一、 <sstream>头文件
1. stringbuf 类
构造一个string stream buffer (字符串流对象)。
default (1)
- explicit stringbuf (ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
initialization (2)
- explicit stringbuf (const string& str,
- ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
copy (3)
- stringbuf (const stringbuf&) = delete;
move (4)
- stringbuf (stringbuf&& x);
(1)空的构造函数, 默认构造函数
构造一个 stringbuf 对象, 用一个空的序列, 参数which是 设置的open model。
用一个string 对象作为内容,来构造stringbuf 对象, 参数which 是打开模式
获取参数stringbuf x 的内容;
x 处于不确定但是有效的状态。
不确定内部的sequence 是x ,或者是x 的拷贝, 但是两个都是相关依赖的序列。
str, 参数string对象,内容已经拷贝;
x, 参数stringbuf对象,其内容已经移动;
which:打开输出xx对象的模式, 即进入内部stringbuf对象,给定的字符串序列。 是一个枚举类型。任意合并值都是重要影响。
- os_base::in, 表示:input, 内部的字符串序列支持input 操作;
- ios_base::out: 表示,output, 序列支持输出操作。
- ios_base::ate:表示 at end, 写入位置在构造函数的后面, 并且在每次用str()成员重置内容后。
- 其他类型的ios_base::openmode, 例如: ios_base::app. 注意, ios_base::out ,总是设置ostringsteam 对象, 尽管没有显示设置参数which。 注意, ostringsteam是一个输出steam, 其内部的stringbuf对象可能设置支持input 操作的。
- // stringbuf example
- #include <iostream> // std::cout, std::ostream, std::hex
- #include <sstream> // std::stringbuf
- #include <string> // std::string
- int main ()
- {
- std::stringbuf buffer; // empty stringbuf
//将 stringbuf 对象与 输出流关联,这样,可以利用输出输入,对stringbuf对象进行赋值。- std::ostream os (&buffer); // associate stream buffer to stream
- // mixing output to buffer with inserting to associated stream:
- buffer.sputn ("255 in hexadecimal: ",);
- os << std::hex << ;
- std::cout << buffer.str();// 拷贝当前stringbuf 对象内内容,并以string对象返回。
- return ;
- }
- 255 in hexadecimal: ff
- streamsize sputn (const char* s, streamsize n);
n:将要写入字符的长度, 非负值, streamsize是符号整数类型。
- // sputn() example
- #include <iostream> // std::streambuf
- #include <fstream> // std::ofstream
- int main () {
//字符序列,字符数组,指针- const char sentence[]= "Sample sentence";//注意,末尾有字符串终止符号1个字符
- std::ofstream ostr ("test.txt");
- if (ostr) {
- std::streambuf * pbuf = ostr.rdbuf();
//直接用streambuf进行直接输入内容- pbuf->sputn (sentence,sizeof(sentence)-);
- ostr.close();
- }
- return ;
- }
2. . 测试
- // ostringstream constructor
- #include <iostream> // std::cout, std::ios
- #include <sstream> // std::ostringstream
- int main () {
- std::ostringstream foo; // out
- std::ostringstream bar (std::ostringstream::ate); // out|ate
- foo.str("Test string");
- bar.str("Test string");
- foo << ;
- bar << ;
- std::cout << foo.str() << '\n';
- std::cout << bar.str() << '\n';
- return ;
- }
101t string
Test string101
ostringstream, istringstream,stringstream类型的用法程序
- #include "sstream.hpp"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <sstream> // ostringstream/istringstream/stringstream
- #include <string>
- // reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/sstream/ostringstream/
- int test_ostringstream()
- {
- // ostringstream: Output stream class to operate on strings
- // 1. rdbuf: Returns a pointer to the internal stringbuf object
- std::ostringstream oss1;
- // using stringbuf directly 直接使用内部的stringbuf来进行输出,用函数
- std::stringbuf *pbuf = oss1.rdbuf();
- pbuf->sputn("Sample string", );//输入字符个数13的一个字符数组。
- std::cout << pbuf->str() << std::endl;//获取输出内容的字符串形式
- // 2. str(): 返回当前strem对象内的内容拷贝的数据,以字符串返回。returns a string object with a copy of the current contents of the stream
- // str(const string& s): 删除string对象之前的内容, 并设置为与steam对象内的内容一样的数据。sets s as the contents of the stream, discarding any previous contents.
