Adlane, Demonceaux, Cedric, Vasseur, Pascal

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, set, positive, side] [recognition, negative] [assigned,
box, bounding, based, frame, framework, assign] [point, scene, visible, error, allows, coordinate, pose, reconstruction, structure] [matrix, number, euclidean,
problem, respect, solving, simultaneously, feasible, proposed, solution, vector, note, corollary, satisfying, bound, algorithm, consider, symmetric, projection, lemma, university, inequality] [camera, bbx,
projective, lmi, scanned, lmis, computer, cheirality, plane, ieee, conference, unknown, noise, figure, ssr, international, pattern, establishing, requires, uncalibrated, pixel, deduce, calibration, scalar, triangulating, tighter] [registration,
image, signature, transformation, true, matched, globally, considered]

Efficient Globally Optimal Consensus Maximisation With Tree Search

Chin, Tat-Jun, Purkait, Pulak, Eriksson, Anders, Suter, David

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, search, subset, common, test] [level, table, size, global, previous, road] [heuristic,
threshold, based, multiple, combinatorial, average] [estimation, tree, regression, adjacent, point, error] [number, data, basis, support, ransac, optimal,
algorithm, runtime, problem, method, solving, maximum, bfs, nsub, feasible, linear, linearised, note, solution, pseudoconvex, largest, outlier, college, maxfs, proposed, update, cambridge, maximisation, lowest, keble, bound, solved, sign, proof, fundamental,
minmax, matrix, updating, min, exists, optimization, solve, bnb, faster, time, established] [homography, residual, inliers, removed, estimate, robust, triangulation, removal, tested, computer, property,
result] [consensus, globally, inlier, geometric, image]

Statistical Inference Models for Image Datasets With Systematic Variations

Hwa Kim, Won, Bendlin, Barbara B., Chung, Moo K., Johnson, Sterling C., Singh, Vikas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, latent, relationship, process, risk] [map, standard, increase] [group,
correlation, detect, based, hypothesis, measure, detecting] [approach, ground, template, voxel] [analysis, function, kernel, data, graph, space, method,
operator, proposition, energy, proposed, harmonic, algorithm, time, consider, parameter, diffusion, dimensional, empirical, lower, solution, mapping, scaling, number, note] [imaging, assume, second, ratio,
intensity, result, real, total, figure, ieee] [wavelet, statistical, systematic, image, pib, wkd, brain, true, suvr, normalization, scale, mutual, difference, longitudinal, transform, change, derived, disease,
region, applied, sgwt, comparing, compare, diseased, medical, grid, mother, distance]

Generalized Video Deblurring for Dynamic Scenes

Hyun Kim, Tae, Mu Lee, Kyoung

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, vision, work] [apply, previous, better] [dynamic,
video, moving, frame, temporal, based, propose, framework, multiple, static] [model, estimation, term, single, scene, depth, approach] [kernel, method,
proposed, data, energy, denotes, expressed, general, function, linear, approximated, convex, optimization, algorithm, time, simultaneously, approximate, denote, update, regularization, parameter] [optical,
deblurring, motion, blurry, blur, camera, ieee, computer, international, conference, estimate, conventional, handle, pattern, figure, varying, duty, sharp, bidirectional, coherence, result, accurate, cho, etemporal, estimating, captured, real, exposure, lee,
spatially, shake, pixel, brightness, removing] [image, spatial, corresponding, cycle, large]

Handling Motion Blur in Multi-Frame Super-Resolution

Ma, Ziyang, Liao, Renjie, Tao, Xin, Xu, Li, Jia, Jiaya, Wu, Enhua

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, natural, set, work, text, process, system, relationship] [input, log, intermediate, max, better]
[video, based, frame, mask, temporal, framework, measure, dft] [estimation, prior, error, single, reconstruction, approach, challenging] [kernel,
method, arg, number, penalty, sparse, distribution, proposed, solution, selection, consider, sum, university] [motion, blur, sharp, sharpness, deblurring, figure, pixel, estimate, blurred, result, small,
noise, optical, iil, family, estimating, blind, robust, relative, ski, mfsr, signal, estimated, simple, multiframe, blurry, cho, reasonable, directly, quality, clear, computer] [image, corresponding, region,
large, gradient, local, scheme]

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Fields in Video

Ben-Zrihem, Nir, Zelnik-Manor, Lihi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, search, vision, work, example, european, test] [accuracy, previous, size, global, larger, performance]
[video, frame, temporal, candidate, based, target, appearance, consecutive, intersection] [single, approach, realtime, error, estimation, reconstruction, tree]
[hashing, algorithm, approximate, time, computation, exact, gaussian, number, random, solution, problem, cluster, proposed, range, low, complexity, approximated] [figure,
optical, high, pattern, small, motion, color] [reference, patch, riann, ann, image, coherency, spatial, query, nearest, distance, patchmatch, compare, neighbor, ring, large, denoising, change, match, matching,
compute, fast, radius, computing, consists, local, computed, grayscale, treecann, styling, illustrated, lipschitz]

Line Drawing Interpretation in a Multi-View Context

Favreau, Jean-Dominique, Lafarge, Florent, Bousseau, Adrien

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[existing, work, labeling, label, interactive] [input, design, composed, context, global, designed, standard,
bridge] [three, interpretation, object, edge, eij, complex] [drawing, dominant, model, orientation, facet, reconstruction, scene, modeling, point, normal,
prior, approach, regularity, single, error, dnew, imaginary, adjacent, robustness, structure, free, urban, align, shape, furniture, interpret, udata, term] [algorithm, energy, problem, house, optimization,
update, random, orthogonal, method, parameter, main, respect, greedy, projection, regularization, data, space, running, number, drawn] [figure, noise, stereo, unknown, estimate, planar, presence, traced,
geometry, high, computer, simple, direction] [compute, geometric, represents, well]

Depth From Focus With Your Mobile Phone

Suwajanakorn, Supasorn, Hernandez, Carlos, Seitz, Steven M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[focus, work, set, book, novel, vision] [map, global, previous, size, input, jointly, standard] [frame,
sequence, propose, based] [depth, alignment, scene, approach, term, aligned, estimation, align, step, anisotropic] [problem, algorithm, data, analysis,
solve, machine, minimization, row, method, optimization, minimized, energy, journal] [focal, stack, optical, camera, bokeh, computer, aperture, ieee, figure, pattern, calibration, pixel, motion, defocus,
blur, parallax, mobile, small, conference, uncalibrated, inverse, technique, international, captured, constant, total, high, bokehs, depthmap, telecentric, radiance, photoshop, thomas, handle, stitching, heliconfocus] [image,
large, compute, dff, reference, radius, computing, scheme, implementation, computed]

A Light Transport Model for Mitigating Multipath Interference in Time-of-Flight Sensors

Naik, Nikhil, Kadambi, Achuta, Rhemann, Christoph, Izadi, Shahram, Raskar, Ramesh, Bing Kang, Sing

