100-days: twenty-five
Title: Want to be happy? Rent a Finnish person(芬兰人) to teach you how
rent n.租金; 地租; (意见等的) 分裂,分歧; (衣服等的) 裂缝;
vt.出租; 付地租;
adj.撕碎的; 分裂的;
Finnish adj.芬兰的,芬兰人的,芬兰语的 Finland
Finnish n.芬兰语 Finn n.芬兰人
It's July(七月). You're in a kayak gliding through(表示划着皮艇穿过一片水域) serene water off the Finnish coast(n.海岸; 滑坡), on your way to pick berries(berry 浆果) and sleep in a tent(帐篷). At your side is a "happiness guide," one of a small group of Finns to teach international visitors something about why the Scandinavian country(代指芬兰) ranks at the top of a report ranking(把…分等级) nations on happiness(世界幸福报告).
kayak n.独木舟,皮艇 kayaking n.划皮艇
glide v.滑行,滑翔 gliding n.滑翔运动
eg. Hanyu was gliding over the ice
serene adj.平静的;安详的 a lake
still and serene in the sunlight
off prep.靠近,离…不远 an island off the east coast 东海岸附近的一个岛屿
Scandinavian adj.斯堪的纳维亚的 Scandinavia n.斯堪的纳维亚半岛
Scandinavian n.斯堪的纳维亚人
rank v.排名(在…位置);把…分等级 rank at the bottom 排在末尾
a top-ranked university 顶尖的大学
top-ranked / top-ranking 顶尖的
"One of the uniquely(独一无二的) Finnish experiences which contributes to our well-being is our special(特殊的) relationship with nature," says Hetta Huittinen, a spokesperson for Business Finland, which launched(launch 发动,发射) Rent A Finn. It might be difficult for visitors to glean much wisdom from a two—— or three—— day trip, but Business Finland hopes that they will learn something by diving into nature with a Finn.
contribute to <固>引起,促成
well-being n.幸福,安康
spokesperson n.发言人,代言人,辩护士;
Rent A Finn 芬兰旅游局希望通过这项活动,让世界各地的游客一起去大自然里体验,分享芬兰人的“幸福秘诀”,同时找到自己内心的宁静和幸福。游客需要拍摄一段短片介绍自己,最终由芬兰国家旅游局选合适的访客。
glean v.缓慢艰难地收集(信息)
wisdom n.智慧,明智; 常识,好的判断力; 知识,学问; 古训;
dive into 投入到…之中 dive into the river 跳入河中
eg.You are diving into learning
Finland is known for its top-ranked public schools, cheap universal daycare, long paid paternity leave(n. 假日,假期), and multiple other programs(项目) and policies(政策) that improve quality of life.
A be known for B A 因 B 而闻名
universal adj.普遍的,全体的,共有的 universe n.宇宙
a universal truth 一个普遍的真理
eg. Food is a subject of almost universal interest. 食物是人们普遍感兴趣的话题
daycare n.日托服务
paternity n.父亲身份 pater n.父亲
释义:the fact of being a father
multiple adj.多重的; 多个的; 复杂的; 多功能的
In Finnish law, the public has the right to roam; it's legal for anyone to make temporary(短暂的,暂时的) use of the land. Most Finns also spend long stretches of time outside in the summer as they rent(租) or borrow(借) cottages in the countryside; the law requires a minimum(最低的,最小的) of five weeks of annual leave(带薪年假).
roam v.(没有目的地)闲逛,漫游
the right to roam 漫游的权利,漫游自由
legal adj.法律的;合法的,法定的;法律(上)的 n.法定权利; 依法必须登报的声明;
stretch n.一片(区域);一段(时间) a five-mile stretch of road 一段五公里的公路
a ten-year stretch 十年的时间
cottage n.乡村的小屋,村舍
"People actually are both happier(开心) and healthier(健康) when they see trees when they're walking to work, " said John Helliwell, one of the authors of the World Happiness Report, adding that the slow pace of walking(漫步行走) also has a benefit(有益的). Health(注重健康) and a sense of work-life balance(工作与生活的平衡) seem to be innate in the culture:(冒号:引出解释说明的语句) When I first tried to contact someone for this article, he couldn's talk because he was headed to the sauna.
innate adj.天生的,固有的
be innate in the culture 在文化中,是与生俱来的
a sense of… 对…的感知/领悟
a sense of humor 幽默感
be headed/heading to 朝着某个方向走
sauna n.桑拿浴;桑拿房
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