

public interface Pusher {

* Status indicating the readiness of the Pusher.
public static enum PusherStatus {
} /**
* Takes an spi Document and pushes it along, presumably to the GSA Feed.
* @param document A Document
* @return PusherStatus. If OK, Pusher may accept more documents.
* @throws RepositoryException if transient error accessing the Repository
* @throws RepositoryDocumentException if fatal error accessing the Document
* @throws FeedException if a transient Feed error occurs in the Pusher
* @throws PushException if a transient error occurs in the Pusher
public PusherStatus take(Document document)
throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException; /**
* Finishes processing a document feed. If the caller anticipates no
* further calls to {@link #take(Document)} will be
* made, this method should be called, so that the Pusher may send a cached,
* accumulated Feed to the feed processor.
* @throws RepositoryException if transient error accessing the Repository
* @throws RepositoryDocumentException if fatal error accessing the Document
* @throws FeedException if a transient Feed error occurs in the Pusher
* @throws PushException if a transient error occurs in the Pusher
public void flush()
throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException; /**
* Cancels a feed. Discard any accumulated feed data.
public void cancel(); /**
* Gets the current pusher status.
* @return the current PusherStatus
* @throws RepositoryException if transient error accessing the Repository
* @throws FeedException if a transient Feed error occurs in the Pusher
* @throws PushException if a transient error occurs in the Pusher
public PusherStatus getPusherStatus()
throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException;

该接口的通过PusherStatus take(Document document)方法发送数据,我们可以查看其实现类DocPusher查看发送数据方法源码

* Takes a Document and sends a the feed to the GSA.
* @param document Document corresponding to the document.
* @return true if Pusher should accept more documents, false otherwise.
* @throws PushException if Pusher problem
* @throws FeedException if transient Feed problem
* @throws RepositoryDocumentException if fatal Document problem
* @throws RepositoryException if transient Repository problem
public PusherStatus take(Document document)
throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException {
if (feedSender.isShutdown()) {
return PusherStatus.DISABLED;
checkSubmissions(); // Apply any configured Document filters to the document.
document = documentFilterFactory.newDocumentFilter(document); FeedType feedType;
try {
feedType = DocUtils.getFeedType(document);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
"Rethrowing RuntimeException as RepositoryDocumentException", e);
throw new RepositoryDocumentException(e);
} // All feeds in a feed file must be of the same type.
// If the feed would change type, send the feed off to the GSA
// and start a new one.
// TODO: Fix this check to allow ACLs in any type feed.
if (xmlFeed != null && !feedType.isCompatible(xmlFeed.getFeedType())) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("A new feedType, " + feedType + ", requires a new feed for "
+ connectorName + ". Closing feed and sending to GSA.");
} if (xmlFeed == null) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("Creating new " + feedType + " feed for " + connectorName);
try {
} catch (OutOfMemoryError me) {
throw new PushException("Unable to allocate feed buffer. Try reducing"
+ " the maxFeedSize setting, reducing the number of connector"
+ " intances, or adjusting the JVM heap size parameters.", me);
} boolean isThrowing = false;
int resetPoint = xmlFeed.size();
int resetCount = xmlFeed.getRecordCount();
try {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "DOCUMENT: Adding document with docid={0} and "
+ "searchurl={1} from connector {2} to feed.", new Object[] {
DocUtils.getOptionalString(document, SpiConstants.PROPNAME_DOCID),
} // Add this document to the feed.
xmlFeed.addRecord(document); // If the feed is full, send it off to the GSA.
if (xmlFeed.isFull() || lowMemory()) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("Feed for " + connectorName + " has grown to "
+ xmlFeed.size() + " bytes. Closing feed and sending to GSA.");
return getPusherStatus();
} // Indicate that this Pusher may accept more documents.
return PusherStatus.OK; } catch (OutOfMemoryError me) {
resetFeed(resetPoint, resetCount);
throw new PushException("Out of memory building feed, retrying.", me);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
resetFeed(resetPoint, resetCount);
"Rethrowing RuntimeException as RepositoryDocumentException", e);
throw new RepositoryDocumentException(e);
} catch (RepositoryDocumentException rde) {
// Skipping this document, remove it from the feed.
resetFeed(resetPoint, resetCount);
throw rde;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException while reading: skipping", ioe);
resetFeed(resetPoint, resetCount);
Throwable t = ioe.getCause();
isThrowing = true;
if (t != null && (t instanceof RepositoryException)) {
throw (RepositoryException) t;
} else {
throw new RepositoryDocumentException("I/O error reading data", ioe);

在上面的方法中,首先需要将参数Document documen对象经过包装(如Base64编码等)添加到xmlFeed集合中,当xmlFeed集合满足条件的时候才向数据服务器发送过去,即每次向数据服务器发送的是document对象集合,而不是单独的document对象