- // The object preserves its open mode: if this includes ios_base::ate,注意,如果包含ios_base::ate模式,则对象讲标六之前的内容, 写入的位置将会移动到new sequence的末尾。
- // the writing position is moved to the end of the new sequence
- std::ostringstream oss2;
- oss2 << "One hundred and one: " << ;
- std::string s1 = oss2.str();
- std::cout << s1 << '\n';
- // 3. swap: c++11, Exchanges all internal data between x and *this
// 将参数ostringsteam 的内用与当前ostringsteam内容互换。- std::ostringstream foo;
- std::ostringstream bar;
- foo << ;
- bar << ;
- foo.swap(bar);
- std::cout << "foo: " << foo.str() << '\n';
- std::cout << "bar: " << bar.str() << '\n';
- // 4. swap: Exchanges the values of the ostringstream objects x and y
- std::ostringstream foo2;
- std::ostringstream bar2;
- foo2 << ;
- bar2 << ;
- std::swap(foo2, bar2); // unqualified (uses argument-dependent lookup)
- std::cout << "foo2: " << foo2.str() << '\n';
- std::cout << "bar2: " << bar2.str() << '\n';
- // 5. ostringstream constructor: Construct an object and optionally initialize its content
- // explicit ostringstream ( openmode which = ios_base::out );
- // explicit ostringstream ( const string & str, openmode which = ios_base::out );
- std::ostringstream foo3; // out, 默认的
- std::ostringstream bar3(std::ostringstream::ate); // out|ate, 这是追加模式,任何后续的输入,到从streambuf的末尾追加。
- foo3.str("Test string"); // str: sets s as the contents of the stream, discarding any previous contents
- bar3.str("Test string");
- foo3 << ;
- bar3 << ;
- std::cout << foo3.str() << '\n'; // 101t string
- std::cout << bar3.str() << '\n'; // Test string101
- std::string s{ "abcde" };
- std::ostringstream foo4(s); // 创建存储s的副本的ostringstream对象
- std::cout << "foo4: " << foo4.str() << std::endl;
- // reference: https://latedev.wordpress.com/2011/11/16/c-stringstreams/
- std::ostringstream os;
- os << "the ";
- os << "quick ";
- os << "brown ";
- os << "fox";
- std::string s2 = os.str();
- std::cout << s2 << std::endl;
- // double to string ==> c++11 to_string
- double d = 123.45;
- std::ostringstream os3;
- os3 << d;
- std::string s3 = "The value of d is " + os3.str();
- std::cout << s3 << std::endl;
- return ;
- }
- // reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/sstream/istringstream/
- int test_istringstream()
- {
- // istringstream: Input stream class to operate on strings 输入流类来操作string类型
- // 1. istringstream constructor
- std::istringstream is("the quick brown fox");
- std::string s;
- while (is >> s) {//直接用输入流来设置string
- std::cout << s << std::endl;
- }
- std::string stringvalues = "125 320 512 750 333";
- std::istringstream iss6(stringvalues);//用字符串设置输入流
- for (int n = ; n<; n++) {
- int val;
- // Elements in a character stream are considered to be separated by 'white space'
- // which is basically space, tab and newline characters,空格符,tab, 下一行的符号,都来表示分隔符
- iss6 >> val;
- std::cout << val * << '\n';
- }
- // 2. rdbuf: Returns a pointer to the internal stringbuf object, with which the object was associated on construction
//返回指针,指向内部的stringbuf对象, 这是早stringsteam流在创建的时候关联的。- std::istringstream iss;
- std::stringbuf *pbuf = iss.rdbuf();
- // using stringbuf directly:直接用stringbuf作为输入,最终表现仍然是istringsteam对象
- pbuf->str("Example string");
- int size = pbuf->in_avail();
- while (pbuf->in_avail()>)
- std::cout << static_cast<char>(pbuf->sbumpc());
- std::cout << std::endl;
- // 3. str(): returns a string object with a copy of the current contents of the stream
- // str(const string& s): sets str as the contents of the stream, discarding any previous contents.
