

* 加密
* @param $originalData
* @return string|void
/*function encrypt($originalData){ // if (openssl_private_encrypt($originalData, $encryptData, $this->rsaPrivateKey)) {
if (openssl_public_encrypt($originalData, $encryptData, $this->rsaPublicKey)) {
return base64_encode($encryptData);
} else {
return false;
function encrypt($originalData){ $crypto = ''; foreach (str_split($originalData, 117) as $chunk) { openssl_public_encrypt($chunk, $encryptData, $this->rsaPublicKey); $crypto .= $encryptData;
} return base64_encode($crypto);


* 私钥解密
* @param $encryptData
*/ /*function decrypt($encryptData){ // if (openssl_public_decrypt(base64_decode($encryptData), $decryptData, $this->rsaPublicKey)) {
if (openssl_private_decrypt(base64_decode($encryptData), $decryptData, $this->rsaPrivateKey)) { return $decryptData; } else { return false;
function decrypt($encryptData){ $crypto = ''; foreach (str_split(base64_decode($encryptData), 128) as $chunk) { openssl_private_decrypt($chunk, $decryptData, $this->rsaPrivateKey); $crypto .= $decryptData;
} return $crypto;




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