







Deleting repositories

Repository deletion runs in two steps.

First, delete a repository in Harbor's UI. This is soft deletion. You can delete the entire repository or just a tag of it. After the soft deletion, the repository is no longer managed in Harbor, however, the files of the repository still remain in Harbor's storage.

CAUTION: If both tag A and tag B refer to the same image, after deleting tag A, B will also get deleted. if you enabled content trust, you need to use notary command line tool to delete the tag's signature before you delete an image.

Next, delete the actual files of the repository using the registry's garbage collection(GC). Make sure that no one is pushing images or Harbor is not running at all before you perform a GC. If someone were pushing an image while GC is running, there is a risk that the image's layers will be mistakenly deleted which results in a corrupted image. So before running GC, a preferred approach is to stop Harbor first.

Run the below commands on the host which Harbor is deployed on to preview what files/images will be affected:

$ docker-compose stop

$ docker run -it --name gc --rm --volumes-from registry vmware/registry:2.6.2-photon garbage-collect --dry-run /etc/registry/config.yml

NOTE: The above option "--dry-run" will print the progress without removing any data.

Verify the result of the above test, then use the below commands to perform garbage collection and restart Harbor.

$ docker run -it --name gc --rm --volumes-from registry vmware/registry:2.6.2-photon garbage-collect  /etc/registry/config.yml

$ docker-compose start

For more information about GC, please see GC.


执行垃圾回收命令 docker run -it --name gc --rm --volumes-from registry vmware/registry:2.6.2-photon garbage-collect  /etc/registry/config.yml 自行参照镜像名称修改












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