* eform helper
efh = function () { /**
* eform help error handler
function _handleError(fieldId, error, caller) {
caller = caller ? caller : "[caller undefined]";
console.log($.format("Error @efh.{0}(fieldId:\"{1}\"):", caller, fieldId));
} /**
* Show control
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
var showControl = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.propertyName = eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty.Visible;
options.value = true;
eFormHelper.updateFieldProperty(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess && result.error.message && !result.error.message.includes("UpdateIsPropertyModifiedForProp")) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "showControl");
}; /**
* Hide control
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
var hideControl = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.propertyName = eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty.Visible;
options.value = false;
eFormHelper.updateFieldProperty(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess && result.error.message && !result.error.message.includes("UpdateIsPropertyModifiedForProp")) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "hideControl");
}; /**
* Enable control
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
var enableControl = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.propertyName = eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty.Enabled;
options.value = true;
eFormHelper.updateFieldProperty(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess && result.error.message && !result.error.message.includes("UpdateIsPropertyModifiedForProp")) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "enableControl");
}; /**
* Disable control
* @param {string} fieldId Field internal name
var disableControl = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.propertyName = eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty.Enabled;
options.value = false;
eFormHelper.updateFieldProperty(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess && result.error.message && !result.error.message.includes("UpdateIsPropertyModifiedForProp")) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "disableControl");
}; /**
* Mandatory control(强制控制)
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
var mandatoryControl = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.propertyName = eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty.Mandatory;
options.value = true;
eFormHelper.updateFieldProperty(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess && result.error.message && !result.error.message.includes("UpdateIsPropertyModifiedForProp")) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "requireControl");
}; /**
* Make control non-mandatory(非强制性)
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
var nonmandatoryControl = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.propertyName = eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty.Mandatory;
options.value = false;
eFormHelper.updateFieldProperty(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess && result.error.message && !result.error.message.includes("UpdateIsPropertyModifiedForProp")) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "notRequiredControl");
}; /**
* Pop up a notification message.(通知消息框)
* @param {string} message message
* @param {function} callback
* @param {function} closeTimeout: the time of the message window close.
var alertMessage = function (message, callback, closeTimeout) {
ShowMessage(message, "通知", eFormHelper.constants.messagetype.Info, callback);
if (closeTimeout) {
setTimeout(function (message) {
var $closeButton = $(".popupMessage").filter(function () { return this.innerText == message; }).closest(".k-widget.k-window").find(".k-icon.k-i-close").last();
if ($closeButton.length > 0) {
}, closeTimeout, message);
}; /**
* Pop up a warning message.(警告框)
* @param {string} message message
* @param {function} callback
var alertWarning = function (message, callback) {
ShowMessage(message, "警告", eFormHelper.constants.messagetype.Warning, callback);
}; /**
* Pop up an error message.
* @param {string} error: error message
* @param {function} callback
var alertError = function (error, callback) {
ShowMessage(error, "エラー", eFormHelper.constants.messagetype.Error, callback);
}; /**
* Pop up a confirmation message.(确认框)
* @param {string} message message
* @param {function} callback
var confirmMessage = function (message, callback) {
var options = {};
options.value = message;
options.callback = callback;
eFormHelper.confirmMessage(options, function (result) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
if (typeof callback == "function") {
} else {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "confirmMessage");
}; /**
* Call the control rule(执行窗体运行规则)
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
var invokeRule = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
eFormHelper.triggerControlRule(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "invokeRule");
}; /**
* Trigger AutoLookup
* @param {string} fieldId: Field internal name
* @param {function} done: Successful callback
* @param {function} fail: Failed callback
var triggerAutoLookup = function (fieldId, done, fail) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
eFormHelper.triggerAutoLookup(options, function (result) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
if (typeof done == "function") {
} else {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "triggerAutoLookup");
if (typeof fail == "function") {
}; /**
* execute Lookup
* @param {string} fieldId fieldId Field internal name
* @param {function} done: Successful callback
* @param {function} fail: Failed callback
var executeLookup = function (lookupName, done, fail) {
var options = {};
options.lookupName = lookupName;
options.lookupType = eFormHelper.constants.lookuptype.multicolumn
eFormHelper.executeLookup(options, function (result) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
if (typeof done == "function") {
} else {
_handleError(lookupName, result.error, "executeLookup");
if (typeof fail == "function") {
} /**
* Reset subform(重置子窗体)
* @param {*} field Field internal name
* @param {*} rowCount: the blank row after clear subform.