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, contribution, physical, transient] [global, indirect, structured, applying, standard, microsoft]
[truth, propose, multiple] [depth, scene, error, ground, kinect, point, shape, capture, model, provide, continuous, approach, single] [method,
problem, time, iterative, note, range, algorithm, solution, analysis, proposed, approximate, form] [light, direct, mpi, figure, tof, transport, optical, illumination, multipath, phase, interference, correction,
measured, frequency, sensor, technique, subsurface, camera, corrected, nayar, acm, gupta, separation, imaging, paper, scattering, modulation, received, rmse, separate, projector, equation, radiance, high, amplitude, bounce, component, computer, hardware, simulated,
wax, requires, inverse, sin, acquisition] [corner, image, implementation]

Simultaneous Time-of-Flight Sensing and Photometric Stereo With a Single ToF Sensor

Ti, Changpeng, Yang, Ruigang, Davis, James, Pan, Zhigeng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, system, novel, vision, perform] [map, better, accuracy, capturing] [based,
multiple, truth, weight, foreground, three] [depth, normal, point, position, surface, mesh, ground, scene, error, single, mirror, approach, model, term, shadow, estimation, capture] [fusion,
original, method, range, extra, algorithm, iterative, optimization, data, proposed] [light, tof, phase, photometric, stereo, distributed, sensor, figure, delay, intensity, plane, setup, caused, ieee, calibration,
camera, sin, second, computer, captured, requires, frequency, modulation, imaging, pattern, conference, sensing, acm, classic, dij, enhance, pmd, estimated, estimate, interference, angular, enable, planar, hardware] [image,
distance, scheme, bilateral, calculated, metric]

GRSA: Generalized Range Swap Algorithm for the Efficient Optimization of MRFs

Liu, Kangwei, Zhang, Junge, Yang, Peipei, Huang, Kaiqi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, label, cover, vision, labeling, subset, process] [previous, better, compared, size, performance, competitive]
[based, candidate, series, cost, obtains, propose, interval, making] [vertex] [range, swap, grsa, submodular,
move, convex, energy, truncated, function, algorithm, time, iterative, graph, optimization, running, number, mrfs, problem, pairwise, linear, solving, chosen, analysis, data, requirement, arbitrary, condition, satisfying, method, machine, cut, solution, random,
reduces, greatly, journal, kumar, theorem, markov, satisfy, decrease, execute, denotes, greedy, feasibly] [ieee, figure, pattern, stereo, computer, conference, piecewise, synthetic, generalized, real, international]
[image, choose, pair, cycle, comparison, considered, good]

Matching Bags of Regions in RGBD images

Jiang, Hao

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, selected, set, tile, search, dataset] [global, table, level] [target,
branch, integer, cost, candidate, segmentation, propose, partition, score, superpixels, based, object, generate, average, video, truth] [rgbd, tree, term, program, concavity, surface, nyu, depth, challenging,
shape, kinect] [method, proposed, bound, number, linear, row, problem, lower, relaxation, graph, greedy, selection, dual, solution, optimal, energy, upper, variable, objective, solve, optimization, algorithm]
[lagrangian, color, small, pixel, paper, figure, result, camera] [matching, region, image, bipartite, large, overlapping, compute, primesense, matched, distance,
local, match, histogram, pair, patchmatch, comparison, bipartitek, correspondence, weighted, bipartitec]

Learning an Efficient Model of Hand Shape Variation From Depth Images

Khamis, Sameh, Taylor, Jonathan, Shotton, Jamie, Keskin, Cem, Izadi, Shahram, Fitzgibbon, Andrew

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, baseline, human, subject, noisy, system, test, dataset, describe] [learned, standard, learn]
[skeleton, threshold, tracking] [model, hand, shape, mesh, pose, surface, bone, ynthetic, depth, error, vertex, subdivision, body, morphable, term, eal, skinning,
point, neutral, represent, template, coordinate, mae, modeling, location, full, blend, capture, deformation, prior, arap, articulated, offset, nsf, single, rigid, percentage, joint, approach, loop, lifted] [basis,
data, min, linear, energy, number, space, optimization, matrix, note, principal, function, extremely, range] [figure, robust, real, synthetic, component, noise, rmse, rotation, encourages, acm, smooth]
[local, performing, pca, demonstrate]

Embedded Phase Shifting: Robust Phase Shifting With Embedded Signals

Moreno, Daniel, Son, Kilho, Taubin, Gabriel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, relation, processing, system] [global, structured, additional] [multiple,
temporal, object, sequence, generated, based] [projected, depth, single, point, surface, scanning, scene, cloud] [number, low, method, algorithm, coding,
theorem, column, vector, minimum, binary, time, note] [phase, embedded, frequency, micro, shifting, unwrapping, high, illumination, pattern, projector, pixel, relative, camera, robust, periodic, figure,
absolute, light, total, measurement, simple, scanned, small, recover, unwrapped, signal, sinusoidal, plane, unknown, digital, gupta, direct, decoding, white, bowl, accurate, mod, noise, unwrap, meet, narrow, equation, subsurface, rmse, recovered, amplitude]
[corresponding, spatial, image, resolution, compute]

Inverting RANSAC: Global Model Detection via Inlier Rate Estimation

Litman, Roee, Korman, Simon, Bronstein, Alexander, Avidan, Shai

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[probability, set, maximization, work, example, vision] [size, global] [threshold,
group, based] [error, model, volume, point, estimation, challenging, approach, continuous, ground] [algorithm, sample, method, distribution, ransac, minimum,
space, analysis, optimal, row, case, theoretical, bnb, portion, proposition, normalized, main, number, random, depends, lower, range, approximation, data] [figure, inliers, computer, noise, ieee, ball, uniform,
red, blue, international, homography, result, pattern, conference, minimal, estimate, presented] [inlier, rate, transformation, match, image, rmin, usac, dmax, sampling, distance, pair, ire, radius, tmin,
fail, matching, large, gmd, attains, true, best, fin, fout, maximal, practice, local, consensus]

Real-Time Coarse-to-Fine Topologically Preserving Segmentation

Yao, Jian, Boben, Marko, Fidler, Sanja, Urtasun, Raquel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, labeling, unsupervised, test] [level, better, coarse, build, accuracy] [boundary,
superpixels, segmentation, slic, superpixel, spss, recall, crd, crds, propose, truth, crdspb] [approach, slanted, estimation, monocular, position, kitti, joint, error, single, noc, term, typically, occlusion,
initial, queue, sgm, crdsp] [number, energy, algorithm, optimization, block, initialize, note, time, order, function, method, form, problem, regularization, computation, minimum, csp] [stereo,
plane, disparity, figure, color, pixel, robust, result, speed, technique, corrected] [image, well, list, regular, compute, super, magnitude, priority, outperforms, matching, comparison, compare, undersegmentation,

EgoSampling: Fast-Forward and Stereo for Egocentric Videos

Poleg, Yair, Halperin, Tavi, Arora, Chetan, Peleg, Shmuel

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, work] [output, input, skip, factor, jitter, table, better] [video,
frame, forward, egocentric, path, wearer, cost, consecutive, shortest, weight, measure, average, based, sequence, walking, edge, start, long, sink, stabilizer, including, adaptive] [head, term, approach, location,
scene, monocular, smoothness] [order, proposed, method, graph, note, speedup, formulation, optimal, algorithm, computation, fundamental, number, low, time, sample, outlier, matrix] [camera,
optical, stereo, stabilization, motion, direction, egosampling, epipole, left, foe, uniform, desired, speed, second, figure, traditional, shake, velocity, estimated, gopro, prefer, produce] [fast, sampling,
magnitude, computed, image, stable, large, compute]

