2019.04.19 读书笔记 比较File.OpenRead()和File.ReadAllBytes()的差异
public static FileStream OpenRead(string path) =>
new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); //构造函数又调用了其他构造函数,继续深入
public FileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) : this(path, mode, access, share, 0x1000, FileOptions.None, Path.GetFileName(path), false)
//调用了Init 初始化
internal FileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, FileOptions options, string msgPath, bool bFromProxy)
Win32Native.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs = GetSecAttrs(share);
this.Init(path, mode, access, , false, share, bufferSize, options, secAttrs, msgPath, bFromProxy, false, false);
} //读取数据到流中,过程就没什么可以看的了
private unsafe void Init(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, int rights, bool useRights, FileShare share, int bufferSize, FileOptions options, Win32Native.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, string msgPath, bool bFromProxy, bool useLongPath, bool checkHost)
int num;
if (path == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("path", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Path"));
if (path.Length == )
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyPath"));
FileSystemRights rights2 = (FileSystemRights) rights;
this._fileName = msgPath;
this._exposedHandle = false;
FileShare share2 = share & ~FileShare.Inheritable;
string paramName = null;
if ((mode < FileMode.CreateNew) || (mode > FileMode.Append))
paramName = "mode";
else if (!useRights && ((access < FileAccess.Read) || (access > FileAccess.ReadWrite)))
paramName = "access";
else if (useRights && ((rights2 < FileSystemRights.ListDirectory) || (rights2 > FileSystemRights.FullControl)))
paramName = "rights";
else if ((share2 < FileShare.None) || (share2 > (FileShare.Delete | FileShare.ReadWrite)))
paramName = "share";
if (paramName != null)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Enum"));
if ((options != FileOptions.None) && ((options & 0x3ffbfff) != FileOptions.None))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Enum"));
if (bufferSize <= )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
if (((!useRights && ((access & FileAccess.Write) == )) || (useRights && ((rights2 & FileSystemRights.Write) == ))) && (((mode == FileMode.Truncate) || (mode == FileMode.CreateNew)) || ((mode == FileMode.Create) || (mode == FileMode.Append))))
if (!useRights)
object[] objArray1 = new object[] { mode, access };
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFileMode&AccessCombo", objArray1));
object[] values = new object[] { mode, rights2 };
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFileMode&RightsCombo", values));
if (useRights && (mode == FileMode.Truncate))
if (rights2 != FileSystemRights.Write)
object[] objArray3 = new object[] { mode, rights2 };
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidFileModeTruncate&RightsCombo", objArray3));
useRights = false;
access = FileAccess.Write;
if (!useRights)
num = (access == FileAccess.Read) ? - : ((access == FileAccess.Write) ? 0x40000000 : -);
num = rights;
int maxPathLength = useLongPath ? 0x7fff : (AppContextSwitches.BlockLongPaths ? : 0x7fff);
string fullPath = Path.NormalizePath(path, true, maxPathLength);
this._fileName = fullPath;
if ((!CodeAccessSecurityEngine.QuickCheckForAllDemands() || AppContextSwitches.UseLegacyPathHandling) && fullPath.StartsWith(@"\\.\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_DevicesNotSupported"));
bool flag = false;
if ((!useRights && ((access & FileAccess.Read) != )) || (useRights && ((rights2 & FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute) != )))
if (mode == FileMode.Append)
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidAppendMode"));
flag = true;
if (CodeAccessSecurityEngine.QuickCheckForAllDemands())
FileIOPermissionAccess noAccess = FileIOPermissionAccess.NoAccess;
if (flag)
noAccess |= FileIOPermissionAccess.Read;
if (((!useRights && ((access & FileAccess.Write) != )) || (useRights && ((rights2 & (FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership | FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions | FileSystemRights.Delete | FileSystemRights.Write | FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles)) != ))) || ((useRights && ((rights2 & FileSystemRights.Synchronize) != )) && (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))
if (mode == FileMode.Append)
noAccess |= FileIOPermissionAccess.Append;
noAccess |= FileIOPermissionAccess.Write;
AccessControlActions control = ((secAttrs != null) && (secAttrs.pSecurityDescriptor != null)) ? AccessControlActions.Change : AccessControlActions.None;
string[] fullPathList = new string[] { fullPath };
FileIOPermission.QuickDemand(noAccess, control, fullPathList, false, false);
share &= ~FileShare.Inheritable;
bool flag2 = mode == FileMode.Append;
if (mode == FileMode.Append)
mode = FileMode.OpenOrCreate;
if ((options & FileOptions.Asynchronous) != FileOptions.None)
this._isAsync = true;
options &= ~FileOptions.Asynchronous;
int dwFlagsAndAttributes = (int) options;
dwFlagsAndAttributes |= 0x100000;
int newMode = Win32Native.SetErrorMode();
string str3 = fullPath;
if (useLongPath)
str3 = Path.AddLongPathPrefix(str3);
this._handle = Win32Native.SafeCreateFile(str3, num, share, secAttrs, mode, dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr.Zero);
if (this._handle.IsInvalid)
int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if ((errorCode == ) && fullPath.Equals(Directory.InternalGetDirectoryRoot(fullPath)))
errorCode = ;
bool flag4 = false;
if (!bFromProxy)
FileIOPermission.QuickDemand(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, this._fileName, false, false);
flag4 = true;
catch (SecurityException)
if (flag4)
__Error.WinIOError(errorCode, this._fileName);
__Error.WinIOError(errorCode, msgPath);
if (Win32Native.GetFileType(this._handle) != )
throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_FileStreamOnNonFiles"));
if (this._isAsync)
bool flag5 = false;
new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Assert();
flag5 = ThreadPool.BindHandle(this._handle);
if (!flag5)
if (!flag5)
throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_BindHandleFailed"));
if (!useRights)
this._canRead = (access & FileAccess.Read) > ;
this._canWrite = (access & FileAccess.Write) > ;
this._canRead = (rights2 & FileSystemRights.ListDirectory) > ;
this._canWrite = ((rights2 & FileSystemRights.CreateFiles) != ) || ((rights2 & FileSystemRights.AppendData) > );
this._canSeek = true;
this._isPipe = false;
this._pos = 0L;
this._bufferSize = bufferSize;
this._readPos = ;
this._readLen = ;
this._writePos = ;
if (flag2)
this._appendStart = this.SeekCore(0L, SeekOrigin.End);
this._appendStart = -1L;
private static byte[] InternalReadAllBytes(string path, bool checkHost)
byte[] buffer;
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 0x1000, FileOptions.None, Path.GetFileName(path), false, false, checkHost))//这里也是和OpenRead一样,把文件全部读取进来了
int offset = ;
long length = stream.Length;
if (length > 0x7fffffffL)//这里才是关键,对长度做了一个判断,如果超过了2G,就抛异常了,所以决定了这个方法的文件不能超过2G
throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_FileTooLong2GB"));
int count = (int) length;
buffer = new byte[count];
while (count > )
int num4 = stream.Read(buffer, offset, count);
if (num4 == )
offset += num4;
count -= num4;
return buffer;
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