
1. 同一图层的多个要素合并(2种方法)

2. 导入带经纬度坐标的 txt 文件

3. 栅格计算器的实现

4. 添加 shp 文件(显示在 ArcMap)

5. 通过经纬度坐标生成 Polygon

6. 多边形重叠区域次数计算(赤潮发生频次)

7. 批量删除/添加 shp 文件字段

8. 批量修改文件的 Spatial Reference

9. 读取折线或面几何(点坐标)

10. 读取 Geometry(2种方法)

11. 批量修改图例显示内容

12. 批量引用图层样式(Symbology)

13. 批量修改栅格图层 Background Vlue 值


Dissolve_management 工具
Geometry.union 方法
MakeXYEventLayer_management 工具
RasterCalculator 工具Polygon 对象
Point 对象
Union_analysis 工具
MultipartToSinglepart_management 工具
DeleteField_management 工具
AddField_management 工具
Project_management 工具
SpatialReference 对象
Describe 对象
ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management 工具


  1. <table style="border-style: solid; border-color: #ffffff; border-width: 5px; background-color: #ffffff; width: 968px;" border="5" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
  2. <tbody>
  3. <tr style="background-color: #333333;">
  4. <td style="border-style: solid; text-align: center; border-color: #ffffff; width: 50px; border-width: 3px; background-color: #333333;" colspan="5">
  5. <p class="Syntax_IDL"><a class="selected_IDL" href="http://desktop.arcgis.com/zh-cn/arcmap/10.3/tools/data-management-toolbox/dissolve.htm" target="_blank"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Georgia;"><strong>Dissolve (Data Management)</strong></span></a></p>
  6. </td>
  7. </tr>
  8. <tr style="background-color: #99ffcc;">
  9. <td style="border-style: solid; text-align: center; border-color: #ffffff; width: 50px; border-width: 3px; background-color: #333333;"><span style="font-family: Georgia; color: #ff9900;"><strong><span style="font-size: 16px;">01<br /></span></strong></span></td>
  10. <td style="border-style: solid none; text-align: center; border-color: #ffffff; width: 5px; border-width: 3px; background-color: #333333;"><span style="font-family: Georgia;">&nbsp;</span></td>
  11. <td style="border-style: solid none; border-color: #ffffff; width: 350px; border-width: 3px; text-align: left; background-color: #333333;">
  12. <p><span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Georgia;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">====<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></span></span> </span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span>Description <span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></span></span></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">====</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></span></span><br /></span></span></p>
  13. <p><span style="font-family: Georgia; font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;">基于指定属性聚合要素。<br /><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>
  14. <p><span style="font-family: Georgia; font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">====<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span> Syntax <span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></span></span><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">====</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></strong></span></span></span></p>
  15. <p><span style="font-family: Georgia; font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ffcc; background-color: #333333;"><strong><span style="color: #ff99cc;"><strong style="font-size: 14.4px !important; line-height: 19.6px !important;">Dissolve_management&nbsp;</strong></span></strong>(in_features, out_feature_class, {dissolve_field}, {statistics_fields}, {multi_part}, {unsplit_lines})<br /><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">----------------------------------------------------------------------------------</span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span></p>
  16. <p><span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Georgia;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">====<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong> Parameter <span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #cc99ff;"><strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #99ccff;"><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span class="IDLkeyword hint--top hint--rounded hint--bounce" data-hint="Executes one or more statements repeatedly, incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition, until a condition is met."><span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">====</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span></span></p>
  17. <p><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;">◈&nbsp; <span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #ffcc99;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">in_features</span></span>:要聚合的要素。<br /></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;">◈&nbsp; <span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #ffcc99;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">out_feature_class<span style="color: #99ccff;">:要创建的将包含聚合要素的要素类。</span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /><span style="font-family: Georgia;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #99ccff;">◈&nbsp; <span style="color: #99ccff;"><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #ffcc99;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">dissolve_field<span style="color: #99ccff;">:要聚合要素的一个或多个字段。省略的话则对所有要素合并。</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>
  18. </td>
  19. <td style="border-style: solid none; border-color: #ffffff; width: 5px; border-width: 3px; text-align: left; background-color: #333333;"><span style="font-family: Georgia;">&nbsp;</span></td>
  20. <td style="border-color: #ffffff; border-width: 3px; border-style: solid; background-color: #333333;">&nbsp;</td>
  21. </tr>
  22. <tr style="background-color: #99ffcc;">
  23. <td style="border-style: solid; text-align: center; border-color: #ffffff; width: 50px; border-width: 3px; background-color: #333333;" colspan="5">&nbsp;<span style="font-family: Georgia;">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: Georgia;">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: Georgia;">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: Georgia;"> <br /></span></td>
  24. </tr>
  25. </tbody>
  26. </table>