Practical Robust Two-View Translation Estimation

Fredriksson, Johan, Larsson, Viktor, Olsson, Carl

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, add, amount, work, vision, set] [table, size, unit] [branch,
multiple, average, based, candidate] [point, triangle, approach, estimation, pose, allow] [bound, number, solution, ransac, bnb, problem, running, method,
algorithm, lower, optimal, space, time, upper, bnbu, experiment, outlier, data, proposed, machine, random, simply, case, analysis, formulation, consider, guarantee] [translation, figure, computer, inliers,
wedge, fredriksson, geometry, spherical, synthetic, camera, relative, paper, pattern, ieee, rotation, unique, solver, naive, sphere, ambiguous, completely] [image, pair, matching, inlier, large, contained,
compute, compare, good, view, computing, outperforms, corresponding]

Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Based on Elevation Angle Recovery From BRDF Symmetry of Isotropic Materials

Lu, Feng, Sato, Imari, Sato, Yoichi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, vision, cover, test] [table, recognition, accuracy, additional, previous, input] [propose,
average] [surface, isotropic, visible, constrained, normal, error, initial, scene, smoothness, parameterization, term] [method, symmetric, general, solution,
vector, note, mapping, data, case, problem, solve, order, function, satisfy, prove, distribution] [light, elevation, brdf, angle, photometric, symmetry, half, computer, stereo, azimuth, pixel, recovered,
uncalibrated, assuming, material, ambiguity, lambertian, figure, lighting, slice, ieee, observed, pattern, recovery, produce, unknown, captured, varying, sato, specular, accurate, conventional, estimating, gbr, diffuse, recover, viewing, synthetic, second,
bisector, simple] [compute, change, good]

Superdifferential Cuts for Binary Energies

Taniai, Tatsunori, Matsushita, Yasuyuki, Naemura, Takeshi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, tight, european] [recognition, table, generalization, global] [segmentation,
target, group, propose] [error, procedure, ground, unary, mij, curvature] [method, bound, optimization, permutation, energy, ssp, pairwise, ppbc, linear,
function, supermodular, approximation, ftr, graph, geodesic, msj, msi, submodular, chain, bshr, proposed, grouped, number, binary, minimization, algorithm, conversion, general, order, derive, bhattacharyya, minimizing, notice, approximate, distribution, variable,
time, supergradient, upper, regularization, minimized, lsa] [computer, pattern, ieee, figure, parametric, accurate, noise] [image, distance, scheme, derived,

Unconstrained 3D Face Reconstruction

Roth, Joseph, Tong, Yiying, Liu, Xiaoming

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[photo, collection, set, novel, process, perform] [recognition, input, frontal, highly] [based,
truth, including, boundary, individual, allowing, entire] [face, surface, shape, reconstruction, normal, landmark, template, curvature, approach, mesh, ground, vertex, alignment, point, model, estimation,
facial, initial, deformation, capture, expression, editing, depth, deform, term, reconstruct, procedure, allows] [matrix, method, algorithm, vector, linear, data, solve, proposed, range, projection, number,
laplace, laplacian] [photometric, stereo, figure, lighting, estimate, estimated, acm, poisson, ieee, albedo, computer, warping, light, geometry, ambiguity, accurate, lambertian, scalar] [image,
unconstrained, well, corresponding, local, distance, consistent, view, true]

Ambient Occlusion via Compressive Visibility Estimation

Yang, Wei, Ji, Yu, Lin, Haiting, Yang, Yang, Bing Kang, Sing, Yu, Jingyi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, work, vision, novel] [map, reduce, input, comparable] [object,
based, truth] [visibility, normal, surface, occlusion, approach, estimation, point, scene, ground, error, volume, challenging, term] [number, solution,
directional, computational, function, binary, problem, vector, solve, sparse, optimization] [light, lighting, albedo, compressive, computer, ieee, pattern, conference, illumination, ambient, intrinsic, sensing,
synthetic, photometric, camera, direction, recovering, technique, figure, stereo, color, captured, real, acm, imaging, coded, international, recovery, estimated, uniform, micro, measurement, geometry, encodable, hauagge, accurate, signal, adopt, lenslet, total,
strategically, produce, rotation, scholar, ball, directly, recover, ray, distributed] [image, weighting, probe, local, compute, large, scheme]

Simultaneous Pose and Non-Rigid Shape With Particle Dynamics

Agudo, Antonio, Moreno-Noguer, Francesc

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, set, encode] [global, previous, performance] [object,
temporal, particle, sequence, frame, tracking, based, trajectory, contrast] [model, shape, sequential, approach, structure, reconstruction, initial, point, articulated, pose, deformable, represent, monocular,
initialization, current, rigid, deformation, estimation, force, dynamical, require, euler, bundle, adjustment, bafem, nonrigid] [batch, data, matrix, method, problem, number, time, linear, solution, vector,
simultaneously, rank, missing, consider, regularization, factorization, case, basis, algorithm] [motion, camera, second, estimated, law, estimate, estimating, rotation, measurement, figure, real, paper,
directly, velocity, simple] [local, dense, image, applied, change]

L0TV: A New Method for Image Restoration in the Presence of Impulse Noise

Yuan, Ganzhao, Ghanem, Bernard

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[probability, refer, set, noisy] [table, multiplicative] [based,
adaptive, extensive] [model, prior, term, approach, point] [impulse, method, optimization, journal, problem, algorithm, proximal, data, siam, minimization,
admm, solution, min, corrupted, proposed, function, original, optimal, solving, mpec, regularization, arg, sparse, mathematical, equivalent, norm, alternating, linear, penalty, general, dual, solve, convex, convergence, umax, suitable, snr, gaussian, number,
analysis, decomposition, primal, form, consider, iteration, objective] [noise, total, imaging, presence, ieee, removing, deblurring, direction, inverse, smooth, uniform, figure, recovery] [image,
restoration, variation, denoising, computing, variational, gradient, outperforms]

Efficient Minimal-Surface Regularization of Perspective Depth Maps in Variational Stereo

Graber, Gottfried, Balzer, Jonathan, Soatto, Stefano, Pock, Thomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, european, meaningful, set] [map, input, global, highly, reduce] [based,
series, multiple] [surface, depth, reconstruction, term, error, shape, multiview, model, slanted, fact, scene, continuous, ground] [regularizer, regularization,
data, optimization, method, form, function, approximation, problem, det, machine, order, min, note, algorithm, norm, case, projection, number, linear, operator, journal, solution, element, curved, convex] [stereo,
conference, computer, ieee, pattern, international, perspective, figure, plane, synthetic, geometry, smooth, orthographic, staircasing, piecewise, robust, camera, sphere, square, quality, residual, derivative, parametrization, warping] [image,
area, variational, reference, dense, geometric, matching, large, applied, patchmatch]

