007_Reverse Integer
###solution1####small data
# def reverse(x):
# res=[]
# t=0
# p=1 #记录位数
# y=x
# if x<0:
# x=-x
# while x//10!=0:
# p=p+1
# res.append(x%10)
# x=x//10
# res.append(x)
# l=p
# p=p-1
# for i in range(l):
# t=t+res[i]*(10**p)
# p=p-1
# if y>0:
# return t
# else:
# return -t def reverse(x):
res = 0
if x > 0 and x <= 2 ** 31 - 1:
l = list(str(x))
newl = l[::-1]
res = int(''.join(newl))
if res > 2 ** 31:
return 0
return res
elif x < 0 and x >= - 2 ** 31:
l2 = list(str(abs(x)))
newl2 = l2[::-1]
res = int(''.join(newl2)) * (-1)
if res < -2 ** 31:
return 0
return res
res = 0
if __name__=='__main__':
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