
I’m going to blog this in case anyone else has run into the same issue. I recently tried to create SSIS Package Configurations using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) in a SQL Server 2012 environment in Cloudshare.

As always, I right clicked on the Control Flow designer for my package expecting to see the Package Configurations option on the menu. The option was not there.

So I searched msdn I found the instructions for 2012 tell me to select Package Configurations from the SSIS menu. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141132(v=sql.110).aspx I did that, but it’s not there either.

I haven’t been able to find a solution to getting this option back into my menu, but I did find a workaround. In my Package Properties window there is an option for Configurations.

When I click on the ellipsis I get the Package Configurations Organizer window I am looking for.

Just click on the Enable package configurations checkbox and away you go as normal.

I will be posting a blog shortly on some best practices for defining and reusing Package Configurations across your solution using a Package Template.

As an aside, I did also come across this interesting blog post on Parameters in Denali. As he states, they don’t replace Package Configurations, but it is another way to go.


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