# cache.config
# The purpose of this file is to alter caching parameters of
# specific objects or sets of objects
# Each line consists of a set of tag value pairs. The pairs
# are in the format <tag>=<value>
# Each line must include exactly one primary specifier
# Primary destination specifiers are
# dest_domain=
# dest_host=
# dest_ip=
# url_regex=
# Lines may include any number of the secondary specifiers but
# secondary specifiers may not be duplicated on the same line
# Secondary specifiers are
# port=
# scheme=
# prefix=
# suffix=
# method=
# time=
# src_ip=
# Each line must include exactly one cache directive
# Cache directives are
# action=never-cache
# action=ignore-no-cache (client & server no cache)
# action=ignore-client-no-cache (only client no cache)
# action=ignore-server-no-cache (only server no cache)
# pin-in-cache=<time>
# revalidate=<time>
# ttl-in-cache=<time> (force caching and expire after <time>)
# Each line may also contain various "tweaks" which adjust caching parameters.
# Tweaks are
# cache-responses-to-cookies=<value>
# - Change the style of caching with regard to cookies. This effectively
# overrides the configuration parameter
# proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies
# and uses the same values with the same semantics. The override happens
# only for requests that match.
# Examples
# Revalidate all http objects from www.example.com after 2 hours
# dest_domain=www.example.com scheme=http revalidate=2h
##http black url
url=http://www.baidu.com/ action=never-cache
url=http://www.soso.com/ action=never-cache ##http video file type
url_regex=.* suffix=flv,f4v,hlv,fhv,letv,ts,avi,mov,rm,rmvb,ram,wmv,mkv,mp3,mp4,wma,mid,asf,wav,asx,m2ts,msu,aac,ape,flac,m4a,midi,dbts,265ts,amp4,f4vcrc,265tscrc,m4s ttl-in-cache=720h ##http download file type
url_regex=.* suffix=exe,msi,rar,iso,cab,psf,zip,gz,tgz,bzip,bzip2,ta,bz2,tar,m4r,dpk,pak,apk,ipa,xap,pdf,esd,appxbundle,mds,mtz,7z,patch,patch2,vcdiff,aup,gmz,apt,dll,dmg,dat,cup,001,002,003,eupd,dangbei,dac ttl-in-cache=240h ##http dynamic request
url_regex=.* suffix=asp,aspx,php,do,dwr,cgi,fcgi,action,axd,json,py,perl,lua,m3u8 action=never-cache


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