C Primer Plus(4.8)編程練習
/*C Primer Plus (4.7) 5*/
1 include<stdio.h>
2 #define BOOK "War and Peace"
3 int main(void)
4 {
5 float cost=12.99;
6 float percent=80.0;
8 printf("This copy of \"%s\" sells for $%.2f.\n",BOOK,cost);
9 printf("That is %.0f%% of list.",percent);/*打印%要這樣“%%”*/
11 return 0;
12 }
13 /*
14 輸出樣例:
16 This copy of "War and Peace" sells for $12.99.
17 That is 80% of list.
19 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 1*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 int main()
3 {
4 char firstname[30];
5 char lastname[30];
7 printf("Please enter your first name.\n");
8 printf("First name:");
9 scanf("%s",firstname);
10 printf("Please enter your last name.\n");
11 printf("Last name:");
12 scanf("%s",lastname);
13 printf("Hello! %s %s Welcome~!",firstname,lastname);
15 return 0;
16 }
17 /*
18 輸出樣例
20 Please enter your first name.
21 First name:Tomoko
22 Please enter your last name.
23 Last name:Kuroki
24 Hello! Tomoko Kuroki Welcome~!
26 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 2*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<string.h>
3 int main()
4 {
5 char firstname[30];
6 char lastname[30];
7 int string1=0,string2=0;
9 printf("Please enter your first name.\n");
10 printf("First name:");
11 scanf("%s",firstname);
12 printf("Please enter your last name.\n");
13 printf("Last name:");
14 scanf("%s",lastname);
15 string1=strlen(firstname);
16 string2=strlen(lastname);
17 printf("Request 1:/*\"%s %s\"*/\n",firstname,lastname);
18 printf("Request 2:/*\"%20s %20s\"*/\n",firstname,lastname);
19 printf("Request 3:/*\"%-20s %-20s\"*/\n",firstname,lastname);
20 printf("Request 4:/*%*s %*s*/",string1+3,firstname,string2+3,lastname);
22 return 0;
23 }
24 /*
25 輸出樣例
27 //Please enter your first name.
28 //First name:Tomoko
29 //Please enter your last name.
30 //Last name:Kuroki
31 // Request 1:/*"Tomoko Kuroki"*/
32 // Request 2:/*" Tomoko Kuroki"*/
33 // Request 3:/*"Tomoko Kuroki "*/
34 // Request 4:/* Tomoko Kuroki*/
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 3*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 int main()
3 {
4 float num=0;
6 printf("Please enter a floating-point number:");
7 scanf("%f",&num);
8 printf("a:The input is %.1f or %.1e.\n",num,num);
9 printf("b:The input is %+.3f or %.3E.",num,num);
11 return 0;
12 }
13 /*
14 輸出樣例
16 Please enter a floating-point number:26.87
17 a:The input is 26.9 or 2.7e+001.
18 b:The input is +26.870 or 2.687E+001.
20 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 4*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #define I_TO_F 0.08333
3 int main()
4 {
5 char name[30];
6 float height=0,realheight=0;
8 printf("Please enter your name and your height(inches).\n");
9 printf("Your name:");
10 scanf("%s",name);
11 printf("Your height:");
12 scanf("%f",&height);
13 realheight=height*I_TO_F;
14 printf("%s, you are %.3f feet tall.",name,realheight);
16 return 0;
17 }
18 /*
19 輸出樣例
21 Please enter your name and your height(inches).
22 Your name:Dabney
23 Your height:74.496
24 Dabney, you are 6.208 feet tall.
26 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 5*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #define BIT 8
3 int main()
4 {
5 float file=0,speed=0,time=0;
6 printf("Please enter the net speed\n");
7 printf("The net speed:");
8 scanf("%f",&speed);
9 printf("Please enter the size of the file:\n");
10 printf("The size of flie:");
11 scanf("%f",&file);
12 time=file*BIT/speed;
13 printf("At %.2f megabits per seconds, a file of %.2f megabytes\n"
14 "downloads in %.2f seconds.",speed,file,time);
16 return 0;
17 }
18 /*
19 輸出樣例
21 Please enter the net speed
22 The net speed:18.123
23 Please enter the size of the file:
24 The size of flie:2.203
25 At 18.12 megabits per seconds, a file of 2.20 megabytes
26 downloads in 0.97 seconds.
