
通过阅读这篇文章,你将能够从0到1快速入门ChatGPT AI智能问答应用场景,并掌握如何与这个先进的语言模型进行交互。不管你是开发者、学者还是普通用户,你都可以在这里找到适合你的ChatGPT使用方法。

Introduce 简介

Answer questions based on existing knowledge.


setting 设置


Max tokens:100

Temperature: 0

Top p:1

Frequency penalty:0.0

Presence penalty:0.0

Stop sequence:\n


0、Engine 设置定义了你要使用的模型,例如 text-davinci-003 是一个文本生成模型。这种模型可以根据输入的文本,生成新的、相关的文本。

1、Max tokens是指在请求中最多允许返回的 token 数目,即你可以指定 chatGPT 返回最多 100 个 token。这可以帮助你控制输出的内容大小,以便更好地控制响应速度和结果。一般1个token约4个字符或者0.75个单词

2、Temperature 是一个参数,用于控制 chatGPT 的输出。它决定了 chatGPT 在生成文本时会多么“随意”。值越高,chatGPT 生成的文本就越不可预测;值越低,chatGPT 生成的文本就越可预测。它在0.0到1.0之间,Temperature设置为0意味着ChatGPT将会生成更加保守的回复,即更少的随机性和更多的准确性,这可以帮助你在聊天中更好地控制语义,并且可以防止ChatGPT产生不相关的内容。

3、Top P 是指在chatgpt中设置的最高优先级。它可以用来控制哪些接口会被优先处理,以及哪些接口会被忽略。当一个接口被设置为Top P时,它将会被优先处理,而其他接口将被忽略。

4、Frequency penalty是指在训练时,模型会根据词频来调整每个单词的重要性。它可以帮助模型更好地理解文本,并减少过拟合。Frequency penalty设置为0意味着模型不会对重复的词进行惩罚。它可以帮助模型生成更多的新词,而不是重复使用已有的词。

5、Presence penalty是指在chatgpt中,一些预先定义的条件或者状态可能会影响机器人回答的质量。例如,如果机器人收到的输入内容太短,就可能会受到惩罚,这种惩罚就叫做Presence penalty。如果将 Presence penalty 设置为 0,则表示不会有任何惩罚,比如用户可以随意重复发送相同的内容。

6、Stop sequence 是一种设置,通过它可以确定你的聊天会话的结束标志。当你在 chatgpt 中设置 Stop sequence为 \n 时,表示你的聊天会话结束标志是换行符(\n)。

Prompt 提示

I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question that is rooted in truth, I will give you the answer. If you

ask me a question that is nonsense, trickery, or has no clear answer,

I will respond with "Unknown".



Q: What is human life expectancy in the United States?

A: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.



Q: Who was president of the United States in 1955?

A: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.

问:谁是1955年的美国总统?答:Dwight D. Eisenhower 是1955年的美国总统。


Q: Which party did he belong to? A: He belonged to the Republican

Party. 问:他属于哪个党派?答:他是共和党人。


Q: What is the square root of banana?

A: Unknown



Q: How does a telescope work?

A: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.



Q: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?

A: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.



Q: How many squigs are in a bonk?

A: Unknown



Q: Where is the Valley of Kings? A:


Sample response 回复样本

The Valley of Kings is located in Luxor, Egypt.


API request 接口请求


  1. import os
  2. import openai
  3. openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
  4. response = openai.Completion.create(
  5. model="text-davinci-003",
  6. prompt="I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question that is rooted in truth, I will give you the answer. If you ask me a question that is nonsense, trickery, or has no clear answer, I will respond with \"Unknown\".\n\nQ: What is human life expectancy in the United States?\nA: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.\n\nQ: Who was president of the United States in 1955?\nA: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.\n\nQ: Which party did he belong to?\nA: He belonged to the Republican Party.\n\nQ: What is the square root of banana?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: How does a telescope work?\nA: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.\n\nQ: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?\nA: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.\n\nQ: How many squigs are in a bonk?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: Where is the Valley of Kings?\nA:",
  7. temperature=0,
  8. max_tokens=100,
  9. top_p=1,
  10. frequency_penalty=0.0,
  11. presence_penalty=0.0,
  12. stop=["\n"]
  13. )


  1. const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");
  2. const configuration = new Configuration({
  3. apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
  4. });
  5. const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
  6. const response = await openai.createCompletion({
  7. model: "text-davinci-003",
  8. prompt: "I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question that is rooted in truth, I will give you the answer. If you ask me a question that is nonsense, trickery, or has no clear answer, I will respond with \"Unknown\".\n\nQ: What is human life expectancy in the United States?\nA: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.\n\nQ: Who was president of the United States in 1955?\nA: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.\n\nQ: Which party did he belong to?\nA: He belonged to the Republican Party.\n\nQ: What is the square root of banana?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: How does a telescope work?\nA: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.\n\nQ: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?\nA: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.\n\nQ: How many squigs are in a bonk?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: Where is the Valley of Kings?\nA:",
  9. temperature: 0,
  10. max_tokens: 100,
  11. top_p: 1,
  12. frequency_penalty: 0.0,
  13. presence_penalty: 0.0,
  14. stop: ["\n"],
  15. });


  1. curl \
  2. -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  3. -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  4. -d '{
  5. "model": "text-davinci-003",
  6. "prompt": "I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question that is rooted in truth, I will give you the answer. If you ask me a question that is nonsense, trickery, or has no clear answer, I will respond with \"Unknown\".\n\nQ: What is human life expectancy in the United States?\nA: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.\n\nQ: Who was president of the United States in 1955?\nA: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.\n\nQ: Which party did he belong to?\nA: He belonged to the Republican Party.\n\nQ: What is the square root of banana?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: How does a telescope work?\nA: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.\n\nQ: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?\nA: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.\n\nQ: How many squigs are in a bonk?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: Where is the Valley of Kings?\nA:",
  7. "temperature": 0,
  8. "max_tokens": 100,
  9. "top_p": 1,
  10. "frequency_penalty": 0.0,
  11. "presence_penalty": 0.0,
  12. "stop": ["\n"]
  13. }'


  1. {
  2. "model": "text-davinci-003",
  3. "prompt": "I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question that is rooted in truth, I will give you the answer. If you ask me a question that is nonsense, trickery, or has no clear answer, I will respond with \"Unknown\".\n\nQ: What is human life expectancy in the United States?\nA: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.\n\nQ: Who was president of the United States in 1955?\nA: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.\n\nQ: Which party did he belong to?\nA: He belonged to the Republican Party.\n\nQ: What is the square root of banana?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: How does a telescope work?\nA: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.\n\nQ: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?\nA: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.\n\nQ: How many squigs are in a bonk?\nA: Unknown\n\nQ: Where is the Valley of Kings?\nA:",
  4. "temperature": 0,
  5. "max_tokens": 100,
  6. "top_p": 1,
  7. "frequency_penalty": 0.0,
  8. "presence_penalty": 0.0,
  9. "stop": ["\n"]
  10. }


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