//    dpm(drupal_get_filename('module','devel'));
//    sites/all/modules/contrib/dev/devel/devel.module

    //$abc = array('a','b','c');
    //$abc = 'abc';
    //Notice: Undefined variable: efg in qin_tt_init() (line 176 of D:\WWW\local\sites\all\modules\custom\directory_test\qin_tt.module).

//    $arr1 = array('a','b','c');
//    $arr2 = array('a'=>'a','b'=>'b','c'=>'c');
//    $arr3 = array('z'=>'a','x'=>'b','d'=>'c');
//    dpm($arr1);
//    //
//    ... (Array, 3 elements)
//    d (String, 1 characters ) c
//    x (String, 1 characters ) b
//    z (String, 1 characters ) a

//    $arr5 = array(6,'z'=>'a','x'=>'b','d'=>'c');
//    ksort($arr5);
//    dpm($arr5);
//        ... (Array, 4 elements)
//        d (String, 1 characters ) c
//        x (String, 1 characters ) b
//        z (String, 1 characters ) a
//        0 (Integer) 6

//$arr = array('ABC'=>'abc');
//$arr1 = array('abc'=>'abc');
//    dpm($arr == $arr1); //0
//    $arr3 = array('ABC'=>'abc');
//    $arr4 = array('ABC'=>'abc');
//    dpm($arr3 == $arr4);//1

//    $keys=array("a","b","c","d");
//    $a1=array_fill_keys($keys,"blue");
//    print_r($a1);
//    Array ( [a] => blue [b] => blue [c] => blue [d] => blue )

//    dpm('a\nb');
//    a\nb

//    $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo();
//    dpm($connection_info);
//      ... (Array, 1 element)
//      default (Array, 7 elements)
//          database (String, 5 characters ) local
//          username (String, 4 characters ) root
//          password (String, 4 characters ) root
//          host (String, 9 characters ) localhost
//          port (String, 0 characters )
//          driver (String, 5 characters ) mysql | (Callback) mysql();
//          prefix (Array, 1 element)

//    $files = db_query("SELECT * FROM {registry_file}")->fetchAllAssoc('filename', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//    dpm($files);
//    //一个以filename为键的数组其中的值包含filename和hash

//    $contents = 'final class abc';
//    preg_match_all('/^\s*(?:abstract|final)?\s*(class|interface|trait)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/m', $contents, $matches);
//    dpm($matches);
//      ... (Array, 3 elements)
//        0 (Array, 1 element)
//            0 (String, 15 characters ) final class abc
//        1 (Array, 1 element)
//            0 (String, 5 characters ) class
//        2 (Array, 1 element)
//            0 (String, 3 characters ) abc

//    foreach (file_scan_directory('includes', '/\.inc$/') as $filename => $file) {
//      $files["$filename"] = array('module' => '', 'weight' => 0);
//    }
//    dpm($files);
//    // /includes下共69个.inc文件

   // dpm(db_like("a'b"));//a'b
   // dpm(db_like("a%b"));//a\%b

//    $user = Database::getConnection('default', 'default')
//      ->select('users', 'r', array('target' => 'default'))
//      ->fields('r')
//      // Use LIKE here to make the query case-insensitive.
//      ->condition('r.name', '%'.db_like('ROOT').'%', 'LIKE')
//    //  ->condition('r.name', db_like('ROOT'), 'LIKE')
//      ->execute()
//      ->fetchAll();
//    dpm($user);

  // dpm(db_like(db_like('a_b%c\d')));

//    dpm(str_replace("world","Shanghai","Helloxxxx!"));
//    //Helloxxxx!

  //  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/ABC.php';
//    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/ABC.php';

//    Warning: require_once(D:\WWW\local/ABC.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in qin_tt_init() (line 294 of D:\WWW\local\sites\all\modules\custom\directory_test\qin_tt.module).
//    Warning: include_once(D:\WWW\local/ABC.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in qin_tt_init() (line 295 of D:\WWW\local\sites\all\modules\custom\directory_test\qin_tt.module).
//    Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'D:\WWW\local/ABC.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in qin_tt_init() (line 295 of D:\WWW\local\sites\all\modules\custom\directory_test\qin_tt.module).

