Overall algorithm – bunny

关闭influence计算                                                             打开influence计算

Timer 插入位置:




for (int l = 0; l < layer_size; l++)
    * Nl: number of dual verts in current layer
    * h : head for printing queue of the layer
    * t : tail for printing queue of the layer

int Nl = layers_[l].size();
    int h = print_queue_.size();
    int t;
    if (l == 0)
        t = Nl;
        t = h + Nl;

if (h == t)

/* max_z_ and min_z_ in current layer */
    min_z_ = 1e20;
    max_z_ = -min_z_;
    for (int i = 0; i < Nl; i++)
        WF_edge *e = layers_[l][i];
        point u = e->pvert_->Position();
        point v = e->ppair_->pvert_->Position();
        min_z_ = min(min_z_, (double)min(u.z(), v.z()));
        max_z_ = max(max_z_, (double)max(u.z(), v.z()));

if (!GenerateSeq(l, h, t))
            "All possible start edge at layer %d has been tried but no feasible sequence is obtained.\n",
            l + 1
        bSuccess = false;

    string str = std::to_string(l) + ":";
    const char *msg = str.c_str();
    char* cstr = new char[str.length() + 1];
    strcpy(cstr, msg);

    printf("layer size: %d\n", Nl);
    printf("layer %d finished\n", l);



bool FFAnalyzer::GenerateSeq(int l, int h, int t)
    Timer ind_search;


/* last edge */
    assert(h != 0);                        // there must be pillars
    WF_edge *ei = print_queue_[h - 1];

if (debug_)
        fprintf(stderr, "-----------------------------------\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Searching edge #%d in layer %d, head %d, tail %d\n",
            ei->ID() / 2, l + 1, h, t);

/* exit */
    if (h == t)
        return true;

/* next choice */
    multimap<double, WF_edge*> choice;
    multimap<double, WF_edge*>::iterator it;

/* next edge in current layer */
    int Nl = layers_[l].size();

for (int j = 0; j < Nl; j++)
        WF_edge *ej = layers_[l][j];
        /* cost weight */
        double cost = GenerateCost(ei, ej);
        if (cost != -1)
            choice.insert(pair<double, WF_edge*>(cost, ej));

    ind_search.Print("Single strut: ");

/* ranked by weight */
    for (it = choice.begin(); it != choice.end(); it++)
        WF_edge *ej = it->second;

/* update printed subgraph */

/* update collision */
        vector<vector<lld>> tmp_angle(3);
        UpdateStateMap(ej, tmp_angle);

if (debug_)
            fprintf(stderr, "Choose edge #%d in with cost %lf\n\n", ej->ID() / 2, it->first);

if (GenerateSeq(l, h + 1, t))
            return true;

RecoverStateMap(ej, tmp_angle);

return false;

[Notes] Timer Comparision when turn influence computing on/off的更多相关文章

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