1、 文件,由许多Box和FullBox组成。
2、 Box,每个Box由Header和Data组成。
3、 FullBox,是Box的扩展,Box结构的基础上在Header中增加8bits version和24bits flags。
4、 Header,包含了整个Box的长度size和类型type。当size==0时,代表这是文件中最后一个Box;当size==1时,意 味着Box长度需要更多bits来描述,在后面会定义一个64bits的largesize描述Box的长度;当type是uuid时,代表Box中的数 据是用户自定义扩展类型。
5、 Data,是Box的实际数据,可以是纯数据也可以是更多的子Boxes。
6、 当一个Box的Data中是一系列子Box时,这个Box又可成为Container Box。
1、 ftypbox,在文件的开始位置,描述的文件的版本、兼容协议等;
2、 moovbox,这个box中不包含具体媒体数据,但包含本文件中所有媒体数据的宏观描述信息,moov box下有mvhd和trak box。
3、 moofbox,这个box是视频分片的描述信息。并不是MP4文件必须的部分,但在我们常见的可在线播放的MP4格式文件中(例如Silverlight Smooth Streaming中的ismv文件)确是重中之重。
4、 mdatbox,实际媒体数据。我们最终解码播放的数据都在这里面。
5、 mfrabox,一般在文件末尾,媒体的索引文件,可通过查询直接定位所需时间点的媒体数据。
附:Smooth Streaming中ismv文件结构,文件分为了多个Fragments,每个Fragment中包含moof和mdat。这样的结构符合渐进式播放需求。(mdat及其描述信息逐步传输,收齐一个Fragment便可播放其中的mdat)。
/* Set other implicit flags immediately */
if (mov->mode == MODE_ISM)
static int mov_read_ftyp(MOVContext *c, AVIOContext *pb, MOVAtom atom)
uint32_t minor_ver;
int comp_brand_size;
char minor_ver_str[11]; /* 32 bit integer -> 10 digits + null */
char* comp_brands_str;
uint8_t type[5] = {0};
avio_read(pb, type, 4);
if (strcmp(type, "qt "))
c->isom = 1;
av_log(c->fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "ISO: File Type Major Brand: %.4s\n",(char *)&type);
av_dict_set(&c->fc->metadata, "major_brand", type, 0);
minor_ver = avio_rb32(pb); /* minor version */
snprintf(minor_ver_str, sizeof(minor_ver_str), "%"PRIu32"", minor_ver);
av_dict_set(&c->fc->metadata, "minor_version", minor_ver_str, 0);
comp_brand_size = atom.size - 8;
if (comp_brand_size < 0)
comp_brands_str = av_malloc(comp_brand_size + 1); /* Add null terminator */
if (!comp_brands_str)
avio_read(pb, comp_brands_str, comp_brand_size);
comp_brands_str[comp_brand_size] = 0;
av_dict_set(&c->fc->metadata, "compatible_brands", comp_brands_str, 0);
return 0;
ftyp |
√ |
file type and compatibility |
pdin |
progressive download information |
moov |
√ |
container for all the metadata |
mvhd |
√ |
movie header, overall declarations |
trak |
√ |
container for an individual track or stream |
tkhd |
√ |
track header, overall information about the track |
tref |
track reference container |
edts |
edit list container |
elst |
an edit list |
mdia |
√ |
container for the media information in a track |
mdhd |
√ |
media header, overall information about the media |
hdlr |
√ |
handler, declares the media (handler) type |
minf |
√ |
media information container |
vmhd |
video media header, overall information (video track only) |
smhd |
sound media header, overall information (sound track only) |
hmhd |
hint media header, overall information (hint track only) |
nmhd |
Null media header, overall information (some tracks only) |
dinf |
√ |
data information box, container |
dref |
√ |
data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track |
stbl |
√ |
sample table box, container for the time/space map |
stsd |
√ |
sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.) |
stts |
√ |
(decoding) time-to-sample |
ctts |
(composition) time to sample |
stsc |
√ |
sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information |
stsz |
sample sizes (framing) |
stz2 |
compact sample sizes (framing) |
stco |
√ |
chunk offset, partial data-offset information |
co64 |
64-bit chunk offset |
stss |
sync sample table (random access points) |
stsh |
shadow sync sample table |
padb |
sample padding bits |
stdp |
sample degradation priority |
sdtp |
independent and disposable samples |
sbgp |
sample-to-group |
sgpd |
sample group description |
subs |
sub-sample information |
mvex |
