[React Testing] Confidently Ship Production React Apps
We want to make sure that when we ship new code, our users can use the application. The best way we've found to do that is to write automated tests that run before we deploy a new version of the app. But if our tests aren't doing exactly what the user will do, then how do we really know that things will work when users interact with our apps?
Let's rethink what it means to ship applications with confidence and what it takes to get there. With improved tools and practices, we can be more certain that what we're shipping to our users will work the way it's intended.
Additional resources: react-testing-library, Jest, jsdom, jest-dom
The workflow to test a lgoin form:
Test with react-testing-library: It provides some utities functions, such as getByLabelText, getByText, getByTestId together with data-testid attr in the dom.
The whole idea is not testing according to the implemention detail, but accroding what user will do.
'waitForElement' function can provide a easy way to test async code to opreate the DOM element
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