




经过简单调研,我们决定使用Google C++ Coding Style。作为项目主要开发人员,现将学习的心得记录如下,注意,这里不是对Google C++ Coding Style的全文翻译,而是捕捉和记录一些可能遗漏的要点。


1.1 self-contained headers

Header files should be self-contained (compile on their own)

Prefer placing the definitions for template and inline functions in the same file as their declarations. The definitions of these constructs must be included into every .cc file that uses them, or the program may fail to link in some build configurations.

As an exception, a template that is explicitly instantiated for all relevant sets of template arguments, or that is a private implementation detail of a class, is allowed to be defined in the one and only .cc file that instantiates the template.


When the compiler encounters a declaration of a TestTemp object of some specific type, e.g., int, it must have access to the template implementation source. Otherwise, it will have no idea how to construct the TestTemp member functions. And, if you have put the implementation in a source (TestTemp.cpp) file and made it a separate part of the project, the compiler will not be able to find it when it is trying to compile the client source file. And, #includeing the header file (TestTemp.h) will not be sufficient at that time. That only tells the compiler how to allocate for the object data and how to build the calls to the member functions, not how to build the member functions. And again, the compiler won't complain. It will assume that these functions are provided elsewhere, and leave it to the linker to find them. So, when it's time to link, you will get "unresolved references" to any of the class member functions that are not defined "inline" in the class definition.)

1.2 The #define guard



1.3 Forward Declaration

Avoid using forward declarations where possible. Just #include the headers you need.


1.4 Inline Functions

Define functions inline only when they are small, say, 10 lines or fewer.

Another useful rule of thumb: it's typically not cost effective to inline functions with loops or switch statements


1.5 Names and Orders of Includes

  1. dir2/foo2.h.
  2. A blank line
  3. C system files.
  4. C++ system files.
  5. A blank line
  6. Other libraries' .h files.
  7. Your project's .h files.



Including the .h file as the very first line of the .c file ensures that no critical piece of information intrinsic to the physical interface of the component is missing from the .h file (or, if there is, that you will find out about it as soon as you try to compile the .c file)


2. Scoping

2.1 NameSpace


2.2 Unamed namespaces and Static variables

未命名的名称空间和静态变量声明可以限制变量或者函数的作用域为本文件,这样就可以在不同的文件中的最外层作用域定义同名变量而不会出现名称冲突,不需要外部链接的函数或者变量都可以放到未命名名称空间里面。internal link的解释可以参见https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1358400/what-is-external-linkage-and-internal-linkage

2.3 Nonmember, static member and Global functions


2.4 Local variables


2.4 Static and Global variables


首先关于什么是trivally destructable: More formally it means that the type has no user-defined or virtual destructor and that all bases and non-static members are trivially destructible. 说白了,就是没有复杂的析构函数

All objects with static storage duration are destroyed at program exit (which happens before unjoined threads are terminated. )


静态对象的初始化分为动态初始化和静态初始化,静态初始化即我们常说的自动置零,而动态初始化则涉及其他的操作,例如调用一个构造函数等,相对复杂。不同translation unit中的静态对象的生存周期的起始点没有一定先后顺序。所以就可能导致引用一个尚未初始化的静态对象。析构的顺序同样不能保证,unjoined线程最终可能试图访问一个已经被析构的静态对象。


从初始化角度来看,只要不是常量初始化(constant initialization)那么其初始化顺序就无法保证,因此 Dynamic initialization of nonlocal variables is discouraged, and in general it is forbidden. 除非保证该变量的初始化与其他变量的初始化顺序无关(或者说其他静态变量的初始化不会引用到这个变量)



2.5 thread-local variables





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