MongoDB Auto-Sharding 解决了海量存储和动态扩容的问题,但离实际生产环境所需的高可靠、高可用还有些距离,所以有了"Replica Sets + Sharding"的解决方案。


使用Replica Sets,确保每个数据节点都具有备份,自动容错转移,自动回复能力。





配置Replica Sets + Sharding 架构图:

配置Replica Sets + Sharding

  (1)配置shard1所用到的Replica Sets

在server A上

  1. [root@localhost bin]# /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard1 --port 27017
  2. --dbpath /data/shard1_1 --logpath /data/shard1_1/shard1_1.log --logappend --fork
  3. [root@localhost bin]# all output going to: /data/shard1_1/shard1_1.log
  4. forked process: 18923

在server B上

  1. [root@localhost bin]# /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard1 --port 27017
  2. --dbpath /data/shard1_2 --logpath /data/shard1_2/shard1_2.log --logappend --fork
  3. forked process: 18859
  4. [root@localhost bin]# all output going to: /data/shard1_2/shard1_2.log
  5. [root@localhost bin]#

在Server C 上

  1. [root@localhost bin]# /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard1 --port 27017
  2. --dbpath /data/shard1_3 --logpath /data/shard1_3/shard1_3.log --logappend --fork
  3. all output going to: /data/shard1_3/shard1_3.log
  4. forked process: 18768
  5. [root@localhost bin]#

用mongo 连接其中一台机器的27017 端口的mongod,初始化Replica Sets“shard1”,执行:

  1. [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo --port 27017
  2. MongoDB shell version: 1.8.1
  3. connecting to:
  4. > config = {_id: 'shard1', members: [
  5. ... {_id: 0, host: ''},
  6. ... {_id: 1, host: ''},
  7. ... {_id: 2, host: ''}]
  8. ... }
  9. ……
  10. > rs.initiate(config)
  11. {
  12. "info" : "Config now saved locally. Should come online in about a minute.",
  13. "ok" : 1
  14. }

(2)配置shard2所用到的Replica Sets

在server A上

  1. [root@localhost bin]# /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard2 --port 27018
  2. --dbpath /data/shard2_1 --logpath /data/shard2_1/shard2_1.log --logappend --fork
  3. all output going to: /data/shard2_1/shard2_1.log
  4. [root@localhost bin]# forked process: 18993
  5. [root@localhost bin]#

在server B上

  1. [root@localhost bin]# /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard2 --port 27018
  2. --dbpath /data/shard2_2 --logpath /data/shard2_2/shard2_2.log --logappend --fork
  3. all output going to: /data/shard2_2/shard2_2.log
  4. forked process: 18923
  5. [root@localhost bin]#

在Server C上

  1. [root@localhost bin]# /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard2 --port 27018
  2. --dbpath /data/shard2_3 --logpath /data/shard2_3/shard2_3.log --logappend --fork
  3. [root@localhost bin]# all output going to: /data/shard2_3/shard2_3.log
  4. forked process: 18824
  5. [root@localhost bin]#

用mongo 连接其中一台机器的27018 端口的mongod,初始化Replica Sets “shard2”,执行:

  1. [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo --port 27018
  2. MongoDB shell version: 1.8.1
  3. connecting to:
  4. > config = {_id: 'shard2', members: [
  5. ... {_id: 0, host: ''},
  6. ... {_id: 1, host: ''},
  7. ... {_id: 2, host: ''}]
  8. ... }
  9. ……
  10. > rs.initiate(config)
  11. {
  12. "info" : "Config now saved locally. Should come online in about a minute.",
  13. "ok" : 1
  15. db.runCommand({ enablesharding:"test" })
  16. db.runCommand({ shardcollection: "test.users", key: { _id:1 }})
  18. }

  (3)配置3 台Config Server
    在Server A、B、C上执行:

  1. /Apps/mongo/bin/mongod --configsvr --dbpath /data/config --port 20000 --logpath
  2. /data/config/config.log --logappend --fork

(4)配置3台Route Process
    在Server A、B、C上执行:

  1. /Apps/mongo/bin/mongos --configdb
  2.,, --port 30000 --chunkSize 1
  3. --logpath /data/mongos.log --logappend --fork

(5)配置Shard Cluster
    连接到其中一台机器的端口30000 的mongos 进程,并切换到admin 数据库做以下配置

  1. [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo --port 30000
  2. MongoDB shell version: 1.8.1
  3. connecting to:
  4. > use admin
  5. switched to db admin
  6. >db.runCommand({addshard:"shard1/,,
  7. 27017"});
  8. { "shardAdded" : "shard1", "ok" : 1 }
  9. >db.runCommand({addshard:"shard2/,,
  10. 27018"});
  11. { "shardAdded" : "shard2", "ok" : 1 }
  12. >


  1. db.runCommand({ enablesharding:"test" })
  2. db.runCommand({ shardcollection: "test.users", key: { _id:1 }})

    连接到其中一台机器的端口30000 的mongos 进程,并切换到test 数据库,以便添加测试数据

  1. use test
  2. for(var i=1;i<=200000;i++) db.users.insert({id:i,addr_1:"Beijing",addr_2:"Shanghai"});
  3. db.users.stats()
  4. {
  5. "sharded" : true,
  6. "ns" : "test.users",
  7. "count" : 200000,
  8. "size" : 25600384,
  9. "avgObjSize" : 128,
  10. "storageSize" : 44509696,
  11. "nindexes" : 2,
  12. "nchunks" : 15,
  13. "shards" : {
  14. "shard0000" : {
  15. ……
  16. },
  17. "shard0001" : {
  18. ……
  19. }
  20. },
  21. "ok" : 1
  22. }

可以看到Sharding搭建成功了,跟我们期望的结果一致,至此我们就将Replica Sets与Sharding结合的架构也学习完毕了!

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