- // The object preserves its open mode: if this includes ios_base::ate,
- // the writing position is moved to the end of the new sequence
- std::istringstream iss2;
- std::string strvalues = "32 240 2 1450";
- iss2.str(strvalues);//用参数stirng类设置istringsteam的内容。
- for (int n = ; n<; n++) {
- int val;
- // Elements in a character stream are considered to be separated by 'white space'
- // which is basically space, tab and newline characters
- iss2 >> val;//依次输出到变量string
- std::cout << val << '\n';
- }
- std::cout << "Finished writing the numbers in: ";
- std::cout << iss2.str() << '\n';
- // 4. swap: c++11, Exchanges all internal data between x and *this.
- std::istringstream foo("");
- std::istringstream bar("");
- foo.swap(bar);
- int val;
- foo >> val; std::cout << "foo: " << val << '\n'; //
- bar >> val; std::cout << "bar: " << val << '\n'; // 100
- // 5. swap: Exchanges the values of the istringstream objects x and y
- std::istringstream foo2("");
- std::istringstream bar2("");
- swap(foo2, bar2); // unqualified (uses argument-dependent lookup)
- int val2;
- foo2 >> val2; std::cout << "foo2: " << val2<< '\n'; //
- bar2 >> val2; std::cout << "bar2: " << val2 << '\n'; //
- return ;
- }
- // reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/sstream/stringstream/
- int test_stringstream()
- {
- // 1. stringstream: Stream class to operate on strings
- std::stringstream ss;//即处理输入字符串,有处理输出字符串
- ss << << ' ' << ;
- int foo, bar;
- ss >> foo >> bar;
- std::cout << "foo: " << foo << '\n'; //
- std::cout << "bar: " << bar << '\n'; // 200
- // 2. rdbuf: Returns a pointer to the internal stringbuf object, with which the object was associated on construction
- std::stringstream ss2;
- // using stringbuf directly:
- std::stringbuf *pbuf = ss2.rdbuf();
- pbuf->sputn("Example string", );//输入 13个字符的字符串
- char buffer[];
- pbuf->sgetn(buffer, );//获取80个字符的string buffer
- std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
- // 3. str(): returns a string object with a copy of the current contents of the stream
- // str(const string& s): sets s as the contents of the stream, discarding any previous contents.
- // The object preserves its open mode: if this includes ios_base::ate,
- // the writing position is moved to the end of the new sequence
- std::stringstream ss3;
- ss3.str("Example string");// str()函数作为内容输入
- std::string s3 = ss3.str();//输出内部内容,以字符串形式
- std::cout << s3 << '\n';
- // 4.1 swap: c++11, Exchanges all internal data between x and *this
- std::stringstream foo4;
- std::stringstream bar4;
- foo4 << ;
- bar4 << ;
- foo4.swap(bar4);
- int val;
- foo4 >> val; std::cout << "foo4: " << val << '\n'; //
- bar4 >> val; std::cout << "bar4: " << val << '\n'; // 100
- // 4.2 swap(stringstream): Exchanges the values of the stringstream objects x and y
- std::stringstream foo5;
- std::stringstream bar5;
- foo5 << ;
- bar5 << ;
- std::swap(foo5, bar5);
- int val5;
- foo5 >> val5; std::cout << "foo5: " << val5 << '\n'; //
- bar5 >> val5; std::cout << "bar5: " << val5 << '\n'; //
- return ;
- }
3. C++还提供了另一个头文件<strsteam>,其功能和<ssteam>相似,是为了兼容c 类型的字符串(字符数组)而提出来的。
<strstream> 中istrstream,ostrstream,strstream 也有对应的三个类型。
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