movie extends box |
mehd |
movie extends header box |
trex |
√ |
track extends defaults |
ipmc |
IPMP Control Box |
moof |
movie fragment |
mfhd |
√ |
movie fragment header |
traf |
track fragment |
tfhd |
√ |
track fragment header |
trun |
track fragment run |
sdtp |
independent and disposable samples |
sbgp |
sample-to-group |
subs |
sub-sample information |
mfra |
movie fragment random access |
tfra |
track fragment random access |
mfro |
√ |
movie fragment random access offset |
mdat |
media data container |
free |
free space |
skip |
free space |
udta |
user-data |
cprt |
copyright etc. |
meta |
metadata |
hdlr |
√ |
handler, declares the metadata (handler) type |
dinf |
data information box, container |
dref |
data reference box, declares source(s) of metadata items |
ipmc |
IPMP Control Box |
iloc |
item location |
ipro |
item protection |
sinf |
protection scheme information box |
frma |
original format box |
imif |
IPMP Information box |
schm |
scheme type box |
schi |
scheme information box |
iinf |
item information |
xml |
XML container |
bxml |
binary XML container |
pitm |
primary item reference |
fiin |
file delivery item information |
paen |
partition entry |
fpar |
file partition |
fecr |
FEC reservoir |
segr |
file delivery session group |
gitn |
group id to name |
tsel |
track selection |
meco |
additional metadata container |
mere |
metabox relation |
1、 ftypbox,在文件的开始位置,描述的文件的版本、兼容协议等;
2、 moovbox,这个box中不包含具体媒体数据,但包含本文件中所有媒体数据的宏观描述信息,moov box下有mvhd和trak box。
3、 moofbox,这个box是视频分片的描述信息。并不是MP4文件必须的部分,但在我们常见的可在线播放的MP4格式文件中(例如Silverlight Smooth Streaming中的ismv文件)确是重中之重。
4、 mdatbox,实际媒体数据。我们最终解码播放的数据都在这里面。
5、 mfrabox,一般在文件末尾,媒体的索引文件,可通过查询直接定位所需时间点的媒体数据。
附:Smooth Streaming中ismv文件结构,文件分为了多个Fragments,每个Fragment中包含moof和mdat。这样的结构符合渐进式播放需求。(mdat及其描述信息逐步传输,收齐一个Fragment便可播放其中的mdat)。
MP4(MPEG-4 Part 14)是一种常见的多媒体容器格式,它是在“ISO/IEC 14496-14”标准文件中定义的。
1.最小组成单元 BOX
Code | Abstract | Defined in/by |
ainf | Asset information to identify, license and play | DECE |
albm | Album title and track number (user-data) | 3GPP |
auth | Media author name (user-data) | 3GPP |
avcn | AVC NAL Unit Storage Box | DECE |
bloc | Base location and purchase location for license acquisition | DECE |
bpcc | Bits per component | JP2 |
buff | Buffering information | AVC |
bxml | binary XML container | ISO |
ccid | OMA DRM Content ID | OMA DRM 2.1 |
cdef | type and ordering of the components within the codestream | JP2 |
clsf | Media classification (user-data) | 3GPP |
cmap | mapping between a palette and codestream components | JP2 |
co64 | 64-bit chunk offset | ISO |
colr | specifies the colourspace of the image | JP2 |
cprt | copyright etc. (user-data) | ISO |
crhd | reserved for ClockReferenceStream header | MP4V1 |
cslg | composition to decode timeline mapping | ISO |
ctts | (composition) time to sample | ISO |
cvru | OMA DRM Cover URI | OMA DRM 2.1 |
dcfD | Marlin DCF Duration, user-data atom type | OMArlin |
dinf | data information box, container | ISO |
dref | data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track | ISO |
dscp | Media description (user-data) | 3GPP |
dsgd | DVB Sample Group Description Box | DVB |
dstg | DVB Sample to Group Box | DVB |
edts | edit list container | ISO |
elst | an edit list | ISO |
feci | FEC Informatiom | ISO |
fecr | FEC Reservoir | ISO |
fiin | FD Item Information | ISO |
fire | File Reservoir | ISO |
fpar | File Partition | ISO |
free | free space | ISO |
frma | original format box | ISO |
ftyp | file type and compatibility | JP2, ISO |
gitn | Group ID to name | ISO |
