1. 介绍
有向图记为\(G=(n, m)\),其中,\(n\)为顶点数,\(m\)为边数;且\(e[a,b]\)表示从结点\(a\)到结点\(b\)的边。\(d[i]\)记录源点到结点i的距离,\(U\)为未访问的结点集合,\(V\)为已访问的结点集合。Dijsktra算法具体步骤如下:
- 从集合\(U\)中寻找离源点最近的结点\(u\),并将结点\(u\)标记为已访问(从集合\(U\)中移到集合\(V\)中)
- 松弛与结点\(u\)相邻的未访问结点,更新d数组
- 重复上述操作\(n\)次,即访问了所有结点,集合\(U\)为空
* Dijkstra's Algorithm for finding the shortest path
* @param adjMatrix adjacency matrix representation of the graph
* @param source the source vertex
* @param dest the destination vertex
* @return the cost for the shortest path
public static int dijkstra(int[][] adjMatrix, int source, int dest) {
int numVertex = adjMatrix.length, minVertex = source;
// `d` marks the cost for the shortest path, `visit` marks whether has been visited or not
int[] d = new int[numVertex], visit = new int[numVertex];
Arrays.fill(d, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
d[source] = 0;
for (int cnt = 1; cnt <= numVertex; cnt++) {
int lowCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// find the min-vertex which is the nearest among the unvisited vertices
for (int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) {
if (visit[i] == 0 && d[i] < lowCost) {
lowCost = d[i];
minVertex = i;
visit[minVertex] = 1;
if (minVertex == dest) return d[dest];
// relax the minVertex's adjacency vertices
for (int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) {
if (visit[i] == 0 && adjMatrix[minVertex][i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
d[i] = Math.min(d[i], d[minVertex] + adjMatrix[minVertex][i]);
return d[dest];
- 时间复杂度:重复操作(即最外层for循环)n次,找出minNode操作、松弛操作需遍历所有结点,因此复杂度为\(O(n^2)\).
- 空间复杂度:开辟两个长度为n的数组d与visit,因此复杂度为\(T(n)\).
2. 优化
堆是一种完全二叉树(complete binary tree);若其高度为h,则1~h-1层都是满的。如果从左至右从上至下从1开始给结点编号,堆满足:
- 结点\(i\)的父结点编号为\(i/2\).
- 结点\(i\)的左右孩子结点编号分别为\(2*i\), \(2*i+1\).
如果结点\(i\)的关键值小于父结点的关键值,则需要进行上浮操作(move up);如果结点\(i\)的关键值大于父结点的,则需要下沉操作(move down)。为了保持堆的整体有序性,通常下沉操作从根结点开始。
Insert(vertex 0, 0) // 插入源点
FOR i from 1 to n-1: // 初始化堆
Insert(vertex i, infinity)
FOR k from 1 to n:
(i, d) := DeleteMin()
FOR all edges ij:
IF d + edge(i,j) < j’s key
DecreaseKey(vertex j, d + edge(i,j))
- Insert(vertex i, d)指在堆中插入堆结点(i, d)。
- DeleteMin()指取出堆顶并删除,时间复杂度为\(O(\log n)\)。
- DecreaseKey(vertex j, d + edge(i,j))是松弛操作,更新结点(vertex j, d + edge(i,j)),需要进行上浮,时间复杂度为\(O(\log n)\)。
我们需要n次DeleteMin,m次DecreaseKey,优化版的算法时间复杂度为\(O((n+m)\log n)\).