* Takes the accumulated XmlFeed and sends the feed to the GSA.
* @throws PushException
* if Pusher problem
* @throws FeedException
* if transient Feed problem
* @throws RepositoryException
private void submitFeed() throws PushException, FeedException,
RepositoryException {
if (xmlFeed == null) {
} final XmlFeed feed = xmlFeed;
xmlFeed = null;
final String logMessage;
if (feedLog != null) {
logMessage = feedLog.toString();
feedLog = null;
} else {
logMessage = null;
} try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new PushException("Error closing feed", ioe);
} try {
// Send the feed to the GSA in a separate thread.
FutureTask<String> future = new FutureTask<String>(
new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws PushException,
FeedException, RepositoryException {
try {
NDC.push("Feed " + feed.getDataSource());
return submitFeed(feed, logMessage);
} finally {
// Add the future to list of outstanding submissions.
synchronized (submissions) {
} catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
throw new FeedException("Asynchronous feed was rejected. ", ree);

该方法首先将数据发送方法封装到FutureTask对象的call()方法里面,然后在线程池里面执行之,最后将future结构句柄添加到LinkedList<FutureTask<String>> submissions集合


* Takes the supplied XmlFeed and sends that feed to the GSA.
* @param feed
* an XmlFeed
* @param logMessage
* a Feed Log message
* @return response String from GSA
* @throws PushException
* if Pusher problem
* @throws FeedException
* if transient Feed problem
* @throws RepositoryException
private String submitFeed(XmlFeed feed, String logMessage)
throws PushException, FeedException, RepositoryException { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("Submitting " + feed.getFeedType() + " feed for "
+ feed.getDataSource() + " to the GSA. "
+ feed.getRecordCount() + " records totaling "
+ feed.size() + " bytes.");
} // Write the generated feedLog message to the feed logger.
if (logMessage != null && FEED_LOGGER.isLoggable(FEED_LOG_LEVEL)) {
// Write the Feed to the TeedFeedFile, if one was specified.
String teedFeedFilename = Context.getInstance().getTeedFeedFile();
// String teedFeedFilename = "D:/files/google2.txt";
if (teedFeedFilename != null) {
boolean isThrowing = false;
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(teedFeedFilename, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
isThrowing = true;
throw new FeedException("Cannot write to file: "
+ teedFeedFilename, e);
} finally {
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!isThrowing) {
throw new FeedException("Cannot write to file: "
+ teedFeedFilename, e);
} String gsaResponse = feedConnection.sendData(feed);
if (!gsaResponse.equals(GsaFeedConnection.SUCCESS_RESPONSE)) {
String eMessage = gsaResponse;
if (GsaFeedConnection.UNAUTHORIZED_RESPONSE.equals(gsaResponse)) {
eMessage += ": Client is not authorized to send feeds. Make "
+ "sure the GSA is configured to trust feeds from your host.";
if (GsaFeedConnection.INTERNAL_ERROR_RESPONSE.equals(gsaResponse)) {
eMessage += ": Check GSA status or feed format.";
throw new PushException(eMessage);
return gsaResponse;



/* @Override */
public String sendData(FeedData feedData) throws FeedException {
try {
String response = sendFeedData((XmlFeed) feedData);
gotFeedError = !response.equalsIgnoreCase(SUCCESS_RESPONSE);
return response;
} catch (FeedException fe) {
gotFeedError = true;
throw fe;

进一步调用sendFeedData(XmlFeed feed)方法发送

private String sendFeedData(XmlFeed feed) throws FeedException {
String feedType = feed.getFeedType().toLegacyString();
String dataSource = feed.getDataSource();
OutputStream outputStream;
HttpURLConnection uc;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
byte[] prefix;
byte[] suffix;
try {
// Build prefix.
controlHeader(buf, "datasource", ServletUtil.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN);
controlHeader(buf, "feedtype", ServletUtil.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN);
controlHeader(buf, "data", ServletUtil.MIMETYPE_XML);
prefix = buf.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); // Build suffix.
suffix = buf.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); LOGGER.finest("Opening feed connection to " + feedUrl); synchronized (this) {
uc = (HttpURLConnection) feedUrl.openConnection();
if (uc instanceof HttpsURLConnection && !validateCertificate) {
SslUtil.setTrustingHttpsOptions((HttpsURLConnection) uc);
} uc.setRequestProperty("Charsert", "UTF-8");
uc.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(prefix.length + feed.size()
+ suffix.length);
"multipart/form-data; boundary=" + BOUNDARY); outputStream = uc.getOutputStream();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new FeedException(feedUrl.toString(), ioe);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new FeedException(feedUrl.toString(), e);
} boolean isThrowing = false;
try {
LOGGER.finest("Writing feed data to feed connection.");
// If there is an exception during this read/write, we do our
// best to close the url connection and read the result.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
"IOException while posting: will retry later", e);
isThrowing = true;
throw new FeedException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
isThrowing = true;
throw e;
} catch (Error e) {
isThrowing = true;
throw e;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
"IOException while closing after post: will retry later",
if (!isThrowing) {
isThrowing = true;
throw new FeedException(e);
} finally {
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
LOGGER.finest("Waiting for response from feed connection.");
InputStream inputStream = uc.getInputStream();
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream,
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (!isThrowing) {
throw new FeedException(ioe);
} finally {
try {
if (br != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
"IOException while closing after post: continuing",
if (uc != null) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
LOGGER.finest("Received response from feed connection: "
+ buf.toString());
return buf.toString();




转载请注明出处 博客园 刺猬的温驯

本人邮箱: chenying998179@163#com (#改为.)

本文链接 http://www.cnblogs.com/chenying99/p/3775504.html


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