Everything is always more beautiful reflected in your eyes.


Looking in your eyes, I find my relection.

I smile, it smiles, I cry, it cries.

Suddenly, I know what the world looks like all depends on what we are willing to see.

On this special day, I really expect that I can have someone to look in her eyes, silently.

But when I see the mirror, why my reflection in the mirror is someone I don't know?

Maybe I never know who I am and why I come to this world.

Clear that. Clear what my roadmap is.

That is the first step towards a not too bad life.

I have never known any trouble that an hour's reading didn't assuage.


From Charles De Secondat.

That depends on what kind of books you are reading.

For instance, last year I had read several books about the late Ming Dynasty.

The stories made me feel depressed, I took several days to recover from the depressing feelings.

Lamenting the miserable fates of the country and the people, I wondered what I would do if I was in charge of the empire, acutally, maybe nothing would change.

In the tumultuous times, how small and helpless the individuals would be.

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