var resetSubForm = function (field, rowCount) { clearSubForm(field); if (!$.isNumeric(rowCount) || rowCount < 1) {
rowCount = 1;
var options = {};
options.fieldId = field;
options.value = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
eFormHelper.addRowsToSubForm(options, $.noop());
}; /**
* Add rows to Subform(子表增加行)
* @param {*} field Field internal name
* @param {*} value Multiple values. e.g.[{Field1-1:'value1-1',Field1-2:'value1-2'},{Field2-1:'value2-1',Field2-2:'value2-2'}]
var addRowsToSubForm = function (fieldId, value) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
options.value = value;
eFormHelper.addRowsToSubForm(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error, "addRowsToSubForm");
}; /**
* clear a Subform(清除子窗体)
* @param {*} field Field internal name
var clearSubForm = function (field) { var options = {};
options.fieldId = field;
options.rowIndex = '*';
_CustomizeDeleteRowsFromSubForm(options, function(result)
if (!result.isSuccess)
console.log(result.error); //Logs the error and error description, if any.
}; /**
* To delete the Row(s) from a SubForm(子表删除行)
* Copied from the standard API, but it has been fixed so that the confirmation dialog is not displayed when executing from JS
* even if it is set to display the delet confirmation dialog on the control property.
* @param {options} set fieldId and rowIndex
* Specifies rowIndex as asterisk (*) to delete all rows,
* or you can specify the row number with comma separation to delete specific rows. For example, '1,2'
* @param {callback} callback
var _CustomizeDeleteRowsFromSubForm = function (options, callBack) {
var result = {
isSuccess: false,
error: {}
if (options.fieldId == undefined || options.fieldId == '' || $.isEmptyObject(options.fieldId)) {
result.error = 'argument exception';
return callBack(result);
try {
var ctrl = '';
eFormHelper.getField(options, function (res) {
ctrl = res.data;
var fb = $(ctrl).closest('.control').parent().data(Constants.previewWidgetKey);
if (fb === undefined) {
result.error = "no path found with given fieldId";
if (typeof options.rowIndex == "string") {
var strIndices = options.rowIndex;
var rowIndices = strIndices.split(',');
if (rowIndices.length >= 1) {
var $subFormContent = fb.target._getContentElementWithFb(fb);
var fieldId = $subFormContent[0].id;
var subFormContentRows = document.getElementById(fieldId).querySelectorAll(".subFormContentRow");
var deleteRowsList = [];
rowIndices.forEach(function (rowNumber) {
if (rowNumber !== '*') {
deleteRowsList.push(subFormContentRows[rowNumber - 1]);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < subFormContentRows.length; i++) {
deleteRowsList.forEach(function (item) {
var delButton = item.querySelector(':scope > .subFormContentRowChildWrapper > .rowActionButtons > .deleteSubFormRow');
//Changed to call the customized row delete event.
_CustomizeExecuteDeleteRowEvent(fb, $(delButton));
result.isSuccess = true;
} else { result.error = 'no records found';
} } catch (ex) {
result.isSuccess = false;
result.error = ex;
if (typeof callBack == 'function') {
}; /**
* SubForm Rows delete event.(行删除事件)
* Copied from the standard API, but not displays the confirmation dialog when delete subform row.