1. 同一图层的多个要素合并

  方法一:可以通过 Editor 对要素进行编辑,然后选中后通过使用 Merge 工具可以实现。利用 ArcPy 实现自动化处理,需要用到 Dissolve 工具,可以按照相同字段值进行合并融合。

  参考:Alternative to 'Editors Merge' feature using Arcpy

Dissolve (Data Management)


====<<<< Description >>>>====


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

Dissolve_management (in_features, out_feature_class, {dissolve_field}, {statistics_fields}, {multi_part}, {unsplit_lines})

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  in_features:要聚合的要素。
◈  out_feature_class:要创建的将包含聚合要素的要素类。
◈  dissolve_field:要聚合要素的一个或多个字段。省略的话则对所有要素合并。

  1. # 将国家合并成一个要素
  2. arcpy.Dissolve_management("CNTRY92", "world")
  4. # 将国家按照 Continent 字段按照大洲合并
  5. arcpy.Dissolve_management("CNTRY92", "world_01", "continent")
  1. --------------------------------------------------

  方法二:通过 Geometry 的 union 方法可以实现几何图形的合并,然后通过 CopyFeatures_Management 方法将生成的集合图形转换成 shp 文件。


  1. import arcpy
  3. # 获取当前 shp 文件的所有 Geometry,结果是一个 list
  4. geoms = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("bou2_4p", arcpy.Geometry())
  6. geo1 = geoms[0]
  7. geo2 = geoms[1]
  9. # 以下两种均可以实现将两个 Geometry 合并,然后将生成的 Geometry 输出
  10. geo_new = geo1.union(geo2)
  11. arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(geo_new, "geo_new1.shp")
  13. geo_new01 = arcpy.Geometry.union(geo1, geo2)
  14. arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(geo_new01, "geo_new2.shp")

  参考:Geometry 官方说明

  参考:CopyFeatures_management 官方说明

2. 导入带经纬度坐标的 txt 文件

  在 Desktop 中实现,需要执行如下操作:File -> Add Data -> Add XY Data... 。通过下表的工具可以实现自动处理功能。

Make XY Event Layer (Data Management)


====<<<< Description >>>>====

根据源表中定义的 X 和 Y 坐标创建新的点要素图层。如果源表包含 Z 坐标(高程值),则可以在创建事件图层时指定该字段。由此工具创建的图层是临时图层。相当于 File -> Add Data -> Add XY Data

====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

MakeXYEventLayer_management (table, in_x_field, in_y_field, out_layer, {spatial_reference}, {in_z_field})

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  table:定义要创建的点要素位置的表(包含 X 和 Y 坐标)。
◈  in_x_field:输入表中包含 X 坐标的字段。
◈  in_y_field:输入表中包含 Y 坐标的字段。
◈  out_layer:输出点事件图层的名称。

  1. # 获取内部的数据
  2. files_txt = arcpy.ListFiles()
  4. # 对数据进行遍历,并执行工具操作,命名为 txt 文件的名称
  5. for f in files_txt:
  6. # 将txt数据导入
  7. arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(f, "Longitude", "Latitude", f)
  1. --------------------------------------------------

