Building Block

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 4420    Accepted Submission(s): 1372

Problem Description
are playing with blocks. There are N blocks (1 <= N <= 30000)
numbered 1...N。Initially, there are N piles, and each pile contains one
block. Then John do some operations P times (1 <= P <= 1000000).
There are two kinds of operation:

M X Y : Put the whole pile
containing block X up to the pile containing Y. If X and Y are in the
same pile, just ignore this command.
C X : Count the number of blocks under block X

You are request to find out the output for each C operation.

The first line contains integer P. Then P lines follow, each of which contain an operation describe above.
Output the count for each C operations in one line.
Sample Input
M 1 6
C 1
M 2 4
M 2 6
C 3
C 4
Sample Output
M x y 把包含x的一堆放到包含y的一堆上,如果xy同在一堆上,不做处理
C x 询问在x之下有多少个方块
题解:在以前的father和count(friend)之上再添加一个新的数组 under 表示当前结点的下面的pile的个数(我的理解是每个点带有一个权值为under[pos])
under数组的更新:第一种是针对每次将x堆放在y堆上面时,under[x]= under[x]+count[y]
第二种是求 a的根节点x与a之间的pile的个数,这里要利用find函数来进行递归,under[deep] = under[deep]+under[deep+1]
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
static int[] father;
static int[] count;
static int[] under;// 编号为i的Pile下面有多少个Piles public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
father = new int[30005];
count = new int[30005];
under = new int[30005];
for (int i = 0; i < 30005; i++) {
father[i] = i;
count[i] = 1;
int n = sc.nextInt();
while (n-- > 0) {
String str =;
if (str.equals("M")) {
int a = sc.nextInt();
int b = sc.nextInt();
int x = find(a); // 找到的是a堆最下面的pile x
int y = find(b); // 找到的是b堆最下面的pile y
if (x != y) {
father[x] = y;
under[x] += count[y]; // 根节点下面的pile就是y堆所有的个数
count[y] += count[x]; // 更新当前堆的pile的个数
} else {
int a = sc.nextInt();
} } private static int find(int a) {
if (father[a] != a) { //这步非常精彩 从 a点开始向下递归 ,每向下递归一层其上层就是等于 下层的under[dep+1]加上自己的under[dep]
int tmp = find(father[a]);
under[a] += under[father[a]];
father[a] = tmp;
return father[a];

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