On the Appearance of Translucent Edges

Gkioulekas, Ioannis, Walter, Bruce, Adelson, Edward H., Bala, Kavita, Zickler, Todd

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[interface, side, physical, describe, variety, understanding] [previous, increasing] [edge,
boundary, density, appearance, multiple] [single, position, surface, shape, point, volume, described] [function, row, consider, parameter, maximum, exact]
[radiance, scattering, figure, material, translucent, wedge, light, left, ray, component, illumination, geometry, inside, intensity, angle, phase, opaque, discontinuity, moment, second, sharp, refractive, refraction,
flux, acm, xmax, direction, albedo, internally, intersect, xmin, produced, ieee, result, silicone, translucency, rise, small, camera] [view, local, geometric, internal, region, area, image, characteristic,
distinct, corresponding, corner, change]

Depth From Shading, Defocus, and Correspondence Using Light-Field Angular Coherence

Tao, Michael W., Srinivasan, Pratul P., Malik, Jitendra, Rusinkiewicz, Szymon, Ramamoorthi, Ravi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, photo, natural, consistency, relationship, focus] [improve, input, map, response, better]
[measure, framework, multiple, formulate, three] [depth, estimation, shape, scene, represent, point, single, surface, capture, smoothness, provide, require, initial]
[data, algorithm, constraint, regularization, method, general, converge, optimization, proposed, optimize, regularize, represented, optimal] [shading, angular,
coherence, defocus, pixel, lighting, estimate, tao, light, refocusing, noise, high, enforce, figure, zconf, intrinsic, stereo, refocused, robust, center, accurate, central, synthetic, pinhole, photometric, barron, lytro, captured, passive, real, illum, camera,
acm, consumer, unknown, wanner, lambertian, smooth, varying, recovers, recovery] [image, local, spatial, correspondence, compare, respective, dinosaur]

Time-to-Contact From Image Intensity

Watanabe, Yukitoshi, Sakaue, Fumihiko, Sato, Jun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, relationship, green] [size, previous] [object,
indicates, propose, moving, complex, three, based, tail, consecutive] [point, surface, term, orientation, described, normal, wall, environment, ground, estimation, head] [method,
time, case, proposed, consider, experimental, exists, order, move, derive] [light, ambient, intensity, observed, estimated, estimate, estimating, camera, figure, result, motion, vehicle, radiance, blue,
derivative, brightness, photometric, illuminated, observation, red, conference, eliminates, direction, speed, computer, constant, vertical, contact, noise, horizontal, real, small, black, proportional, moved, inversely, angle, caused, cube, plaster, disappears,
eliminate, extend] [image, distance, geometric, computing, change, computed, stable, comparing, large]

Radial Distortion Homography

Kukelova, Zuzana, Heller, Jan, Bujnak, Martin, Pajdla, Tomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, correct, set] [connected, compared, shared] [three,
seed] [point, estimation, scene, error, model, sfm] [matrix, proposed, number, basis, algorithm, induced, problem, row, method, linear, case, form, general,
vector, ransac, parameter, random, quadratic, optimization, lead, fundamental, eigenvalue, data, element, space] [radial, homography, distortion, solver, plane, planar, pure, bner, estimated, equation, relative,
minimal, noise, figure, rotation, second, estimating, unknown, stitching, real, camera, inliers, numerical, stability, polynomial, geometry, handle, computer, observing, motion] [image, well, pair, corresponding,
comparison, local]

FPA-CS: Focal Plane Array-Based Compressive Imaging in Short-Wave Infrared

Chen, Huaijin, Salman Asif, M., Sankaranarayanan, Aswin C., Veeraraghavan, Ashok

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, prototype, bottle, correspond, set] [architecture, increase, achieve, increasing] [temporal,
frame, video, cost, moving] [reconstruction, visible, single, scene, scanning, provide, fps] [number, linear, sparse, low, computational, journal, compressed,
matrix, binary] [sensor, swir, dmd, compressive, imaging, measurement, high, sensing, figure, light, reconstructed, ieee, camera, lens, spc, pixel, megapixel, coded, array, optical, conference, signal, str,
fdm, operating, total, plane, traditional, pattern, multiplexing, modulation, enables, focal, direct, international, spectrum, infrared, intensity, captured, computer, small, relay, multiplexed, transparent, quality, speed] [image,
spatial, rate, resolution, compression, limited]

Shape-From-Template in Flatland

Gallardo, Mathias, Pizarro, Daniel, Bartoli, Adrien, Collins, Toby

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[embedding, category, study, work, introduce, instance, provided] [involves] [interval,
based, three, consecutive] [shape, point, error, reconstruction, warp, depth, deformation, template, model, deformed, initialization, monocular, allows, normal, surface, sft, initial, curvature] [critical,
solution, isometric, number, proposition, isometry, problem, function, curve, sign, method, data, analytical, constraint, convex, maximum, nonconvex, ode, bound, solved, mdh, exactly, theorem, equivalent, relaxation, flatland, order, linear, differential,
projection, variable, space, consider] [equation, real, assume, relative, reprojection, second, figure, perspective, parametrization, embedded, synthetic, intersect, accurate, unique] [local,
image, locally, change, distance]

Line-Based Multi-Label Energy Optimization for Fisheye Image Rectification and Calibration

Zhang, Mi, Yao, Jian, Xia, Menghan, Li, Kai, Zhang, Yi, Liu, Yaping

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[selected, label, automatic, set, automatically, work, source, select] [sharing, extracted, belonging]
[three, extraction, based, candidate, regarded, cost, edge, correctly, long, framework] [point, term, detected, estimation, model, approach, single, initial]
[algorithm, proposed, method, energy, optimization, data, function, selection, problem, minimum, number, clustering, experimental, graph, projection, denoted, penalty, represented, minimization, general]
[circular, plane, camera, arc, calibration, perspective, intrinsic, figure, clustered, olqn, catadioptric, center, synthetic, estimating, estimate, conic, mleo, distortion, rms, straight, sphere, real, constrains,
central, smooth, commercial, presented, distorted, circle, simulated, software, deviation, flufxodu, technique, downloaded] [image, corresponding, radius, local, represents, difference]

Robust Large Scale Monocular Visual SLAM

Bourmaud, Guillaume, Megret, Remi

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[sim, novel, visual, keyframes, dataset] [global, factor, belief, apply] [framework,
video, trajectory, sequence, propose, art, state, consecutive, temporally, truth, based] [loop, monocular, approach, xij, ground, allows, wrong, kitti, step, environment, message, estimation, point, challenging,
tum, error, model, reject] [algorithm, graph, proposed, outlier, covariance, problem, number, order, matrix, zij, method] [relative, camera, estimated,
vslam, estimate, submaps, submap, paper, ieee, slam, robust, adg, removal, international, rotation, computer, averaging, xirk, conference, residual, measurement, zirk, small, figure, robustly, keyframe, simple, presented, motion] [similarity,
large, super, scale, consists, well, called, loopy, propagation, image]