3. 栅格计算器的实现


Raster Calculator (Spatial Analyst)


====<<<< Description >>>>====

在类似计算器的界面中,使用 Python 语法构建和执行单个地图代数表达式。


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

RasterCalculator (expression, output_raster)

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  expression:“地图代数”表达式。(表达式通过单引号连接,因为双引号需要显示在SQL语句中,例如变量名称)
◈  output_raster:生成输出的信息。(不写扩展名的话会生成带有文件夹形式的栅格数据,如果写 *.tif,则直接生成 tif 文件)

  1. lyrs = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd)
  3. # 注意写表达式的时候不能有字符串函数什么的,而且变量名需要用双引号
  4. # 因此可以先print下效果
  5. # SQL函数很无语
  7. for i in range(9, 21):
  8. arcpy.gp.RasterCalculator_sa('8.64012 - 14.84545*Log10("' \
  9. + lyrs[i].name + '") + 10.54793*Power(Log10("' + lyrs[i].name \
  10. + '"), 2) - 3.45375 * Power(Log10("' + lyrs[i].name + '"), 3) \
  11. + 0.4254 * Power(Log10("' + lyrs[i].name + '"), 4)', lyrs[i].name + "_sd.tif")
  1. --------------------------------------------------

4. 添加 shp 文件(显示在 ArcMap)

  ArcGIS 添加 shp 文件很容易,但是没有可以直接添加 shp 文件的 ArcPy 方法,实现代码如下所示:

  1. # 获取当前的 mxd
  2. mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
  3. # 获取当前的 data frame
  4. df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]
  5. # 获取 shp 文件路径
  6. theShape = r"E:\zgl.shp"
  7. # 定义 shp 文件为图层
  8. addLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(theShape)
  9. # 将图层添加到当前的 data frame 中
  10. arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, addLayer, "AUTO_ARRANGE")
  11. # 刷新视图
  12. arcpy.RefreshActiveView()
  13. arcpy.RefreshTOC()


5. 通过经纬度坐标生成 Polygon

  方法一: 通过多个工具实现,步骤如下

  1. 将经纬度坐标写入到 txt 文件中,注意收尾的点重合,否则无法合成多边形;
  2. 利用 MakeXYEventLayer_management 工具将 txt 文件生成 Point 文件;
  3. 利用 PointsToLine_management 工具将 Point 转换成 Polyline;
  4. 利用 FeatureToPolygon_management 工具将 Polyline 转换成 Polygon。

  方法二:利用 arcpy.Polygonarcpy.Point 来实现,创建 Polyline 类似


  1. # 创建经纬度列表
  2. coords = [(1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (1, 2)]
  4. # 创建 Array
  5. ar = arcpy.Array()
  7. # 将经纬度以 Point 的形式添加到 Array 中
  8. for x, y in coords:
  9. ar.add(arcpy.Point(x, y))
  11. # 创建 Polygon 并输出
  12. polygon = arcpy.Polygon(ar)
  13. arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(polygon, "polygon01")

  参考: Create a shapefile from geometry

6. 多边形重叠区域次数计算(赤潮发生频次)


  1. 将文件名中的点 “.” 去掉,参考博文 删除文件名中的点 “.”
  2. 由于原 shp 文件中存在一个文件里面存储多个 polygon,不利于计算,需要通过 Dissolve 工具将其合并为一个 polygon,同时由于原 shp 文件存储在不同的文件夹,在操作此工具时将其存储在一个新的文件夹(/tmp/dissolve);
  3. 通过 Union 工具,将 2 中生成的所有 shp 文件合并,生成一个 union.shp,此文件是将上面所有文件炸裂的效果;
    需要通过 MultipartToSinglepart_management 工具进一步处理;
    需要通过 Project 工具统一空间参考;
  4. 通过遍历 union.shp 中每一个 polygon,并与 2 中的每一个 shp 文件进行比较,如果存在包含关系,则增加 1,最终可以计算每一个斑块的出现次数。