gnre | Media genre (user-data) | 3GPP |
grpi | OMA DRM Group ID | OMA DRM 2.0 |
hdlr | handler, declares the media (handler) type | ISO |
hmhd | hint media header, overall information (hint track only) | ISO |
hpix | Hipix Rich Picture (user-data or meta-data) | HIPIX |
icnu | OMA DRM Icon URI | OMA DRM 2.0 |
ID32 | ID3 version 2 container | inline |
idat | Item data | ISO |
ihdr | Image Header | JP2 |
iinf | item information | ISO |
iloc | item location | ISO |
imif | IPMP Information box | ISO |
infu | OMA DRM Info URL | OMA DRM 2.0 |
iods | Object Descriptor container box | MP4V1 |
iphd | reserved for IPMP Stream header | MP4V1 |
ipmc | IPMP Control Box | ISO |
ipro | item protection | ISO |
iref | Item reference | ISO |
jP$20$20 | JPEG 2000 Signature | JP2 |
jp2c | JPEG 2000 contiguous codestream | JP2 |
jp2h | Header | JP2 |
jp2i | intellectual property information | JP2 |
kywd | Media keywords (user-data) | 3GPP |
loci | Media location information (user-data) | 3GPP |
lrcu | OMA DRM Lyrics URI | OMA DRM 2.1 |
m7hd | reserved for MPEG7Stream header | MP4V1 |
mdat | media data container | ISO |
mdhd | media header, overall information about the media | ISO |
mdia | container for the media information in a track | ISO |
mdri | Mutable DRM information | OMA DRM 2.0 |
meco | additional metadata container | ISO |
mehd | movie extends header box | ISO |
mere | metabox relation | ISO |
meta | Metadata container | ISO |
mfhd | movie fragment header | ISO |
mfra | Movie fragment random access | ISO |
mfro | Movie fragment random access offset | ISO |
minf | media information container | ISO |
mjhd | reserved for MPEG-J Stream header | MP4V1 |
moof | movie fragment | ISO |
moov | container for all the meta-data | ISO |
mvcg | Multiview group | AVC |
mvci | Multiview Information | AVC |
mvex | movie extends box | ISO |
mvhd | movie header, overall declarations | ISO |
mvra | Multiview Relation Attribute | AVC |
nmhd | Null media header, overall information (some tracks only) | ISO |
ochd | reserved for ObjectContentInfoStream header | MP4V1 |
odaf | OMA DRM Access Unit Format | OMA DRM 2.0 |
odda | OMA DRM Content Object | OMA DRM 2.0 |
odhd | reserved for ObjectDescriptorStream header | MP4V1 |
odhe | OMA DRM Discrete Media Headers | OMA DRM 2.0 |
odrb | OMA DRM Rights Object | OMA DRM 2.0 |
odrm | OMA DRM Container | OMA DRM 2.0 |
odtt | OMA DRM Transaction Tracking | OMA DRM 2.0 |
ohdr | OMA DRM Common headers | OMA DRM 2.0 |
padb | sample padding bits | ISO |
paen | Partition Entry | ISO |
pclr | palette which maps a single component in index space to a multiple- component image | JP2 |
pdin | Progressive download information | ISO |
perf | Media performer name (user-data) | 3GPP |
pitm | primary item reference | ISO |
res$20 | grid resolution | JP2 |
resc | grid resolution at which the image was captured | JP2 |
resd | default grid resolution at which the image should be displayed | JP2 |
rtng | Media rating (user-data) | 3GPP |
sbgp | Sample to Group box | AVC,ISO |
schi | scheme information box | ISO |
schm | scheme type box | ISO |
sdep | Sample dependency | AVC |
sdhd | reserved for SceneDescriptionStream header | MP4V1 |
sdtp | Independent and Disposable Samples Box | AVC,ISO |
sdvp | SD Profile Box | SDV |
segr | file delivery session group | ISO |
senc | Sample specific encryption data | DECE |
sgpd | Sample group definition box | AVC,ISO |
sidx | Segment Index Box | 3GPP |
sinf | protection scheme information box | ISO |
skip | free space | ISO |
smhd | sound media header, overall information (sound track only) | ISO |