    //require once是必须要 不然就报错
    //include once是有就给 不然也没关系

   // dpm(__FILE__);
   // dpm($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);

   // dpm(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)));

    //dpm('5.1.59' > '5.0.26');

//    dpm(array_values('abc'));
//    //Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in qin_tt_init() (line 320 of D:\WWW\local\sites\all\modules\custom\directory_test\qin_tt.module).
//    foreach(array_values('abc') as $abc){
//      dpm($abc);
//    }
    //Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in qin_tt_init() (line 323 of D:\WWW\local\sites\all\modules\custom\directory_test\qin_tt.module).

//    foreach(array('a'=>'b','c'=>'d') as $key => $data){
//      dpm($data);
//    }

    //require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/database/database.inc';

//    $str = 'SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.created FROM {node} n WHERE n.uid = :uid ORDER BY n.created DESC';
//    $option = array(array(':uid' => 123));
//    $dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306';
//    $user= 'root';
//    $p= 'root';
//    $op = array('host'=>'localhost','username'=>'root','password'=>'root');
//    //$conn = new DatabaseConnection_mysql($op);//
//  //  $conn = new DatabaseConnection($dsn,$user,$p);
//   // DatabaseConnection::expandArguments($str,$option);
//    $s = 'SELECT 1 FROM {blocked_ips} WHERE ip = :ip';
//    $o =  array(':ip'=>'');
//    $res = expandArguments($s,$o);
//    dpm($s);
//    dpm($res);

//    foreach (array_filter(array(':ip'=>array(0=>'')), 'is_array') as $key => $data) {
//      dpm('aaaaaaaaaaa');
//    }

//    dpm(array_filter(array(2,3,4,5),'test_odd'));
//        ... (Array, 2 elements)
//            2 (Integer) 4
//            3 (Integer) 5

//    dpm(array_filter(array(1,2,3,4,0,5,0)));
//        ... (Array, 5 elements)
//            0 (Integer) 1
//            1 (Integer) 2
//            2 (Integer) 3
//            3 (Integer) 4
//            5 (Integer) 5

//    $abc = 'qinqiu';
//    dpm(is_string($abc));

//    dpm(key(array(1,2)));
//    //0

//    $clone = clone((object)array('a'=>1,'b'=>2));
//    dpm($clone);
//      ... (Object) stdClass
//        a (Integer) 1
//        b (Integer) 2

//   $users =  db_select('users','u')
//      ->fields('u')
//    // ->condition('uid',1)
//      ->addExpression('count(*)','count')
//      ->execute();

//    $q = db_select('users', 'u')
//    ->fields('u');
////      ->condition('QueueID', $task['ID'])
////      ->condition('IsDone', 0);
//    $q->addExpression('count(*)','count');
//    //addexpression基本就是新增了一个field
//    $count = $q->execute()->fetchAssoc();
//    dpm($count);
//    //现在得出的结论是一个数组有18个元素
//    //没有addexpression的话就是17个元素

//    while($user = $users->fetch()){
//      dpm($user);
//    }


  //  dpm($users);

//    $arr = array(1,2,3,4);
//    dpm(reset($arr));
//    //1

//    $arr = array(1,2,3,4);
//    dpm(key($arr));
//    //0

//    $res = db_query('select * from users')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//    dpm($res);
//    $dbms='mysql';
//    $dbName='local';
//    $user='root';
//    $pwd='root';
//    $host='localhost';
//    $dsn="$dbms:host=$host;dbname=$dbName";
//    try{
//      $pdo=new PDO($dsn,$user,$pwd);
//      $query = 'select * from users';
//      $statement = $pdo->prepare($query);
//      $data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//      dpm($data);
//    }catch(Exception $e){
//      echo $e->getMessage().'<br>';
//    }

//    define('ABC_QINQIU','abc_abc');
//    dpm(is_string(ABC_QINQIU));
//    //1

//    define('ABC_QINQIU',123);
//    dpm(is_int(ABC_QINQIU));
//    //1

    //$i = 1;
    //dpm('abc_'. $i++);

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