  1. import arcpy
  2. arcpy.env.workspace = r"D:\01-Working\2018\20180411-HAD_FREQ\tmp"
  4. # 通过 union 工具可以将 多个polygon 打碎成小块
  5. arcpy.Union_analysis(["New_Shapefile", "New_ShapefileCopy", "New_ShapefileCopy2"], "union")
  7. mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")
  8. df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
  9. shps = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
  11. # 选取一列都是 0 的数据
  12. cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("union", "Id")
  13. # 用来记录列表的索引值
  14. i = 0
  15. # 获取图斑的所有 Geometry
  16. geoms = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("union", arcpy.Geometry())
  17. for row in cursor:
  18. geom = geoms[i]
  19. for shp in shps:
  20. geo2 = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(shp, arcpy.Geometry())
  21. g2 = geo2[0]
  22. # 判断包含关系,如果成立,则增加1,以此类推
  23. if g2.contains(geom):
  24. row[0] = row[0] + 1
  25. cursor.updateRow(row)
  26. i = i + 1
  28. # 最终 Id 列就会显示每一个斑块的出现频率

  Union 工具说明



====<<<< Description >>>>====


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

Union_analysis (in_features, out_feature_class, {join_attributes}, {cluster_tolerance}, {gaps})

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  in_features:输入要素类或图层列表。
◈  out_feature_class:将包含结果的要素类。

  1. import arcpy
  2. import os
  4. rootdir = r"D:\CODE\HAB_FREQ\fb"
  6. arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(rootdir, "dissolve")
  7. shps = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
  9. arcpy.Union_analysis(shps, os.path.join(rootdir, "union", "union_multi.shp"))
  11. arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(rootdir, "union")
  12. arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management("union_multi.shp", "union.shp")
  1. --------------------------------------------------


  特别说明,在处理多重叠文件后,会有一部分生成了 Multipart 的部分,因此需要通过 MultipartToSinglepart_management 将其进一步转化,如下所示:



====<<<< Description >>>>====


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

MultipartToSinglepart_management (in_features, out_feature_class)

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  in_features:任意要素类型的输入要素(单一文件)。
◈  out_feature_class:要创建的将包含聚合要素的要素类。

  1. import arcpy
  2. import os
  4. rootdir = r"D:\CODE\HAB_FREQ\fb"
  6. arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(rootdir, "dissolve")
  7. shps = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
  9. arcpy.Union_analysis(shps, os.path.join(rootdir, "union", "union_multi.shp"))
  11. arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(rootdir, "union")
  12. arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management("union_multi.shp", "union.shp")
  1. --------------------------------------------------

参考:分离多部分 (multipart) 要素(拆分)

7. 批量删除/添加 shp 文件字段

  通过 union 工具生成的 shp 文件含有超多的字段,手动删除很麻烦,因此需要借用 DeleteField_management 工具来实现。



====<<<< Description >>>>====


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

DeleteField_management (in_table, drop_field)

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  in_table:包含要删除字段的表。将修改现有输入表。(矢量图层)
◈  drop_field、[drop_field,...]:要从输入表中删除的字段 (名称或者列表)。必填字段不能删除。除了 FID 和 SHAPE 必须保留一个字段。

  1. import arcpy
  2. # 获取 shp 的所有字段
  3. fields = arcpy.ListFields("union")
  4. # 获取所有字段的名称
  5. f_names = []
  6. for f in fields: f_names.append(f.name)
  7. # 通过字段名称删除字段
  8. arcpy.DeleteField_management("union", f_names[3:])



====<<<< Description >>>>====


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

AddField_management (in_table, field_name, field_type, {field_precision}, {field_scale}, {field_length}, {field_alias}, {field_is_nullable}, {field_is_required}, {field_domain})

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  in_table:要添加指定字段的输入表。该字段将被添加到现有输入表,并且不会创建新的输出表。
◈  field_name:要添加到输入表的字段的名称。
◈  field_type:新字段的字段类型。(TEXT、FLOAT等)

