God Save the i-th Queen

Time Limit: 5000ms
Memory Limit: 65536KB

64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main




Graph Theory
    Articulation/Bridge/Biconnected Component
    Cycles/Topological Sorting/Strongly Connected Component
    Shortest Path
        Bellman Ford
        Dijkstra/Floyd Warshall
    Euler Trail/Circuit
    Heavy-Light Decomposition
    Minimum Spanning Tree
    Stable Marriage Problem
    Directed Minimum Spanning Tree
        Graph Matching
            Bipartite Matching
            Hopcroft–Karp Bipartite Matching
            Weighted Bipartite Matching/Hungarian Algorithm
            Max Flow/Min Cut
            Min Cost Max Flow
    Backtracking with Pruning/Branch and Bound
    Basic Recursion
    IDA* Search
    Breadth First Search/Depth First Search
    Advanced Search Techniques
        Binary Search/Bisection
        Ternary Search
    Basic Geometry
    Computational Geometry
    Convex Hull
    Pick's Theorem
Game Theory
    Green Hackenbush/Colon Principle/Fusion Principle
    Sprague-Grundy Number
    Gaussian Elimination
    Matrix Exponentiation
Data Structures
    Basic Data Structures
    Binary Indexed Tree
    Binary Search Tree
    Orthogonal Range Search
    Range Minimum Query/Lowest Common Ancestor
    Segment Tree/Interval Tree
    Trie Tree
    Disjoint Set
    Aho Corasick
    Suffix Array/Suffix Tree
    Basic Math
    Big Integer Arithmetic
    Number Theory
        Chinese Remainder Theorem
        Extended Euclid
        Modular Arithmetic
        Group Theory/Burnside's lemma
    Probability/Expected Value
    Brute Force
    Constructive Algorithms
    Two Pointer
    Discrete Logarithm/Shank's Baby-step Giant-step Algorithm
    Divide and Conquer
Dynamic Programming
                  Tag it!

Did you know that during the ACM-ICPC World Finals a big chessboard is installed every year and is available for the participants to play against each other? In this problem, we will test your basic chess-playing abilities to verify that you would not make a fool of yourself if you advance to the World Finals.
During the yesterday’s Practice Session, you tried to solve the problem of N independent rooks. This time, let’s concentrate on queens. As you probably know, the queens may move not only
horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally.
You are given a chessboard with i−1 queens already placed and your task is to find all squares that may be used to place the i-th queen such that it cannot be captured by any of the others.


The input consists of several tasks. Each task begins with a line containing three integer numbers separated by a space: XNand give the chessboard size, 1  X, Y 20 000. i1 is the number of queens already placed, 0  N  X·.
After the first line, there are lines, each containing two numbers xk, yk separated by a space. They give the position of the k-th queen, 1  xk  X, 1  yk  Y . You may assume that those positions are distinct, i.e., no two queens share the same square.
The last task is followed by a line containing three zeros.


For each task, output one line containing a single integer number: the number of squares which are not occupied and do not lie on the same row, column, or diagonal as any of the existing queens.

Sample Input

8 8 2
4 5
5 5
0 0 0

Sample Output



using namespace std;
const int maxn=21000;
bool row[maxn],col[maxn],pie[maxn*2],na[maxn*2];
void init(){
int main(){
int X,Y,n;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int x,y;
row[x]=1; //记录该行被覆盖
col[y]=1; //记录该列被覆盖
pie[x+y-1]=1; //记录右上到左下的对角线被覆盖
na[Y-y+x]=1; //记录左上到右下的对角线被覆盖
int num=0;
for(int i=1;i<=X;i++){
for(int j=1;j<=Y;j++){
return 0;


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