Shape and Light Directions From Shading and Polarization

Ngo Thanh, Trung, Nagahara, Hajime, Taniguchi, Rin-ichiro

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[source, work, associated, system, relationship] [standard, compared, map, performance, accuracy, improve]
[object, three, employ, average] [surface, normal, shape, error, reconstruction, point, estimation, prior, term, orientation, capture, independent] [method,
constraint, proposed, algorithm, number, case, function, optimization, solution, vector, journal] [light, refractive, polarization, figure, photometric, polarizer, stereo, direction, angle, diffuse, camera,
recover, zenith, ambiguity, computer, estimate, intensity, second, ieee, captured, dielectric, shading, unknown, ray, international, ratio, pixel, material, noise, assume, transmission, small, estimated, fresnel, pattern, conference, simulation, observing,
total, conventional, recovery, ambiguous, specular, optical] [image, pair, large, june]

Robust Camera Location Estimation by Convex Programming

Ozyesil, Onur, Singer, Amit

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, existing, provided] [global, performance, table, accuracy] [partially,
cost, eij, based] [estimation, location, rigid, structure, point, formation, bundle, provide, error, initial, robustness, adjustment, mij, program] [method,
pairwise, problem, outlier, algorithm, convex, solution, corrupted, denote, formulation, exact, noiseless, consider, graph, studied, denotes, computational, linear, number, note, minimization, iteratively, reweighted] [camera,
parallel, robust, lud, direction, motion, dij, solver, figure, sdr, recovery, rigidity, estimate, presence, theory, irls, measurement, ieee, maximally, accurate, nrmse, estimated, conference, maintain, sensor, ttot, tba, unique, realizability, small]
[corresponding, large, computed, image, pca, compute]

Functional Correspondence by Matrix Completion

Kovnatsky, Artiom, Bronstein, Michael M., Bresson, Xavier, Vandergheynst, Pierre

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[human, work, soft, system, set] [setting, map, representation, performance, version] [localized,
wij] [shape, structure, point, completion, approach, error, mesh, localization, model, introduced, term, princeton, alignment, scape, deformable] [matrix,
problem, method, functional, data, manifold, laplacian, optimization, note, function, number, ovsjanikov, row, min, proposed, diagonal, scarce, basis, pokrass, eigenbases, denote, rank, kernel, delta, graph, geodesic, dirichlet, computational, minimizing,
isometric, compressed, represented, linear, subspace, case, analysis, norm, spectral] [figure, intrinsic, computer, quality, fourier, geometry] [correspondence,
geometric, corresponding, matching, respective, large, computed, dense]

Rolling Shutter Motion Deblurring

Su, Shuochen, Heidrich, Wolfgang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, work, vision] [global, previous, output, applying, recognition] [trajectory,
frame, video, sequence, integrate] [pose, model, approach, estimation, single, modeling, initial] [kernel, time, method, algorithm, problem, matrix, data,
function, update, alternating, min, arg, optimization, analysis, row, case, space, objective] [camera, motion, blur, shutter, rolling, rsmb, deblurring, blind, computer, exposure, scanline, figure, blurred,
conventional, rot, ieee, polynomial, pixel, rotation, conference, deconvolution, pattern, scanlines, rsmd, synthetic, supplemental, uniform, international, shift, rotational, sharp, horizontal, sensor, kohler, estimated, real, readout, second, clock, cho,
light, deblurred, shake, traced, fish, recovered, determined, intrinsic] [image, good, large, psnr, local]

Depth Image Enhancement Using Local Tangent Plane Approximations

Matsuo, Kiyoshi, Aoki, Yoshimitsu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[processing, vision, set, noisy, introduce, evaluation, process] [factor, accuracy, global, improve, smoothing,
map] [based, superpixels, superpixel, segmentation, heuristic, threshold] [depth, surface, normal, mae, pwas, point, reconstruction, completion, dth, neighboring,
shape, coefficient, aligned, magnification, estimation, steep, interior] [tangent, method, data, mrf, bilinear, proposed, linear, vector] [color, noise,
ieee, computer, conference, measured, pixel, plane, figure, international, sensor, measurement, consumer, direction, center, captured, real, camera, smooth, angle, pattern, upsampling, accurate, reconstructed, total, high, estimate] [local,
image, enhancement, rate, distance, large, pca, geometric, weighted]

Simplified Mirror-Based Camera Pose Computation via Rotation Averaging

Long, Gucan, Kneip, Laurent, Li, Xin, Zhang, Xiaohu, Yu, Qifeng

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, vision] [level, performance] [based, object]
[pose, mirror, mirrored, error, estimation, point, extrinsic, approach, front, normal, model] [problem, algorithm, case, respect, solution, singular, number, denotes,
practical, proof, minimum, theorem, formulation, linear, method, optimal, matrix, note, computation, projection, outlier, analysis, minimization] [rotation, camera, averaging, improper, calibration, chordal,
presented, planar, noise, real, unique, relative, figure, median, computer, plane, sturm, proper, absolute, angle, axis, ieee, mle, translation, observed, pattern, simple, pixel, conference] [virtual, reference,
geometric, corresponding, represents, transformation, consists, pair, view, well]

P3.5P: Pose Estimation With Unknown Focal Length

Wu, Changchang

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, existing, set, incremental] [table, accuracy, standard] []
[coordinate, pose, point, estimation, error, single, independent, reconstruction, structure] [problem, solution, general, number, matrix, solve, projection, solving,
vector, method, algorithm, linear, decomposition, proposed, linearly, order, note, random, exists, basis, null, eigenvalue, form, derive] [camera, focal, length, rotation, polynomial, unknown, solver, minimal,
coplanar, parametrization, elimination, degree, real, equation, figure, translation, planar, speed, degeneracy, sin, noise, quaternion, absolute, reprojection, eliminate, calibration, quadruple, degenerate, relative, bner, trivial, paper, zheng, avoid, requires,
producing, axis, produce, discard, stability, recovered] [image, remaining, good]

Simultaneous Video Defogging and Stereo Reconstruction

Li, Zhuwen, Tan, Ping, Tan, Robby T., Zou, Danping, Zhiying Zhou, Steven, Cheong, Loong-Fah

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[work, consistency, vision, evaluation, source] [map, improved, improve, designed, channel, distant, global,
version] [frame, based, video, strong, multiple, dark] [depth, term, scene, single, smoothness, ordering, prior, neighboring, reconstruction, error, visibility,
estimation] [method, laplacian, function, constraint, data, algorithm, energy, solve, problem, university, iteratively, note] [stereo, defogging, equation,
fog, transmission, scattering, figure, inverse, photoconsistency, camera, pixel, conventional, underwater, ieee, estimated, light, computer, meng, coherence, result, color, pattern, matting, observed, synthetic, zhang, second, estimate, recover, clear, foggy,
international, simultaneous, defogged, faraway, ambiguity, assume] [image, geometric, region, large, well, difference]

A Solution for Multi-Alignment by Transformation Synchronisation

Bernard, Florian, Thunberg, Johan, Gemmar, Peter, Hertel, Frank, Husch, Andreas, Goncalves, Jorge