srmb | System Renewability Message | DVB |
srmc | System Renewability Message container | DVB |
srpp | STRP Process | ISO |
stbl | sample table box, container for the time/space map | ISO |
stco | chunk offset, partial data-offset information | ISO |
stdp | sample degradation priority | ISO |
sthd | Subtitle Media Header Box | DECE |
stsc | sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information | ISO |
stsd | sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.) | ISO |
stsh | shadow sync sample table | ISO |
stss | sync sample table (random access points) | ISO |
stsz | sample sizes (framing) | ISO |
stts | (decoding) time-to-sample | ISO |
styp | Segment Type Box | 3GPP |
stz2 | compact sample sizes (framing) | ISO |
subs | Sub-sample information | ISO |
swtc | Multiview Group Relation | AVC |
tfad | Track fragment adjustment box | 3GPP |
tfhd | Track fragment header | ISO |
tfma | Track fragment media adjustment box | 3GPP |
tfra | Track fragment radom access | ISO |
tibr | Tier Bit rate | AVC |
tiri | Tier Information | AVC |
titl | Media title (user-data) | 3GPP |
tkhd | Track header, overall information about the track | ISO |
traf | Track fragment | ISO |
trak | container for an individual track or stream | ISO |
tref | track reference container | ISO |
trex | track extends defaults | ISO |
trgr | Track grouping information | ISO |
trik | Facilitates random access and trick play modes | DECE |
trun | track fragment run | ISO |
tsel | Track selection (user-data) | 3GPP |
udta | user-data | ISO |
uinf | a tool by which a vendor may provide access to additional information associated with a UUID | JP2 |
UITS | Unique Identifier Technology Solution | Universal Music |
ulst | a list of UUID’s | JP2 |
url$20 | a URL | JP2 |
uuid | user-extension box | ISO, JP2 |
vmhd | video media header, overall information (video track only) | ISO |
vwdi | Multiview Scene Information | AVC |
xml$20 | a tool by which vendors can add XML formatted information | JP2 |
xml$20 | XML container | ISO |
yrrc | Year when media was recorded (user-data) | 3GPP |
QuickTime Codes
Code | Abstract | Defined in/by |
clip | Visual clipping region container | QT |
crgn | Visual clipping region definition | QT |
ctab | Track color-table | QT |
elng | Extended Language Tag | QT |
imap | Track input map definition | QT |
kmat | Compressed visual track matte | QT |
load | Track pre-load definitions | QT |
matt | Visual track matte for compositing | QT |
pnot | Preview container | QT |
wide | Expansion space reservation | QT |
1.File Type Box
Box Type: `ftyp’
这种box一般情况下都会出现在mp4文件的开头,它可以作为mp4容器格式的可表示信息。就像flv头‘F’ 'L' 'V' 3字节,MKV头部的1A 45 DF A3 、ASF_Header_Object 可以作为ASF容器格式的可辨识信息一样。
ftyp box内容结构如下
- aligned(8) class FileTypeBox
- extends Box(‘ftyp’) {
- unsigned int(32) major_brand;
- unsigned int(32) minor_version;
- unsigned int(32) compatible_brands[]; // to end of the box
- }
2.Movie Box
moov 这个box 里面包含了很多个子box,就像上篇那个图上标的。一般情况下moov 会紧跟着 ftyp。moov里面包含着mp4文件中的metedata。音视频相关的基础信息。让我们看看moov 里面都含有哪些重要的box。
2.1 Movie Header Box
- aligned(8) class MovieHeaderBox extends FullBox(‘mvhd’, version, 0) {
- if (version==1) {
- unsigned int(64) creation_time;
- unsigned int(64) modification_time;
- unsigned int(32) timescale;
- unsigned int(64) duration;
- } else { // version==0
- unsigned int(32) creation_time;
- unsigned int(32) modification_time;
- unsigned int(32) timescale;
- unsigned int(32) duration;
- }
- template int(32) rate = 0x00010000; // typically 1.0
- template int(16) volume = 0x0100; // typically, full volume
