So now we want to replace one user when we click the 'x' button.

To do that, we want:

1. Get the cached network data for generating the userList.

2. Then get a random user from the cached data.

3. Showing the user in the list.

We have the function to create suggestion user:

function createSuggestionStream(responseStream, closeClickStream) {
.merge( => null))

It contains the 'responseStream' which contains the cached data we need.

So, the code would somehow like this:

  var close1Clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(closeButton1, 'click');
close1Clicks.withLatestFrom(responseStream, (clickEv, cachedData) => {
return getRandomUser(cachedData);

When the closeClickStream happens, it will fetch the cached data and send userList to getRandomUser() function to pick user.

Now, we can merge this stream with responseStream:

function createSuggestionStream(responseStream, closeClickStream) {
.merge( => null))
(clickEv, cachedData) => getRandomUser(cachedData))


var refreshButton = document.querySelector('.refresh');
var closeButton1 = document.querySelector('.close1');
var closeButton2 = document.querySelector('.close2');
var closeButton3 = document.querySelector('.close3'); var refreshClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(refreshButton, 'click');
var close1Clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(closeButton1, 'click');
var close2Clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(closeButton2, 'click');
var close3Clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(closeButton3, 'click'); var startupRequestStream = Rx.Observable.just(''); var requestOnRefreshStream = refreshClickStream
.map(ev => {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var requestStream = startupRequestStream.merge(requestOnRefreshStream); var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(requestUrl =>
.shareReplay(1); // refreshClickStream: -------f------------->
// requestStream: r------r------------->
// responseStream: ---R-------R--------->
// closeClickStream: ---------------x----->
// suggestion1Stream: N--u---N---u---u-----> function getRandomUser(listUsers) {
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
} function createSuggestionStream(responseStream, closeClickStream) {
.merge( => null))
(clickEv, cachedData) => getRandomUser(cachedData))
} var suggestion1Stream = createSuggestionStream(responseStream, close1Clicks);
var suggestion2Stream = createSuggestionStream(responseStream, close2Clicks);
var suggestion3Stream = createSuggestionStream(responseStream, close3Clicks); // Rendering ---------------------------------------------------
function renderSuggestion(suggestedUser, selector) {
var suggestionEl = document.querySelector(selector);
if (suggestedUser === null) { = 'hidden';
} else { = 'visible';
var usernameEl = suggestionEl.querySelector('.username');
usernameEl.href = suggestedUser.html_url;
usernameEl.textContent = suggestedUser.login;
var imgEl = suggestionEl.querySelector('img');
imgEl.src = "";
imgEl.src = suggestedUser.avatar_url;
} suggestion1Stream.subscribe(user => {
renderSuggestion(user, '.suggestion1');
}); suggestion2Stream.subscribe(user => {
renderSuggestion(user, '.suggestion2');
}); suggestion3Stream.subscribe(user => {
renderSuggestion(user, '.suggestion3');

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