/// <summary>

/// (增)向表中插入数据

/// </summary>

public void InsertData()


LinqToSQLDataContext dataContent = new LinqToSQLDataContext();

//InsertOnSubmit(TEntity entity)方法向表一次插入一条记录

employee e = new employee() { id = 4, name = "sujina", age = 22, position = "教师", partment = "狮子场小学" };


//InsertAllOnSubmit<TSubEntity>(IEnumerable<TSubEntity> entities) 向表中一次插入多条记录

employee e1 = new employee() { id = 5, name = "sujina", age = 22, position = "教师", partment = "狮子场小学" };

employee e2 = new employee() { id = 6, name = "sujina", age = 22, position = "教师", partment = "狮子场小学" };

List<employee> epList = new List<employee>() { e1, e2 };




/// <summary>

/// (删)删除数据

/// </summary>

public void deleteData()


LinqToSQLDataContext dataContent = new LinqToSQLDataContext();


//Single<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate)返回序列中满足指定条件的唯一元素;如果有多个这样的元素存在则会报错

employee deletes = dataContent.employee.Single(x => x.id == 4);



IEnumerable<employee> delete = dataContent.employee.Where(x => x.id == 2).Select(x => x);//兰姆达表达式

//IEnumerable<employee> delete = from s in dataContent.employee where s.id == 2 select s;//linq写法




/// <summary>

/// (改)更新数据

/// </summary>

public void updteData()


LinqToSQLDataContext dataContent = new LinqToSQLDataContext();


IEnumerable<employee> update = dataContent.employee.Where(x => x.id > 4).Select(x => x);//IEnumerable<employee>类型

//IEnumerable<employee> update = from s in dataContent.employee where s.id >4 select s;//IEnumerable<employee>类型

foreach (var item in update)


item.name = "zybsjn";

item.partment = "酒店学校";

item.position = "教师程序员";



employee ep = dataContent.employee.Single(x => x.id == 5);

ep.name = "小娜娜";




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