
jQueryDesktopGrid migrate to https://github.com/jelly-liu/jquery-osx

jQuery desktop, jQuery desktop grid, jQuery mac os x, jQuery system.

to make an beautiful desktop like os system to enhance user experience.

clone the project, then just run the desktop.html, you will see the demo.


qq 195358385

email collonn@126.com

blog http://blog.csdn.net/collonn


==divide the area that user specified(such as an div with width and height and position of relative or absolute) to an n*m cells grid

==init to put cell content that user specified to several cells in ordered

==user can drag cell content to other cell, not drag to anywhere

new features

==support grid screen thumbnail, like virtual screen thumbnail of linux system

==update css to make an more beautiful desktop like mac os x

==fix several bugs

new features

==support new manner that create grid screen and add cellContent to each grid screen according to user specified

==fix several bugs

new features

==support multi screen, if too many cellContents, all cellContents was separated to different screens, it's amazing.

==support hot key to switch screen, default is ctrl+(<-) and ctrl+(->)

==support random background color of each screen.

==support goto left screen of current screen

==support goto right screen of current screen

==support goto screen that user specified

==support after window resize, remake the desktop grid


==support chrome, firefox, safari, ie6+(include ie6)

====note, the performance of the ie8-(include ie8) is not as good as chrome and firefox.

==recommend browser order as follows, chrome, firefox, safari, ie

==support gridDiv margin top, bottom, left, right.

==support drag cellFrom to other cellTo.

==if cellTo was occupied, two ways to settle down.

==-(1)let the cellFrom return to it's origin position.

==-(2)exchange cellFrom and cellTo.

==support only square grid.

==support jquery easy ui drag able.

==support easing manner if you use jquery easing plugin.

==support random background color of each cell.

DesktopGrid screenshot


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