pgbench -i pgbench
pgbench -i -s 10 -p 5433 pgbench
重点:主要用到两个参数,-i:初始化模式,-s 插入的倍数,默认是1,即插入100000条;也就是执行多少次generate_series(1,100000)。
pgbench -c 96 -j 12 -T 20 -r -p 5433 pgbench
-bash-4.1$ pgbench -c 96 -j 12 -T 20 -r -p 5433 pgbench
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor:
query mode: simple
number of clients:
number of threads:
duration: s
number of transactions actually processed:
latency average: 1345.443 ms
tps = 71.351954 (including connections establishing)
tps = 71.400363 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.003744 \set nbranches * :scale
0.001051 \set ntellers * :scale
0.000855 \set naccounts * :scale
0.001345 \setrandom aid :naccounts
0.000850 \setrandom bid :nbranches
0.000680 \setrandom tid :ntellers
0.000797 \setrandom delta -
0.425127 BEGIN;
3.685616 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.189167 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
1144.710503 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
121.211975 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.194937 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
13.740971 END;
-c 总连接数,创建多少个连接到数据库,一般数据库接受连接数默认为100,其中需要预留3个左右的连接。
-j 进程数量,每个进程创建n个连接,那么就存在如下关系:-c = -j *n。
-T 测试持续时间,指定了-T就不能指定-t,每个连接执行的事物数量。即,要么指定测试多长时间,要么指定测试多少个事物。
-r 显示每一步操作的平均时间。
-f 指定测试脚本,不指定则使用默认脚本。
pgbench accepts the following command-line initialization arguments: -F fillfactor
Create the pgbench_accounts, pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches tables with the given fillfactor. Default is . -i
Required to invoke initialization mode. -s scale_factor
Multiply the number of rows generated by the scale factor. For example, -s will create ,, rows in the pgbench_accounts table. Default is .
5.pgbench 压力测试参数:
pgbench accepts the following command-line benchmarking arguments: -c clients
Number of clients simulated, that is, number of concurrent database sessions. Default is . -C
Establish a new connection for each transaction, rather than doing it just once per client session. This is useful to measure the connection overhead. -d
Print debugging output. -D varname=value
Define a variable for use by a custom script (see below). Multiple -D options are allowed. -f filename
Read transaction script from filename. See below for details. -N, -S, and -f are mutually exclusive. -j threads
Number of worker threads within pgbench. Using more than one thread can be helpful on multi-CPU machines. The number of clients must be a multiple of the number of threads, since each thread is given the same number of client sessions to manage. Default is . -l
Write the time taken by each transaction to a log file. See below for details. -M querymode
Protocol to use for submitting queries to the server: simple: use simple query protocol. extended: use extended query protocol. prepared: use extended query protocol with prepared statements. The default is simple query protocol. (See Chapter for more information.) -n
Perform no vacuuming before running the test. This option is necessary if you are running a custom test scenario that does not include the standard tables pgbench_accounts, pgbench_branches, pgbench_history, and pgbench_tellers. -N
Do not update pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches. This will avoid update contention on these tables, but it makes the test case even less like TPC-B. -s scale_factor
Report the specified scale factor in pgbench is output. With the built-in tests, this is not necessary; the correct scale factor will be detected by counting the number of rows in the pgbench_branches table. However, when testing custom benchmarks (-f option), the scale factor will be reported as unless this option is used. -S
Perform select-only transactions instead of TPC-B-like test. -t transactions
Number of transactions each client runs. Default is . -T seconds
Run the test for this many seconds, rather than a fixed number of transactions per client. -t and -T are mutually exclusive. -v
Vacuum all four standard tables before running the test. With neither -n nor -v, pgbench will vacuum the pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches tables, and will truncate pgbench_history.
\set nbranches :scale
\set ntellers * :scale
\set naccounts * :scale
\setrandom delta -
\setrandom aid :naccounts
\setrandom bid :nbranches
\setrandom tid :ntellers BEGIN;
UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
END; 备注:上面是 pgbench 自带的测试脚本,用户也可以自己编写测试脚本。
\set nbranches :scale
\set ntellers * :scale
\set naccounts * :scale
\set delta random(-,)
\set aid random(,:naccounts)
\set bid random(,:nbranches)
\set tid random(,:ntellers) BEGIN;
UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
1)使用pgbench 选用-P 选项,多少s报告一次进程的tps等信息,将这些信息可以放到excel或者Gnuplot、Matlab中绘图。
2)在测试脚本中,\setrandom 需要对应的修改为\set xxx random(xxx, xxx)的方式。
yum install gnuplot -y
rpm -ivh msttcore-fonts-2.0-6.noarch.rpm
export GDFONTPATH="/usr/share/fonts/msttcore"
. /etc/profile
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