以太坊系列之十九 对p2p模块server的理解

type transport interface {
// The two handshakes.
doEncHandshake(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, dialDest *discover.Node) (discover.NodeID, error)
doProtoHandshake(our *protoHandshake) (*protoHandshake, error)
// The MsgReadWriter can only be used after the encryption
// handshake has completed. The code uses conn.id to track this
// by setting it to a non-nil value after the encryption handshake.
// transports must provide Close because we use MsgPipe in some of
// the tests. Closing the actual network connection doesn't do
// anything in those tests because NsgPipe doesn't use it.
close(err error)
type conn struct {
fd net.Conn
transport //指向真正的transport实现,rlpx
flags connFlag
cont chan error // The run loop uses cont to signal errors to setupConn.
id discover.NodeID // valid after the encryption handshake
caps []Cap // valid after the protocol handshake
name string // valid after the protocol handshake
// Server manages all peer connections.
type Server struct {
// Config fields may not be modified while the server is running.
Config // Hooks for testing. These are useful because we can inhibit
// the whole protocol stack.
newTransport func(net.Conn) transport
newPeerHook func(*Peer) lock sync.Mutex // protects running
running bool ntab discoverTable
listener net.Listener
ourHandshake *protoHandshake
lastLookup time.Time
DiscV5 *discv5.Network // These are for Peers, PeerCount (and nothing else).
peerOp chan peerOpFunc
peerOpDone chan struct{} quit chan struct{}
addstatic chan *discover.Node
removestatic chan *discover.Node
posthandshake chan *conn
addpeer chan *conn
delpeer chan peerDrop
loopWG sync.WaitGroup // loop, listenLoop




newTransport 是和结点建立连接(tcp或者udp)以后进行协商密钥,协议握手的地方,实际上是newRLPX.也就是rlpx来负责.



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