

When the message that "your system is running in low-graphics mode" appears press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to enter the termina. Then login with your credentials, and then run the following commands:

配置好网络,执行 sudo apt-get update,然后完成下面的步骤。

  1. Before installing the Guest Additions, you will have to prepare your guest system for building external kernel modules:

    sudo apt-get install dkms
  2. Insert the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso CD file into your Linux guest's virtual CD-ROM drive and mount the ISO for the guest additions (it can be found in the VirtualBox installation directory):

    sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
  3. Change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as root:

    sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

重新启动系统  sudo reboot。

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