public static boolean parseHTML(Scanner sc, List<String> errorInfo) {
String[] tags = new String[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
int count = 0; // tag counter
String token; // token returned by the scanner
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
while ((token = sc.findInLine("<[^>]*>"))!=null) { // find the next tag: starting with a '<', ending with a '>', anything between them are recognized as tag name. Note that '<>' is also taken into account.
if (count == tags.length) {
tags = Arrays.copyOf(tags, tags.length * 2);
tags[count++] = stripEnds(token); // strip the ends off this tag
return isHTMLMatched(tags, errorInfo);


  while(sc.hasNextLine())通过,开始处理最后一行文本,运行到sc.nextLine()的时候,抛出异常:NoSuchElementException: No line found

  经过println(sc.hasNextLine())的检查,在进入while((toke = sc.findInLine("...")) != null)之前,打印true,跳出该循环之后,打印false


  查看findInLine的API Specification,没有提及findInLine()具有nextLine()的功能。



public static boolean parseHTML(Scanner sc, List<String> errorInfo) {
String[] tags = new String[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
int count = 0; // tag counter
String token; // token returned by the scanner
while (true) {
while ((token = sc.findInLine("<[^>]*>"))!=null) { // find the next tag: starting with a '<', ending with a '>', anything between them are recognized as tag name. Note that '<>' is also taken into account, but it's illegal.
if (count == tags.length) {
tags = Arrays.copyOf(tags, tags.length * 2);
tags[count++] = stripEnds(token); // strip the ends off this tag
if (sc.hasNextLine()) {
} else {
return isHTMLMatched(tags, errorInfo);

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