  1. from arcpy import *
  2. # 添加一个字符串字段,长度默认
  3. AddField_management("union", "Name", "TEXT")
  4. # 长度为 5
  5. AddField_management("union", "Name2", "TEXT", field_length=5)
  1. --------------------------------------------------



8. 批量修改文件的 Spatial Reference456852

  承接 6 中的问题,由于 shp 文件提取是通过 ENVI 基于不同的卫星提取的,因此 shp 文件自动加入不同的卫星的 Spatial Reference,导致在进行 contains 计算时出现错误,因此需要将所有的 shp 文件批量转化成相同的 Spatial Reference。

  通过 Project 工具实现,由于相关参数过于复杂,可以通过工具箱操作一次,然后获取相应代码,在进行批量的操作。



====<<<< Description >>>>====


====<<<< Syntax >>>>====

Project_management (in_dataset, out_dataset, out_coor_system, {transform_method}, {in_coor_system}, {preserve_shape}, {max_deviation})

====<<<< Parameter >>>>====

◈  in_dataset:要投影的要素类、要素图层或要素数据集。
◈  out_dataset:将要写入结果的输出数据集。
◈  out_coor_systemev:有效值是空间参考对象、扩展名为 .prj 的文件或坐标系的字符串表达形式。

  1. # 通过坐标系工厂代码创建
  2. >>> sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)
  3. >>> sr.name
  4. u'GCS_WGS_1984'
  5. >>> arcpy.Project_management("union", "union2.shp", sr)
  7. # 通过已知文件获取
  8. >>> sr1 = arcpy.Describe("20171127_GF1_172").spatialReference
  10. # 通过工具箱转换
  11. >>> arcpy.Project_management('union', 'union3.shp',
  12. "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',
  13. SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],
  14. PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]]")
  1. --------------------------------------------------

参考:GIS 专业人员需了解的投影基础知识

参考:有关坐标系名称和工厂代码的详细信息,请参阅 geographic_coordinate_systems.pdfprojected_coordinate_systems.pdf ArcGIS 文档文件夹中的文件。有关详细信息,请参阅使用空间参考类

9. 读取折线或面几何(点坐标)

  • Polygon 由多个包含 Point 的 Array 组成
  • 首先需要读取 Polygon 的每一个部分,也就是一个 Array
  • 其次读取每个 Array 中的 Point
  • Polyline/Polygon 解析:

    一个 Polyline/Polygon 含有多个部分,需要通过 for 循环读取,每个部分是一个 Array 对象(包含 Point 对象)

    一个 Array 对象内部包括 N 个 Point 对象,需要通过 for 循环读取每个 Point 对象,并获取其 XY 坐标值

  1. # 获取所有 polygon
  2. >>> cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor("CNTRY92", "SHAPE@")
  3. >>> shapes = [row[0] for row in cursor]
  4. >>> len(shapes)
  5. 147
  7. # 获取第一个 polygon
  8. >>> shape_0 = shapes[0]
  9. >>> shape_0
  10. <Polygon object at 0xac33290[0xad06f00]>
  12. # 获取 polygon 的每一部分,每个 part 是一个 Array 对象
  13. >>> for part in shape_0:
  14. ... for pnt in part: # 每个 pnt 对应着每一个 Point 对象
  15. ... print("{}, {}".format(pnt.X, pnt.Y))  # 获取每个 Point 对象的属性
  16. ...
  17. 6.02716398239, 49.5240783691
  18. 6.08806419373, 49.6805076599
  19. 5.94872617722, 49.7722320557
  20. 5.94158744812, 49.9194297791
  21. 6.03742027283, 50.0643806458


10. 读取 Geometry(2种方法)

  方法一:通过 CopyFeatures_management 工具直接读取 shp 文件的 Geometry,得到的结果是一个 Polygon 列表,然后可以读取每一个 Polygon,对于 Polygon 的读取符合 9 中规律。(1 个 Polygon 由多个 Array 组成,每个 Array 都是由 Point 组成)