public class AdjList {
private int V = 0;
private HNode[] adjList =null; //邻接表
class ArcNode {
int adjvex, weight;
ArcNode next;
public ArcNode(int adjvex, int weight) {
this.adjvex = adjvex;
this.weight = weight;
next = null;
class HNode {
int vertex;
ArcNode firstArc;
public HNode(int vertex) {
this.vertex = vertex;
firstArc = null;
public AdjList(int V) {
this.V = V;
adjList = new HNode[V+1];
for(int i = 1; i <= V; i++) {
adjList[i] = new HNode(i);
public void addEdge(int start, int end, int weight) {
ArcNode arc = new ArcNode(end, weight);
ArcNode temp = adjList[start].firstArc;
adjList[start].firstArc = arc;
arc.next = temp;
public int getV() {
return V;
public HNode[] getAdjList() {
return adjList;
public class Heap {
public int size = 0 ;
public Node[] h = null; //堆结点
public int[] index = null;
* 存储结点+源点到该结点的距离
public class Node {
int vertex, weight;
public Node(int vertex, int weight) {
this.vertex = vertex;
this.weight = weight;
public Heap(int maximum) {
h = new Node[maximum];
index = new int[maximum];
public void moveUp(int pos) {
Node temp = h[pos];
for (; pos > 1 && h[pos/2].weight > temp.weight; pos/=2) {
h[pos] = h[pos/2];
index[h[pos].vertex] = pos; //更新位置
h[pos] = temp;
index[h[pos].vertex] = pos;
public void moveDown( ) {
Node root = h[1];
int pos = 1, child = 1;
for(; pos <= size; pos = child) {
child = 2*pos;
if(child < size && h[child+1].weight < h[child].weight)
if(h[child].weight < root.weight) {
h[pos] = h[child];
index[h[pos].vertex] = pos;
} else {
h[pos] = root;
index[h[pos].vertex] = pos;
public void insert(int v, int w) {
h[++size] = new Node(v, w);
public Node deleteMin( ) {
Node result = h[1];
h[1] = h[size--];
return result;
public class ShortestPath {
private static final int inf = 0xffffff;
public static void dijkstra(AdjList al) {
int V = al.getV();
Heap heap = new Heap(V+1);
heap.insert(1, 0);
for(int i = 2; i <= V; i++) {
heap.insert(i, inf);
for(int k =1; k <= V; k++) {
Heap.Node min = heap.deleteMin();
if(min.vertex == V) {
AdjList.ArcNode arc = al.getAdjList()[min.vertex].firstArc;
while(arc != null) {
if((min.weight+ arc.weight) < heap.h[heap.index[arc.adjvex]].weight) {
heap.h[heap.index[arc.adjvex]].weight = min.weight+ arc.weight;
arc = arc.next;
public static void main(String[] args) {
AdjList al = new AdjList(5);
al.addEdge(1, 2, 20);
al.addEdge(2, 3, 30);
al.addEdge(3, 4, 20);
al.addEdge(4, 5, 20);
al.addEdge(1, 5, 100);
3. 参考资料#
- 深入理解KMP算法
前言:本人最近在看<大话数据结构>字符串模式匹配算法的内容,但是看得很迷糊,这本书中这块的内容感觉基本是严蔚敏<数据结构>的一个翻版,此书中给出的代码实现确实非常精炼,但是个人 ...
- KMP算法详解 --- 彻头彻尾理解KMP算法
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- Dijsktra算法C++实现
Dijsktra算法解决了有向图G=(V,E)上带权的单源最短路径问题.但要求所有边的权值非负. 思想:Dijkstra算法中设置了一顶点集合S,从源点s到集合中的顶点的最终最短路径的权值均已确定.算 ...
- 简单的理解deflate算法
简单的理解deflate算法 最近做压缩算法. 用到了deflate压缩算法, 找了很多资料, 这篇文章算是讲的比较易懂的, 这篇文章不长,但却浅显易懂, 基本上涵盖了我想要知道的所有要点. 翻译 ...
- Hdu-2112 HDU Today (单源多点最短路——Dijsktra算法)
题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2112 题目大意:给你N个公交车站,起点,终点,各站之间的距离,求起点到终点之间的最短距离.(起点终点相 ...
- 理解 KMP 算法
KMP(The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm)算法用于字符串匹配,从字符串中找出给定的子字符串.但它并不是很好理解和掌握.而理解它概念中的部分匹配表,是理解 KMP 算法的 ...
- 理解DeepBox算法
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- 如何感性地理解EM算法?
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