using namespace std;


#define random rand()

class Edge
float errorMetric;
float getErrorMetric() const {return errorMetric;}
Edge(float error):errorMetric(error){}

struct lsEdge
bool operator() (const Edge& e1, const Edge& e2)
if(e1.getErrorMetric()<e2.getErrorMetric()) return true;
else return false;

bool operator() (const Edge* e1, const Edge* e2)
if(e1->getErrorMetric()<e2->getErrorMetric()) return true;
else return false;

typedef set<Edge,lsEdge> EdgeSet;
typedef set<Edge*,lsEdge> EdgePSet;
int main()
EdgeSet es;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
Edge e(i%2 + random);

EdgeSet::iterator it = es.begin();
EdgePSet eps;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
Edge * e = new Edge(random);
for(EdgePSet::iterator it=eps.begin();it!=eps.end();it++)

return 0;

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