- const bit(16) reserved = 0;
- const unsigned int(32)[2] reserved = 0;
- template int(32)[9] matrix =
- { 0x00010000,0,0,0,0x00010000,0,0,0,0x40000000 };
- // Unity matrix
- bit(32)[6] pre_defined = 0;
- unsigned int(32) next_track_ID;
- }
Field |
Type |
Comment |
box size |
4 |
box大小 |
box type |
4 |
box类型 |
version |
1 |
box版本,0或1,一般为0。 |
flags |
3 |
flags |
creation time |
4 |
创建时间(相对于UTC时间1904-01-01零点的秒数) |
modification time |
4 |
修改时间 |
time scale |
4 |
文件媒体在1秒时间内的刻度值,可以理解为1秒长度的时间单元数 一般情况下视频的 都是90000 |
duration |
4 |
该track的时间长度,用duration和time scale值可以计算track时长,比如audio track的time scale = 8000, duration = 560128,时长为 70.016,video track的time scale = 600, duration = 42000,时长为70 |
rate |
4 |
推荐播放速率,高16位和低16位分别为小数点整数部分和小数部分,即[16.16] 格式,该值为1.0(0x00010000)表示正常前向播放 |
volume |
2 |
与rate类似,[8.8] 格式,1.0(0x0100)表示最大音量 |
reserved |
10 |
保留位 |
matrix |
36 |
视频变换矩阵 |
pre-defined |
24 |
next track id |
4 |
下一个track使用的id号 |
2.2 Track Box
2.2.1 Track Header Box
- aligned(8) class TrackHeaderBox
- extends FullBox(‘tkhd’, version, flags){
- if (version==1) {
- unsigned int(64) creation_time;
- unsigned int(64) modification_time;
- unsigned int(32) track_ID;
- const unsigned int(32) reserved = 0;
- unsigned int(64) duration;
- } else { // version==0
- unsigned int(32) creation_time;
- unsigned int(32) modification_time;
- unsigned int(32) track_ID;
- const unsigned int(32) reserved = 0;
- unsigned int(32) duration;
- }
- const unsigned int(32)[2] reserved = 0;
- template int(16) layer = 0;
- template int(16) alternate_group = 0;
- template int(16) volume = {if track_is_audio 0x0100 else 0};
- const unsigned int(16) reserved = 0;
- template int(32)[9] matrix=
- { 0x00010000,0,0,0,0x00010000,0,0,0,0x40000000 };
- // unity matrix
- unsigned int(32) width;
- unsigned int(32) height;
- }
Field |
Type |
Comment |
box size |
4 |
box大小 |
box type |
4 |
box类型 |
version |
1 |
box版本,0或1,一般为0。 |
flags |
3 |
按位或操作结果值,预定义如下: |
track id |
4 |
id号,不能重复且不能为0 |
reserved |
4 |
保留位 |
duration |
4 |
track的时间长度 |
reserved |
8 |
保留位 |
layer |
2 |
视频层,默认为0,值小的在上层 |
alternate group |
2 |
track分组信息,默认为0表示该track未与其他track有群组关系 |
volume |
2 |
[8.8] 格式,如果为音频track,1.0(0x0100)表示最大音量;否则为0 |
reserved |
2 |
保留位 |
matrix |
36 |
视频变换矩阵 |
width |
4 |
宽 |
height |
4 |
高,均为 [16.16] 格式值,与sample描述中的实际画面大小比值,用于播放时的展示宽高 |
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题目链接:http://acm.hzau.edu.cn/problem.php?id=1203 [题意]给你一颗完全二叉树每个节点都有一个权值,然后要你从上往下找一条链,值得链上权值的和<K,且 ...
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上篇文章把单机集群搭建好了,可以开始验证普通集群的相关功能了. 我们首先在管理后台(15672,15673 都可以)添加一个用户,并用新用户登录,添加一个虚拟主机 由于是在一台机器上模拟集群,所以我们 ...
- ANY和SOME 运算符
在SQL中ANY和SOME是同义词,所以下面介绍的时候只使用ANY,SOME的用法和功能和ANY一模一样.和IN运算符不同,ANY必须和其他的比较运算符共同使用,而且必须将比较运算符放在ANY 关键字 ...
- Java 对象池实现
http://blog.csdn.net/bryantd/article/details/1100019 http://www.cnblogs.com/devinzhang/archive/2012/ ...
- 【20181019T1】加密【逆元+位运算】
题面 [错解] 可能要逆推 <<就是乘法,好做 但^是什么东西? 欸暴力map70分,索性妥协 [正解] 注意^是自己异或上自己右移,前i位就是t的前i位 往后推就好 代码
- BZOJ 3676 [Apio2014]回文串(回文树)
[题目链接] http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3676 [题目大意] 考虑一个只包含小写拉丁字母的字符串s. 我们定义s的一个子串t的& ...
- 【推导】【分类讨论】Codeforces Round #431 (Div. 1) B. Rooter's Song
给你一个这样的图,那些点是舞者,他们每个人会在原地待ti时间之后,以每秒1m的速度向前移动,到边界以后停止.只不过有时候会碰撞,碰撞之后的转向是这样哒: 让你输出每个人的停止位置坐标. ①将x轴上初始 ...
- 【贪心】hdu5969 最大的位或
对于右端点r和左端点l,考虑他们的二进制位从高到低,直到第一位不同的为止. 更高的都取成相同的,更低的都取成1. 比如 101011110001 101011101001 101011111111 # ...
- 给lnmp一键包中的nginx安装openresty的lua扩展
lnmp一键包(https://lnmp.org)本人在使用之后发现确实好用,能帮助我们快速搭建起lnmp.lamp和lnmpa的web生产环境,因此推荐大家可以多试试.但有的朋友可能需要使用open ...