
SharePoint文档库关于版本的设置:“Versioning Settings”,可以通过CSOM用List对象的一些属性去设置它。

Content Approval部分:

Specify whether new items or changes to existing items should remain in a draft state until they have been approved.



Document Version History部分:

Specify whether a version is created each time you edit a file in this document library.

Create a version each time you edit a file in this document library:


布尔类型。No versioning时,两个属性均为false;Create major versions时,EnableVersioning为ture,EnableMinorVersions为false;Create major and minor (draft) versions时,两个属性均为true。

Optionally limit the number of versions to retain:

Keep the following number of major versions:



Keep drafts for the following number of major versions:



Draft Item Security部分:

Drafts are minor versions or items which have not been approved. Specify which users should be able to view drafts in this document library.



Require Check Out部分:

Specify whether users must check out documents before making changes in this document library.




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