C# Best Practices - Define Proper Classes
Application Architecture
Define the components appropriately for the application and create project for each one.
What is Class?
3 Things: Visual Things, Business Things (Domain Entities), Application Things (like Logging & Email Generation)
3 Types: User interface classes, Domain entity classes, Library class
Class is a template or mold,specifies the traits or data,specifies the behavior or operations.
Unit Testing
3 Advantages:
Higher Code Quality, Faster and Easier Debugging, Repeatable
Tests the behavior of a unit of code (often a method), Automated, Defined with code,Identifies errors
MSTest, NUnit
1.Define the test scenarios, 2.Generate the tests, 3.Execute the tests
Arrange -> Act -> Assert
1.Why is a layer architecture important?
Logical components are easier to create,change,extend and maintain
Code are easier to reuse
2.What is a class?
A template for the objects created at runtime
Specifies the data and operations for each entity
3.What are the benefits of unit testing?
Higher quality code,faster and easier debugging,and they are repeatable over the life of the application
abstract或internal abstract:不能实例化,只能供继承之用(只能在当前项目中访问)
public abstract:同上,但可以在任何地方访问
sealed或internel sealed:不能供派生之用,只能实例化(只能在当前项目中访问)
public sealed:同上,但可以在任何地方访问
3、接口成员是公共的,而抽象类的成员可以是private, protected, internal or protected internal。
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