
Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle, which is popular around the world.
In this problem, let us focus on puzzles with 16×16 grids, which consist of 4×4 regions. The objective is to fill the whole grid with hexadecimal digits, i.e. 0123456789ABCDEF, so that each column, each row, and each region contains all hexadecimal digits. The figure below shows a solved sudoku.






using namespace std; #define ll long long
const int MAXN=; char mapp[MAXN][MAXN]; int ans=; int tran(char c)
if(c>=''&&c<='')return c-'';
else return c-'A'+;
} bool check_left(int a,int b)
// int x = a*4;
int endd = (b+)*;
if(b == )return true;
for(int i=;i<;++i)
int x = a* +i;
int ch[];
for(int j=;j<endd;++j)
if(ch[tran(mapp[x][j])] == )return false;
}return true;
} bool check_up(int a,int b)
int endd = (a+)*;
if(a == )return true;
for(int j=;j<;++j)
int y = b*+j;
int ch[];
for(int i=;i<endd;i++)
if(ch[tran(mapp[i][y])] == )return false; }
}return true;
} bool check(int a,int b)
return check_left(a,b)&&check_up(a,b);
} bool check(int l)
for(int i=;i<;++i)
int x = l*+i;
int ch[];
for(int j=;j<;++j)
if(ch[tran(mapp[x][j])]==)return false;
return true;
} void change(int a,int b)
int x = a*;
int y = b*; int tmp = mapp[x][y];
mapp[x][y] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; tmp = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; tmp = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; tmp = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; } void change1(int a,int b)
int x = a*;
int y = b*; int tmp = mapp[x][y];
mapp[x][y] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; tmp = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; tmp = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; tmp = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = mapp[x+][y+];
mapp[x+][y+] = tmp; }
bool search(int a,int b,int summ)
{ // cout<<"search : "<<a<<" "<<b<<" step: "<<summ<<endl; if(b==)
ans += summ;
return true;
return false;
} if(search(a,b+,summ))return true;
for(int i=;i<;++i)
if(search(a,b+,summ++i))return true;
return false;
} bool dfs(int now,int summ)
int a = now/;
int b = now%;
if(now == )
ans = min(ans,summ);
return true;
for(int i=;i<;++i)
return false;
} void show()
for(int i=;i<;++i)
for(int j=;j<;++j)
} void init()
ans = INT_MAX;
for(int i=;i<;++i)gets(mapp[i]);
} int main()
{ int t;
// cin>>t;
while(t--)init(); return ;

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