Does Susan have tea by herself?
A:Can't you come in and have tea now,Peter?
Not yet.
B:I must water the garden first.
A:Do you have to water it now?
B:I am afraid I must.
Look at it!
It's terribly dry.
A:What a nuisance!
B:Last summer it was very dry, too.
Don't you remember?
I had to water it every day.
A:Well, I'll have tea by myself.
That was quick!
Have you finished already?
Look out of the window.
A:It's raining!
That mean you don't need to water the garden.
B:That was a pleasant surprise.
It means I can have tea, instead.

nuisance 英[?nju:sns] 美[?nu:sns] n. 讨厌的东西(人,行为)麻烦事; 非法妨害,损害; 麻烦事;

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