// main.m
// 01.基本数据类型
// Created by zhangqs008 on 14-2-13.
// Copyright (c) 2014年 zhangqs008. All rights reserved.
// #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool { //01.基本数据类型长度
NSLog(@"The size of an int is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(int));
NSLog(@"The size of a short int is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(short int));
NSLog(@"The size of a long int is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(long int));
NSLog(@"The size of a char is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(char));
NSLog(@"The size of a float is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(float));
NSLog(@"The size of a double is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(double));
NSLog(@"The size of a bool is: %lu bytes.",sizeof(bool)); //02.格式化输出
int integerType = 5;//整型
float floatType = 3.1415; //浮点型
double doubleType = 2.2033;//双浮点型
short int shortType = 200;//短整型
long long int longlongType = 7758123456767L;//长整型
char * cstring = "this is a string!";//c语言字符串 //整型
NSLog(@"The value of integerType = %d",integerType);
NSLog(@"The value of floatType = %.2f",floatType);
NSLog(@"The value of doubleType = %e",doubleType);
NSLog(@"The value of shortType = %hi",shortType);
NSLog(@"The value of longlongType = %lli",longlongType);
NSLog(@"The value of cstring = %s",cstring); //03.NSString与NSInteger的相互转换
NSInteger integerNumber = 888;
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",(long)integerNumber];
NSLog(@"string is %@", string); NSInteger integer = [string intValue];
NSLog(@"integer is %ld", (long)integer); //04.int,NSInteger,NSUInteger,NSNumber
//3.NSInteger是基础类型,但是NSNumber是一个类。如果想要在NSMutableArray里存储一个数值,直接用NSInteger是不行的,必须转换为数字对象; }
return 0;


2014-02-13 21:19:33.633 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] 01.基本数据类型长度

2014-02-13 21:19:33.634 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of an int is: 4 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.635 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of a short int is: 2 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.635 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of a long int is: 8 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.635 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of a char is: 1 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.636 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of a float is: 4 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.636 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of a double is: 8 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.636 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The size of a bool is: 1 bytes.

2014-02-13 21:19:33.637 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] 02.格式化输出

2014-02-13 21:19:33.637 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The value of integerType = 5

2014-02-13 21:19:33.637 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The value of floatType = 3.14

2014-02-13 21:19:33.638 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The value of doubleType = 2.203300e+00

2014-02-13 21:19:33.639 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The value of shortType = 200

2014-02-13 21:19:33.639 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The value of longlongType = 7758123456767

2014-02-13 21:19:33.640 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] The value of cstring = this is a string!

2014-02-13 21:19:33.640 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] 03.NSStringNSInteger的相互转换

2014-02-13 21:19:33.640 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] string is 888

2014-02-13 21:19:33.641 01.基本数据类型[1463:303] integer is 888

Program ended with exit code: 0


%@          对象

%d, %i     整数

%u            无符整形

%f             浮点/双字

%x, %X    二进制整数

%o            八进制整数

%zu          size_t

%p           指针

%e           浮点/双字 (科学计算)

%g           浮点/双字

%s            C 字符串

%.*s         Pascal字符串

%c           字符

%C          unichar

%lld         64位长整数(long long)

%llu        无符64位长整数

%Lf         64位双字

%e          实数,用科学计数法计


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