For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.


Today I read a news about the world's first photovolatic highway which is currently built in Jinan, the construction work nearly comes to the end.

According to the news, the 2-kilometer-long special section of Jinan's southern ring road will be the first photovalitic highway in the world. It have three layers, the bottom will be an insulating layer to prevent moisture from getting to the photovaltatic devices in the middle layer, and the top will be the protection layer built by transparent concrete.

The aim of the project is to provide power for charging poles.

Amazing. The similar idea had risen in my brain when discussing the problem of charging for electric cars with my colleagues.

I had never dreamed that the idea would be realized so early and so quickly.

What a fast-developing world.

Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.


From Robert Louis Stevenson.

Share your happiness with others, keep your miseries to yourself.

But who can help you relieve your miseries?

Maybe only yourself.

However, if everyone can share his courage, experience and happiness with others, maybe there would be need to worry about those unhappinesses.

As a memeber in this talented team, I really hope my experience and perspective can add something poistive to the team, not something negative.

I must build up the foundation, the platform which will run the algorithms of others as fast and as perfect as I can.

The sands are running out, but my progress is so slow.

Anxious and helpless.

Today I find a very useful plugin for coding ROS-programs within QtCreator.

And I want to highlight that there are many related resources on the internet, so what about spending more time on the things that would produce some beneficial results for our career-promotion.

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