* @param {e}
* @param {t}
var _CustomizeExecuteDeleteRowEvent = function (e, t) {
try {
var a = e.target._getContentElementWithFb(e);
if ("true" == t.parents(".subFormContentRow:first").attr("isreadonlyrow")){
e.target._handleDataSourceChangeLog(e, t.parents(".subFormContentRow:first"), "Delete");
e.target._deleteContentRow(e, a.find("> .subFormContentRow").index(t.parents(".subFormContentRow:first")), t);
} catch (e) {
}; /**
* Set the cover
* @param {*} isShow: if shwo the cover.
var toggleLoader = function (isShow) {
__loader = __loader || document.querySelector('.loader');
var toggler = function () {
if (isShow) {
__loader.style.display = 'block';
} else {
__loader.style.display = 'none';
}; clearTimeout(timeOut);
timeOut = setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
}; /**
* Get field value (Be careful of timing issues!)
* @param {string} fieldId
* @returns {string} value
var getFieldValue = function (fieldId) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
eFormHelper.getFieldValue(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error);
options.result = result;
if (options.result.isSuccess) {
return options.result.data;
}; /**
* Set field value (Be careful of timing issues!)
* @param {string} fieldId
* @returns {string} value
function setFieldValue(fieldId, value) {
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
if(typeof value == "number")
{value = value.toString();}
options.value = value ? value : "";
eFormHelper.setFieldValue(options, function (result) {
if (!result.isSuccess) {
_handleError(fieldId, result.error);
} /**
* Get field Object
* @param {string} fieldName
* @returns fieldld object
function getFieldObject(fieldName) {
var fieldObj = {};
eFormHelper.getField({ fieldId: fieldName }, function (result) { fieldObj = result.data; });
return fieldObj;
} /**
* Get field Text
* @param {string} fieldName
* @returns fieldld object
function getFieldText(fieldName) {
var returndata;
eFormHelper.getFieldText ({ fieldId: fieldName}, function (result) {returndata = result.data});
return returndata;
} /*
* Validation
* @date : 2021-12-26
* @author : Joe Ma
* @version : 1.0.0
function triggerValidate(fieldName)
var id= efh.getFieldObject(fieldName).uniqueId().get(0).id;
var valid=false;
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldName;
eFormHelper.triggerControlValidation(options, function (result)
if (result.isSuccess)
if ($('#'+id).matchingParent('div').find('.lblValidationMsg').get(0).innerText=="")
console.log(result.error); // logs the hold exception object
return valid;
} /*
* Asyc Execute Lookup(同步执行lookup)
* @param (string) lookup name
function asycExecuteLookup(lkName)
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
eFormHelper.executeLookup({ lookupName: lkName, lookupType: eFormHelper.constants.lookuptype.multicolumn }, function (result) {
if (result.data) {
if (!$.isArray(result.data)) {
result.data = [result.data];
} /*
* Validation(执行公式)
* @date : 2022-03-17
* @author : Delong
* @version : 1.0.0
function triggerFormula(fieldId)
var options = {};
options.fieldId = fieldId;
eFormHelper.triggerFormula(options, function (result)
if (result.isSuccess)
console.log(result.data); //logs the data holds the empty object
console.log(result.error); // logs the hold exception object
} /**
* return eform helper
* @returns {function[]}
return {
showControl: showControl,
hideControl: hideControl,
enableControl: enableControl,
disableControl: disableControl,
mandatoryControl: mandatoryControl,
nonmandatoryControl: nonmandatoryControl,
alertMessage: alertMessage,
alertWarning: alertWarning,
alertError: alertError,
confirmMessage: confirmMessage,
invokeRule: invokeRule,
triggerAutoLookup: triggerAutoLookup,
executeLookup: executeLookup,
resetSubForm: resetSubForm,
addRowsToSubForm: addRowsToSubForm,
clearSubForm: clearSubForm,
toggleLoader: toggleLoader,
getFieldValue: getFieldValue,
setFieldValue: setFieldValue,
getFieldObject: getFieldObject,
getFieldText: getFieldText,
triggerValidate: triggerValidate,
asycExecuteLookup: asycExecuteLookup,
triggerFormula: triggerFormula

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