28 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 6*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<string.h>
3 int main()
4 {
5 char firstname[30];
6 char lastname[30];
7 int string1=0,string2=0;
9 printf("Please enter your first name.\n");
10 printf("First name:");
11 scanf("%s",firstname);
12 string1=strlen(firstname);
13 printf("Please enter your last name.\n");
14 printf("Last name:");
15 scanf("%s",lastname);
16 string2=strlen(lastname);
17 printf("%s %s\n",firstname,lastname);
18 printf("%*d %*d\n",string1,string1,string2,string2);
19 printf("%s %s\n",firstname,lastname);
20 printf("%-*d %-*d\n",string1,string1,string2,string2);
22 return 0;
23 }
24 /*
25 輸出樣例
27 Please enter your first name.
28 First name:Tomoko
29 Please enter your last name.
30 Last name:Kuroki
31 Tomoko Kuroki
32 6 6
33 Tomoko Kuroki
34 6 6
36 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 7*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<float.h>
3 int main()
4 {
5 double double_value=1.0/3.0;
6 float float_value=1.0/3.0;
8 printf("Request1:float_value=%8f double_value=%8.6lf\n",float_value,double_value);
9 printf("\nRequest2:float_value=%8.12f double_value=%8.12lf\n",float_value,double_value);
10 printf("\nRequest3:float_value=%8.16f double_value=%8.16lf\n",float_value,double_value);
11 printf("\nfloat and double maximum significant digits:\n");
12 printf("FLT_DIG = %d, DBL_DIG = %d\n", FLT_DIG, DBL_DIG);
13 //FLT_DIG代表float有效十进制数字位数
14 //DBL_DIG代表double有效十进制数字位数
16 return 0;
17 }
18 /*
19 輸出樣例
21 Request1:num1=0.333333 num2=0.333333
23 Request2:num1=0.333333333333 num2=0.333333343267
25 Request3:num1=0.3333333333333333 num2=0.3333333432674408
27 float and double maximum significant digits:
28 FLT_DIG = 6, DBL_DIG = 15
30 */
/*C Primer Plus (4.8) 8*/
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #define G_TO_L 3.785f
3 #define M_TO_KM 1.609f
4 int main()
5 {
6 float miles=0,gallons=0;
7 float KM=0,L=0;
8 float Europe=0,USA=0;
10 printf("Please enter the travel journey(miles) and gas consumption(gallons).\n");
11 printf("Travel journey(in miles):");
12 scanf("%f",&miles);
13 printf("Gas consumption(in gallons):");
14 scanf("%f",&gallons);
15 KM=miles*M_TO_KM;
16 L=gallons*G_TO_L;
17 Europe=L/KM;
18 USA=miles/gallons;
19 printf("The USA program measures travel per unit of fuel consumed (higher values, better):"
20 "%.1f Miles/Gallons\n",USA);
21 printf("The European scheme measures the stroke per unit of fuel consumed (the smaller the value, the better):"
22 "%.1f L/KM",Europe);
24 return 0;
25 }
26 /*
27 輸出樣例
29 Please enter the travel journey(miles) and gas consumption(gallons).
30 Travel journey(in miles):62.137
31 Gas consumption(in gallons):2.1134
32 The USA program measures travel per unit of fuel consumed (higher values, better):29.4 Miles/Gallons
33 The European scheme measures the stroke per unit of fuel consumed (the smaller the value, the better):0.1 L/KM
35 */
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