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, noisy, randomly, common, amount, vision] [increasing, global] [truth,
average, based] [error, shape, tij, wrong, deformation, synchronisation, xker, invertible, whilst, synchronised, gpp, ker, transitively, rigid, gpa, ground, described, alignment, generalised, point, tii, unsynchronised,
aop] [method, pairwise, missing, matrix, space, linear, data, case, solution, iterative, null, solving, procrustes, scaling, random, order, problem, orthogonal, euclidean, row, vector, analysis, permutation,
det, number, decomposition, column, solved, singular] [noise, component, directly, relative, computer, presented] [transformation, correspondence, pair,
similarity, reference, consistent, contained, retrieved, applied, image]

Absolute Pose for Cameras Under Flat Refractive Interfaces

Haner, Sebastian, Astrom, Kalle

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, set, returned, common, correct] [expanded, size] [action,
three] [pose, scene, point, error, normal, coordinate, orientation, single] [problem, matrix, number, case, basis, solved, solution, solve, random, lie,
general, vector, linear, method, analysis, constraint, solving, eigenvalue, note, bound, algorithm, upper] [refractive, camera, plane, solver, figure, polynomial, ray, minimal, law, rotation, computer, monomials,
sin, absolute, relative, real, equation, axis, unknown, reprojection, conference, degree, glass, length, focal, multiplying, translation, refraction, presented, parallel, geometry, cube, algebraic, physically, pattern, refracted, symmetry, total, small, optical]
[image, computed]

A Geodesic-Preserving Method for Image Warping

Li, Dongping, He, Kaiming, Sun, Jian, Zhou, Kun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[user, retargeting, work, system, common, vision, set, expected] [input, shared] [group,
segment, long, boundary, video, propose, individual] [projected, term, mesh, detected, manipulation, normal, point, warp, supplementary, represent, smoothness] [geodesic,
method, projection, energy, linear, solution, function, algorithm, matrix, general, curve, optimization, form, vector, grouped, case, great, curved] [straight, warping, preserving, plane, rectangling, ellipse,
rotation, figure, siggraph, acm, resizing, panorama, result, computer, chang, perspective, camera, carroll, warped, preservation, sphere, distorted, pattern, adopt, international, conference, center] [image,
preserve, local, transform]

Membership Representation for Detecting Block-Diagonal Structure in Low-Rank or Sparse Subspace Clustering

Lee, Minsik, Lee, Jieun, Lee, Hyeogjin, Kwak, Nojun

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[latent, set, vision] [performance, stochastic, better, representation, input, output] [based,
correlation, reliable, generated] [approach, structure, discrete, represent, step, face] [matrix, clustering, normalized, membership, spectral, number,
problem, subspace, data, exact, ssc, cut, doubly, note, lrr, method, solution, theorem, psd, convex, sparse, min, proposed, norm, linear, kernel, cluster, relaxation, algorithm, machine, vacc, optimization, solve, decomposition, block, orthogonal, diagonal,
symmetric, minimize, eigenvalue, hadamard, constraint, range, form, update] [ieee, computer, pattern, motion, noise, estimated, estimate, robust, paper, result] [normalization,
corresponding, june, similarity, transform, database]

A New Retraction for Accelerating the Riemannian Three-Factor Low-Rank Matrix Completion Algorithm

Li, Zhizhong, Zhao, Deli, Lin, Zhouchen, Chang, Edward Y.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[search, set, example] [better, performance, factor, map] [cost,
performs, group] [point, completion, searching, initial, structure, expression, canonical] [matrix, retraction, space, manifold, optimization, algorithm,
curve, tangent, riemannian, number, rank, vector, quotient, exact, method, condition, minimum, minimizing, problem, proposition, rtrmc, original, factorization, minimization, orthogonal, nonlinear, element, function, china, machine, data, retracted, iteration,
lrgeomcg, lift, completing, computation, projection, accelerated, special] [figure, horizontal, equation, direction, property, second, total, transport, small, degree, ratio] [geometric,
metric, compute, good, gradient]

Elastic-Net Regularization of Singular Values for Robust Subspace Learning

Kim, Eunwoo, Lee, Minsik, Oh, Songhwai

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, selected, example, introduce] [performance, compared] [based,
average, cost, sequence, background, frame, heavy, strong, stationary, including, static] [reconstruction, point, error, modeling, approach, estimation] [proposed,
method, matrix, data, unifying, facten, rank, problem, algorithm, missing, factorization, solution, approximation, regularization, outlier, singular, solve, aladm, min, minimization, principal, computational, kkt, subspace, analysis, augmented, norm, alternating,
corrupted, giraffe, number, optimization, ialm, convex, range, esyn, function, convergence, journal, update, time, computation, solved, machine, iteration, note, shark] [figure, robust, presence, synthetic,
motion, ratio, component, photometric, lagrangian, ieee] [applied, image, weighted, gradient]

Iteratively Reweighted Graph Cut for Multi-Label MRFs With Non-Convex Priors

Ajanthan, Thalaiyasingam, Hartley, Richard, Salzmann, Mathieu, Li, Hongdong

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, label, vision, strategy, introduce] [table, hybrid, additional] [cost,
edge, node, memory, employed] [potential, point, unary, approach] [energy, algorithm, graph, function, cut, convex, iteratively, minimization, note, mrf,
swap, pairwise, irgc, concave, minimize, truncated, reweighted, surrogate, minimum, iteration, supergradient, cauchy, analysis, time, corrupted, machine, wpq, problem, multilabel, linear, fpq, minimizing, requirement, case, lower, tsukuba, form, solution,
method, gaussian, mrfs, quadratic, general, data, summarized, lowest, execution, lemma] [computer, ieee, pattern, stereo, quality, estimate, conference, robust, figure] [weighted,
corresponding, image, local]

Robust Multiple Homography Estimation: An Ill-Solved Problem

Szpak, Zygmunt L., Chojnacki, Wojciech, van den Hengel, Anton

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, consistency, latent, associated, vision] [van] [multiple]
[estimation, volume, bundle, full, error, adjustment, point] [matrix, fundamental, problem, eigenvalue, constraint, explicit, data, dimension, linear, rank, form,
vector, enforcing, constructed, den, optimal, satisfy, case, represented, underlying, variable, algorithm] [homography, homographies, computer, robust, planar, parametrisation, enforce, estimated, compatible,
epipolar, polynomial, pattern, incompatible, double, ieee, geometry, dlt, sampson, uncalibrated, real, noise, synthetic, adelaidermf, figure, estimating, second, epipole, separate, presented, residual, multiplicity, singularity] [image,
corresponding, compatibility, distance, geometric, demonstrate, consistent, best, separately, globally]

Depth Camera Tracking With Contour Cues

Zhou, Qian-Yi, Koltun, Vladlen

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, visual, work, system, primary, perception] [contour, global, accuracy, representation] [tracking,
based, integrates] [depth, approach, normal, surface, occluding, scene, kinectfusion, alignment, pose, odometry, reconstruction, point, procedure, coordinate, icp, challenging, tum, bylow, tvi, drift, prior,
detected, estimation, volumetric, signed, constrain, scanning, catastrophic, silhouette] [missing, function, objective, criterion, mapping, data, optimization, method, algorithm] [camera,
figure, color, presented, estimate, small, robust, sensor, ray, noise, smooth, estimated, projective, reconstructed, produced, computer] [image, correspondence, benchmark, registration, distance, view, gradient,
geometric, demonstrate, dense, illustrated, establish, despite, computed, reference]

