


下面是源代码的类 LocationDivide,可以直接将这段代码拷贝进行使用。

# Research region
class LocationDivide(object):
def __init__(self, bound, size):
# minLat,minLon,maxLat,maxLon
self.minLat = float(str(bound).split(',')[0])
self.minLon = float(str(bound).split(',')[1])
self.maxLat = float(str(bound).split(',')[2])
self.maxLon = float(str(bound).split(',')[3])
self.size = size # Seperate block into blocks
def compute_block(self):
if (self.maxLat - self.minLat) % self.size == 0:
lat_count = (self.maxLat - self.minLat) / self.size
lat_count = (self.maxLat - self.minLat) / self.size + 1
if (self.maxLon - self.minLon) % self.size == 0:
lon_count = (self.maxLon - self.minLon) / self.size
lon_count = (self.maxLon - self.minLon) / self.size + 1
self.bounds = []
lat_count = int(lat_count)
lon_count = int(lon_count) try:
for i in range(0, lat_count):
for j in range(0, lon_count):
# maxLat,minLon,minLat,maxLon
minLat = self.minLat + i * self.size
minLon = self.minLon + j * self.size
maxLat = self.minLat + (i + 1) * self.size
if maxLat > self.maxLat:
maxLat = self.maxLat
maxLon = self.minLon + (j + 1) * self.size
if maxLon > self.maxLon:
maxLon = self.maxLon
# minLat,minLon,maxLat,maxLon
# set decimal
digit_number = 5
minLat = round(minLat, digit_number)
minLon = round(minLon, digit_number)
maxLat = round(maxLat, digit_number)
maxLon = round(maxLon, digit_number)
bound = "{0},{1},{2},{3}".format(minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon)
except Exception as e:
with open("e:log.txt", 'a') as log:
return self.bounds


    # Set region bound and interval
# minLat,minLon,maxLat,maxLon,interval region = "17,73,53,135"
location = LocationDivide(region, 0.5) # Seperate grid into blocks location.compute_block()









wgs84和gcj02 相互转换JAVA代码,包括我的代码也主要使用了这位博主的代码:


windows phone上wgs84转换成gcj02的C#代码,可以通过这个反推出gcj02计算wgs84的方法。


在这里还是附上我的代码,主要是使用了94cool博主的代码,修改为C#之后的代码,包括了两个类 Gps和PositionUtil:

public class Gps
double latitude { set; get; }
double longitude { set; get; }
public Gps(double latitude, double lontitude)
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = lontitude;
public Gps(string gps)
this.latitude = Convert.ToDouble(gps.Split(',')[1]);
this.longitude = Convert.ToDouble(gps.Split(',')[0]);
public double getWgLat()
return this.latitude;
public double getWgLon()
return this.longitude;
} public class PositionUtil
{ public static String BAIDU_LBS_TYPE = "bd09ll"; public static double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626;
public static double a = 6378245.0;
public static double ee = 0.00669342162296594323; /**
* 84 to 火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) World Geodetic System ==> Mars Geodetic System
* @param lat
* @param lon
* @return
public static Gps gps84_To_Gcj02(double lat, double lon)
if (outOfChina(lat, lon))
return null;
double dLat = transformLat(lon - 105.0, lat - 35.0);
double dLon = transformLon(lon - 105.0, lat - 35.0);
double radLat = lat / 180.0 * pi;
double magic = Math.Sin(radLat);
magic = 1 - ee * magic * magic;
double sqrtMagic = Math.Sqrt(magic);
dLat = (dLat * 180.0) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * pi);
dLon = (dLon * 180.0) / (a / sqrtMagic * Math.Cos(radLat) * pi);
double mgLat = lat + dLat;
double mgLon = lon + dLon;
return new Gps(mgLat, mgLon);
} /**
* * 火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) to 84 * * @param lon * @param lat * @return
* */
public static Gps gcj_To_Gps84(double lat, double lon)
Gps gps = transform(lat, lon);
double lontitude = lon * 2 - gps.getWgLon();
double latitude = lat * 2 - gps.getWgLat();
return new Gps(latitude, lontitude);
} /**
* 火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) 与百度坐标系 (BD-09) 的转换算法 将 GCJ-02 坐标转换成 BD-09 坐标
* @param gg_lat
* @param gg_lon
public static Gps gcj02_To_Bd09(double gg_lat, double gg_lon)
double x = gg_lon, y = gg_lat;
double z = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) + 0.00002 * Math.Sin(y * pi);
double theta = Math.Atan2(y, x) + 0.000003 * Math.Cos(x * pi);
double bd_lon = z * Math.Cos(theta) + 0.0065;
double bd_lat = z * Math.Sin(theta) + 0.006;
return new Gps(bd_lat, bd_lon);
} /**
* * 火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) 与百度坐标系 (BD-09) 的转换算法 * * 将 BD-09 坐标转换成GCJ-02 坐标 * * @param
* bd_lat * @param bd_lon * @return
public static Gps bd09_To_Gcj02(double bd_lat, double bd_lon)
double x = bd_lon - 0.0065, y = bd_lat - 0.006;
double z = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * Math.Sin(y * pi);
double theta = Math.Atan2(y, x) - 0.000003 * Math.Cos(x * pi);
double gg_lon = z * Math.Cos(theta);
double gg_lat = z * Math.Sin(theta);
return new Gps(gg_lat, gg_lon);
} /**
* (BD-09)-->84
* @param bd_lat
* @param bd_lon
* @return
public static Gps bd09_To_Gps84(double bd_lat, double bd_lon)
{ Gps gcj02 = PositionUtil.bd09_To_Gcj02(bd_lat, bd_lon);
Gps map84 = PositionUtil.gcj_To_Gps84(gcj02.getWgLat(),
return map84; } public static Boolean outOfChina(double lat, double lon)
if (lon < 72.004 || lon > 137.8347)
return true;
if (lat < 0.8293 || lat > 55.8271)
return true;
return false;
} public static Gps transform(double lat, double lon)
if (outOfChina(lat, lon))
return new Gps(lat, lon);
double dLat = transformLat(lon - 105.0, lat - 35.0);
double dLon = transformLon(lon - 105.0, lat - 35.0);
double radLat = lat / 180.0 * pi;
double magic = Math.Sin(radLat);
magic = 1 - ee * magic * magic;
double sqrtMagic = Math.Sqrt(magic);
dLat = (dLat * 180.0) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * pi);
dLon = (dLon * 180.0) / (a / sqrtMagic * Math.Cos(radLat) * pi);
double mgLat = lat + dLat;
double mgLon = lon + dLon;
return new Gps(mgLat, mgLon);
} public static double transformLat(double x, double y)
double ret = -100.0 + 2.0 * x + 3.0 * y + 0.2 * y * y + 0.1 * x * y
+ 0.2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(x));
ret += (20.0 * Math.Sin(6.0 * x * pi) + 20.0 * Math.Sin(2.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
ret += (20.0 * Math.Sin(y * pi) + 40.0 * Math.Sin(y / 3.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
ret += (160.0 * Math.Sin(y / 12.0 * pi) + 320 * Math.Sin(y * pi / 30.0)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
return ret;
} public static double transformLon(double x, double y)
double ret = 300.0 + x + 2.0 * y + 0.1 * x * x + 0.1 * x * y + 0.1
* Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(x));
ret += (20.0 * Math.Sin(6.0 * x * pi) + 20.0 * Math.Sin(2.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
ret += (20.0 * Math.Sin(x * pi) + 40.0 * Math.Sin(x / 3.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
ret += (150.0 * Math.Sin(x / 12.0 * pi) + 300.0 * Math.Sin(x / 30.0
* pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
return ret;
} }





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