  1. # 获取文件中所有的 Polygon,是一个列表文件
  2. >>> polygons = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("CNTRY92", arcpy.Geometry())
  3. >>> type(polygons)
  4. <type 'list'>
  6. # 获取第一个 Polygon
  7. >>> polygon_1 = polygons[0]
  9. # 将此 Polygon 的所有部分组成一个列表,为多个 Array
  10. >>> polygon_1s = [pnt for pnt in polygon_1]
  12. # 获取第一个 Array,含有所有 Point
  13. >>> polygon = polygon_1s[0]
  14. >>> type(polygon)
  15. <class 'arcpy.arcobjects.arcobjects.Array'>

  方法二:通过 da.SearchCursor 方法读取 "SHAPE@" 字段获取 Geometry,通过遍历游标可以获取 Polygon 列表,其他与 方法一 类似。

  1. # 查询要素几何,并将其赋值为 Polygon 列表,其他与 方法一 一致
  2. >>> cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor("CNTRY92", "SHAPE@")
  3. >>> polygons = [row[0] for row in cursor]


  1. # 通过循环获取每一个要素
  2. for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor("test.shp", ["OID@", "SHAPE@"]):
  3. # 通过循环获取要素的每一个部分(Array)
  4. for part in row[1]:
  5. # 通过循环获取 Array 中的每一个 Point 信息
  6. for pnt in part:
  7. print("{}, {}".format(pnt.X, pnt.Y))

11. 批量修改图例显示内容

  所谓修改图例内容,需要修改下图中每一个 label 的内容,如果在 ArcMap 中修改需要逐一修改对应 TOC 内的标签或者 Symbology 里面的标签。然而通过 ArcPy 批量修改图例的显示标签内容也需要批量修改 Symbology 对应的标签值。下面为实现效果和对应代码:


  1. >>> import arcpy
  2. >>> mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")
  3. >>> df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
  4. >>> lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(df)[0]
  5. >>> sym = lyr.symbology
  6. # 获取标签列表
  7. >>> list_labels = sym.classLabels
  8. >>> list_labels
  9. [u'Africa', u'Antarctica', u'Asia', u'Australia', u'Europe',
  10. u'North America', u'Oceania', u'South America']
  11. # 修改标签内容并赋值
  12. >>> list_labels_new = [f.upper() for f in list_labels]
  13. >>> list_labels_new
  16. >>> sym.classLabels = list_labels_new
  17. >>> arcpy.RefreshActiveView()


12. 批量引用图层样式(Symbology)

  需要现在一个图层上建立相应的样式,也就是 Symbology,然后通过 UpdateLayer 方法可以将目标图层的样式进行引用。


  第一幅图通过 mapping.UpdateLayer 方法实现的,可见,两者具有相同的分类

  第二幅图通过 ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management 工具实现的,此工具将来自图层的符号系统应用到输入图层。

  1. # 方法一
  2. >>> arcpy.mapping.UpdateLayer(df, lyrs[0], lyrs[1])
  3. # 方法二
  4. >>> arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(lyrs[0],lyrs[1])


13. 批量修改栅格图层 Background Vlue 值

  对于导入 ArcMap 中的遥感影像一般会有黑色的边框,此部分为没有数据的区域,通常通过 Layer Properties》Symbology》RGB Composite》Display Background Value 复选框选中,可以将此部分赋值为透明,而针对大量图层,可以通过 ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management 工具实现,前提需要有一个图层设置完成,后面的图层引用相同的样式即可。

  若 lyrs[1] 是折叠图层,操作如下代码后 lyrs[0] 也会自动变成折叠图层。

  1. >>> arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(lyrs[0],lyrs[1])

参考:Python to set Layer properties/symbology/display back ground value RGB 0 0 0

参考:Why is ArcPy script to apply symbology not working?

14. 同一图层的多个要素合并

15. 同一图层的多个要素合并

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