A Fast Algorithm for Elastic Shape Distances Between Closed Planar Curves

Dogan, Gunay, Bernal, Javier, Hagwood, Charles R.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[hard, set, closed, work] [table, increasing, accuracy, global, smaller, better] [boundary,
cost, propose, based] [shape, point, leaf, elastic, constrained, starting, discrete, current, performed, kabsch] [algorithm, computation, iterative, curve,
geodesic, optimization, time, data, energy, easy, number, linear, nonlinear, optimal, complexity, respect, graph, running, analysis, exact, solution, computational, faster, limacon, minimum, note, srivastava, lower, discretization, quadratic, original, diffeomorphism,
matrix, case] [synthetic, figure, small, rotation, computer, planar, produced, numerical] [distance, cell, fast, compute, computed, large, retrieval,
grid, well, gradient, local]

A Convex Optimization Approach to Robust Fundamental Matrix Estimation

Cheng, Yongfang, Lopez, Jose A., Camps, Octavia, Sznaier, Mario

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, associated, probability, vision, existing, localizing, exploit, positive] [global, standard, performance,
reduce] [sequence, based, truth, leading] [point, ground, estimation, constrained, approach] [matrix,
problem, fundamental, optimization, order, number, rank, proposed, algorithm, constraint, ransac, nout, mlesac, msac, relaxation, merton, lmeds, convex, computational, solution, optimal, explicitly, main, computationally, min, case, data, denotes, xit, consider,
theoretical, note, sparse, low, form, solved, consistently, introducing, corrupted, guarantee, solving, easily, hmean, impose, running, needed] [polynomial, computer, moment, inliers, robust, estimating,
paper, ieee, pattern, handle, figure, estimate] [image, corresponding, similarity, large, pair]

Direct Structure Estimation for 3D Reconstruction

Jiang, Nianjuan, Lin, Daniel, Do, Minh N., Lu, Jiangbo

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, set, work, example] [level, global, triplet, better, performance] [forward,
three, multiple, average, behavior] [structure, scene, sfm, error, pose, estimation, point, depth, reconstruction, rigid, body, approach, single] [algorithm,
constraint, number, proposed, computation, induced, outlier, euclidean, method, denote, data, general, problem, solution, third] [relative, camera, motion, homography, translation, noise, dse, plane, sideway,
ratio, planar, rotation, cerr, figure, estimate, rigidity, equation, homographies, direction, simple, robust, rerr, exif, directly, recover, uncalibrated, calibrated, direct, ieee, recovered, inliers] [view,
image, computed, well, compute, scheme, distance, good, pair, transformation]

An Efficient Volumetric Framework for Shape Tracking

Allain, Benjamin, Franco, Jean-Sebastien, Boyer, Edmond

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, visual, associated] [table] [tracking, based, sequence,
state, temporal, video, boundary, propose, framework, likelihood, dynamic, multiple] [volumetric, surface, shape, volume, template, deformation, pose, capture, error, model, cvt, rigid, silhouette, point,
arker, centroidal, reconstruction, prior, allain, term, ballet, express, approach, cagniart, position, animation, goalkeeper, mesh, full, yielding, hull, normal, probabilistic] [method, time, energy, cluster,
rest, data, proposed, sample, note, decomposition, inner, algorithm] [observed, motion, observation, relative, estimated, uniform, computer, rigidity, quality, siggraph, acm, enforce, noise, figure]
[voronoi, patch, compatibility, cell, regular, local, best]

DynamicFusion: Reconstruction and Tracking of Non-Rigid Scenes in Real-Time

Newcombe, Richard A., Fox, Dieter, Seitz, Steven M.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, system, work, associated, vision, ability, describe] [level, map, gpu] [frame,
node, tracking, dynamic, moving, updated, weight, static] [canonical, live, reconstruction, warp, deformation, surface, model, scene, tsdf, regularisation, depth, volumetric, point, current, rigid, dynamicfusion,
shape, body, single, deforming, nwarp, approach, term, voxel, symposium, kinectfusion, introduced, template, tlw, capture, complete, realtime, vertex, requiring, scan] [function, space, fusion, graph, note,
data, time, computational, range, update, solution] [geometry, motion, warped, acm, figure, estimate, observed, camera, projective, currently, conference, ieee, computer, estimated, pixel, high] [dense,
transformation, distance, transforms, compute, transform, geometric, corresponding, eurographics, consistent]

Photometric Refinement of Depth Maps for Multi-Albedo Objects

Chatterjee, Avishek, Madhav Govindu, Venu

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, novel] [highly, map, raw, global] [cost, object,
combination, propose, multiple] [depth, surface, normal, reconstruction, approach, shape, kinect, estimation, free, plate] [method, matrix, rank, solve,
factorization, function, linear, problem, approximation, algorithm, norm, solution, optimal, note, range, solved, iteratively, solving, lie, case] [albedo, photometric, brightness, figure, computer, observed,
radiometric, constant, equation, stereo, calibration, robust, high, light, pixel, noise, estimated, lighting, pattern, lambertian, varying, accurately, recover, intensity, camera, specular, quality, international, illumination, estimate, terracotta, uncalibrated,
monotonically, component, recovering, relative, anp, ambiguity, conference] [image, gradient, wide, well, corresponding]

Real-Time Visual Analysis of Microvascular Blood Flow for Critical Care

Liu, Chao, Gomez, Hernando, Narasimhan, Srinivasa, Dubrawski, Artur, Pinsky, Michael R., Zuckerbraun, Brian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[baseline, work, domain, subject] [extracted] [video,
frame, extraction, skeleton, based, contrast, density, dark, making, extract, reliable] [estimation, dominant, orientation, detected] [method, analysis,
distribution, critical, time, proposed, induced] [blood, pig, velocity, vessel, microcirculatory, motion, imaging, sdf, optical, observed, noise, bleeding, sensor, flow, pixel, estimated, fourier, heartbeat,
minimal, physiological, care, pressure, resuscitation, figure, ieee, subsurface, intensity, scattering, respiration, frequency, red, estimate, enhanced, epi, captured, stabilization, computer, conference, breathing, illumination, heart, monitoring, micro,
bleed, arterial, curvilinear, color, direction] [image, tissue, corresponding, clinical, consistent, rate]

Exact Bias Correction and Covariance Estimation for Stereo Vision

Freundlich, Charles, Zavlanos, Michael, Mordohai, Philippos

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, common, set, expected, representative, work] [unit, accuracy] [average,
intersection, long, based, generated] [point, error, volume, estimation, reconstruction, localization, orientation, centroid, approach, uncertainty, pose, position, coordinate, location] [covariance,
method, distribution, proposed, range, exact, orthogonal, analysis, quantization, denote, sample, space, matrix] [stereo, bias, reconstructed, disparity, tetrahedron, camera, corrected, correction, uniform,
uncorrected, dvu, relative, small, second, figure, uniformly, absolute, distributed, triangulation, left, twelve, classical, ieee, squared, rig, conventional, half, estimate, motion, optical, axis, noise, central] [cell,
image, distance, corresponding, equal, large, region, compute, mahalanobis, matching]

