In fact, the happiest fairy tale is no more than the simple days we have together.


Fairy tales always end in such scenes:

At last, the two lover live together for a happy life.

So, even the most romantic love would go back to the daily life.

But don't let it become dreary, always try to bring some surprises or add some differences, wonderful differences to the life.

Some small romantic deeds, like a bunch of flower, a loving kiss, simple but powerful, will arouse some unique feelings and make the relationship more intimate.

Today's News:

Elon Musk recently unveiled his plans for a new rocket that can allow passengers to travel from one continet to another in about 30 minutes.

How fantastic and imaginative.

Maybe it can't become true in a short peroid of time.

But in the long run, I think it is feasible.

Every sweet has its sour, every evil its good.


From Ralph Waldo Emerson.

It seems Ralph Waldo Emerson held considerable amounts of copyrights on famous quotations we often quote in our writing and speech.

If you know Mr. Emerson was a famous essaist and lecturer, you won't be surprised any longer.

Mr. Emerson was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressure of society.

According to wikipedia, Mr. Emerson disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and thousands of public lectures. So, we can find that many quotes from him are full of power and passion, and so infectious.

Ok, maybe we are going too far from the point.

As to this qutation, I think it just means the same thing as 'Every rose has its thorn and its unique smell.'

To enjoy the beauty and the smell of a rose, we may have to accept the wound it brings.

Acutally, every positive thing has a drawback, and every negative thing has its good points.

That is, nothing is as accurate as it appears to be.

We always perceive something as good, but that don't mean there is no bad elements in it.

And if something appears to be bad, that don't mean there is no good and positive elements in it.

To me, I just want to tell myself that don't lose hope about life, even the darkest night will be ended in the light of a sunrise.

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