May 18th 2017 Week 20th Thursday
The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.
Sometimes it would be better to have some triumphs with no or little efforts, just for these easy triumphs can effectively strengthen your self-confidence and bring you continuous pleasures, and the pleasures you get from your business would obviously help you keep firm interests in your work.
Even if later you encounter some projects that may be a little more difficult to finish than the previous ones, you will be much more confident in your ability to get them done than those who experience fewer triumphs or successes, and you will be more likely to get them done.
And, if you unfortunately failed to finish one or two difficult tasks, you won't think you are inferior to others.
That is also accordant with the famous theory, Matthew Effect, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
So, please give me some easier triumphs, please let me have a taste of success.
Art is making something out of nothing and selling it.
From Frank Zappa.
It is quite a marvelous ability to make something valuable out of nothing, and then sell it.
Most of us just are capable of consuming things, that is, producing nothing with consuming a lot.
If you can produce a little bit more things than you have consumed, you are useful to the world.
Otherwise, you, just a muck machine.
And making something out of nothing or out of other things is just innovation and creation.
Innovation and creation, easy to say but hard to do.
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