3D Scanning Deformable Objects With a Single RGBD Sensor

Dou, Mingsong, Taylor, Jonathan, Fuchs, Henry, Fitzgibbon, Andrew, Izadi, Shahram

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[set, latent, system, user, work] [fusing, previous, follow, unit] [frame,
sequence, object, segment, dynamic, static, average] [surface, mesh, alignment, scan, bundle, deformation, scanning, adjustment, nonrigid, loop, reconstruction, model, error, initial, shape, single, depth,
kinectfusion, closure, deformed, drift, vertex, full, capture, body, rigid, aligned, triangle, normal, roughly, coordinate, kinect, complete, explained, deform, volumetrically, neighboring, ground, template, point, fused, pose, allows, prior, procedure]
[energy, data, algorithm, graph, parameter, note, minimize, method] [figure, acm, quality, high, reconstructed, computer, sensor, motion, technique] [partial,
reference, distance, resolution, large]

Computing Similarity Transformations From Only Image Correspondences

Sweeney, Chris, Kneip, Laurent, Hollerer, Tobias, Turk, Matthew

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[vision, work] [standard, accuracy, alternative, highly, better] [sequence,
truth, generated] [pose, error, depth, scene, point, align, loop, sfm, ground, orientation, single, position, closure, approach, uncertainty, estimation, robustness, provide] [method,
problem, algorithm, solution, solve, data, eigenvalue, solving, ransac, machine, linear, random, matrix, quadratic, experiment, analysis, solved] [generalized, vertical, relative, noise, direction, camera,
rotation, computer, translation, imu, minimal, figure, ieee, absolute, pattern, qep, conference, slam, gdls, unknown, real, synthetic, accurate, ray, robust, dev, motion, directly, std, rfi, pixel] [scale,
similarity, image, transformation, computing, compute, reference, computed, determine]

The Aperture Problem for Refractive Motion

Xue, Tianfan, Mobahi, Hossein, Durand, Fredo, Freeman, William T.

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[example] [channel] [background, object, sequence, boundary,
moving, edge, static, oriented, movement, tracking, illustrate, dynamic] [structure, shape, estimation, infer, formation] [order, problem, time, vector,
space, consider, solution, move, proposed, denote, note, algorithm, linear] [motion, refractive, observed, figure, aperture, lens, component, recover, ambiguity, glass, direction, camera, air, small, parallel,
perpendicular, second, equation, traditional, schlieren, speed, vertical, refraction, opaque, distortion, red, estimated, theory, recovered, observation, blue, horizontal, ambiguous, optical, assume, scalar, hot, imaging, estimate, straight, captured, observing,
plane, unknown, velocity, black, constant, center, synthetic, setup, light, material, conic, specular, reveals] [image, local, region, large, change]

Total Variation Regularization of Shape Signals

Baust, Maximilian, Demaret, Laurent, Storath, Martin, Navab, Nassir, Weinmann, Andreas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[active, processing, vision, work, natural, set] [representation, implemented] [segmentation,
complex, video, tracking, segmented, sequence, oriented, temporal, object, based] [shape, term, performed, point, consisting, visible] [space, kendall,
method, proposed, algorithm, original, regularized, regularization, data, case, exponential, mapping, journal, consider, analysis, order, geodesic, loga, perturbed, weinmann, riemannian, notice, mathematical, machine, number, michor, proximal, regularizer,
equivalent, low, problem, formulation, equivalence, vector, experiment, tangent] [signal, total, real, classical, computer, second, paper, ieee, imaging, international, inverse, removing, figure, motion,
pattern, huber, regularizing, scalar, synthetic] [well, variation, invariant, metric, distance, considered, demonstrate, applied]

R6P - Rolling Shutter Absolute Camera Pose

Albl, Cenek, Kukelova, Zuzana, Pajdla, Tomas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[system, vision, interesting, randomly, automatic] [standard, global, increasing, apply] [video,
based, precision, generator] [orientation, model, error, pose, point, initial, position, template, approach, capture, structure] [number, problem, solution,
method, ransac, experiment, matrix, close, linear, basis, approximation, optimization, solve, data, algorithm, chosen] [camera, shutter, rolling, velocity, solver, inliers, angular, rotation, polynomial,
computer, linearization, translational, figure, relative, real, degree, absolute, linearized, elimination, pnp, bner, varying, motion, translation, center, minimal, ieee, double, conference, international, num, perspective, synthetic, gloptipoly] [image,

A Metric Parametrization for Trifocal Tensors With Non-Colinear Pinholes

Leonardos, Spyridon, Tron, Roberto, Daniilidis, Kostas

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[essential, vision, set, describe] [map, global, class] [three,
action, group, interval, cost, frame] [point, canonical, structure, signed, initial, error, estimation] [trifocal, space, riemannian, proposition, manifold,
quotient, tensor, algorithm, equivalence, vector, fmt, tangent, geodesic, proof, optimization, weiszfeld, projection, logarithm, denotes, grad, function, form, linear, number, convex, exponential, orthogonal, choice, normalized, corresponds, denote, case,
euclidean, decomposition, ransac, element, method, symmetric, simply] [computer, horizontal, parametrization, camera, averaging, ieee, conference, motion, pattern, relative, rotation, international, vertical,
smooth, algebraic, sampson, figure, discontinuity, estimate, geometry, calibrated] [reference, metric, distance, corresponding, image, computed, choose]

On the Minimal Problems of Low-Rank Matrix Factorization

Jiang, Fangyuan, Oskarsson, Magnus, Astrom, Kalle

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[book, vision, work] [size, smaller, structured, adding] [overlap,
generate, based, partition, three, series] [rigid, error, shape, structure, hand] [matrix, missing, data, method, column, problem, extra, extension, factorization,
number, rank, solve, constructive, solution, bandwidth, general, norm, optspace, linear, random, nuclear, convex, henneberg, solved, block, exactly, basis, constraint, journal, consider, tnnr, idea] [minimal,
measurement, pattern, computer, figure, assume, ieee, recovered, robust, synthetic, real, handle] [formed, overlapping, local, transformation]

Local High-Order Regularization on Data Manifolds

In Kim, Kwang, Tompkin, James, Pfister, Hanspeter, Theobalt, Christian

by tf-idf similarity to this]

[learning, human, evaluation, set, work, evaluating, labeled, embedding] [build, performance] [based,
measure, three, density] [body, error, point, joint, normal, shape, pose, continuous, fitting, approach, surface] [laplacian, graph, regularizer, data,
regularization, space, function, approximation, null, matrix, manifold, gaussian, linear, number, case, iterated, lap, order, sparse, defined, algorithm, dimensionality, empirical, regularizers, discontinuous, explicitly, operator, riemannian, analysis, calculation,
parameter, geodesic, energy, caesar, underlying, computational, limit, txi, easily, kernel, problem, euclidean] [derivative, constant, degenerate, motion, degeneracy, supplemental, avoids, interpolation,
second, enables] [local, corresponding, neighborhood, mocap, construct, metric]


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