
 |ERROR|ERROR:  missing data for column "createtime"  (seg3 slice1 pid=)




 insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("张三",,"2018-08-20","男");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("李四",,"2018-8-20","男");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("王五",,"2018-8-20","男");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("赵六",,"2018-8-20","男");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("李白",,"2018-8-20","男");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("安琪拉",,"2018-8-20","女");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("亚瑟",,"2018-8-20","男");
insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("鲁班",,"2018-8-20","男");


CONCAT(str1,str2,…) 返回结果为连接参数产生的字符串。




insert into user(name,age,birthday,sex) VALUES("后


6、mysql函数。replace(string_expression , string_pattern , string_replacement),第一个参数:要查找的字段。第二个参数:要查找的字符。第三个参数:要替换成的字符。char(10)换行键。char(13)回车键。你会发现字段名称like 的concat里面是char(10)和char(13)都可以进行查询出结果的。



 -- 将char()换行键,char()回车键换成@#r;和@#n;
select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, char(), '@#r;'), char(), '@#n;') as name from user where name like CONCAT("%",char(),"%") -- 将@#r;和@#换成nchar()换行键,char()回车键;
select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, '@#r;', char()), '@#n;', char()) as name from user where name like CONCAT("%",char(),"%")


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